Objective: survive

>objective: survive

Attached: lvo16bjm0eo21.jpg (616x534, 58K)

objective: get more likes than (you)'s

>objective: avoid civilian casualties

Attached: 1241365134614789.jpg (640x622, 96K)

>objective: get 9999 likes

Attached: 1476594563282.jpg (640x480, 107K)

fat chance

Easy: step dodge into a jump to hurt his posture hard, get the deathblow. Rinse and repeat and finna bouta dab on him

>Wears bright orange
Good luck with that

Attached: 551a0UtO.jpg (400x501, 49K)

Objective: Get likes in this post or your mother will die in her sleep

what rings you got though?

Only rings that matter

Attached: s-l300.jpg (225x300, 17K)

Does the game ever give you time to breath or is it just one fucking mini boss and boss after another ?

yours does

Attached: sekiro 2019-03-31 20-27-18.png (1920x1080, 3.05M)

>objective: like this fucking post

Attached: 2ohgg5.jpg (720x361, 31K)

imagine being this much of a sperglord

You literally fought this fucker on that bridge by the temples though.

it's a weeb game about ninjas, fuck off

Attached: sekiro 2019-03-31 20-14-33.png (1920x1080, 1.64M)

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objective: watch the gif until the end

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