Delicious Flat (Vidya) Tits

Cowtits on the front page.

Can we have a DFC thread too then?

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Attached: vFaoRlYE6RwzvULo77jA238qey5FHiuUbnMCRyqO7M8 Fire Emblem Nowi.jpg (667x768, 99K)

Tits are life
Fuck DFC

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Time > All. Earth is the worst.

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DFC is cute though

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>Fuck DFC
Yes please.

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Classic! Upvoted friend.

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Pettan Pettan~

Attached: __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn_by_buta_uhoiiotoko__sample-00c6403686622d9571db3a0f75ff5956.jpg (850x961, 214K)

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Attached: 1483122794481 Fire Emblem Hinoka.png (600x817, 768K)

>no core crystal


Attached: 1485632036046 Fire Emblem Lucina.jpg (740x1035, 378K)


Attached: 1491021590925 Fire Emblem.jpg (990x792, 259K)

Most of the best Nia art doesn't have it unfortunately. It sucks.

Attached: 1518841152519.jpg (960x960, 772K)

We can't have that! Some poor person might get spoiled on this game that's been out for over a year!

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More Morag!

Attached: Morag.jpg (1254x1771, 518K)

>Most of the best Nia art doesn't have it unfortunately.
>best Nia art
>missing a basic part of the character's design

Attached: 1550181194931.jpg (850x1194, 698K)

I want to FUCK Praxis!

Attached: OgYJNqUbt-RAAsbFdEwsuF1jpfTD2P25SzVTm4SS9hI.jpg (499x767, 71K)

Attached: 1546279577368.png (765x1010, 588K)

That's Theory.