What are your favorite mods, Yea Forums?

What are your favorite mods, Yea Forums?

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Why is that trap everywhere? Seriously

>no bulge

I like mods that add completely surreal shit. Fuck muh immersion.




This. This for the win.

How did s(he) get so popular quick, they barely have that many videos uploaded to have such an audience.

Based and firstpostpilled

I thought it was supposed to be shell, who the hell is it then

jewish nepotism

It's fucking weird, guy came out of nowhere and all of these DMC5 videos started shilling him hard. He keeps trying to creep into my recommended shit and I have to keep selecting not interested.

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Sue gives great handjobs. Hope she makes a patreon with that as a reward,

Anthony Cumia posts on Yea Forums?

I think it was just a case of right time right place. I first found their vids when they first uploaded their RE0 video and it popped up in my recommended. I think just the mainstream success and hype buildup for RE2 Remake and DMC5 just prompted people to stumble on their vids trying to find info on the games. Which you could do a lot worse since I actually enjoy their videos since there isn't enough representation for survival horror on youtube.

I also think most of the audience don't know they're trans. I didn't for a while because their voice is somehow so god damn feminine. Then when I put 2 and 2 together and realized they were the tranny that fucked Anthony Cumia I was blown away for a while. Still like their vids though and still follow them on Twitter so I don't care, they're cute

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Reminder This is the ideal female body

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tranny stats

milk truk just arive

pol shit

Imagine being me in this thread and having to be all like "damn, Spherehunter, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face.
I would totally have sex with you, both camsex and IRL." when all i really want to do is fap to teens in my bedroom. Like seriously imagine having to be me and not only sit at my desk
while Sue flaunts it's disgusting body in front of me, the favorable lighting barely concealing it's bad titjob and 56% face, and just sit there, image after image, thread after
thread, while it perfected those photos. Not only having to tolerate it's monstrous fucking visage but it's haughty attitude as everyone on Twitter tells it that it's VIDEOS ARE GREAT
and DAMN, SUE LIGHTNING LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch it's mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even
know existed before that day. I've been fapping to nothing but a healthy diet of big tits and MILFS and later alleged Bukkake for my FAPPING HISTORY coming straight out of /gif/.
I've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now i swear i can taste the sweat that's breaking out on it's stomach as it sucks it in to writhe it suggestively
at me, smugly assured that i am enjoying the opportunity to sit there and revel in it's "statuesque (for that is what it calls it's)" beauty, the beauty it worked so hard for with 30
layers of makeup, camera angles and Photoshop in the previous hours. And then the chasers post another image, and i know i could convince every single tranny on the board to 41%
before the mods could ban me, but i sit there and endure, because I'm fucking user. I'm not going to lose my freedom over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

post his feet

Who is she?

Holy fucking BASED

I want to jack off sue while she jacks me off.

Only watched one video since Google kept pushing their shit on me.
It wasn't bad or anything, just boring.
But yeah, weird coincidence that they start blowing up in popularity soon after entering the scene.

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why was this deleted lmao

Fucking really nigga

>Bumping on purpose when the thread is about to be deleted
Did the gaylord actually hire third worlders to keep his shill threads up?

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i need a gf with this haircut


damn I want to impregnate him

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Who are ya'll taking about, op's webm kinda looks like Motoko Kusanagi.

whats the mods name? cant find it

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someone post the webm of him sucking dick

i want to cum on her tits
