EDF 6 announced
I love these idiots
EDF 6 announced
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New Dreamclub when?
Is Iron Rain going to be a kusoge?
Actually better than EDF5
I should probably play 5 before this.
Also it looks a lot like 5 in how the classes look, but that might just be my pea brain.
I'm interested but I'm also cautious.
But we still don't have EDF 5
It's EDF5
It looks better than IA, but has a lot of weird shit, and amount of enemies looks small.
So it'll be probably passable but not good edf game.
>current year
>playing only on PC
I'd give a lot to have that rap instead of eng songs
does anyone have that webm of a giant spider jumping at a dude only for him to pause and exit?
I never played one of these, how much fun are they? Is their budget always this small?
The games are fun as fuck. It's deliberately campy, and that makes it better
They are silly, slightly frustrating but fun. Its sort of similar to a warriors game in the fact that you are fighting dozens of stupid enemies at once. However, unlike warriors games, the enemies in this are actually really dangerous. It can be pretty hard.
Its simple to play and the missions are never very long, its a good "turn off the brain" kinda game.
EDF is embodient of fun in it's essence.
>Is their budget always this small?
It's got slightly better than first two games.
What if humans were the real giant insects
Unless you have a severe phobia of Spiders or something, really fun.
>slightly frustrating
>its a good "turn off the brain" kinda game.
Only if you're content to play on normal like a shitter.
Well, it starts as slightly anyways.
I can't believe the shitty robots in 5 make me miss the Hectors.
4.1 had overall better enemies honestly
Fucking cringe...
Why do whiteoid incels worship this shitty series?
Depends, Hard of 5 is basically normal.
And without online limits it can be easy via solo after you grind some weapons.
Depends on a mission.
The ayylmaos are pretty fun, except for the laser cannon ones.
Their main issue is not even damage, it's being blinding as fuck
Huh? I thought 5 came out just recently. Guess they are shitting them out now.
Yeah, they reused assets and everything. Thinking that just adding segway makes game new, fucking jews.
5 originally came out in December 2017 for Japan, came out in December 2018 for the
So it's technically like a year and a half gap between 5 and Iron Rain.
Iron Rain made by different developer.
Sandlot prolly works on actual 6.
>Iron Rain made by different developer.
The only good thing about this is that Iron Rain comes out at the same time globally instead of needing to wait a year.
pretty much that, I hope that one thing next EDF installment will regain
But I don't want any new features from Iron Rain to be made in next main installment
What's this about "In Game Currency" for pre-ordering Iron Rain?
Like microtransaction jewery?
No, just in-game money.
Iron Rain has four (4) different currencies in game
One is regular money, three are shit to "craft" weapons with or something.
No clue about further details.
EDF 4 4.1 and 5 had a lot of shitty microtransactions.
This probably just has a research system.
>EDF 4 4.1 and 5 had a lot of shitty microtransactions.
citation fucking needed
wasn't EDF 6 this one?
it's a side game, same as insect armageddon.
Not that guy.
I know 5 has a bunch of silly cosmetic DLC like a dakimakura shield for the Fencer and the mission packs, 4 had some similar stuff too IIRC.
This is just 4.1
Those are basically unusuable for any serious playthrough. They maybe give you an edge in first dozen of stages on normal, that's it.
aka literally useless for 99% of game.
Yes, which is why I explicitly said "shitty microtransactions"
>it's easy without weapon level restrictions
whoa really
>the mission packs
Those are full fledget DLCs with new content for the game.
The fuck is wrong with that?
More like useless ones, what the problem with them anyway? They are fucking harmless.
Shitty microtransactions phrase usually used for something more actually damaging to gameplay.