Phone fags can't like

>Phone fags can't like

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>click disable mobile view

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they can pretty easily though, they just have to view in desktop mode
obviously they can't if they're just going to use clover or whatever

>still have enough likes to fortune

Your fortune: Bad Luck

seething phonefags. you disgust me

>implying they're smart enough to know where that is

Why would I not use Clover?

Based as fuck, have a like and an oc pepe

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>yfw you can give yourself likes using your phone

Um sweety

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if you were really desperate to give likes you wouldn't for the day


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Phonefag here, i got few like from Yea Forums and Yea Forums but my score still show as 0

That's probably what the first to 1000 and over and that one fag at 4000 are doing


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It doesn't update very quickly and probably for good reason

>Yeah we can like on phones, we just have to browse like we would on a desktop!

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>post through Clover
>like own post through browser

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This is supposed to be a bad thing?
Phoneposters are safe from the bullshit.

And yet we can still participate :^)

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

You turn your phone sideways and it lets you like

True that, based phoneposting.

You get a like from me fellow phoneposter

Phone poster at work. I don't even have a fucking clue what's happening and why Yea Forums has become Yea Forums

Is it possible to like the op?

This is the reason. Have a free Like.

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Check your calendar


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I know it's April fools, but damn if I didn't see any announcements. Just reddit tier posts and porn threads.

Thank you and now I guess it's time for me to just stay off Yea Forums for the next couple of days. Have a nice day all n good luck.

It's just one day, I hope.

Last year it was the whole weekend... Plus aftermath posts the couple of days after.

As I said, good luck and I'M OUT.

It's not fair phone Bros...

It's simple, just try using one of the lower perks to see how far you are and occasionally test higher perks to know when you've gone up a notch

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Eh, I'll get out of bed in a few hours, should be fine

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