The Reiwa era

What do you expect from this brand new era for Japanese games?

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Some good fucking video games.

Bigger butts

I wonder how they feel about these things coming to an end. It's kind of sad in a way.

wat dos reiwa meen

good thing the dab era will never die lmao

*does a 360 and dabs on nips*

heh, im such a baller

Rei best girl confirmed.

What does this "era" concept mean?

hows this era shit work lol


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As i understand it, a new era is declared when a new emperor takes the throne.

Rei: Command, order, authority
Wa: Peace.

Each emperor gets an era. The current is stepping down so a new era starts. Normally they have to die to leave the job, but this one got an exception.

Hopefully bankruptcy.

Rei wa besto girlu desu

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when a new emperor is instated onto their throne, they change the period.

Same shit as the previous one.

Imperial system. It changes when there's a new Emperor
It stands for Harmonic Peace however it is phonetically the same as "R-18" a lot of people in Japan sound like they are talking about porn when mentioning it.

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This is the guy who's going to be the figurehead of Japan during the next 20 years of economic decline.

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Uncensored jap porn. Finally we will be able to see those brown dicks and pussies.

was looking for this post

Me, I just entered the Ganja era and I think it's gonna last a loooong time....


Japan's emperor is stepping down due to health concerns. The emperor of Japan has been a purely ceremonial figure since the end of WWII so it doesn't really mean anything anymore its just a tradition.

Well that makes sense, I guess what that means is I'm misinformed about Japanese politics.

This unironically

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Reiwa? More like ゲイ和

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>he steps down in fucking 2019 instead of 2021 so it would be easier to calculate between western and Japanese calendar

So Reiwa 1 is now 2019.

Nothing is going to change at all


It's incredibly stupid anyway, don't worry. Unfortunately japan is full of sticklers about the retarded conventions about it, as they don't use traditional dating for formal matters, instead doing something like era+years since era started, as opposed to just saying fucking 2019. So now every single piece of software that japan uses has to be rewritten to support the new era. it's laughable.

nigga needa start mewin nigga got no jaw!


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made this thread an hour ago and got 0 replies, kys western subhumans, im not even kidding, im done with this website if you speak english you are fucking retarded

From May 1st onward.

It's actually "clown prince", not crown price, japs just can't pronounce the letter l properly.
Honk honk!

Why Reiwa and not Asukawa?

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Is he balding? Why is hair so thin and flat and why do they let an Emperor JUST himself?

>purely ceremonial figure

Since when is stuff like that ever true? The UK royal family still clearly has power despite what they tell the media



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I expect Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0

>Make thread 30 minutes before it was announced
>"Why did it 404???? Reeeee"
Brainlet nigger

I hope the first Reiwa Era Kamen Rider is good and that he gets a fun vidya

So Japan isn't producing any babies, do you think it will still be around in 30 years?

Eh, England will probably do something similar once Queen Elizabeth eats it.

Literally seething because you got no (yous)

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Faggots like you are left behind in Heisei, please understand the population crisis demands it.

I don't think the UK royal family ever unconditionally surrendered to another country which then installed a democratic system in its place.

I remember reading that there are accounting computers in Japan that still think the year is like Showa 95 cause no-one has updated them to let them know about the existence of Heisei.


You'll know when you're 30.

Why do people keep posting zero sum game stuff?

because dumbass westerners don't pay attention to japanese news and weren't already tuned into the channel waiting for the announcement
also, this is my last post on this board, not even kidding, closing this tab and i'm done with Yea Forums forever, still gonna go on other boards for a while but i'm done here, thank you to the person who'll give me a (you) saying "see you tomorrow", and goodbye everyone

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Get fucked, retard.

Yes. When the population declines to the point that the cost of living isn't so high that starting a family is infeasible people will start families again. Japan may have to resort to allowing foreigners in though since a lot of the country is old and their social security system might collapse before that happens.

How would the change from one ceremonial figurehead to another change anything about a country's media?

It probably feels like a year coming to an end.
>2000 was 19 years ago

Yes, but only after the gaijin finish the colonization effort they started at the end of WWII.
It's bleach time.

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Good bye Heisei-chan!


Well, they are making more babies than native Europeans, and also don't have to support migrants and their 8 kids a pop.
So they will probably do alright.

>I hope the first Reiwa Era Kamen Rider is good
Unless they kick the guy writting Zi-O, I doubt it


keep dreamin' whyteboi

>tfw Heisei 1 was 310 years ago

2020 Olympics will ensure a shitty, politically correct era as Japan loses more of its unique cultural heritage in pursuit of global profits.

retard, Japan's birthrate is only a little bit below the US, and that's without poor immigrants boosting their numbers by having 9 kids.

