>comic sans
Comic sans
The right is better because the left tries too hard to be a horror font and is too on the nose.
shut up
ok sorry
>horror font
What the fuck am I reading. It trying too hard would be if the paint spilled down or something.
nobody paints comic sans on wooden signs.
Probably some city fag who's never seen actual america, it literally just looks like a sign with some of the paint missing. "Horror movie" my ass, unless hard work is scary
based retard
Fuckin city slickers don’t know the first thing about hard work. I have to walk a mile uphill both ways in a foot of snow just to feed the cows every morning
everyone is mad but they can't refute you
This but unironically, you standing around for a double shift feeding actual productive members of society isn't hard work. Robots are gonna take that from you real quick, and I'm gonna bang my knuckles fixing them
found the trump supporter
>I have to walk a mile uphill both ways in a foot of snow just to feed the cows every morning
>the state of a so called "first world country"
have sex
have a penis (male)
Found the incel
I made born from a wish playable.
I don't remember that Banjo-Kazooie level
Here's your (you) my man. You trully deserve it.
To be fair you'll see a lot of fucking comic sans signs in the US. I don't know why sign companies do it instead of pulling a good looking FOSS one off DaFont or something.
Is this an AI reading Graffiti?
Dammit Mark, he can't keep getting away with it!
found the white supremacist turtle
Learn to code sex have
i did tonight with you're mom xd
omg mlg owned xd
Sneed hill ranch
Looks like the camera feature in Google translate
it's an art project
There ain't no crack in the Silent hill 2 back up torrent
So an AI reading graffiti?
based obsessed redditor
it's an art project
The one on the left looks a lot like Chicago, used as the main system font for Macs until the mid-1990s (a similar font was used for some DOS titles).