Splatoon 3???

What are the odds Nintendo will release a Splatoon 3 before the end of this console generation? Content updates are ending this year after all. Will a new game in a year or two be too soon or will this series keep chugging in a timely fashion?

I'm wondering because inklings have been pretty popular and showing up in stuff like Mario Kart and Smash

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It’s hard to tell since we have no way to tell if they want to make Splatoon a one-per-console series or not, but if we don’t get another main game for Switch I’d say we’ll at least see the series’s first dedicated spin-off. Maybe a rhythm game?

I want a rhythm game so fucking badly.

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I want to kiss that octoling's belly button!


How do you spin off Splatoon into something else when its so.....specific?

The music lends itself to another genre easily.

A rhythm game would be sweet



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hoping at least for a spin-off

But there's already a rhythm game in splatoon 2

A full one, nerd

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80% with a 20% they just keep milking 2 with DLC

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It's hard to say.
They said they plan for the switch to be running for something like seven years which is pretty long and splatoon 2 is nearly a launch title.
They definitely have room for another main game, but it's also an almost strictly online game which lives and dies by its current player base.
When the next entry is released, the previous one is all but dead.
So you can't just crank them out and expect people to buy every entry.

They built a very interesting world around a shooting game, take away the shooting game and you still have an interesting world. They could make a regular platformer and it would still be a hit

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maybe when they release the "new" Switch or the gen 9 model. (Which would be an updated Switch.)

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It depends how long they want to keep the switch alive for. If they support it for the usual length then I’d lean towards no, but it’s a fairly new series so anything can happen. How soon Animal Crossing comes out May play a part as well.

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