Why is this cover so fucking awful?

Why is this cover so fucking awful?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-08-HDKirin-HDKirin-Twitter.png (755x753, 1.47M)

I think it looks nice. What's wrong with it.

Because the faces look terrible and they couldn't figure out where to put Claude without blocking the monastery.

The one dude is completely upside down. It's like they forgot to add him in and at the last moment remembered.

Claude being upside down just looks stupid, though im not sure how else to orient it. You could put the church on top but that would look weird.

>Upside down
It's probably on purpose

it'll be just as bas as the game don't worry.

Representative of the game's quality.

Attached: 1548460443511.png (1366x768, 1.24M)

they should have orient the other two characters sideways

That's some weird shit if it turns out to be the case.

in the drama over Claude and his bow, I never noticed how tiny Edelgard's axe looks

>when there's not much to talk about that we have to constantly shitpost about a fucking cover
This is depressing

The composition is shit. Look at the background art of the castle, its small as fuck. The Player character is about the same height as the castle. Shitty posing and placements of the characters. Shit background art color.

He's from Australlia.

Bad artist, the upside down character looks stupid.

The Three Houses text in the English cover is fucking horrible too so that doesn't help

ISIS stopped caring, they can just release the characters later in their gacha kusoge.

Why is yellow guy upside down?
Why is Edelgard's face so off-model?
What's with the expression on yellow guy's face? He looks psychotic
Who the fuck OK'd blue guy's design in the first place? His hair and whatever those shoulder things are are gross
What's going on with the weird lighting on Edelgard?
Seriously, why is yellow guy upside down?

>As their professor, you must lead your students in their academic lives and in turn-based, tactical RPG battles wrought with strategic, new twists to overcome. Which house, and which path, will you choose?
so this time i play as the teacher that bangs their students?

So basically another male/female avatar and three routes you have to buy separately?

it lacks cohesion
the colors are all over the place and the porportions awkward as fuck. who is in the center here your main characters or these gigantic hobo lords ?

if you can look at this and say "what wrong with it" you need a bullet


I don't understand how they could fuck up the generic soldiers so fucking hard
all they had to do was give them helmets that covered their eyes or hair that covered their eyes

it's slightly better than the greatest hits that usually make up Three Houses threads
>muh sameface
>guys did you know 12 and Conquest are the best games in the series
>wtf why is this game Persona now
>guys do you know about Cipher

there's three routes but only one game. It's likely the routes won't be that different, plot and map-wise. Or they won't be the entire game.

what's the point at getting angry at such trivial shit?

do you even know where you are

I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of bosses that are main characters of the other houses you didn't choose and that a lot of the campaigns will be recycled.

Attached: 1552084264022.jpg (2530x4096, 3.5M)

Why can't we just have a band of adventurers fighting some bandits -> knights/cavs -> dragons like the old days

I mean, that was pretty much the first 10 games.

Shadows of Valentia was pretty much the epitome of that and that released 2 years ago if you want to check that out.

Yeah and that formula is much better than whatever they cooked up for 14 and now this one.

This is literally gonna be the same shit though
>A bunch of unprofessional teenagers fight battles because the bad country invaded their homeland and killed the most important teenager's parents; they fight bandits, then knights, then dragons
>A bunch of teenagers fight battles because they're attending a military academy and are then pulled into a war due to mounting political intrigue; they fight bandits, then knights, then dragons
If anything the academy setting justifies a bunch of kids fighting a war BETTER than previous games did

Well, it looks even worse than Echos so I don't think the cover really matters much at this point.

Besides the delusional Cordyfag that spams Fujo and Otome that's kinda the same for FE threads

It wasn't. That formula was constantly pushing out shit games