Still not going to give you a (you).
See you tomorrow.

>tfw 2018 was one era ago

I still wonder considering how much power and money they gave to the Japanese govt right after the war.

Fuck off, Japan already gave us 2B.
Focus on thighs now.

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these eras mean literally nothing, it's a purely ceremonial thing that nobody really pays attention to.

The intent:
The comical implications from other readings:
>So the kanji 令 has some strong militaristic context over in moonville. And 和 is the same kanji used in the kanji for Showa, and comes from the Manyoshu, which is a Japanese text - this is notable because normally the Gengo is derived from Chinese texts (Since it's in kanji).
>The Red Sun rises again.

I can believe it needs a headband to cover that receding hairline, jej

>it's a purely ceremonial thing that nobody really pays attention to.

That's what they want foreigners to think. Ceremony is everything in Japan

It'll be a shame when the Type 2 takes those.

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I expect more bickering from the toku fandom.

How did Raimi know

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Well then we get this.

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but they don't mean much in terms of how day to day operations function, it's not like come may 1st suddenly Japan will be a completely different country, these eras are more just a way to categorize time in relation to their "emperors" who are just figureheads that have no real power.

Except Japan has a negative population growth rate and the US has a positive growth rate.

>2008 Olympics will ensure a healthy, environmentally friendly era as China closes more of its toxic smog producing factories in pursuit of cleaner air.

Jokes on them the next 30 years will be the most violent since WW2

Why not both?

not at all, Japan stays consistent, it's not like they drop 20 million people every year, they kind of alternate along a straight line.

The Olympics literally change nothing lmao. Do more harm than good actually.

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Was based until that last line

user said ECONOMIC decline not birth decline you nincompoop.

Probably to everyday folk. I have to wonder if this stuff means a lot more to those who have real power in the country and industry.

Will Kamen Rider be good agaim?

>Do more harm than good actually.
That's the fucking point.

Tokyo 2020 will be the death of Japan. I Guarantee it.

No Waifus
No Lolis
No Big tits
No Big asses
No Small bikinis
Mass westernization

Tokyo 2020

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Countries don't change permanently because of the Olympics.
They try to look decent while the Olympics are hosted and that's it.

Liberals and SJWs will ignore this post and all relevant data because it goes against their cuck mindset

i just fast watch ex-aid and build since i was curious about Zi-O, how bad is it?

I wasn't aware this was a thing. I honestly thought the different eras were variable time periods named after dynasties or some such.
Japan is dumb.

Thank god, 90s to 2018 Japan was the most pathetic the country has been. Hopefully they can return to their 70s80s glory

There's a cost to looking "decent". Like all the cash that gets pulled away from other projects, the businesses that get shoved off location for the sake of a more "appropriate" image, the people that get displaced, etc. All of which impacts the local culture.

>The US has a positive birthrate
god i wish i didnt cunt

It's sometimes true but often times not at all. The UK's regnant is still very much the Head of State. They have final say on everything, they have absolute veto. Other countries' regnants, like the Netherlands king, is also head of state and just how much power he wields behind closed doors is intentionally obfuscated.

The writer changes with each show.

>how bad is it?
It's Decade tier bad except there's no Tsukasa to salvage it even if he's a character in the show

The era of rei begins!

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I doubt it. I have a feeling that SJW foreigners will try to shame Japan in some way, but they'll be a national laughingstock in front of everyone to see and that's when they truly die.

The Neo Decadriver is great though

An entire ERA of Asukafags being btfo. Can you believe it?



literally all that will happen is they won't release titty games for a month and then when all the foreigners leave they'll restock Dead or Alive X3

back to your general, gaijin

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lol no story

>that tv
My PC monitor is bigger than that screenlet's shit.

Reiwa, more like ReiMU

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Oh they'll do it, and then they'll get laughed all the way back to whatever shithole they crawled out of on live fucking television for the entire world to see.

the LOLWUT era?

>I don't think the UK royal family ever unconditionally surrendered to another country
Neither did Japan
Japan didn't even stick to the conditions it surrendered under, the Emperor was supposed to renounce his divinity

these eras are more like how we refer to generations as "GenX or GenZ" they only really exist to describe the differences between generations and those born then, basically, they're in the Zoomer era.

It's a good thing japs are short because holy shit thats a shoebox

Considering just how intensely Japan favors blood lineage, I have to wonder if the Emperor still has power even beyond what they agreed upon with the US.

