This shows how Reddit you faggots are

This "prank" shows how much all you losers are just like reddit. The moment some sort of point system is implemented you guys become a bunch of tryhards. Haha pathetic...might as well make a Reddit account now guys.

Attached: 1552348080357.png (645x729, 99K)



>implying I don't already have a reddit account

Attached: 1540338115800.jpg (641x731, 73K)

Haha le ebic redpilled post user absolutely destroying those stupid le libtards

Imagine actually filling out the subject section lmao

Nice self portrait you got there, friend๐Ÿ˜ƒ

>sony bro goes on reddit

not surprising

>tfw points still stuck at 0 despite getting likes

ok retard

Attached: fuck sony.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

I really need the rabbit please give me likes

We're doing it """""ironically"""""

1 like = 1 kiss :)

(You)'s are already a points system you fucking retard.


Attached: 1533214775208.jpg (394x415, 48K)

>Shitposters are crosspollenating retards from other sites who treat this one like their personal dumping ground
Well color me surprised.

> This "prank" shows how much all you losers are just like reddit. The moment some sort of point system is implemented you guys become a bunch of tryhards. Haha pathetic...might as well make a Reddit account now guys.
this post is pretty reddit
upvotes to the right

Here user I will donate my rabbit to you๐Ÿฐ

yeah but can (You)s give you sick ass emojis?๐Ÿ‘Œ


Attached: lol.png (254x147, 2K)

Yeah and Nintendo has Dobson

Ok here's the rabbit

Attached: 1546989486750.png (704x805, 309K)

Based as fuck op death to reddit

and fuck niggers

k fag

How do I remove someone's likes?

test my luck

Your fortune: Good Luck

I already have a reddit account, that's how I found Yea Forums!

Attached: mmmm.png (400x333, 87K)


It's only one day calm the fuck down.

I like the bun!

Attached: 1549084034358.jpg (1024x1024, 87K)

sure thing๐Ÿฐ

Reddit just banned gaming discussion so I came here.

>mfw i'm not a faggot
>mfw i'm not op

Attached: 1550033481274.gif (241x200, 316K)


ebin based

Your fortune: Good Luck

>snoyboys are redditors
Not surprising in the least



>sticky dance thread where everyone isn't arguing about politics and are having fun
>fortunes are back
>mods being lenient on off-topic shit
This is what Yea Forums used to be you guys. We're going home.

Attached: don.gif (390x300, 1.81M)

Rolled 3 (1d6)

Rolling for OP's faggotry level.

>low score complaining about reddit

at least Yea Forums is open today

Attached: Screenshot_20190401-063846_Firefox.jpg (810x6474, 2.21M)

didnt your wive tell you i already have a reddit account? how do you think we hooked up, dummy?

haha somthing something summer newfag haha

Your fortune: ๏ฝท๏พ€โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”(๏พŸโˆ€๏พŸ)โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” !!!!

Only for today, mods were very very lenient last year too.

It's only a prank bro, and only for a day.


Open dat mouth n give me a like

Attached: 13236986-image-of-young-thug-with-a-gun.jpg (1300x866, 70K)

Rolled 4 (1d6)


Yea Forums was always Reddit, you dumb slut.

>being this mad about your shit score

holy shit this is real. hahahahaha

Studies have shown men who don't Like! this post lose their virginity 12 years later on average compared to men who do Like! this post.

lol at this newfag piece of shit impotently watching other people have fun. This has been the highlight of my day, thank u.

why would you say something so controversial yet so brave

haha yikes funny i like this pls teach me tripcode

Attached: Capture.jpg (3840x2160, 3.9M)

You're just jelly.

>Wojakposter thinks he's superior to any other lifeform
Haha, wow.๐Ÿ‘Œ

Lame but they're not wrong.

Are you saying you are unhappy about this system? We work hard for FREE and this is what we get?

Attached: 1515530572042.jpg (508x512, 144K)

jesus christ. i dont give a shit what you niggers say, this place will never be as bad as reddit

Nigger >:^(

>Has said verbatim what everyone else has said

all old fags visit reddit, /pol/, Yea Forums in that order. you have to be retarded to deny yourself that much content.

Throw me an upvote! Errr *ahems* a "like".

This. Is. Epic.

likes to those who share how to view perks

Janny janny it's our xer
Xer can do anything any xer can

>4channel is filled with redditors and newfriends
oh really

Fuck off and give me likes nigger.
Yea Forums is nothing like Reddit. R*ddit has a shitty "Pass" account system.๐Ÿ˜ƒ

it's easier to shit on things when you know about them


You have to tripcode first to view perks

Attached: Capture.png (58x51, 499)

Click "Perks" next to Options.

uh, sorry, what? you mentioned reddit three times

Well there's your problem.

Attached: Rookie_Numbers.gif (244x156, 1.02M)

what's the tl;dr? i'm not reading all of this garbage

Attached: 1552636489959.gif (498x359, 408K)

I hate how lame nu-Yea Forums has become. This sub is trash now.

This shit really should have just had the reddit arrows, why not add the reddit login and display usernames since this place is all redditors now

Heh, nice try kid, you'll get there eventually


Gamers are biggots, dont @ me

big pendulous floppy nigger cocks

>his thinks oldfags go to /pol/, one of the main reasons for Yea Forums's demise
Holy fucking shit you're retarded. I'm from the goon era, and fuck all you stupid underage b& faggots, you all know nothing.

unironically this since I've seen circulating a reddit image saying that /r/ games has been closed for today

Feminism GOOD.
Jokes BAD.๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I may be smalltime but you are NOTHING

don't make me floss at (You)

I mean, it's only natural that a bunch of fucking retarded faggots and trannies go to a faggot and tranny website.

Attached: Capture.jpg (218x831, 82K)

>wojak user
>complains about reddit


OP will have this type of fortune

Your fortune: Good Luck

>complains about facebook๐Ÿ™

>Reddit uses the one day of the year dedicated to jokes to try and talk about "serious issues"
Sometimes I feel like Yea Forums hates Reddit just because it's popular, but then they do shit like this and I remember that they really are as embarrassingly stupid as people say they are.
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? Nevermind how retarded it is to shut something completely unrelated to politics down in order to shine light on what you personally view as "serious issues", but to specifically do this on the day of the year where everything is a joke. You're literally just making it seem like the "serious issues" are jokes. Why the fuck would you do it on April Fools day? Do they think anyone's gonna read through that fucking wall of text? No, they're going so they can see their whacky reddit memes and april fools day shit. Once they see the board's closed they're just gonna move on. It's not like it's the only gaming board on the site.

>reddit closes /r/ gaming
>Yea Forums turns into reddit
This was no accident. Seeing as most mods are former redditors, it stands to reason they would orchestrate this. It was coordinated between the two boards.

how do you live with the fact that you look like a troll with a pizza for a face?