I'm running my Primal Strike guy through Shattered Realm to see how far I get, for funsies. What are you doing with the new content, Yea Forums?
Grim Dawn
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leveling a sentinel and a warlord
what level and specs are they
>tfw more excited to get a blueprint than a legendary
Having trouble finding a fun build, until I went 90% vires warlord. So fucking fast and fun
what playstyle do you want
Still trying to get a Vanquisher's Set. Farming Steps of Torment to get its piece, but still no luck. I actually managed to get one of Alkamos's legendary rings, the one with a 0.91% drop rate. So I can't complain too much.
>tfw can never decide on what classes to go with
>only played the starting area of the game a few times
What are some fun class combinations?
Shaman, Arcanist, and Occultist have a lot of buttons to press if you don't want to just be clicking things
Play a Inq/Demo dual-wield gunslinger
Bump. I just bought this game from Gog the other day, what pairs well with Soldier?
Anything really, even if you only take Soldier's buff abilities and focus on the other class you can't go wrong.
If you want to focus on Soldier, Physical, Internal Trauma, or Bleed are easy to build for. Cadence can be converted to Elemental or you can meme it up with the Retaliation Damage hedgehog build
Literally everything
depends on what you want to play. soldier is the "goes well with everything class"
soldier/necro is a solid babbys first build
So Necro and Demo would both be viable options? What about Shaman? I guess if it'sliterally everything that goes well with soldier, i'm just trying to find the right playstyle for me. Basically I just want to tear shit apart in melee and be constantly moving, or nigh unkillable.
Warder (Soldier/Shaman) is probably the best 2H physical pairing.
Soldier + Shaman fucks shit up with Bleed or Lightning easily
Soldier + Necro has a Kreig's set tailor made for it that's super easy to farm for, pretty easymode too since you'll have life leech out the ass. Or you can go with the Blood Knight set for another easy build.
Soldier + Demo is really tanky but I don't think the damage quite stacks up to the other to, can be strong if you want to do a gun cadence build though.
Is the Nightblade's aura a viable skill to spec into as a main damage source? And if so, how?
No way, it's great for resist reduction and the other debuffs tied to it but you need waaaay more than just the aura
Help I can't choose between playing a vindicator or a cabalist next
Getting the dlc later, what's the new class go good with, probably going to keep it sword n board and gotta use that spin attack.
I want to do a walking death build where things just die if they get close. I already know bosses will take a bit more than that to die, but at the very least I want fodder to melt without me having to stop moving.
Soldier, Demo, or Occultist
You can kinda do that with the aura + 2x Seals of Blades on an endgame Pierce build, that's basically what my Nightblade + Inquisitor has. It'll shred trash at least while you focus fire bosses.
Still trying to find the rest of the fucking Mythical Belgothian set, honestly might just make a ton of the hat and use the new transmuter option at this point
What pieces are you missing?
I forgot all about that. I need to try and transmute me an Ultos' Hood.
Everything but the Hat and the Sword, I've gotten completely dicked on it for ages now. I have other good legendaries but not the set I actually want, since it's the only way I'm gonna get an actual auto-attack replacer. This setup already shits on bosses so it'll be crazy if I can get Belgothian Strikes.
You should be able to find the blueprint for that fairly easily, all of the set hats are craftable.
>You should be able to find the blueprint for that fairly easily
I thought so too but it hasn't dropped as of yet.
I have a Belgo alt but it is getting fucked in Ultimate.
What's the grim dawn equivalent of this feel youtu.be
But yeah if you wanna be a living blender this basic setup is a good place to start, you do like 10-20k dps just by existing depending on crits. Inquisitor's abilities give you all the extra defenses you need.
The new class straight up has a Whirlwind move too but I haven't tried anything with Oathkeeper yet.
I don't think anything in GD gets quite that OP but Arcanist, Demolitionist, Shaman, and Occultist get some really powerful AoE options.
>decide to try out this game
>it's so boring I can't stand it
explain to me why people like diablo-clones. I like every genre of video game except these """action""" RPGs. I can enjoy grindy JRPGs and slow-paced MMOs but this shit puts me to sleep.
The only one I ever liked was Diablo 3 even though the building is trash because at least the basic gameplay is fun with stutterstepping/animation cancelling.
jesus fuck i forgot how slow and boring POE was when it first came out
The setting for this game is so depressing, does anything you do in the game improve the world?
Not the same guy but is there any good chain spells? I'm particularly fond of d3's locust swarm and chain lightning/bouncy shields.
You start sort of taking part of the world back from the Aetherials. But the setting is called grim for a reason.
Oathkeeper has a bouncy shield skill and there's some Chain Lightning effects from Storm Totems, equipment abilities, and the Hand of Ultos constellation
Seal of the Skies, an item you can strap onto your weapon late game, straight up gives you a powerful Chain Lightning spell if you wanted to a Storm Totem Shaman build
The new class has a chain shield skill but I don't know how bouncy it is. Shaman has Devouring Swarm but it doesn't chain. Primal Strike is a chain lightning and you can play that as a caster or melee. Occultist has a DoT called Bloody Pox that chains on death. All I can think of off the top of my head.
>end SR at 30
>two pieces of SR gear
Do I need to make a new character for the FG content and items and shit or do they work with older chars?
>Primal Strike
I tried playing Shaman many times but didn't like it too much for some reason
>Occultist has a DoT called Bloody Pox that chains on death
Gonna try this, any good class combo if I want to play as a caster / DoT focused?
Occultist/Shaman is probably the most straightforward support for a Turbo AIDS build, Devouring Swarm is absurd and you can get some nice stuff like the HP boosting aura, Wendigo Totem, and converting Storm Totems to do Vitality damage if you want.
Necromancer works as well.
Why do pet builds have to suck so much ass
They don't though
Let's hear how you somehow managed to make a bad pet build
His Discharge and Freezing Pulse characters were the most kino.