Risk of Rain 2 thread

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What a coincidence, I'm just in time.

About to. What playercount?

can't you?

Instead of making people edit the files for the unreleased characters, why don't you literally just upload the file ready for people to just play those characters?

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Circlejerk fags are already trying to shit up the game with stupid mods and setttings.

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I like how if you don't manage to stack fungus on Engi, Magma Worms are literally unbeatable with turrets

HELP where is the chest? Where else does it spawn?

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NA West
No shitters

Is it fun? Want to try it but I've been burned by early access games before

Up there, under the litte ledge below there, in one of the shipping containers. Only those 3 spots I think.

You can literally refund it within 2 hours if you decide you don't like it

Huh? The unreleeased characters are already in the game?

I thought it was only Mage, Robofuck, Commando, Mirrionfolds & space elf so far.

Blessed game

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/r/ing an edit of that one pale chick surrounded by black dudes, but instead it's a bunch of bandits and huntress is surrounded

>shitters can't into merc vs worm

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You can cheese the challenge for this with the current prismatic trial, a chest spawns in the shipping container next you where you spawn

There comes a point when steam will stop giving you refunds if you keep returning a good chunk of purchases. But beyond that, two hours is not long enough to get a good draw on how well a unlockathon like ror will play. I just have my doubts, which is why I ask

you can play as bandit and enemy monsters with some text editing

>tfw getting hardlight boosters and having an aerial dogfight with the worm


Back from my biznuss.

Up for one more game, then I must sleep. Thread's been fun though. Glad Yea Forums now has a game it can once more enjoy.

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Stone golem is very fun but very hard
greater lemurian id good but you can't activate anything
Drones are the best desu, very fun

If you're using the prismatic trial to find it, it's in one of the stacked containers.
Otherwise, the timed chest will always be surrounded by runway lights.

>replaying RoR
>holy shit, I am bad at this game
>turn down to Drizzle
>Providence still wrecks me despite farming items for an hour
>only survive because of Dio's Best Friend
Fucking shameful

just get good

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there is tho

>no lobbies farm hell stage for legendary quests
>most lobbies waste 3-4 minutes just killing enemies before teleporter on other stages
>even Yea Forums lobbies don't get the secret room on aqueduct

why bother playing multi?

Not doing the trial, but it was in the container. Thanks bros.

>Sticky Bomb printer
Hey look, you just won the fucking game

It’s really good. Should’ve bought it when the BOGO deal was on. This game in alpha is better than most finished shit that comes out today.

don't need two threads

Where is it, then? The only methods I've seen are the singleplayer/host cheat engine for bandit, or the CSharp Assembly file editing thing that most people won't really wrap their heads around.

who here /bored/

>28 fucking soldier's syringes

Last time I got too cocky on my Drizzle 20 stage unlock run. This time I got a ceremonial dagger stage 1 and the game played itself. I feel like MUL-T just steals Commando's thunder more than he's OP. He is OP, but the Engie is above him.
>tfw Engie will have turrets that don't randomly decide to stop shooting soon too

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I hope this will suffice.

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Someone gibs extra steam code plz.

sent ;)

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If you're going for progression's sake, find the TP as fast as you can and bug out as soon as you can. If you wanna get buffed to shit and just get a feel for the game, spend some extra time fighting monsters, looking for chests, and then dip out when you can't easily find anything. Don't spend 5 minutes looking for 1 or 2 chests when you can get to the next level, whatever money you have almost certainly isn't worth it. Your objective should always be to grab as many items in as short of a time as possible before you go to the next level, and wandering around for 5 minutes just to grab 1 or 3 white items almost certainly isn't worth it in any run. You gotta find a balance between making your gold pay off and progressing to keep up with the timer, because the game only ever gets harder the longer it goes. Unless you grab a sick ass orange item and a badass red the several minutes you spend wandering around looking for shit isn't worth it.

Conversely, if you have an assload of money and you know where one or two chance shrines are you might as well take them. IMO the 2 or 3 or even 4 or 5 items you can grab out of a couple chance shrines is a good investment even if it takes you another 2 or 3 minutes to get to the next area. Unless you're on drizzle, pacing yourself properly is how you survive. Too many group runs end on rainstorm or monsoon because people spend 5 minutes grabbing 2 or 3 chests while the next level is just getting harder. Doing that 2 or 3 times sets you way behind the curve. You're not really getting that much XP, or gold, and you're just wasting time to get a few chests that won't really make a difference if you just get your ass going and onto the next level.

Playing "safe" just sets you up to be dealing with magma worms and clay dunestriders and whatever else 10 minutes early while all you have to show for it is a couple crowbars and some soldier syringes at best.

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>tfw like Huntress the most but I'm sick of being one-shot

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Assuming no artifacts enabled, is RoR2's mob scaling better or worse than in RoR1?

