Post your favorite video game and give anons likes based on their tastes

Post your favorite video game and give anons likes based on their tastes.

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Devil May Cry 5

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: The based and the redpilled Vergil.jpg (820x457, 42K)

Persona 4, followed closely by nier automata and dark souls.


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Well see whose is best

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>9 persons
What is this ESL game?💔

I like Cave Story.

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999 is great. Shame about ZTD, though.

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based castlebro

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If there's one FPS game anyone should play, it's this one.

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Pretty good, but I like VLR better even though it got screwed over by ZTD being a meme conclusion.


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ay nice

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Both are good, but this is the perfected formula.

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If you're a casual, sure. Here's the actual perfected one.

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Mudda Tree.

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Only true patricians agree

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extremely excellent choice

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It's the Ace Attorney series for me!

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i would give you a like if I could👌

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>japanese version
fuck how does the famicom chip do what it does

is aai2 ur fav aa game?


superior japanese tech folded 1000000000 brillioron times in the fires of mount fuji

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Who else here still loves this game?

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Attached: Paper Mario- The Thousand-Year Door.jpg (600x826, 434K)

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