How many times have you been banned? Be honest

How many times have you been banned? Be honest.

300-400 here

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never i am a good boy


never cause I'm a good boy

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0 because im not a faggot

0 cuck

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5 times
Yea Forums is too kosher

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I post cunny regularly but only about 7 or 8 times

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I want to sniff your armpits!

Couple times. As a teen when I was in my Yea Forums phase I posted one of those dumb referral links to some shitty browser game, got a 3 day. I got a 3 day back when /vg/ first opened up for talking about some guy who was streaming. Didn't link to him or anything, but still got 3day'd. in 2016 I got 3day'd for off topic for discussing youtube, my experiences with it, and how devs were paying me to talk shit about other games. Since then, no bans that I know of, I get a warning every now and then, usually off topic stuff that I shouldn't be responding to anyway but i'm an idiot so I do anyway.

Used to get banned all the time, I made a game on Steam and would come here and give keys out. I've given out about 4000 keys on Yea Forums, and this has resulted in probably 100+ bans. I don't know why you guys hate keys, but I finally learned my lesson and stopped :)
No I won't tell you the game name, I'm no shill, and it's doing fine on its own.

i'm gonna guess domestic dog/squirreltopia dev? If so, you got banned cause you would dump dozens of keys so they probably thought you were stealing them or some shit.

I got banned for a month for posting a dude eating a dead rat

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>a month
What board?

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Once. Got cocky and posted some related OC porn in a certain /vg/ once. It was some really fringe shit too, dunno why I thought I wouldn't get caught. I think this was 4 years ago or so.

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Yea Forums

Probably around 10 at most. Even if you are not looking to stir shit, you will inevitably rustle the jimmies of some jannies at some point if you post here for 10+ years.

At least 100 times

Twice, 2 24hr bans on Yea Forums.

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What was your longest ban, Yea Forums?

Once, but it was long time ago for something I don't think I deserved to be banned.

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did you ever appeal it

I just got warned 2 minutes ago. Beat that niggers

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>get banned
>reset router and come back

Give me likes or I'll ban everyone in this thread!

>3 days for flagrant fanboyism
What a stupid ban. If anything it looked like a simple joke

If only I could be so dedicated

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I got warned once so far🐸

>gets ranged banned

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Nowadays I wouldn't have banned for this.

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zero my friend

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If they ban one person for it they should at least also ban the other many MANY other fanboy threads that populate the board any given minute

>confessing ban evasion
enjoy that other ban

That's what you deserve snack.


3 or 4 times for being too horny in bara threads

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