

Attached: reiwa.png (635x282, 31K)

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rei wasn't best girl

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nonweeb here, what does this shit means, and where's death stranding?

>I got more likes than Kojima

Death Stranding is gonna be shit

reiwa iiko desu

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The current emperor of japan is abdicating his throne to his son. Reiwa is the name of the era that is going to be associated with the new emperor. It's going to be an important word.

so they made up a word because they're getting a new king?

and people are celebrating this why?

They do this for every emperor. Previous era was Heisei, before that was Showa, and Taisho before.


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It's the end of an era, shitter. While Yea Forums is busy whining about boomers vs zoomers, the nips are busy shitting on 平成生まれ brats. And 令和 kids are going to be even worse, they're born into a country without a future.

Think about it like this:

We are in the year Christ 2019.
They are currently in the year Heisei 31, and starting next month it will be the year Reiwa 1.
Take a wild guess why this is celebrated.

Reiwa, more like ReiMU. Leave a like if you get it!🥜

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>hey let's celebrate an arbitrary numbering system!!! we added random names too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK I guess

1 like doesn't equal 1 point genius

Reiju wa kawaii desu

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We celebrate New Years every year, don't we?
That's completely arbitrary as well.

That's not really arbitrary, the western calendar is based on the position of the earth relative to the sun.

I would rike some rikes please

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>random names
It's literally the names of the Emperor. There's nothing random about it

>the western calendar is based on the position of the earth relative to the sun.
What? No, it isn't. Our orbit is elliptical, if it were based on the position, the year would start on the equinox.

It's RELATED to the position, but so is the modern Japanese calendar, which is just ours.

>the position of the earth relative to the sun.
The position on January 1st is in no way special, except that we deemed it special.
It's completely arbitrary.
If it was equinox or solstice, okay, but it isn't.


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Kojima is a fraud chink and Death Stranding isnt real.

>>It's literally the names of the Emperor.
No it isn't, these are just new names that are invented to capture the "spirit of the times". Reiwa bucks trends by both having an obvious heir of authoritarianism, while the public message is "auspicious peace", the obvious meaning to most is "controlled peace", and it's the first era derived from a Japanese text instead of an ancient Chinese one.


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Its mean go back to their root.
As Shinzo Abe referenced it in 1200 years old poem book.
Aso Taro also say something about writing Japanese as is. Not reversing the order to follow Western standard.


Anything that makes Japan more isolationist is good in my book, but honestly I don't know how long their lip service can hold up against the obvious societal policies they're pushing.

Kojima is an autist or what?

I agree. I was initially always a little angry at them refusing foreign posts on Futaba and 2channel, but it was probably better that way.

Japanese originally (before Edo) unlike other sinosphere countries were very progressive.
They imported every culture from east to west.

It still bothers me that I have to open up a VPN just to fucking look at 5ch. Fair enough, block western posters, but don't block me from seeing it. It's the only reasonably paced board out there for news and shit.

Indeed, the best thing about Japan is that you (broadly, Western faggots) aren't here.

Personally I put a lot of effort into learning Japanese and getting a Master's degree so I can move here, so I don't want to see the requirements get lower.

>but don't block me from seeing it
When did they start doing that?
I was using 2channel/5channel until a few years ago when I decided to let my △ lapse.

>actively shitting up Japan by living there
>whining about people who aren't so self-centred
Literally kill yourself, faggot. You're worse than the pajeets.

what did he mean by this

Stop being salty, you weeaboo.

And frankly, if you saw the number of Chinese and Indians already here, you'd probably kill yourself. Still, at least those don't push retarded shit like Westerners.

>without a future
I'd rather have no future than the one the west is going to get.

>I'm allowed to invade a country because other people are doing it too!
I'm not salty, I just despise you.

I'm not invading anything. I put a lot of effort to integrate. Something you wouldn't be able to do.


What, did you get plastic surgery to stop being white or something?

You will never integrate. Your kids will be bullied for eternity.

>having kids

Being able to speak Japanese well goes a long way.

>>Being able to speak Japanese well goes a long way.
A monkey wearing clothes and smoking cigarettes makes him look like a person, too. It doesn't mean he is one.

People humoring you does not mean you've integrated, it means you're tolerated. I feel like this is a distinction only Americans can't understand.

I'm just glad you aren't here.

You will be suprise at how nip love your kid.
They pay a lot attention to foreigner. It kight be uncormfortable yes but being bullied is a big no no.
Only kid who are too transparent (in addition to being isolated and not getting along with the class) got bullied

I'm working on my N1 but I only have a 4 year degree. Am I fucked? Is JET programme even worth it?

I didn't do JET or some shit like that.

>too transparent

Just contact some prof at whatever U you liked and ask to join their lab.
Thats the easiest and fastest way.

what a fucking hack

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That's hardly easy, you need to pass million requirements and selections, if you mean the same thing as me.

Those who dont have a pressence and too dense to get the air in conversation.
Truth is those who get bullied are in general has some kind of autism in the 1st place.
It is sad, but things are not as prevelence as western media (especially Anglo-saxons media like BBC, CNN etc) make it out to be.
Japan is while has its flaw, provide a much better environment than US and EU. They are also a meritocracy society which is good.

Japanese lab in genral lacks of man power. Most student only study master to get a job. If you are interested in IT and Science, it is very easy to get into their lab (if you have something to prove your worth like recommendation or projects, academic performance etc)