How do you avoid the jellyfish AOE? Run away, line of sight, or something else?

find cover

shit's much less spongy later on
they made it more about avoiding attacks than shooting sponges for an hour

The AoE is smaller than the full radius indicates, but not much so. A Merc can do some well timed dashed into the sky to avoid it, but you're meant to break LoS.

does everyone need the mod installed in order to play 16 man? or just the host


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I never played RoR 1 should i just hop into this one without playing the first one? Shit looks cash

Bandit fuckin when

If you don't have block or leach or a couple healing drones worms can be kind of rough as a merc, but it's not like you can't just totally beat the shit out of them while you're burning alive on the pyre anyways. They have like 15 seperate hitboxes you can damage and everything you do does AoE, you can make it work even if you have 0 survivability items.

Yeah it's annoying having to chase them up and down with your M2 and utility and ult but worms are when mercs start completely outpacing the other classes in damage, besides maybe the fucking robot or maybe an artificer. Every other boss only has a single hitbox for damage while worms have a billion of them, and merc is the one class that has nothing but AoE. It's time to man the fuck up and show off your jintachi blade bushido technique bullshit when a worm shows up.

Wait how?

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someone post how to make it 16man

Reminder that literally every character is good and balanced before loop 3. Some absolutely have a stopping point while others can go further beyond

Both are different enough, so whichever. I recommend getting to both eventually though but yea there's no reason to play 1 first.

>blazing stone titan boss
>the DoT actually stacks for massive damage EVERY TICK OF MINISCULE DAMAGE HE NORMALLY DOES
>take like 5% damage over a few frames then BAM the entire rest of my healthbar gone
Good thing I had a DIO buildabear. Also FUCK Wake of Vultures: there's this mod that converts half your health into shields, and every time it goes away you're stuck at half HP. Perfect way to die.

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no point in playing the original. unless you want to experience the joy of gamemaker crashes.

>every character
>artificer exists

edgeguard me on how I play as a magmaworm Yea Forums

>Golden rays of the glorious sunshine
>Setting down, such a blood-red light
>Now the animals slowly retreat
>To the shadows – out of sight

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>got clapped by a flaming bag of shit and a bunch of scalies

Was fun. Sorry you got decked at the beginning Iceman but it was funny.

Good game, see you guys tomorrow :)!

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I was behind a rock, i should have been okay!

Artificer is so much fun

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US Central 4 Player
One more before I go to fag sleep

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>saving up for her


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Does anyone have a spare key for the game that i can buy for $10?


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>halfway through the long run
>going incredibly well
>go to adjust the settings
>quit to menu

fuck sakes why is this the only game in history with no confirm prompt I am so retarded

how to win any bossfight with engineer
>invest in jump items
>get as high up as possible
>throw turrets on a ledge
>use yourself as bait
>laugh as worms miss your sentry over and over and imps are helpless below it

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Absolutely worth it

Zero escape options but tons of damage

tfw you know that feel

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i main artificer because i want to get cummed inside

yeah i'm cancelled honestly

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anyone encounter any big bugs with 16 player multiplayer yet?

Here dude

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where the 16mans at

Huh. It turns out it's surprisingly easy to get rid of Artificer's skirt.

Besides randomly joining bugged 16 man lobbies while doing quickplay, no. Seems to work totally fine.

Does anyone have any videos or webms of Bandit gameplay? Is it true he has an ammo system now and his Ult in RoR1 is now just his M2 skill?

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can a fella dump a 16man so i can see if it works









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you forgot bandit and also you are wrong

If people are having a hard time in later levels lemme ask you this
If you did play RoR1, why aren't you stacking crowbars and daggers, with syringes?

Artificer charging Spirit Bomb when?

nobody is S-tier right now Mul-T is only good cause he's bugged
engineer is A-Tier same with huntress and merc
commando and artificer an be in their own tier below them cause commando is boring and artificer is weird for most people

Someone show me what Shaped Glass is supposed to look like

it's the one that looks the most like glass it's not the crown

no printers lad

Commando's boring but he's good.

I'm becoming more and more convinced that the Artificer is just plain bad sadly. She just doesn't synergize with many of the really good items in the game and her kit is not strong enough to make up for that plus her lack of mobility.

Her jetpack still blocks her butt, and her crack isn't nearly as defined as huntress's, but it works really well. I don't know how to extract the artificer's mesh though, so I can't edit it to be lewd.

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>legendary quests
What now?

remove the charges on her m1 and make it shoot slower
that's all you gotta do
yeah there's stuff to make her more fun or different but this will make her the same class but make her feasible to play

I feel like her mobility needs to be improved and her ice wall changed in some way. Maybe turn it into an ice dome?

U.S. west, 1/6
Making cereal while I wait.

fuck I'm dumb. Legendary chests*

"Weird for most people" doesn't mean the character is inferior; it means the player is. As it stands her damage is bonkers.

