Game starts off shit, but tries to not be shit and proceeds to become fake

>game starts off shit, but tries to not be shit and proceeds to become fake
What's their name Yea Forums?

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You've got our attention OP, now what's the story here?

>Not a single one looks like my japanese animes
Far left is the only sorta passable one but even then she just barely makes it as a side character thats lucky to get a name.

I hate that I see dumb shit like this and know what is being talked about. need to visit here less

>the state of yellowfever fags lmao

they are not even japanese

except they are

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And if you don't know now you know nigga.

those are koreans probably about 15 years ago

there's no way I shouldn't say this

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They all look the same but the one in OP's pic is Jap


sorry white roastie... showing pictures of ugly asian chicks doesn't erase the existence of cutie asian chicks.

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Stay mad, weebcel

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get help schizo

no they are koreans

I wouldn't say anything if you just post ugly japs instead, user

why the fuck you showing girls who are barely in puberty (if even) and wearing boring ass uniform? thats no way to judge a female
yeah jap girls are pretty meh on average but this is ridiculous

cope harder, weebcel

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Is this that famous hapa delusion?

But They are Koreans

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We get it, you're from reddit

>Every ugly Jap is Korean
According to your logic, eveeyone in Japan is Korean. You're also the same weebcel in the OL thread.

Literally kill yourself right now, you fucking failure.

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