>"Based on the former 5th Business Division, the newly launched 3rd Development Headquarters has launched a new core project following" FINAL FANTASY XIV ", and has begun to challenge the next generation. This project has already finished its initial development, has finished developing its development environment, and is now shifting to a full-scale large-scale development phase.
>The new project is looking for developers who will give the world "fun", "fun" and "surprise" together. We are looking forward to your application for the challenge to the world market!

Attached: tyhhme.jpg (796x2070, 679K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Can't wait to play this in 2025 after the initial director is fired, the second director is burned out and the third director is a suit yes-man.

Fuck off. Post score.

>Final Fantasy
died after FFX, don't care

There literally hasn't been a good FF since the Enix merge. If you like 12 don't reply to me.

Uhum, cool. But I only care about how much score I can get out of this, sorry.
So, let's see.

underage detected

xv is the best ff since ff9


But FFXV is ok. It's not as criminally bad as Yea Forums wants it to seem. It's no FF13.

Attached: ardynxv.jpg (1299x2048, 843K)

>xv is the best ff since ff9

Attached: 1538755374147.gif (500x357, 358K)

12 is one of the few fun games in this shit series. Kys

wtf is yoshi working on 16?

fuck off we need him for 14

>MMO combat that outright encourages you to design macros and let it play itself
Literally the worst gameplay the series ever had. Even 13's paradigm dancing is preferable.

cope twewysperg

They should go 16 bit like octopath traveler, of course it will have to be an mmo or some other cynical trash.

ardyn alone makes it better than 10, 11, 12, 3 or 14

More like releases in XVI years.

Attached: Carlos.png (350x350, 138K)

ff14arr took 3 years to make full time
ffxv took 3 years to make full time

only nomura wastes decades not releasing games

It's April 1st, I doubt this is true

>But FFXV is ok. It's not as criminally bad as Yea Forums wants it to seem. It's no FF13.
XV an XIII were both mediocre but for different reasons

>instead of 10, people wait 30 years for the new title
Thank god it's april

>ff14arr took 3 years to make full time
>polished version of shitty game
>ffxv took 3 years to make full time
And still took another year to patch in everything because of a shit cycle
Not to mention FNC going to shit as a plan in general.


Even if it comes out it won't be fun because SE doesn't know how to make anything outside of turnbased shit.

April 1st is Japans fiscal new year and when they announce and put into action new business decisions and developments
its just coincidentally April 1st, squaresoft announced to be square enix was announced on a April 1st too

Squenix is probably the most incompetently run publisher in the business.

That's bullshit. FF16 was already in development before FF15 even came out. FF15 development changes once forced the work on FF16 to be put on hold for long while and it's been resumed recently

No anything they did post launch for XV was them doing that instead of doing a sequel, them adding more content is irrelevant when that wasn't full development anymore

You should have augmented your preorder, maybe then DX wouldn't have died :)

>April 1st is Japans fiscal new year and when they announce and put into action new business decisions and developments

I still think it's an April Fools joke.

I actually bought DXMD on launch and I thought it was a damn good game. Clearly unfinished, but way better than HR was. It was the last Squenix game I bought.

Keep out Nomura, let him do his dream project S-E.

How is DXMD?

I got it for free of off PS+ but never touched it

You're not talking about Versus: FF aren't you?

no it didn't

The business divisions were formed in December 2013 and XVI did not exist yet, XV only became XV in mid 2012 and also Eidos submitted their own proposal for a FF in 2012 about space travel but was rejected

There was no "XVI" back in 2013 yet, let alone a "XV" in early 2012 before Versus was rebooted as XV in mid 2012, according to Nomura they were in talks as early as 2007, less than a year after it was revealed to turn Versus into XV

BD5 was only doing ARR and DQ10 when XV was in dev in 2013, and it was only sometime after ARR and HW ended that BD5s new game started which was after mid 2016 and after XV already went gold in September 2016

if anything pushed XVI back it was the XIV expansions which had bigger dev teams than the core XV team had

Level design is great, gameplay is fun if you liked HR. The writing is hit and miss, most of the sidequests are good to great, there's an especially good series of side quests about a serial killer in particular, but the main quest is nothing special. Gameplay wise I found it was like they brought HR a bit more in line with the values of the original, which I loved, but I think most people were just in it for the story which is why it got a mediocre reception. To say nothing of how the way it ends just as the story finally starts to get interesting and pick up some momentum.