That said, I'm looking forward to the day when they make her even better by redesigning at the very least her shift because of people that are just the worst at it.

how the fuck do you make cereal

it comes already made

you just put it in a bowl with milk or eat it out of the box like a barbarian

tier lists exist for a reason and there has never been an S-tier character that only some of the people can play
S-tier characters are S-tier because S-tier is when skill is irrelevant and even if you're braindead you'll still win

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>same with huntress


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>I feel like her mobility needs to be improved
Fucking this. Too many times have I fallen behind in lobbies because no movement items spawned.
That and if you can't find an extended mag by level 4 g fucking g.

>it comes already made
Cereal doesn't grow on trees, user. There's a process to create it.

Thanks, Glass Machete is a good name for it as well.

Going for 20 stages cleared for clover wish me luck

Her damage isn't really bonkers though compared to how other characters scale with items. Sure she deals a lot of damage early game, but she also quickly falls off because she doesn't scale well with attack speed or items focused around procs. Which are the majority of the best items in the game.

She ends up heavily reliant on her M2 in order to blow shit up because getting close to use flamethrower is dangerous and her ice wall is nearly useless late game. The charges on her M1 means she ends up struggling to deal consistent damage compared to others.

lol she's gimped in hilariously bad ways that make her unviable for higher loops, my dunning-kruger friend

I think celestial portal appears every time in the snow map after the first loop

Just get mags bro. Easily her best item. And yes her damage DOES scale well late game.

>it's a "last surviving player who refuses to give up against overloading elites" episode
stop the reruns

reminder to feed these items to your engie if you find them, he can use them far better than you can

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God I can't wait for new content. Don't really care too much about new characters, just want new levels and new items.

>>it's a "last surviving player who refuses to give up against overloading elites" episode
i still don't know how to feel about this i dont want people to give up without trying but i also do want to get my shit done with, so maybe people do need to know when to give up.

but there are also times when someone is strong enough to survive it

t. engi who wants free shit just for picking a class

Are you still in the lobby, before character selection?
Because that's where I am and there's no chat so I can't tell if it's bugged and I'm the only one.
It's really dumb that there's no chat there.

So does the game continue to get more difficult as you continue to loop? Difficulty remained on "HAHAHA..." so is it the same and I just get unlucky or is it actually more difficult?

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Ways to improve Artificer
>No charges on fire bolts, make it a little weaker to compensate
>M2 is fine
>Change Shift into an ice AoE
>flame thrower is fine
>improved speed

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Tesla belongs to mercenary chads, bro. You can keep your bitter penis though.

>new characters, just want new levels and new items.
how much is missing compared to the first game

How do I play engineer? I have played almost exclusively commando and a small amount of merc, tried engie and couldn't figure out how the game wants me to use him.

Why would you put tesla on merc over Engineer? It's a time based item and by giving it to engineer you allow him to essentially have three teslas up at all time

Tesla is good on anyone, but you should give it to your STRONGEST because it procs fucking everything.

Ice dome doing the same kind of thing (aoe damage along a line, but now curved around a circle) would be an enormous buff to her, while not changing how she plays at all. I feel like the wall as it is really doesn't do a whole lot compared to other character's responses to clustered monsters. Yeah it blocks them from coming at you for a few seconds but it's also wonky and in a DPS focused party game it doesn't have a whole lot to offer. If it was a dome that did the same thing her current wall does it would have far more utility just because it'd hit more enemies that were charging at you while kiting and you could use it to huddle under while big attacks like a diving worm or a charging laser from a titan.

put down turrets

run away

hoard fungus and damage items
plop turrets at teleporter

>but you should give it to your STRONGEST because it procs fucking everything

that's not how it works

Commando's only redeeming qualities are that he has a very high status proc rate and he has long range. Otherwise he's horribly underwhelming. His mobbing is poor and his R is underwhelming as fuck. His DPS requires him to just fucking walk and hold LMB, and his roll is ass. He's inferior to MUL-T and probably will continue to be even after MUL-T gets nerfed.

>As it stands her damage is bonkers
It should be considering she has absolutely 0 innate mobility or defensive options. Her ice wall is fucking worthless for keeping her alive.

Because if you're an engineer and enemies are close enough to tesla on you're a shitty engineer and I shouldn't be wasting any items on you.

friendly reminder that 95% of mercs unlocked it on drizzle or edited their files.
this is why all merc players are trash.

Because Mercs are constantly in melee distance with enemies so every time it's up they're damaging enemies.

Also Mercs need it for fucking up burning enemies since if they try to conventionally attack them they get insta-gibbed.

get fungus and general damage items, try and get a tesla and horns. Your turrets will shit out skulls constantly as they heal, like a machine gun speeds.
Tesla's range is huge, you might be brain damaged

There is literally nothing wrong with drizzle.

What's the best way to unlock the keyed up achievement?

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t. carried shitter that's jealous
and yes it does proc everything, ukuleles can proc off of the tesla arcs, brilliant behemoth can proc on the tesla arcs, it's crazy shit

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I unlocked it on drizzle but I play merc on rainstorm :(

Why would you need to go to drizzle to unlock something that only requires a single loop and three stages?

drizzle bitch cope


Only like half the characters are in the game, and only 7 levels currently, old game had 10 levels (11 if you count the secret level).

