ITT: Unpopular video game opinions, like ones you agree with
ITT: Unpopular video game opinions, like ones you agree with
Sekiro is the best from game by far if you don't include the dlcs
While the situations many of Rockstar's games immerse you in are interesting & presented in a top notch manner, the gameplay for nearly all of their games never lives up to the rest: Its shallow, Its slow, and its just not fun. I don't think any of their games are particularly good for that reason.
Metal Gear Solid was never good
RE2 remake is a bastardization of the original.
Resident Evil 4 is dogshit
bloodborne is decent but not as great as some people make it out to be. its just dark souls with slighty faster animations.
Halo is not terrible but it is terribly overrated.
Soulsborne games are overrated
Metal gear is poorly written
Breath of the Wild is the worst 3D Zelda.
Weed is necessary for video games
witcher 3 is boring shit
The witcher is just an Elric rip off
Modern FPSs are all the same shit, recycled over and over again.
The metro series is boring linear shit and the new one is endless waiting around and talking
Skryrim is boring
Devil May Cry as a series is severely overrated and cuh-razy games are dumb in general.
I prefer playing shorter games over longer ones
Mega Drive>SNES
SNES Aladdin>MD Aladdin
Play modded STALKER (Anomaly. Dead Air etc) or Titanfall 2. FPS is a solid foundation to layer systems onto like resource scarcity or skill based movement (respective for each game)
The Witcher is garbage & Geralt is a bland piece of shit with no likeable traits at all
modern total war is trash and ca needs to go bankrupt already so the series can be passed onto people who won't make games for mouthbreathers
I hate niggers
RE only got good on the 4th one. All the old ones are unplayable.
H3 was peak Cortana.
Morrowind's a shit game, just like VTMB.
I still don't like Mario 2.
Kingdom Hearts would have been better if Sora was a girl or Kairi was the protagonist.
Yuri is terrible in games because I can't properly self-insert. Doing so otherwise will make me a tranny.
Final Fantasy is a mediocre series as a whole.
Battlefield v is the best bf shooting wise
I have never played a Japanese game because they are all shit
People who like this should be killed, like if agree, subscribe if don't
Sekiro runs out of steam in the last 3-4 hours and gets pretty boring IMO. Also the final boss is pretty cheap, 4 fucking phases? Cmon
I never liked GTA.
going through the castle for the 3rd time is kinda lame, but the redguard are actually good enemies to fight against. they can be beaten multiple ways but are extremely punishing if you let them hit or posture break you. I hope DLC brings more enemies like that.
Shantae is a dogshit series and people only like it because the music is good and they wanna fuck the girls
Elder Scrolls Online is the best MMO on the market despite a very rough 2 years at the beginning. This is reflected in its population numbers, which is why it's currently the 2nd most popular nonf2p on the market. Lorelets got bent out of shape over minor inconsistencies with the lore despite every other elder scrolls games featuring plenty of retcons and revisions. And a lot of people bitching about the gameplay simply dont have the speed and precision to animation cancel consistently in a game where the dps endgame is required to put out 3-4x the dps that a player who doesnt animation cancel is capable of which creates a very high skill ceiling. And without a doubt the game has the best writing of any mmo, and theres enough quests including dlc to keep you playing for 1000 hours even if you ignore all the varieties of group content and pvp.
i wouldn't say dogshit but i agree it's not popular because of gameplay.
you can say that about most JRPGs
> Kingdom Hearts should be cancelled & nobody is interested in anymore games unless it gets a full Reboot
> Kojima is a hack & Konami was secretly keeping him on a Leash the entire time
> Silent Hills was never developed past the opening Demo & it was Cancelled because Kojima is a slacker whose horrible at developing games on time
> Metal Gear Solid 3 ruined the entire series, despite it being a generally good game
> Dishonored is extremely underrated & is the best game Bethesda has ever published, also it's far superior to Thief 1-2
> Twilight Princess was the worst 3D Zelda in the series
> Half-Life was shit & people only remember it fondly for it's graphics at the time, and the HL3 Memes
> Monkey Island 2 is the only PC game from the 90s that isn't complete shit
> The Bravely series is the only worthwile thing SE has right now & should be made their Flagship franchise
> Final Fantasy should end at 15 & the newer entries should solely be remakes of older titles, or spin offs set in the Ivaliece universe
> Xenoblade X is the most well designed game Nintendo has made since Galaxy 1
> Final Fantasy XII would have been the best game in the series if Vaan/Panelo were retconned & Ashe was made the Protagonist
> Breath of the Wild is the best thing to have happened to Zelda & the Sequel will be the best game since OOT
> Persona 5 Royal has a Female Protagonist & they will announce a Switch Port at the next Direct
> Mass Effect 2 was a piece of shit & ruined the series more then ME3 did
> New Vegas is complete shit, people only like it for Nostalgia
> Chrono Cross > Chrono Trigger
> Mainline SMT should be cancelled, there's no reason for it to exist when Persona has become so popular
i haven't played half those games desu