Shulk, you must fuck my sister. Fuck Fiora!
Shulk, you must fuck my sister. Fuck Fiora!
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No Dunban! I only have eyes for Reyn's dummy thick thighs!
But Dunban, that child would be BORN IN A WORLD OF STRIFE
We we'll just have to raise him AGAINST THE ODDS
>Not going for Melia.
the game would've been better if Fiora had actually died
t. Melia
I like her gameplay style and cyborg girls but storywise I agree.
The Xeno series loves its Robogirls.
Xenoblade 1 is the comfiest JRPG I've ever played. What made it so special, bros?
big tiddy hom homs!
you live too long anyway smelia, you’re 180 years old you sick fuck
God-tier environments and god-tier music. Colony 9 and Letheria from XC2 are some of the most comfy areas I've seen in a game.
>they went for shit tier homs Fiora instead of superior mecha musume in 2
It's a shame that kid is going to have a fucked childhood because WE CHOOSE TO FIGHT
>Colony 9 and Letheria from XC2 are some of the most comfy areas I've seen in a game.
So that's the redesign for Edgeworth this time around? Huh.
Monolith is so fuckin backwards
For every time Fiora is shown outside XB1, she's shown in her spoiler as fuck Mechon getup. But when they put Shulk and her into XB2, the game that by nature passively expects you to have played XB1, she's in her human form. It almost makes me think Monolith is just intentionally clowning
Melia is for Dun
>spoiler as fuck
lmao the jap commercials for xenoblade """spoiled""" that. It was never meant to be some big secret.
I'd rather Melia
Yeah, I mean it was so obvious when the game starts off with her getting axed and then she only just reappears like 20 hours in at best, sure makes you fuckin wonder
>The first Xenoblade 1 thread in a while almost immediately devolves into waifuposting
2 really did a number on this franchise huh
The Shulk and Fiora in 2 are from a post-Zanza world. Don't know why she let her hair grow out again, but whatever
I feel like they did it that way to purposefully avoid spoiling XB1's plot for people who played 2 and might want to go back to play 1 later on.
because they're not canon
Shulk, i'm trying to get through the Gaur Plain, but i'm dummy thicc, and the clap of my ass cheeks keeps alerting the level 80 monster!
But then why did they put Mechon Fiora into Smash multiple times over as well as PxZ2? It feels so backwards
Because it started off with Shulkposting. Adam Howden's voice surpasses the swords with tits
I love melia
imagine how much better x2 wouldve been without pyra and mythra
then imagine how much less it would've sold
Shame this only plays once. Its Yoko Shimomura at her best.
Xenoblade WILL get a remake someday now that Nintendo seems invested in the franchise and it's not "HD futureproof" (also you know our director wants to retcon in some lore). I hope they don't make it soulless.
This is better than anything in FFXV.
Do you think they'll remake it with Takana's artstyle?
But it doesn't need one, if anything needs a remake it's X reshape it so that it's Elma's story instead of self insert bullshit and a non ending, the only thing I remember from that game is you sitting there watching one of your guys commit genocide.
How smug do you think Takahashi feels now after Final Fantasy crashing a burning with XV?
Dunban! You got a sexy behind
Why isn’t Shulk popular in fanfic circles?
I think Metal Face would have better if he didn't speak until the reveal.
You knew as soon as you saw the claws. Anyone with a brain knew.
You went too faf, you foof.
Yes but it would have been more dramatically effective.
I came into the series brand spanking new, I had completely forgotten about that guy by the time I got to control Shulk so it actually threw me for a surprise through before that point I was already in a daz from encountering those big motherfuckers in Nopon forest and that in colony nine even through there's nothing in the water in the entire game that will ever attack you there are level 89 fish and if you manage to get past them and go up that pilar there's a huge ass bat there.
Is there anything bigger than the T-Rex and the fear when it spots you and immediately uses Devour-X and Shulk gets a vision before it goes down?
I can't remember how long it took me to finally muster up the courage to sneak past thing to get to the side quest item but it was nerve wracking.
Then there's the swamp at night and that side quest where a bunch of ugly big hairy spiders attack you on that pillar.
In X there are monsters so big that you need a special gundam bot to fight them right? Too bad 2 doesn't have fuckers like that
There's actually a unique version of the T-Rex that's one level higher.
When are they going to rerelease XB1? Don't they know no one has a wii or 3ds anymore?
It's such a shame that XCX is still trapped in the Wii U, when are we getting a port?
Bundled with Xenoblade 1 "Now Featuring Zohars in the Cutscenes" Edition Remake
I miss when Xenoblade's community was small and comfy, we had our memes, quality OC and it was wholesome as fuck. Then Smashfags came with their "I'M REALLY FEELING IT LMAOOO" and ruined everything. XC2 was the last nail in the coffin, forever staining the franchise with waifufaggotry. Iwill never be the same anymore.
The waifufags were always here. You're a newfag if you don't remember people constantly posting waifushit of Fiora and Melia.
Too bad the universe doesn't
o u c h
Xeno used to have a good community before blade cancer infected everything
oh please
saga is trash
xeno 2 was just fine. I hope the next xeno game is something entirely different than 1, X or 2.
Well Monolith's hiring for a new Zelda game right now so the next Xeno game probably won't get shown off for a while.
Shit taste. XS3 is better that that trash known as Blade 1 aka nu-xeno
keep telling yourself that you hipster douche
absolutely bluepilled
chuggaconroy ruined the threads
t. original xb1 bread baker
Based and mechonpilled
Stay mad and cope with truth. You killed Xeno
Her robotic bits should have been permanent just minus the dying part. She's cuter that way.
>slap Zanza's shit and still pull out visions during the fight
>Monado 3 reveals God to finish him off
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2 callback to the final moments 1's ending
What a fucking ride
No, 2 had bad gameplay because literally the meme you spout.
I spent so much time dicking around in Colony 9 the first time I played the game I had honestly forgotten the details of the prologue. Mumkhar was some guy I saw for five minutes over five hours ago. The reveal was actually a surprise to me.
Same thing happened to me. I think I spent at least 10 hours in Colony 9 before even heading to Tephra Cave.