Seriously he has a point

seriously he has a point
you don't have to go out and buy the latest shiny new toy when the old ones are still easily obtainable and much cheaper.

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Not to mention the component cables are like 40 dollars for a crystal clear image.

>nes and SNES mini comes out
>"just buy a raspberry pi!!"

>genesis mini comes out
>"just buy the original system and games!!"

why are you faggots such obnoxious hipsters?

>Thing comes out
>People tell others to BUY something else
Literally ANY FUCKING COMPUTER can emulate 4th Gen games & below. Just fucking emulate.

Because the people who say those things are under the impression that buyers are actually looking to play old games. The reality is that it's all just merch for the shelf in their man caves and will never actually be played outside of one or two sessions.

Its called a mega drive in the real world

Emulation blows ass and is imperfect

>making threads with your own tweets

yikes rockcock trying to remain relevant

Why did they block mombot?

Did he mean mega drive?


No, he meant Genesis, which is what it was named in North America due to copyright problems with Mega Drive.

It's a quick google search.

Oftentimes, products and games, especially movies, have different names in different countries. Did you know it's Super Famciom, not Super Nintendo like in Europe and North America?

I googled that one too.

This, I've been emulating for 20 years now and I have never looked back.

what the fuck? why is it so expensive

syncope told him to


Because they can charge pretty much anything they want for 20 dollar chink FPGA chips in a plastic box since they corner the market completely.

it's just another euroshitter looking for any excuse to remind us that he thinks about Americans 24/7.

That's okay. I just wanted to remind him that names are sometimes different in different countries.

For instance, a sleeping policeman is a SPEED BUMP in North America.

>rockcock is still alive

Analogue doesn't make emulation boxes, they reimplement circuitry on FPGAs. That in itself should drive up the costs quite a bit compared to typical ARM fare, might be other things involved.

There are cycle perfect Genesis emulators. If you want the authentic hardware. If you want something more convenient, emulate.

>20 dollar
It always amuses me how people on Yea Forums talk like they know shit about technology.

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I don't understand the mini consoles. Do they have the same hardware as the original console or is it just some emulation box?

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/vr/ fags actually play games even less than Yea Forums.

Go check out /vr/ sometime, it's all about collecting useless crap and taking cute pictures of your sony PVM not actually playing games.

People who actually just want to play games are fine with emulation. There are literally perfect emulation of SNES and the Mega Drive for PC and you can use the original controllers, there is no excuse.

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Its literally an emulation box. Think the Retrons, but dedicated to a single console

Generally emulation, but Analogue are FPGA based as mentioned in the thread.

rockcock is a fucking moron, genesis games are expensive

Man I miss rockcock. And to think we almost got an adult swim BEST GAMERZ show

well that sucks. why pay 100+ bucks just to imperfectly emulate games when you could buy a Sega Genesis and have they play perfectly on the hardware it was made for?

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Because the original hardware is old and won't be around forever. And most people don't have CRTs around anymore. An original MD + a good upscaler costs about as much as a Mega SG so might as well buy a system you can directly plug into your modern TV,

Well, as chips go out of production and original hardware fails FPGA is as good as it's going to get (which is 100% correct behavior for all digital circuitry, assuming the engineers have a proper understanding of the original system). No sane reason for any consumer to pay for it at the moment, but it's nice for preservation purposes that people are doing the effort I guess.

Because it's so close to the real hardware that you cannot tell the difference while supporting higher resolutions via HDMI, no regionlocking, 50/60 switching in software, wireless bluetooth controllers... then again you could have all of this with an excellent PC emulator. The only difference being that a PC can't play real cartridges.
If I was buying retro, I'd get original hardware and an OSSC for not much more. The OSSC could be used with all retro consoles and pull off perfect.

In this case it's hardware emulation. Much closer to cycle-accurate than some generic ARM chip running a pure software emulator.

That also allows them to output digitally over HDMI and other things like that.
Old console hardware won't be around forever.

Isn’t this the guy who made a GDQ tranny joke and his “girlfriend” (read: girl he latched onto) told him to delete it and he did?

a sega genesis flashcard is 300 bucks.

/has a point/i;op:only;

With things like this or the SuperNT you will generally only see errors that cycle-accurate emulators also get - often, errors than can crop up on original hardware due to general variance and revisions in manufacturing.

what the fuck is his englash

Why is there no company that makes something similar to this and undercuts them? These things are $166, they don't seem like they would cost that much to manufacture.

Attached: mega-everdrive-x7.jpg (458x458, 33K)

check your privilege, college boy.

If it's like the SNES ones then there's an FPGA in them, which is not cheap.

Apparently there is, not very expensive as they come but a niche product and they need a profit margin and all that.

Attached: mega-everdrive-x7.jpg (800x800, 92K)

stop trying to trick people that this is the genesis mini. its a 3rd party console which upscales genesis games

what trick?

