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back off punk

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I really liked this image.


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dogs are fucking stupid. cats > dogs. if you're not an idiot and know this is a fact, you'll like my post

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How dare you steal my meme?

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Dogs are superior. Prove me wrong.

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whoa buddy lets all calm down, no need to get violent

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hey ladies

did you know

that uuuuuhhhhm


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good thread

my score reset itself when i went to piss. i'm going to bed

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delete this

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only true oldfags will like this post

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I fucking love Bull Terriers. I've owned three of them throughout my life; they're thick as pig shit, but by god do they have a heart of gold. They're big, dumb lovable retards. Similar to Staffies.

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wait, why did the TV portray them as more vicious than pitbull? are you a nigger?

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did he died?

most likely. tigers attack with intent to kill

bow wow wow yibba yo yibba yay bow bow yibba yo yibba yay

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say goodby to your Like!'s and enjoy your vacation

Huh, so a cornered rat will bite the cat.

What? Anyone who portrays Bull Terriers as move vicious than pitt bull is a moron. Pitt Bulls are a new breed that's specifically designed and bred for aggression; they're a combo mutt, part Bull Terrier, part Staffordshire Bull Terrier, part Rhodesian Ridge Back or Rottweiler at times.

Regardless, Bull Terriers aren't Pitt-Bulls, and their demeanour entirely rests on the owner. And no, I'm not a nigger.

>no "pathetic" at the bottom of image


is there a problem here

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Post your cades

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>putting a dog up against a Tiger solo
That's not how it's done. Anyone who works with hunting dogs or has half a brain knows they're pack animals. That's fucking stupid, unnecessary and I hope the fucking pavement ape who did that shit got publicly hanged.

Shit makes me genuinely angry. Neither of those animals deserve that.

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dogs > cats🐶

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The fuck is that shit??

tigers are more valuable.

they probably do it to feed the tiger.

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Like if you like snakes.

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comfy buge