Item wise it probably has 80% of the items in the first game.

please like my drawing I worked very hard on it

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4 man, need three people. Get in here, dorks.

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I play engineer
give me likes

iframes restored to commando's roll WHEN

also wider hitbox on piercing shot too would be nice.

Any SEAfag still in need of a key?
Just say the word and let the rain flow through you.
Post steam ID.

seething drizzle babby
bet you were a glass fag

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This thing is an underrated gem. Keep it for late game because it adds absurd DPS

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the fire rate is abysmal and thus its shit compared to every other active short of regen bug.

Poorfag here pls post keys

No it fucking isn't; it revs up over a few seconds


Place in Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data and replace the file.

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this is my least favorite

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>fatter ass mod

still trying to force my friend to do the secret room in aqueduct lol

>plop individual turrets down while exploring
>maybe throw a couple mines on it if you want
>try to keep a turret charge ready for when you need it while looking for the TP
>grab fungus
>shitting two turrets out with overlapping fungus alongside you standing still between them makes you incredibly tough
>alongside multiple fungus go for anything that helps on hit damage, like sticky bombs, glasses, crowbars, syringes, etc
>maybe a bandolier or two to help you lay more mines, turrets, and shields
>grab a couple teddy bears to finalize your impenetrable fortress
>or that one item that gives you extra utility charges
>even one extra utility charge basically keeps your shield up indefinitely
>hit up the TP
>plant two turrets close enough to overlap their fungus heal auras
>throw down shield bubble
>stand in between your turrets
>hold down M1 while holding down M2 once in a while
>enjoy 3x however many fungus you have healing you and your turrets
>along with whatever shields, medkits, and infusions you have
>experience an impenetrable fortress wall
>the campsite you've erected will only be toppled by the most outrageous of situations
>all of which can be circumvented with creative movement

>You can construct a powerful fortress whenever you want
>>never feel afraid to abandon your perfect tent to find another campsite
>>>Always reposition when things get to hairy
>>>>You can always rebuild

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Every character is good in their own way, some need their own tiny buffs, and the game is fun so far, since it's Early Access, I cannot say much but critique it and hope the devs improve onto the game, post favorite enemy

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Its still shit user.

Use the newly added like function friend.

>3 blinks
the assassin character is going to be overpowered👌

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>make it to wave 16 going for 20
>get greedy against a Blazing Vagrant and think I can kill it before it's death-explosion
>I couldn't
That fucking clover will be mine I swear to god


yoo is nasty the nigga with the white dumb bird outline over a black background

huntress' ass

>stage 1
>all 4 huntress die to jellyfish bomb
who else know this feel

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Because going through drizzle makes the initial run not only easier, but shorter, and with less risk. Also, unlocking it solo means you don't have to cut short a multiplayer game just so you can get the character.

The 5% that got merc outside of drizzle didn't do it because they were super amazing and wanted to prove something, they did it because they just happened to get far enough in rainstorm or monsoon when they were first playing to get to the obelisk, and then after that they decided to take the obelisk.

>tfw hit the unkillable part of the power curve
remember to rush stage 3 for the free active item, then farm the fuck out of stage 4 for a bunch of free reds, and repeat each cycle

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I'm sorry bros I have to do long road on drizzle; that or I have to engiescum. I play Huntress and I literally can't even get past stage 10

it's all fun and games until a worm instakills you

Merc is fun but I'm going back to huntress

The game does nothing but spam wisps when I play him so fuck this

I've realized that I like the game way more solo instead of needing to spend every match getting to chests as fast as possible.

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>1 post by this id

>it works

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>no hardlight thrusters
C+ at best.

Anything more comfy than standing inside your bubble while your turrets murder everything

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If someone would tell me how to extract the damn models I would be able to do a lot more, but I'm dumb and don't know how to mod unity.

it's not comfy once things start one-shotting your turrets

It stops stacking at 200% speed anyway

>he bought♣️

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You piece of shI love basic-ass golems because of how satisfying it is chunking their big healthpool.

april fools is happenin

No you get good

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>post favorite enemy
stone titans, they're super fun as merc

wat game is that

>Found Vita with ROR1 on it
My body is ready

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solo is great for that reason, but multiplayer ends up being more enjoyable for me in the long run. it slows the pace of the game a fair bit and just makes thing a bit different.

am i just not getting merc, or am i going for the wrong items. i just can't seem to make this clown work. he fast af as fuck though, just always no damage

the prequel to risk of rain 2

lol (laughing out loud)

how 2 merc:
step 1: get tesla coil
step 2: ???
step 3: profit

Anyone got a 16 man going?


i know what game that is you guys just got mega trolled

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has anyone else experienced crashes on opening the game? was playing fine yesterday but now it just shuts down when I try to open it. I've tried to validate the files through steam and it find 1 thing and redownloads it but then the same things happens again

>threads are getting deleted now

Is this the end?

