So when are you going to admit and accept that assassins creed Odyssey was a good game after all Yea Forums ?
So when are you going to admit and accept that assassins creed Odyssey was a good game after all Yea Forums ?
been playing the shit all day
it's an awesome game, except for the combat sucks because everyone is an hp sponge
Next time they need to add character creators.
It was okay for a loot focused game, but the series has less and less of Assassins Creed.
I'm playing the AC3 remaster since it was given with the season pass, and despite the game being a dissapointment, you can see what AC used to be, which was a conspiracy and story focused game with some very light RPG elements.
Now it's just another grindfest to bait you into paying for microtransactions and a very weak plot that has no idea where to go.
>but the series has less and less of Assassins Creed.
thats ok we got enough of "assassins creed" in the 14 games they made in 5 years.
Yeah, but I liked the original games.
They just completely fucked it up with the ending of 3 and killing Desmond instead of following the original plans.
When it can finally top the AC, and the Ezio trilogy in story and fun. Which will be never since I know you're a faggot OP and will act accordingly.
I think it's decent. No AC will top the Ezio Trilogy and Black Flag though.
Does anyone elses game slow the ever loving fuck down in any combat
it runs literally 130 fps on my 1070ti, 7700k, and then when i'm in combat it dips to like 30 fps.
this engine fucking *sucks*, apparently instead of accurately porting it to PC they basically wrote a wrapper around the fucking renderer, not like ubisoft has any resources after all
>Ezio Trilogy
More like ezio duology
Revelations was meh tier only the Altair Back story kept the game together
Mainstory was barely coherent
I will agree that Revelations wasn't the best, but I think 2 and Brotherhood made up for it.
Yeah, its pretty gud. I'm leveling too fast tho, it should take more quests between each level. I feel I will level cap this way before I finish the story.
It runs well even on mid tier "gaming" laptops though
I have been playing it in my laptop for a while and it achieves 60 FPS in very high in native resolutions consistently
>it's awesome
>the gameplay sucks
>cant spartan kick bounty hunters off cliffs anymore
Yeah Revelations wasn't the strongest, but as you said the Altair backstory kept it going. If I want the open world meme, I'll go play something I can easily mod to high heaven to squeeze some fun out of it.
I already did
Can never admit to such a thing as I will never finish it due to those fucking crapshoot level caps. Glad I pirated.
Are they still going through the "The main charactr uses the Animus to view memories" or are they finally using the "Animus is being used as a data dump scanner and we're taking liberties with the data in order to train the user"? Because branching stories seem odd if we're going with the memory replay thing. Also since apparently the movie is canon, what the fuck is Fassbender's character doing?
Ubi also made the smart move of making Kassandra the Canon protagonist
Too bad in Canon version she kills Alex
I wish she didn't
I already did, it's my GOTY 2018 alongside Hitman 2
When it doesn't feel like trend chasing. It manages to be so bland with a setting that isn't really done unless it's some outlandish variant of it. It just feels like they're reacting to TW3's success in a lot of weird ways. It also feels just so pointless. Like there's nothing it presents that makes me care or even like the characters and what they're going for. They stopped beating the dead horse and instead have put 2 guys inside it's corpse to do some Weekend at Bernies shit to keep it going. Which is pretty much Ubi's MO with AssCreed and Far Cry.