You guys said the same thing about Yea Forums and now look at it.
>Oh this temporary all these will leave when gg is over
>Oh this? Temporary, everyone loves loli is lmao nomalfags don't like this site and will leave
>Oh it will just be temporary. All this will leave once election is over

Can't fool again.

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>new emperor will bring Chen back
wtf I love Reiwa Era Now!

Wasn't some law changed recently so that women could sit on the throne? Shame it didn't actually happen. Could have called it the Rōastie era.

>the Emperor was supposed to renounce his divinity
Didn't he do that?

he did

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>literally anime and video games in the ad

these are completely different from something that's historically done nothing to change the countries they take place in outside of shitholes that go broke trying to run them.

That will be true if it means that Japan will suddenly start getting filled with western immigrants, you know, like how Yea Forums got filled with insecure autistic people from reddit and Twitter.

go back to your containment board


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lol calling it now, when the olympics are over they will start putting signs up saying "games are over gaijins go home"

>No big tits, no lolis, no true culture shown


No, under the current laws women still cannot be the head monarch of Japan.

America basically allowed them to keep their emperor but the emperor had to keep the citizens from rebelling and reigniting a conflict in Japan. Over the years the emperor of Japan became a less prominent part of their government and became more of a cultural figure. I think officially the emperor doesn't have a role in government anymore but if the emperor said "I am the government" and tried to take over again who knows what might happen. Not sure if any emperor would even want to do that though, being a monarch is not very interesting these days.

This is just a one month long event on Japan.
What happened to Yea Forums was complete population replacement.

i'd actually lol if they did that

fucking mario, he could've stopped this

>big tits
Fuck off subhuman trash.

>who knows what might happen

Aren't there some games and stuff that take place in a universe where the Showa era never ended? Zetsubou Sensei, for example.

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Should have posted it on /pol/, nigger, that's where the zeitgeist is.

Not really.

It's about average to mediocre. It's not bad and has some fun parts but it takes a few episodes to really start and even after that takes a few more to actually get going. Watch the .5 complimentation episodes with each of the first 16 normal episodes and you might enjoy it.

See? Westernization. Disgusting.

Damn, a title with not even a date, a source or literally anything at all, just a title in an era where clickbait rules journalism.

Millennials should be forbidden from arguing anything.

Doraemon has loli


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>it's another "burgerclaps act like the world police episode"
Everytime you try to help people you end up fucking everything up.
Keep to yourselves and containe your retardation within your decaying nation.

It's their way of differentiating between zoomers and boomers


>being a monarch is not very interesting these days.

I think one has to be very naive to think this. Does anyone seriously think that the Emperor doesn't have actual power behind the scenes? Of course they're hiding their activities in the public scene. That helps both the public and the Emperor.

Ah, so you're a redditor. GG and the election didn't change/worsen shit. Nice boogeymanning though kiddo

There's nothing sadder than an Apple woman. Maybe a fat woman with no tits.

>Ah, so you're a redditor. GG and the election didn't change/worsen shit. Nice boogeymanning though kiddo

Oh yes it did.

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>tfw male version of pear
kill me

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No. He instead reaffirmed that Japan had already been democratic since the Meiji era and that the American invasion wasn't imposing anything new on the population.
His wording was misinterpreted as "I am not divine" when instead it was more like "The Japanese people trust eachother enough that they don't rely on the divinity of the Emperor for their government to function."

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Are you seriously comparing a shithole imageboard and a country of 120 million people

you can't just decide when an era ends and a new one begins
these things are only decide years later when historians find that society changed enough
wtf japan

I-is Japan planning to attack and take over the world?

>/tg/ predicted Reiwa 4 years ago

the empire is no longer part of the actual federal government, after the war, constitutional powers made it so powers such as "commander in chief" are put on the cabinet(which is led by the Prime Minister). He's basically just a figurehead to announce whenever the federal government does anything, he technically appoints the Prime Minister, but the law states that he has to act in accordance to how the people vote, so he's just there to swear in the new Prime Minister, same thing with any passed laws and stuff like that. The emperor has literally 0 power outside of the ceremonial aspect of things that happen.

Let's be honest here. Japan population is lowering quickly. Very steep decline. As Japanese man I welcome foreigners! More immigrants is better for all.

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Could be worse. They put the top idol producer (the akb guy) in charge of the production; everyone, including comedians, have been begging him for more than a year now saying it'll be embarrassing if he goes through and throws them idols in.

wow i almost fell for your larp

>Does anyone seriously think that the Emperor doesn't have actual power behind the scenes?
legally the emperor doesn't have any power, and the only powers they really do have are so suppressed that they basically mean nothing.


