vidya redpills thread
Vidya redpills thread
Why? Is it cause you're lonely, no gf?
I made a pretty big post to help the lonely folks of /r9k/ out. If you just read you should get laid / have a gf / an LTR in under 3 months 100% guaranteed. Not trolling, no bullshit, 100% truth. I've been on Yea Forums over 13 years, I know what it was like, and I don't want anyone to suffer as I did.
Start here:
You can totally get the gf of your dreams, not just any 'ole slag. Let me redpill you. I've done what I once felt was impossible. Once you read those pills you can reply to me there and I'll aid you on your quest.
Sorry bro, I already typed out an entire thread for you.
Good thing I never played a zelda
shut up you fucking double nigger
Jews are the reason games suck
Like if you didn't read OP's image
Wojak/Pepe edits are fucking garbage and the lowest common denominator of memes.
That's a big suppository.
Well user, have you taken it?
all women are whores
wojaks arent funee
Everything you see in an EvW thread in favor of the Japanese side.
Why is he crying?😃
As someone who browses GameFAQs and YouTube's Alt-Right clickbait channels looking for Anti-SJW/Alt-Right audiences to debate with, I know about them all too well. These people have always been in our society but seek solace in gaming. Gaming is a fantasy lands that, in their eyes, should be a reflection of everything they've always wanted but can't get out of life. It was made with white men in mind, and now that it's starting to change to better reflect its audience, they feel like they're being attacked. Western gaming is taking steps to diversify their protagonists, diversify their developers, and create female characters that aren't grossly sexualized, and they hate it. So they move on to Eastern gaming while condemning Western gaming for its themes of progress.
What's interesting that I noticed about GameFAQs topics and stuff on Yea Forums, and how they align with the Alt-Right, is that you see this pro-Japan agenda theme frequently. It first takes the form of "Japan makes better games" or "JRPGs are superior." But then, it starts evolving into the fetishization of Eastern women, which is a common theme with the Alt-Right, due to fantasizing the submissive stereotypes of Japanese women. They then start talking about how Japanese gamers hate progressives in America due to censorship, and how their culture is really traditional is what makes it superior. Slowly, but surely, it evolves into a "this is why homogenous societies are better" argument, because the themes fill every checkbox in what interests them. Women, traditionalism, homogeny, white, etc..
I'm not sure what can be done about these people, honestly. To me, they're in the same category as the Alt-Right It's really hard to get into an honest conversation with some of them. Some of them have no intention of ever changing their views, even if they acknowledge they're in the wrong.
Because the truth hurts user.
FPS doesn't matter
Voting with your wallet is a futile and pointless gesture because for every single person that refuses to financially support a cancerous game or practice, 10000 other people will.
The MMO genre is dying, not because the genre has changed, but the people have changed. It's not possible to have the classic, living world experience of UO or Everquest anymore because todays gamers want instant gratification in every aspect of their lives, and cannot tolerate the idea of having to work for something or not be able to do things because of their choices like race, class or faction.
Steam isn't good for the industry and neither is Epic. Unfortunately there's no good alternative because otherwise PCfags will just go back to pirating everything and releasing games on the platform will become non viable again
Piracy or not purchasing is the best way to say "fuck you" to devs or publishers you don't like, instead of posting furiously on the internet
99% of the RPG genre is ass. The only worthwhile ones I've played are Soulsborne; everything else is shit. It's like this piece of shit genre has a prerequisite to come with shitty gameplay or something. It's a genre for literal losers that don't mind grinding away their shitty lives so they can hit some wizard level where they can finally select a potion to beat a boss. It's not a test of skill, just a test of how much of a fucking loser you are. It's literally for faggots that suck so hard at irl they have to pretend to be wizards and talk to fucking shitty computer NPCs because they've got nobody to talk to irl.
>Oh but they're supposed to be about the story
Piss the fucking shit off. Video games are generally a shitty medium for storytelling because video game writers are usually ass and the voice acting, when it's there, is usually terrible. Furthermore I don't relate to some faggot pixelated cartoon character because I'm a grown fucking man. If I wanted a good story, I'd read a fucking book, watch a fucking movie or a television serial. On top of that I play games to PLAY games; not to sit through some badly told story made for idiot manchildren. If story exposition is getting in the way of me actually PLAYING the game then the game is failing at its task and I have no time for it.
Frankly this genre wouldn't be so utterly terrible if it actually came with good gameplay. For some reason that's out of the question - probably because the developers know that their target audience sucks at life so they assume that they're shit at the vidya, too. Thus they make shitty mechanics that they can cope with.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!