HAHAHA difficulty just ramps up infinitely

I'll do a 16 man, whats the fucking console command for 16 players again?

>Commando is boring
>Huntress is weak
>Mul-T is overpowered
>Engineer is even more busted than Mul-T and even less fun
>Artificer sucks
>Mercenary require way too much RNG to be effective
I'm burnt out already and I haven't even put in 12 hours

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going to try to kill one of those purple things out in the distance. has anyone killed one before?

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other thread got deleted because it was shit and we only need one thread

Based. Can you remove Artificers jetpack?

>>Huntress is weak
Huh how so? Her right click is crazy strong.

i tried shooting it with robofriend but it wasnt dealing any damage

I mean, maybe not as merc, you fucking madman

they're too far out to reach and even if you fly out and shoot them from just before the warp barrier they don't have hurtboxes

which one for merc

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>get close to them to where i'd be a dash and an eviscerate away
>game teleports me back to the level
well fuck, guess they're out of bounds

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I kill them all the time.
Nothing happens.
But it's satisfying knowing those cunts died worthless deaths.

MUL-T kills them easy peasy, and no, nothing happens_____yet______

US west normal lobbies WHERE?

i will host a lobby if this post gets 250,000 likes


Yes. One of them flies close enough if you go out of bounds above the door, on that empty cliff over it. smiley

>All those items

So majestic.

Whats the command for 16 person and i'll host

The double-sided portal on the left.

I've sniped em with mul-t, you can kill them but nothing of note happens

managed to kill one that was higher up near the main land
they die in one hit and don't give anything at all. here I was hoping that it'd be the missing logbook entry I have

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its even more nuts once you get the item that gives you gold on hit

thanks dudes

>tfw 32-bit

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>playing risk of rain 2, the video game
>casually playing
>somehow reach level 19 without really trying, on normal
>when i die realize how close i was to 20
>i am now determined
>restart, try again, make it to 19, AGAIN
>frustrated, put it on babby mode
>make it to 19 AGAIN
>figure i'll give it one more shot
>babby mode, mul-t
>radar for maximum equipment
>fighting two overloaded wurms for like the 3rd time in a row
>getting genuinely bored and not having fun anymore
>figure i'll do one more level and then give up and try again tomorrow
>made it to next level, figure i'll at least see what the boss is
>overloaded wurms AGAIN
>fuck it i already summoned them, spend another 10 minutes fighting them
>can't see shit, fps is tanked
>kill them and rush to the teleporter
>see achievement for 20 stages pop up

THANK FUCK, IF I QUIT ON 19 YET AGAIN. I seriously hope they consider retuning level 18+, because holy shit it doesn't feel fun anymore after that. After 8 hours of this I'm going to bed, I don't even remember what the clover does

Attached: 62d.jpg (1060x1282, 177K)

if it's the second row farthest to the right, try the gold altars out.

god bless

Attached: 1554087713377.png (403x245, 19K)

NA West Monsoon

You're a mercenary looking for some starter cash for the stage when these guys appear and slap your gf's ass, what do you do?

Attached: Untitled.png (420x28, 13K)

Is this just 4 players?

Pray to god I've found a Hyper Thruster and

sadly my fun was cut short

Attached: 20190401000715_1.jpg (1920x1080, 214K)

US west 4 player normal

Is there a item tier list?

Her primary is absolute garbage at what it's supposed to do, she has no range, she needs to keep stopping even though she is the movement based kiter, and she is trash against bosses solo

Time for jack to let 'er rip.

I've made at least 5 posts and have gotten at least 3 (you)s so nice try retard


us west
2 slots open

>garbage unless you stack it
rusted key
>shit tier and unusable
most lunar items, the vulture red item


Attached: 1508691703691.jpg (480x480, 46K)

_____________git gud______________________________________________________

>getting to play with 4 foot wide hipped huntresses and artificers

I believe in you. I truly do.

Attached: 1541901159057.jpg (571x422, 20K)

seethe harder mmmmmmmmm literally cumming in my pants at the thought of this fat virgin getting angry because people are having fun and he's powerless to stop mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Any other guys who don't have merc unlocked want to form a lobby and try to unlock him in multiplayer?

I literally cannot imagine being so bad that you can't reach 20 on drizzle.


4channel's rules define "generals" as "long-term, recurring". This game's been out 4 days. These threads are not long term.

Attached: example-68885.jpg (1024x1024, 62K)

why the fuck does only one monster count as the boss? getting the Kill an elite boss on monsoon achievement is a pain in the ass because the main boss is never a fucking elite for whatever goddamned reason

Stone golems, stone titans, wandering vagrants, in that order

as mercenary, what else, it's not like any enemy is any different to fight for people who can be far away and still deal damage

Attached: OI SLAG.png (315x292, 164K)

also like for my meme👌

Attached: Nail.png (400x640, 300K)

>NA eAST LETS FUCK 109775240986769158

Keep playing until you get the flaming lizard boss

Need 1

>normal spawn boss enemies dont benefit from the boss damage bullets
its not fair

Attached: remilia.png (246x246, 85K)

what fucking monster am I missing?