Based and immigrationpilled.

Find a pear girl and make pear babies. Simple as.

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Based and redpilled

They can try, but it will end the same way.

If you're not a Showa era, you're too young to post

Emperor abdicate (era ends), child takes over (new era begins).
It's not that hard to understand. The hard part is remembering when each era began.

>be normie foreigner in japan 2020
>anime loli wallpaper pasted all over the tall building
>weird ass japanese commercial on TV
>variety shows is bunch of naked men in panties doing retarded challenges
"what the fucking shit is this place?"

and they really don't mean much, it's basically just a way to classify what point in time you're actually in.

why does everything I've ever enjoyed have to go shit? If the olympics really fucks over anime and jap games I'll end up offing myself before I'm 30.


Yeah, but some assholes in Japan just have to use the era system even in the mail. So when I get a letter from certain companies, they write it out using the era. It's not enough for me to remember, but enough for me to get annoyed that I have to look it up all the time.

they won't, the olympics are only for a month, I bet some titty game studios have stuff lined up to release right after the olympics finish.

China is even worse
Welcoming foreigners does nothing as they too stop having kids in 1-2 generations

Population is going to plummet in the entire world and there is nothing anyone can do about it

Or you could go out and have sex instead of asking others to do your dirty work for you.

>some assholes
We call those people boomers.

Whoever they are, fuck them. I even started sending back replies in my native language and then telling them politely to stop doing that.
Even young japanese adults have no idea how the era shit works.

>young japanese adults have no idea how the era shit works

Don't worry. They'll just do the cultural equivalent of sweeping the toys under the bed, and say the room is clean. Once they're over, they'll slowly come back out.

Besides Japanese will loathe all the foreign partygoers, vulture journalists, and athletes acting like massive cunts.

No. Apparently humanity goes back to early 18th century numbers by 2040 according to a super predictive analytics AI. Japan ain't making it out of there.

Their photoshop subscription ended

I'm hoping you're right.

Hasn't Japan always had a reputation for being wacky to westerners? I can't see how the olympics will actually change anything.

So uh, what you doing later?

Fuck off, really.
Ironic shitposting still is shitposting

Japan's government is also a lot more conservative than even America's government and it hasn't stopped that "wackiness". I doubt anything will change.

Even Chinks bend over for westerners but Nips honestly don't give a fuck.

>Japan denounces China as all-consuming cultural ancestor

>Crowns a fucking emperor in the year 2019

>Who will proceed to host the olympics during Japan's 60th anniversary for... hosting the olympics (and finishing the rebuilding of Tokyo.)

I don't know what to make of all this. Akihito was a fucking gentleman. Naruhito look like a softy pushover, but he grew up in a prosperous, intellectual Japan. They may not have much actual power, and the rest of the world still look down on them for what grampa did, but for the people of Japan at large, I do hope the whole ceremony will be reinvigorating.

Dude, it's because their emperor is abdicating and his son is crowned.

That's how they've been slicing up the eras over the last few centuries.

I'm gonna keep shilling that meme just to shit on dem nips and weebs.

what did grampa do?


Why don't these Royal family have a family name?

I'm not sure if that user was a real nip or just a larping faggot but either way he's right.

Doomsayers and blackpillers
Ignore them

because they are recognizable without a family name in japan

>The west butchers indigenous people of Africa, North America and South America all throughout the 18-hundreds.

>Even shoves granddaddy China around for fun

>WWII rolls around, and Japan has learnt that hanging with the west and butchering the culturally inferior is cool

>Germany is in Russia, burning and starving the peasants, Japan is in China, burning and starving (and raping) the peasants. No biggie.

>Get perma-bombed by the west for playing along.Get perma-humiliated by the west by having your gods taken away. Get perma-shamed by the west for not properly denouncing your royal family.

Yeah no shit they don't give a toss about our opinions anymore.

>59 years old

Ironic thing about that is Japan is one of the USA's closer allies and that they are one of the the countries with statistically the most positive opinions on Americans.

Eh, there was this whole thing during the second world war. In China. And the south east asian island nations. People don't remember it too fondly.

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>no likes
All that needs to be said really.

Technically they are the Yamato Dynasty but they haven't used that name in centuries.
Japan historically didn't really bother with surnames and the Imperial Family in particular has never needed them. It's not like they need to keep track of how many Germans are marrying in to the family or anything.

Fuck Japan.

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