I love Blaster Master aka. Kanna threads, these are very comfy and full of wholesomeness.
Kanna threads are the best thing what happened to Yea Forums
I love Blaster Master aka. Kanna threads, these are very comfy and full of wholesomeness.
Kanna threads are the best thing what happened to Yea Forums
fuck niggers
Daily reminder that the plant lady is 6'10"
i wish she was actually in trip world instead of boring blaster master
Posting best pic before thread dies
like this post if you wanna fuck kanna
Kanna is love. Kanna is life!
Like if you want to cuddle with Kanna for eternity
True. This perk stuff is falling flat for me. I only desire her hugs and nothing more.
i want to molest her melons
Even better
>Played Blaster Master since I was like 3 or 4
>Playstation one was okay, but not as memorable
>Wii version felt very different
>game finally gets a proper sequel for the Switch, goes somewhat unnoticed by the general public
>sequel is announced on the same day it's released
>plant tits.jpg
>mfw my game I've loved since my childhood is now reborn as "that plant fetish game."
Damn you, internet.
Good taste, user
Beat Destroyer Mode in BMZ1, if you're so tough.
>plant girl with a voluptuous body
>extremely cute face
>is a kindhearted airhead but still competent when necessary
>also an Amazon
Fuck why is she so perfect?
Perfection can't exist in the real world. We keep chasing perfection, only to settle for the next best thing. Don't settle, user. She's out there somewhere.
Overdrive was pretty weird. I wonder how much of that was Vic Ireland's influence or not. That said, it did have some neat ideas, though the actual world design was kind of bland, though I bet part of that was to save on filesize because WIIWARE
So her hugs are even better because she pulls your face into her watermelons of paradise.