Attached: file.png (778x143, 120K)

Where's the 16 player lobby?

normal est

big lizarg, give likes pls/

Elder Lemurian

greater lemurian

Please teach me how to play as a stone golem and others! Would love to play as the bison!

Elder Lizard

looks like an elder lemurian

I've got the graphics turned all the way down in every possible way and still I can't get it to run for shit. are there any tricks to get this running better? I have it turned down looking like its a ps1 game but by the time I get a ways in it's just unplayable.

>using Command artifact
>not even one shotting final boss

why did you even post this?

>can only ever make it to where we loop back to the starting stage
I cant ficking get past that stage. I just got absolutely destroyed by some elite greater wisp that I did no damage to.
I just want the Merc so bad. Why can I only get a lobby with 2 other people?

how do i 'obliterate myself' to unlock that one character? where's the obelisk?

>picture isn't of Huntress ass

Garbage. Go back.

have a pc that's not shit? force it to play in dx8 mode?

Get cheat engine
1. in lobby, select commando
2. open cheat engine, enter 18, first scan
3. switch to engie
4. switch back to cheat engine, enter 25, next scan
5. double click value on left, should be one number
6. you can now edit that number down below
use this pastebin for character values
7. like my post

Attached: 1553870498459.png (1008x777, 374K)

What resolution - lower this
What GPU
What CPU

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.03.31 - (1920x1080, 2.75M)

do it on drizzle

see this image for obelisk location

Attached: Obelisk.png (400x587, 418K)


You sir have won the internets for today! I will give you a like for this :)

and change the id to 30

Please drawfriends I beg of you please draw more Merc memes

>easier difficulties still the fastest way to unlock
would be cool if there were more risk/reward

>Round 1
>4 Overloading stone golems
what the fuck hopoo

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.54M)

>Commando dodge roll doesn't give Iframes

I never played ROR1 and I enjoy this game. It reminds me of EDF but in a rouglike form.

No. I want artificer loods.

it's pretty old stuff, nvidia 660M and i7-3630qm
I've always been able to run stuff pretty well so I assumed I could get away with just turning the graphics to shit on this, but I'm finding even at stupidly low resolutions it's just shitting itself.


>got that red item that gives you 3 charges of your shift
>on engineer
>don't need any more items, i can just run straight to the teleporter, activate it, and keep the shields up until the teleporter is charged

Attached: example-22406.jpg (1024x1024, 75K)


I don't know, make it too hard and some bad people will just be locked out altogether. I'd rather just have chef___ locked behind monsoon.

>4000 atk def
good god

Imp Overlord says hello


How the fuck do I get to her asset damn it. I know she's MageMesh, but I don't know how to extract it. What tools do I need? Should I just try and use the DAT file I can extract?

Attached: NoSkirtTest2.png (387x366, 162K)

Can I do this, but for every other enemy type to make them all overloading worms so I can make memes?

US East
Like this post or I'll nuke the lobby

>years-old laptop GPU
boy. Try meeting the system requirements

Attached: worm.png (742x670, 199K)

>teammate jacks all the teleporter boss items.

Attached: 1553290935420.jpg (446x414, 27K)

>have really good game going with some random in qp
>spawn in and click on shrine of order thinking it's combat
>35 bandoliers

That's not even the best part of the character, he gets an innate double jump and nothing will aggro on him until he hits it.

...wait, so it's just Merc?

look around on unity forums

If I'm shit at this game, can I still play with you guys

>Running with a friend as he plays MUL-T cause he likes the dakka
>6 syringes
>8 fungus
>2 infusions
>Many assorted damage items
>4 imp overlords spawn at the 7th stage.
>They fucking go apeshit at my babies and actually get them down.
I rebuilt my shit and we wrecked them/obliterated ourselves afterwards but goddamn to they hate turrets.

give me a like and I will host US west

Don't cheat like is telling you to do. Pick a character you know you can perform well with and rush teleporters. Don't stick around to farm. I think it's 8 levels to get the portal to the obelisk you need for merc. So don't do anything fancy, don't go hard, just play safe and conservitively and go for entering the teleporter as soon as you can, every time. You'd be surprised how far you can get when you're not spending five minutes looking for loot every level.

I had assumed that a 660m made 4 years after a 580 would be fine. Plus a friend running on an older laptop is having no problems so I was hoping there was some way to make this work.

you'll git gud or die while the pros get all the items

seems like the enemis in this game always focus turrets/drones before you

>nvidia 660M
tell us how much vram it has, im pretty sure the number of the model doesn't mean shit
my """gaming Laptop""" sounds high tier, but the 2gb shits itself

fuck imps, fuck worms and fuck fire damage

I failed at 18 stages...

Not really fair. It's way too much of a timesink, think I'll just cheat to get it.

>they ALWAYS fucking die first or second
>they ALWAYS leave first
9/10 times they're a fucking MUL-T player
the quality of my quickplay games went up significantly when I started moving the difficulty to monsoon immediately and leaving if I see any MUL-T.