The thing is, it's not as simple as just dumping roms onto and sd card and interpreting that data over to the cartridge bus.

Like most cartridge based media, there were often purpose-built chips that interacted live with the rom data, such as StarFox (on SNES) providing 3d graphical capability for the SNES. There's dozens of different game-specific chips and you basically need an all-in-one FPGA chip that's programmed to not only emulate the functionality of those chips, but do so cycle-accurately AND to enable that chip programmatically for specific games which are using them.

The everdrives are therefore expensive because FPGAs have to be integrated into them.

For other systems, ODEs, or optical disk emulators (which basically replace the cd drive of a disk-based system, such as the Dreamcast GD-EMU) are even harder to design, because you have to reverse engineer how the cd disk drive is requesting data as the disk spins, while also encoding it the right way so that the system behaves as it would if a disk drive were still in the system.

There's hundreds of man-hours spent reverse engineering chips with hundreds of pins and no real published diagrams/schematics of how they work internally. These dudes need to eat and pay their bills at the end of the day.

I'm not going to defend the $200 pricetags of some of these everdrives. Yeah, that's still expensive as fuck, but FPGAs should drop in price as technology/manufacturing gets better, and it's not as if the everdrive scene is slowing down. I'm waiting until the day when I can get a fully functional and absolutely flawless everdrive for $50. Some models still have compatibility issues with select games and that just kills it for me.

How long would a cartridge based system with non moving parts last? I mean, there's still Atari 2600s from 1977 that are still working perfectly that never needed any repairs today. I feel like they could last hundreds of years if stored in the right environment.

This here, an OSSC is more expensive than the Nigger ST by itself.

I like Master Systrm and Gensis well enough but this product isnt for me. If it's not for you either why care? At least it had a purpose which is more than I can say for most "retro" junk.

The Sega genesis Mini is coming with Bloodlines.

Day 1 buy just to have an official version of that.

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why is he turning into a bitter feminist?
this is "manspreading" tier whining.

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Thanks for the explanation. I'm the same and will get one when they're around $50 or so. They seem like the best alternative to playing with original cartridges on original hardware.

>The Best Gamers happened 10 years ago


It's not an emulation device. The circuitry works in tandem with the cartridge just like with the original console. The added benefit is that the device is capable of reinterpreting the image into a HD image. The price tag reflects component costs, as well as R&D, along with the fact that it's a very niche product.

because it integrates modern video into old boards. the internal stuff is done by hand.

The "mini" consoles are emulation, but the consoles made by Analogue are built with real hardware that reads cartridges and plays them like the original hardware would, but with modern flourishes like HD and save states.

This one ain't for me, Genesis emulates fine for me. But I'm telling u niggas. If we get a N64 one I will be up its ass and preorder the deluxe version. Because that'd be a real engineering triumph for the ages.

He's right though

What are you talking about? "Old boards"? Hand-mounted internals? They don't use any old hardware and I'm fairly certain they don't solder the boards entirely by hand. Don't think there are any Cyclone V devices not in BGA packages anyway.


This has hardware accurate emulation to the point of being able to apply low-level hardware acceleration tricks which makes it an invaluable testbed for modders and homebrew scene, what's the issue here?

ill just buy the superior emulation box

Attached: mini.png (1381x907, 1.03M)

It's going to be some arm chip running Sega's port of whatever emulator gives them the least-restrictive license, which will likely be the worst emulator in terms of accuracy and performance. That's what happened with some of their most recent digital collections.

>/vr/ fags actually play games even less than Yea Forums
I won't deny /vr/ has a lot of "superficial threads" but you're absolutely off your rocker if you think Yea Forums plays games more than any other gaming community, let alone the other /v[x]/ threads here

i heard it was being done by m2 so I dont think the games are going to be emulated poorly

M2 is working on the emulation so odds are it's not going to be like a PS Classic situation or the badly emulated genesis compilations.

>muh original hardware
Is a genesis model 3 even identical to a model 1? Considering some periphreals require a model 1, I feel like the answer is no.

>The added benefit is that the device is capable of reinterpreting the image into a HD image
I mean, I'm pretty sure you could do that with an emulator filter. In any case, I can't imagine upscaling a 320x224 picture to HD sizes looks all that great.

fuck the genesis, when's the dreamcast?

Well shit, I didn't see that they booted atgames. Thank fuck.

It's going to look pixelated unless you use filters

what's that?

Various components got worse over time. Most notable the sound chip/processing.

>Enjoy emulation on PC
>Enjoy emulation on handhelds
>Enjoy playing the games on original hardware and a CRT, with either a flash cart or original games
I just like to play old vidya.

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Looks OK depending on how you do the scaling and so long as you maintain the aspect ratio, as it's being smartly done on-device. And, of course, don't sit right on the screen.

TV scalers will look like trash though.

just build a mini-itx system if you need a living room emulation machine, raspberry pis were designed for african children to play nes and atari.

