2019 sucks for memes what gives?

2019 sucks for memes what gives?

Attached: clownjak.png (644x942, 97K)

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I created this in 2019. Is it bad?

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Dick retarded

There is no such thing as "Good" or "bad" memes. Hell the best memes imo are the ones that are so bad and forced that they get genuine anger out of people who take the internet too seriously. Memes are not a high art form regardless of what redditors tell you. The quality of memes are entirely irrelevant to their humor capabilities.

Attached: eat it.jpg (853x960, 106K)

Everyone is poor and angry, and/or drugged out as we are dragged into the (((New World Order)))


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Yes and you should feel bad for jumping on the anti /pol/ reddit bandwagon.

Attached: pol boogeyman fuck off.png (1058x503, 289K)

/pol/ is retarded though. No amount of SJW hatred can fix that.

wojacks and pepes

is that all Yea Forums can come up with?

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>disliking board culture
Reddit is down the road new friendo

i mean is like disliking niggers and their violent culture
but instead is shitposting across the entire site

Yeah /pol/ is retarded, of course they are. /x/ tier Conspiracy theorists talking about politics. That being said 99% of the time /pol/ is brought up, its from anti /pol/ shitposters seeking absolute dominion on what can and cannot be said. Literal reddit tier garbage.

Attached: pol in a picture.jpg (680x680, 45K)

Attached: the discord tranny button.png (720x696, 307K)


/pol/ got us trump, though. that was pretty based

Fuck off faggot, there's nothing "reddit" about hating a board, especially a one colonized by Redditors.

Attached: 1533795019759.png (1080x1920, 634K)

Finally the official day of the honk.


>and when some other posters bring up politics
sure this is exactly what happens. lmao

Post election Yea Forums is riddled with shit thanks to /pol/ attracting absolute retards that don’t understand board culture and OC. wojack and frogposting is all any board has had for three years now. Shits fucking boring

Nigger youre posting in the trash can of this website.
I really cant understand these threads, Yea Forums has been shit since before /pol/ even existed.