If you're in it for the story, wait until we find out if they'll ever actually finish the story. If you're alright with a gameplay focused experience, go for it.

he's being kept to his shitty kh trash that noone cares about

This guy is now in charge of FF7remake too while nomuras name is just attached to it for marketting

Attached: naoki hamaguchi ff7 remake development leader since mid 2017.jpg (600x314, 23K)

I found the gameplay of HR was okay. Except for that one part where your vision would randomly glitch out

I'll get to it someday, I think it's still on my PS4

They wouldn't do so in their press area for investors

>Except for that one part where your vision would randomly glitch out

>He got the implant

I thought the implant was to get rid of the glitching

It's a pretty terrible ARPG and low tier even just judged outside of the combat as an FF game

No dude, the glitching was done to try and get you to use the implant. If you ignore it it goes away on its own and without the implant the muscle guy fails to try and shut off your chip because that relies on you getting the new chip

>If you ignore it it goes away on its own

I ended up using a turret I dragged across the level to beat the muscle guy.

This was the base version so I have no idea if the DC version of HR fixed it.

God, the bosses in HR were so badly designed if you didn't build for combat

Attached: DEHRBosses.jpg (800x401, 151K)

IIRC in the non-DC version of HR you can instantly kill him by doing a nonlethal takedown while he's climbing over a wall for some reason.



Attached: fyuvfe.jpg (985x529, 138K)

Is there even an audience for FF7R anymore? Seems like even the people who 'got into' 7 with AC/KH2 have moved on. It's gonna be another Last Guardian, isn't it?

the next ff7r trailer will have like 20 million views so yes

>keep moving nomura over different projects
>other long term guys left years ago
>wonder why they take forever
Might as well be a mix of that DNF and XV

I lost all faith in FF7R when it was revealed it was going to be episodic.

Plus who knows how much bullshit from CC/AC/DoC they are going to throw in there or if the combat will be better than XV's Hold O system (a boring ass combat system that didn't motivate me to go in depth with it)

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

>the same people who made those other shitty games are now making this new game


tell me when you're publishing another bravely default or octopath, those games made by people who actually know how to make video games

It's true.
>FFXV is ok. It's not as criminally bad as Yea Forums wants it to seem. It's no FF13.
Especially this.

Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.29M)


>people who 'got into' 7 with AC/KH2

Attached: barf.jpg (740x740, 172K)

At a certain point these roman numerals are going to look ridiculous.

just wait until they get to FF30

If we actually get to 30.

if clubs or spades then the next ff game will be cringe and bluepilled♠️

Nice april fools joke. You got me haha

I don't think it's a joke. Also it's tru

Attached: chocobo kid.gif (540x527, 2.89M)

If he was already listed as project lead, then nothing really changed

games with directors ususlly have project leads
now he's co director who according to nomura himself are the person actually in charge managing everything


So nothing really changed
Nomura already compared him to yasue's role two years ago
>“[Project lead] Naoki Hamaguchi has been a part of this from the beginning and is a member of Business Division 1.”
>“I, on the other hand, am not a member [of Business Division 1], so the person who is putting Business Division 1 in order concerning Final Fantasy VII Remake is Hamaguchi.”
>“Similarly, there is Tai Yasue of Business Division 3. In that sense. I am sort of like a cross-sectional mercenary not tied to a Business Division.”
>“If I belonged to a Business Division, I would basically be working full-time at that Business Divison, so it’s a system that lets me take on various jobs, including requests from other companies.”
In other words, I sleep

Everything changed

Yasue was codirector from the start of KH3

Hamaguchi became codirector 4 years after FF7R started development

and nomura says his co directors are the ones actually managing the projects and are the most important people on the team

whenever anything nomura has been credited as director on that has a co director was actually directed by the co director

yasue directed each kh he was on, nomura is just an ideas and designer guy that they call director for marketting

like nomura is literally credited for ffxv episode ardyn desite not even being involved in its development at all or doing any designs used for it.

>Everything changed
Oh it's just xv-kun. I shouldn't have posted, I've awakened the autistic kraken
>has a co director was actually directed by the co director
No wonder coded was the worst game in the series then. Tabata was the co-director

It literally changes everything, or are you forgetting Tabata was co-director on FFXV too when everything was going through changes?

Except Tabata only directed the mobile nature of it because he had mobile experience, not the shitty story and characters which nomura was in charge of as the ideas and design guy

I thought 358 was worse than Coded. they're both shit anyway
Tabat also headed the only good VII spin-off.

Attached: aeris slot.gif (320x180, 1.21M)

uh oh I made him mad

Get nomuras dick out of your mouth

Imagine defending nomura and thinking he's a good director in 2019
not even nomura thinks he's a good director

he's going all out

Oh cool more of FF14's budget gets to go towards another waste of time like FF15.

He's been seething ever since KH3 btfo XV first try. Nomura has hurt him deep, otherwise he wouldn't be this obsessed.

nomura literally wrote the script and all thr in game text for kh3

>Tabat also headed the only good VII spin-off.
That's correct, Before Crisis. Although if you ask me, he was so new that he wasn't responsible for the good parts of it (characters, story and atmosphere), but you can already feel his abysmal touch in the combat.

I think he's still going to bitch about nomura no matter what hamaguchi role is.

Crisis Core was fucking garbage though.

Why are you responding to yourself?

yeah ideas guy and design guy

its better than any game nomura ever made