Was this really necessary?
Was this really necessary?
Was adding all those unnecessary forms of Goku?
It makes her even more sexy, why not?
No more unnecessary than the rest of the fetish bait.
??? Isn't she 16's mom? I thought she was a human that turned herself into a bubblegum cyborg?
Gero wiped her memory
She's an android modeled after 16's mom
I don't care, I'd make her my wife anyway.
>she was modeled after 16's mom
Gero you lucky bastard
Actually no, she IS his mother.
In her backstory, she was married to Gero, and when their son died, she had a mental breakdown. Gero turned her into Android 21 and wiped her memory.
pedos will inherit the earth
maybe she was grown in a tube like cell so she was only conscious 10 years ago
Best new girls, hopefully Chrona and Towa join them
>fighterz can have 12 gokus
>can't have base 21
Maybe in season 3.
Expect it if they ever decide to do an Android 21 adaptation in DBS.
Nothing beats Heroes for sheer fanservice unless we get Fusions 2 someday
>Still no 21 in xenoverse 2 even through we have her clothes
They really want to forget that game for some reason despite it's success
>Android 17
>17 years old
>Android 18
>18 years old
>Android 21
>21 years old
>"but technically I'm not even ten years old"
Yeah no shit, she's not 10 years old because she's already 21 years old. You can't be two different ages at the same time. I'm 30 years old but I'm technically not 20 years old. Same thing.
Her superior buu girl design will clash with the old shitty ones.
>crossover content from both games will always be japan exclusive for no reason
Not that that's a bad thing
Are you retarded?
Because despite most of dragonballs money coming from gajins the nips just do not care about us. They're probably surprised Heroes switch's numbers will be a bit high despite it being a shitty port of a bunch of shit from their machines with a xenoverse story tacked on
Not at all. Add navel play to the list
Japan wants you to have a loli fetish. Big surprise.
No I said I'm 30.
We don't deserve Kip
17 and 18 are twins
number 8 was an adult