No point in not using a pi


>emulation is imperfect

Genesis emulators are as close to perfection as emulation can get, quit being a faggot.

>model 2

No they're not. Sound is often fairly inaccurate.

oh sure let me go buy the original sega genesis, pray my cartridges and the system still work, get a component-to-HDMI converter, and then get some alcohol cleaner or blow into the bottom of my cartridges a shit ton and hope everything doesn't break, not to mention the model 2s suck compared to model 1s

hey can you stop posting my tweets thanks

I don't know. M2 did that new Genesis Collection and that shit has input lag.

Didn't they already make like 3 different versions of a mini Genesis, which were all crap?

This one is gonna have inhouse hardware and emulation by M2. M2 shits all over ninty emulationwise. Dude's are pro af.

Oh, ok. I do seem to remember the other ones being made by some kind of shitty discount Chinese company. Can't remember the name.

That collection was by D3T Limited. M2 did the Sega Ages versions.

not that I entirely disagree (as there's a lot more that goes into this than just the FPGA), but... you're comparing the cost of the development kit, on Amazon which is terrible for ordering electronics parts, to buying parts that are ready for manufacturing.

I don't know which specific model they're using but there's a Cyclone V on Digikey for cheap, and they're cheaper per unit with a larger order.

Attached: cyclone_v.png (830x668, 94K)

retro gaming was a mistake


Does nobody know about emulation or something?

>>genesis mini comes out
>>"just buy the original system and games!!"
OPs post isn't about the Sega Mini. It's about a Genesis reproduction system that costs nearly $200 fucking dollars

Yea Forums only plays games marginally less than /vg/ who 9 times out of 10 spend their times circlejerking than actually playing games. It's just another flavor of shitposting.

Oh shit. My mistake.

Component RGB looks like absolute shit on the vast majority of modern HDTVs which is what these reproduction consoles are geared towards.

Isn't he the obnoxious hipster if he's telling others to buy original hardware instead of doing what they feel like doing?

also doesn't include the printed circuitry board, the rnd costs, the manufacturing costs of assembling chips onto the bare pcb and assembling it into a plastic cartridge, the logistics of shipments, time spent testing/evaluating products for faultiness, etc.

These kinds of processes are taped out a year in advance before the public has a "Buy now" button visible on a webpage. Yes, the BOM cost for the Cyclone V FPGA might be ~$38, but there are many other added costs to the manufacturing of the completed product, and one stupid chip costing $38 doesn't help when everyone (including the seller) would like that price to be lower so that they can offer lower prices to you.

That's just the pricing/logistics that go into making that product "today", and hopefully that goes down in the future, like it has been doing in the past.

you have to mod older sytems to put a hdmi so it can work with flat screen

honestly people look at the blanket price and compare it to just buying a sega genesis and controller, but those $190 go towards a super-compatible device that runs better than any other reproduction system, can run with Sega CD, run Master System games, should work with every single Genesis game out there, and plugs right into HDMI with no drama bullshit at all. plus people apparently figured out how to SDcard games straight onto their Super Nintendo equivalent, the Super NT, so that's a benefit too once people figure that one out.

it's super-enthusiast, yes, but the Mega SG and Super NT have their audiences and do what they set out to do excellently. the price is pretty much "you get what you pay for", and you're getting the full deluxe works here. are most consumers happy with just buying a Pi or some SNES Classic device and slapping emulators on there? naturally, but still. and at least this shit isn't the NT Mini, which is obscenely still priced at $450 for no reason despite being a souped-up HDMI NES.

>much more expensive than what I paid for an official free region Mega Drive like in 96 or 97
>much cheaper to emulate those games on pc
>or on the PSP or VITA
>or pretty much every else where
>as pricey as a fucking PS4 Slim

What are they smoking? This will be a collector's thing only with retards reselling them for 500 to 1000 so you can be the special one in the group
Instead of wasting time on shit like this just start working on the rereleases of Saturn games and release S3&Knuckles Taxman version ffs

I haven't heard that name.... in a long, long time...

oh no hiro what have you done

Alot of those component to HDMI converters are abject shit. I eventually just caved and bought the Retrotink. Which works fine for literally everything (even PC-Engine and 3DO) besides N64. I'm so fucking pissed. I want to play Starfox.

there's a grand total of one really good and hyper accurate Genesis emulator, BlastEm, and fucking no one but the hardcore emulation geeks actually know about it since Genesis Plus and Kega Fusion get all the mainstream attention for what little there is

It looks like it is supposed to work for 64.

the price is super fucking cheap. $200 is nothing in a hobby like this.

>half the thread is people thinking it's the genesis mini and the other half is trying to explain what an FPGA is
jesus christ

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rockcock more like rockcuck

S3&K isn't happening due to the licensing boondoggle and recent bad MJ PR.