Attached: lego knight disgust.jpg (211x193, 8K)

I want to FUCK the huntress

I delivered. reply so I can like your post.

Host where?

Attached: 1553910037207.png (800x450, 942K)

USW 4 man Rainstorm
I'm not this nigger

any games?

yeah it's 2gb, guess I'm fucked then. at least it's the selling season so I may be able to get the dosh together for a replacement finally soon.

Because it's unoptimized and I doubt it will ever be fixed as the dev has a history on not doing it. Even on my i9 and 2070 GTX it drops to 20 fps in late multiplayer. Reasons for that are the lack of LOD and occlusion culling. Things in the distant are rendered at the highest possible fidelty, which is a nightmare for a GPU. Shots and projectiles are also not consolidated to be one entity, but rather they're all their own instance, which also kills the CPU.

Attached: 1543184768117.png (810x810, 52K)

>picked up crown while playing as merc
how do I drop a item pls lads I cant get any money I didnt know about this

How you getting a fuck ton of free reds on stage 4 user?

>Crown as merc

Way to throw me under the bus there, fignuts. You could've just told him not to cheat.

Mul-T is overrated as fuck

>Huntress sprinting after five energy drinks, three red whips, and four goat hooves

Attached: oh man.jpg (600x480, 45K)

>stage 4 has a minimum of one but usually more legendary chests
gee bill i dunno

This. Artificer is much better if you're good.

Not him, but I've only seen one legendary chest once in the 4th level in one of many runs.

Don't buy another laptop.

You're not looking hard enough.
There's ALWAYS one guaranteed, with a good chance of others spawning out in the open.

>Huntress with goat hoof
>Hear clopping while she is running
>Get boner

Attached: 1551919395023.gif (285x285, 1.67M)

there's a guaranteed spawn in a small cave

legendary chests
there's one guaranteed to spawn in the small cave in the middle area, and there's usually 1 or 2 more lying around somewhere in the open on that stage.
it's generally worth it to stop and grind for them before looping, especially if you see more than one of them

I dunno mate, the double active item slot alone can let you do some crazy shit. I just got off a double Preon run. That alone trivialized a lot of the bosses. Then he still has mobility, utility, and pretty good damage. He does everything while some survivors barely do one thing well.

Well that's good to know for future runs.
>inb4 vultures in every one of them

>level 1
>two mountain shrines
>fuck it why not
>kill 4 big ol jellies
>6 red whips

Attached: 1236843075553.png (384x800, 365K)

Been to hell like 20 times, only ever seen one chest per, so you're expecting me to say fuck it to every other drop in the game just to snag a red which is likely shit?

>play Mul-T
>"alright I don't know what the fuss is all about"
>find crowbar 3d printer
>transform all of my 30 items
>find the HUD
>mfw I just run from teleporter to teleporter and one shot bosses with the rail gun

Attached: 1547286019866.png (1231x1002, 562K)

lmao really? that bitch is the weakest class. shit range shit mobility

>a couple anons in the last thread said the merc portal is guaranteed in level 7
i just went through 15 levels and didn't see any

Maybe you're just not good then? He did say you had to be good.

it was a necessity at that point in time with constant moving about. things are a lot more stable now.

desu red whip feels kind of shit compared to every other green item available

what's the lore in ror? are we playing as robots? or aliens?

You obviously weren't paying attention then

>shaped glass on Engi


Attached: mercmeme.png (400x620, 186K)

we're playing as thicc women in future spandex

why is red whip a green while goat hoof is a white
feels like their rarities should be swapped

RoR1 you were all like fugitives or something I barely fucking remember. The atmosphere was amazing though.

haha what if huntress sat on artificer's face that would be weird

we're humans/robots created by humans on an alien planet full of stuff that doesn't like us, magic and other odd things abound

Survivors from an intergalactic passenger train that blew up because Providence is a bitch.

me and my beetlebro :)

Attached: beetlebro.png (1920x1080, 2.34M)

Blaze nerf fucking when

It makes playing Huntress impossible

I cant get past this screen anymore, what did i do!!?!?!?!?!!

Attached: frozen.png (1282x752, 1.07M)

It's literally impossible to miss

Blazing wrecks a lot of people in one hit.

Don't be a pirate.

>play mercenary while listening to MGR soundtrack
peak fun achieved
also found a red 3d printer for the first time

Attached: file.jpg (1920x1080, 230K)

I fucking love that item's log.

Did you edit the DLL and not add enough character slots for the characters you added?

>stealing drops from a Dev

Attached: 1553917816342.png (378x504, 9K)

Tell that to him, bucko
I've had merc

anyone with a functioning brain can see artificer is the weakest class. I used her on my clover run and tried every build I can and the other classes does what she does better. they need to rework her icewall and ult's range

what if she came haha and then didn't get up and started grinding on artificers face again that would be so strange haha and artificer had to get her off again haha

Attached: large nut.png (267x248, 114K)

beetles equipping items like engi turrets when hopoo?

