Times when Yea Forums was wrong about something
Times when Yea Forums was wrong about something
That one time they told me traps were not gay.
I thought most of Yea Forums likes this game and thinks its good though.
The final stretch is Kino
That's a terrible game though. Yea Forums doesn't have much to say about it because it wasn't a good game. Yea Forums will say more about good games because it's primarily full of contrarian losers who get their opinions from others since they can't think for themselves.
As if Yea Forums doesnt talk about shit games all the time. They dont talk about it because its not controversial. Its just a solid game.
It's in that "pretty good" territory where both the people who shat on it and the people who love it can say they've won because it's not in one extreme.
Its really good
>The 3DS circle pad sucks
>Missiles/bombs have no punch and are tiny
Should've gotten a switch port, like the prime trilogy. Beating this game is the only reason I came back to my 3DS.
Metroid 5 should be coming out within the next two years at least.
wait till v gets older and realize the only half decent metroid game ever made was prime 1
No it's a fucking terrible game
>Metroid 5 should be coming out within the next two years at least.
Thats very optimistic
I mean, they started working on it before this game came out and based on the secret ending they seem like they already know what they wanted to do.
I wouldn't say Yea Forums was wrong. It's pretty much the blandest and by the book metroidvania ever made. It has absolutely no interest in doing anything risky or creative, and it even goes as far as to REMOVE the creative and risky ending of Metroid 2 by shoehorning in a Ridley fight. Because "LOOK SEE METROID IS BACK BAYBBEEE SEE YOU LOVE RIDLEY SO ICONIC BAYBEEE"
Yea Forums told me this game was shit
and they were right. play am2r instead.
I hate the controls in this game
Yea Forums is never right about anything.
You mean next year.
Long time Metroid fan here, it's okay/10. It should've scrapped the heavy focus on parrying due to how much of a pacekiller it is as well as encouraged sequence breaking instead of demonizing it as much as it did.
AM2R is leagues better because it evolved ZM's design philosophy and also had better boss variety
Yea Forums is fucking wrong about 99% of everything though.
Hahahaha no AM2R is pure trash fuck those metroid fights
You say that like having the Metroids in SR halt the fight to move into another side of the screen/arena and murder the pace was any better. Hell, you're out of your mind if you think the AM2R Metroid fights are trash.
Not only that but SR has barely any other bosses outside of the Metroids, feeding into the biggest issue the original faced. The most we got was Diggernaut and Ridley
Mostly to farm (you)s