This is a good thing. Yea Forums should do something similar imo

This is a good thing. Yea Forums should do something similar imo.

Attached: www.reddit.com_r_Games_comments_b7ubwm_rgames_is_closed_for_april_fools_find_out_why_in_.jpg (1405x4203, 2.35M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Damn, I really hope I get someplace decent

Attached: 1554087143387.png (2200x2832, 1.57M)

God that's pathetic

I'm not reading all of that shit are you fucking crazy or something

Also fuck reddit, April Fool's day is fun

>4742 net upvotes
>a bunch of money was wasted on reddit gold and reddit silver
I never imagined reddit would get this bad.

>games need to be about gay shit not people talking about games
This is a joke right?

I dont understand the mentality of gold, I like this post so much i'll drop some money on it? Does the the poster even get the money or it just for status? I mean holy shit how stupid is this?

Yes, unironically. "I liked this post so much I am tipping reddit 20 dollars just for existing so I could see it"

>Do Better, Be Better

Jesus Christ

Yeah why not

I'm all for more tranny threads. Yea Forums + /gif/ merger?
iirc, reddit silver is free

Gonna go the second they open back up and spam FUCK NIGGERS

>literally no fun allowed
>on april fools
>and thought policing

Apparently the entire point of Reddit Gold is that it makes the site better to browse because you get no ads or something like that. and when a user gives you gold all they're doing is paying a month free of ads for you.

Are they seriously closing it for minority and LGBT shit?
I mean it's not even something like a charity to have cancer kids play games and toys it's for something not even gaming related.

Attached: images (16).jpg (554x554, 43K)

epic Yea Forumsro
epic for the win

Attached: plebbit.png (800x480, 212K)

Fun is an anathema to the SJW crowd

literelly tons of people outing themselves as redditniggers fuck off

People need to stop thinking that fixing all the evil in the world is possible

There will always be assholes online just like how there will always be murderers in society. Its just a fact of life

user, you know how it works nowadays "raising awareness" is better than doing the work yourself. Why wouldn't they just do that instead of actually going to play with some kids on a cancer ward.

pretending to close it down is the April fools joke

Why Chile is a snek.

This isn't about fixing the evils of the world but making everyone else as miserable as these "people" are

I was thinking of posting a roll too but what if this is just an april fools thing? Is being an annoying reddit poster on april 1st a joke, or is just the same as the usual shitty bait threads?

Imagine taking a day where people do a prank or have a small giggle, and make it instead about a serious issue with a fictional group of extremists radicalizing eachother to rise up against minorities in Western countries while said extremists are both incel losers hiding behind controllers and also world class disinformation operatives that can sway government institutions

Attached: 1553941979680.jpg (1125x2097, 185K)

Is there any phrase that makes you sound more like a lizardman than "Remember the human"?

Wow, I am legitimately impressed by how pretentious and condescending this is. That's some effort right there.

>It's real


Attached: 1553632575148.gif (2952x3047, 1.76M)

But user they're the evil ones, i just wanted my video games and those faggots and their nigger pets wouldn't let me

Just gonna take a guess here. Chile's flag looks like Texas's flag, the snake is in the shape of the libertarian "don't tread on me" snake, and Texas is kinda libertarian?


Attached: zae.gif (550x309, 3.3M)

>Affected all gaming enthusiasts
I love gaming and IDGAF for these ''issues''

Why the fuck are you faggots getting mad over what a shitty subreddit does? That shit only would affect you if you browse that place. Fucking bunch of reddiniggers.

Attached: 1545993759376.jpg (680x680, 82K)

>no jokes allowed, trans people and muslims are the best, but if you suggest trans people should go hang out with muslims we'll ban you for trying to encouraging genocide

Attached: 849.jpg (680x524, 79K)


this is a literal abuse of mod power. they literally shut down the whole board for a day so that they could post their opinion piece and call everyone else insular faggots without anyone else being able to point out their bullshit.

Yea Forums is going to do exactly what plebbit wants reddit is probably looking for a reason to ban that subreddit

Maybe because their country shaped like a snake?

Because the way online anger works is not by actually fighting the percieved enemy, it's by enclosing yourself in an echo chamber with like-minded people and clutching at your pears and cases of the vapors.