Attached: 1546654601019.png (1227x785, 876K)

>mfw commando without any rolls

Attached: guess I'll die.png (1200x975, 33K)

not even just goat hoof, soda completely blows red whip out of the fucking water
at least it isn't a /bad/ item like vulture is. lunar items are also rough, but most of them have a niche use.
blaze is fucking broken and fucks everyone user

What is that chain item on you?

reminder to check steam community for art too because sometimes there's good stuff there

Attached: 1554057314_Untitled-1.png (789x1107, 240K)

I bought the game though

Attached: bought game.png (954x51, 3K)

>not riding into battle on a vagrant

Attached: Providence Public Transit.webm (960x540, 1.71M)

So what should I be focusing on getting for Mercenary?
He feels like absolute shit early on compared to everyone else

why the FUCK doesn't commando roll have I frames?

it's even worse in this game because it lost its i-frame

Fuck the crown.

Also fuck the slug.

you can propably mod in MGR ost into the game seeing as they work the same way

sentient meat hook, it's a red
i think it's good, but i've never gotten it early enough to be able to really play with it

Why are lunar coins so rare? The blue items aren't even good

why do robots have thick thighs

who said they're robots?

>he doesnt know

>Runs off ahead in the start and grabs everything due to having the speed to do so
"hey why don't you have anything your doing awful"

Sell me on RoR2.

they have to store their ammo reserves somewhere, and keeping it in the legs means they aren't top-heavy.
t. robotics expert

>gets stuck on the teleporter

its fun.


How do I deal with overloading worms as an Engineer?
They've consistently been my runkillers for the last 3 runs, should I just completely give up on the turrets (except using them as an aggro sponge while I run away to heal) once they're up?

No I do know I have over 200 coins

I just wanna know why

Reminder that huntress is made for BB(eetle)C

hidden stuff
and some other things

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16 players, US East

Guess I'm going back to merc

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Attached: magma.webm (853x480, 2.8M)

how do i join this

when does the green teleport spawn


Attached: imp.webm (853x480, 2.89M)


How high do syringes stack?

Attached: dance.gif (246x382, 1.38M)

i have reinstalled and validated my files and this still keeps happening

literally and metaphorically /ourboy/



Hypothetically speaking, if someone were making a mod for replacing the survivor meshes, what would people want? I'm thinking of replacing MUL-T with a truck.

How to make Huntress 200% better even though she is already the best character
Allow her to shoot her autos and right click and then after a certain distance they start homing if they really wanna keep that
Backwards sprinting
Make her R stop and hit flying enemies
Please hopoo

Attached: 1512362265510.jpg (304x593, 31K)


Attached: deth.webm (853x480, 2.54M)

You can get glass items with the lunar shop and they are stackable, everything else kinda sucks

Every arctic level after first loop.

Who's cuter? Huntress or MUL-T?
Like for huntress
Reply for MUL-T


Artificer Haydee

Not high enough


add bulge to the girls


do I need friends to play this game or can I just queue with randoms from internet

raiden as mercenary

Replace Mercenary with Vergil


NA East 4 Player

desu, I'd let mul-t fuck me


Yeah but if you stack more than one glass you die in a single hit to everything but wisps and one glass pretty much just equates to halving your HP to match enemy damage. Effectively worthless

Dreadnought for MUL-T
Everyone else should be a little girl in denim shorts

I miss Han-D's V ability which powered up his other shit

Man, I wish the Icicles from the Snowflake were big fucking chunks of crystal like RoR1, then it'd look sorta like Phantom Blades.

merc's entire skillset is literally vergil

Naked versions of their current models. Fully meshed.

>wanting backwards sprinting
Spotted the Cuntress.

You do realize backward sprinting will just mean you always colliding with shit in this game?

how do i enable the console cheat command? i wanna mess around with a shitload of items

like this post and tonight this qt ass will sit on your face

Attached: ass.png (429x650, 220K)


Attached: ss.png (231x277, 47K)

there are lod distance and max lod quality settings you fucking idiot

Is this bait?

>all these retards suggesting backwards sprinting
side sprinting is all that matters, and it would arguably make huntress the best class

>playing with friend
>I'm kinda glad the blue worm isn't in
Do I tell him or let him find out for himself

why does Yea Forums hate monsoon so much?

I have a question regarding mob aggro, if I'm playing with a friend and he gets a bunch of creatures to spawn and then runs away, they'll follow him, right? Or aggro on me even if I'm not near him?

I'm sad I missed the sale on this. I would have liked to have bought it for my friends. I suppose I still can, just not...you know...twofer.🙁

Just use dnspy to let you sprint forever in every direction.

They just want Huntress to be the mindless kitingbot she was in RoR1 because RoR1 Huntress mains have the IQ of a shrimp.

>steals your afterburner

>tfw worms aren't multisectional anymore so you can't blow them up instantly with AoE

why did the 20 levels thing take so long