What went so wrong

What went so wrong

Attached: 3rdB.png (220x378, 87K)

>lose the rights to the series because you refused to include the author in the second game
>Revamp the entire system
>even less RPG mechanics
>The DNA system is awful
>the gun upgrades are mostly shit
Fun PSP game though.

>less RPG mechanics
this hurts me more than anything even PE2 was already RPG-lite

I'm not sure why we had to completely lose all PE abilities. The gunplay does not hold the game on it's own.

Attached: Aya.jpg (700x1450, 102K)

but mind powers that don't do anything interesting ever


What is that?

They did enough. And you could have expanded on the ones in PE1 rather than PE3. Liberation feels like it had a lot of room to grow, the feeling of progression of stronger heals and healing in general being conducive to allowing them to increase the challenge would also be cool.

It would also create visual variety in a way the guns sure as shit didn't.

It's not Parasite Eve


This and PSP exclusive

psp was a good system

I love Aya Brea!

Attached: Aya Brea blue.jpg (1911x1430, 468K)

a Niche good system*

this brings back memories
i remember reading this in a magazine and being excited to nut to aya
then everything just vanished

The only thing good about this game was the ripped clothes.

Attached: 1430285286-7924-noelshack-capture-d-ecran.jpg (768x427, 118K)

First two games were extremely vivid in color and imagination and this game tried to do the same with bloating the game with useless mechanics

no actual nudity

I literally only bought the game because of this picture.

Don't you tards get it?! mainstream HATES RPG mechanics! HATES THEM!

By taking out RPG mechanics you're guaranteed INSTANT SUCCESS!


80 million, vita is the actual niche faggot

girl needs to buy a new jeans
