Game starts off well, but proceeds to be shit

>game starts off well, but proceeds to be shit
What's their name Yea Forums?

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None of them, a good game always starts out strong.

quick someone give her a glass of water

Unironically Breath of The Wild. That first section where you leave the cave and are still unarmed is the best part up until you get the glider.

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Xenoblade 2, the endgame had shit level design

MGSV. The hospital prologue, despite being entirely linear and movie-like, was amazing in every way. Hell, it even visually looked better than literally everything else in the game. But then the remainder of the game from the next level onwards turns to garbage

Bro, the prologue was boring as fuck.

That part is terrible and I love linear shit in games.

The correct answer is Ground Zeroes.

Kojima is a fucking hack.

Persona 5

You dumb

DMCV starts strong and the last third is just disappointing. Nowhere near shit though.

Is that Marie Kondo?

Wow, I don't think you could come up with a worse answer. Persona 5 starts off at an absolute snail's pace

Final fantasy 13, it had a really strong focused start but when you got to pulse it just got shit

>game starts off shit, but tries to not be shit and proceeds to become fake
What's their name Yea Forums?

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Yooka Laylee i guess

It's Jackie Chan, retard.

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>game has a neat artstyle and the premise has really good potential
>it ends up being a buggy, unfinished, generic bandwagoning piece of shit
It still hurts. If I weren't a lazy brainlet, I'd find out how to rip the Red Goddess' lines. Really good VA, and I'm not just saying that because it made my dick diamonds.

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but ground zeroes is the prologue

A good game always starting out strong does not mean that all games that start out strong are good. Someone missed the basic if-then logic portion of their math class. Or maybe you didn't get there yet.

What happened to her?

Bravely default

Gets good after the initial opening then goes downhill after every arc except futabas


Indigo Prophecy.

The Last of Us

8 was worse

This is the first time I've ever heard this opinion. Most people feel the exact opposite.

super fun until you hit the paywall

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Right middle is cute. Also 90% of high school kids are fucking ugly regardless of race.

Resident evil 2 Remake

Great set up but then it just fizzles out.

rolling around at the speed of sound

Persona 4.

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DMC5. Once they reveal Vergil's motivation, Everything goes down the shitter.

So, what's the source?