You can only post in this thread if you haven't made a post asking for likes yet and all the ones you've earned are genuine.
You can only post in this thread if you haven't made a post asking for likes yet and all the ones you've earned are...
I'm making most of my points from liking other posts
hahaha no faggot. like and reply and i'll like you back
a truly elite thread
I'm just posting big tittied vidya girls like I always do, the likes are just icing on the cake
based space mouse🦔
based tiddy poster.
lolipedos btfo.
Going nice and steady, OP. Getting those likes through funny posts and contributing to threads, as MOOT INTENDED!♥️
I havent begged for likes but have asked for perk instructions, does that count?
based salty bro
Why is no like button for OP?
Rolled 3 (1d6)
If I get a 5 I'm gonna say the n-word
No likes so far.
Say it anyway coward
lawd praise jesus
no I didn't unlock that perk yet
Ah yeah, the thread for me. Just liked a few things in porn threads for the fuck of it.
Of course my good friend
Every thread I make about video games gets archived. I am the april fool.
my likes are all honest
even the ones from this post
i earned all my likes from gets like an honest user
All ethically grown and farmed points.
None of my likes are geniune but I haven't begged once. Something's fucked with the system though and for some people it's multiplying likes in crazy ways. Case and point, this is my first post outside of /tg/ and I've only actually gotten like 12 real likes.