Well, Yea Forums?
Well, Yea Forums?
based and likepilled
Traps are gay
Likes are gay, but so am I.
...That if I give you a like and you give me a like Its like we're sucking eachother off
People who hate autistic things can easily be more autistic than the people who like them.
That making a sound argument is for retards!
Shouting and posting non-arguments is the way to go!
Yea Forums loves traps
Rolled 2 (1d6)
Thank you, Fat Tony Stark.
im gay
I learned that Futa doesn't make you gay.
How do us white boys contain our lust for black dick... my mind gets dizzy just looking at their raw masculine power...
op is fag
To not bother taking anything on the internet seriously.
TIL that The game
I wish I could find everything as funny as the 14 year olds on here seem to.
That a simple scoring system breaks /v, and absolutly no other board.
>Yea Forums
this is 4channel dumb newfag
That like whoring is the way to go
Jews control pretty much all the news media and also Hollywood and have the biggest influence in America