Hi! I have no back armor!

>Hi! I have no back armor!
Sekiro strats/help thread

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Demon of Hatred what do I do ?

I'm on him right now too. So far I'm treating him like a dark souls boss and hugging his crotch/butt. Seems like a decent strategy as you don't have to deal with his flame sword so much.
Trick is getting close to him when he jumps away or used fireballs.

beside his left leg is the safest place to be. the only thing you have to deal with then are his stomps.
>left leg stomp first, sidestep left
>right leg stomp second, sidestep right
if he ever stomps his right leg first, your best bet is blocking it.
everything else will be about closing the distance to his left leg.

flame resistant umbrella, use it when he throws fireballs as you're closing in and hold it when he jumps in the air.

finger whistle also stuns but I would save that for third phase.

jump when he charges

stay under his gooch and try to deflect the stomps

Just beat lightning nigger.

how do I select help kuro?
wolf keeps going on about his father and the iron code
fuck that shit
I want to help kuro

jump everytime you see the red nippon rune.
run to side and jump grapple the ground fire.
run away and grapple when he jumps up.
try to be at his backside and be ready to deflect the tracking stomp.

reminder you can fucking parry while youre under the shield

makes headless piss easy

its retarded and you'r forced to go muh ironcode and then wolf will just instantly agree to help after that.

ah so I have to pick the other to do the first?

I thought I had to go kill some side boss or collect some missable item to be able to select it

it's scripted. you have no choice there. From probably still included it to hammer the point of the ironcode home, because it actually comes into play later.

>Playan sekiro
>computer has a stroke and crashes
>save file corrupted
>"that's fine, I'm just at ashina castle"
>playan sekiro for the second time
>just got mortal blade
>computer has a stroke and crashes
>save data corrupted

Top notch fromsoft, glad to see the game ruining bug hasn't been patched.

>just don't have you computer crash
I've been trying to fix it for years and have no idea why it's happening other then that it's connected to my card and there's no obvious pattern other then doing it when it's most obnoxious. If steam cloud doesn't save me with a good save I'm dropping the game until From fixes their shit. Never had this problem in previous souls games either, so they fucked something up with Sekiro

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Just beat Owl. How much further can I go towards the rice ending before I get locked out of getting prayer beads and other such farming?

>until From fixes their shit
Sounds like you need to fix your shit. You shouldn't be crashing constantly.

Are you overclocking anything on your PC? Ram especially?

dude, its your computer bro.

>because it actually comes into play later.
if it expects me to learn from this and select to obey the iron code next time it asks it has another thing coming.

Hi, I can't do anything against firecrackers/ash and I'm the third easiest boss of the game next to the Folding Monkeys and the Divine Dragon!

It's not constantly, unless the game in question is Sekiro and crashing would be an enormous pain in the ass, and again, I didn't have save corruption issues with other souls games that use the same system for saving. From did something retarded

i pirated the game and it works on my pc

Where do I get confetti? Also how do I get to Senpou temple?

Wait till end game to worry about the apparition minibosses, since you can buy infinite confetti. Better yet just craft the purple umbrella and take them all down with ease. Senpou temple you go through the abandoned dungeon

what's the most disgustingly cheesy way you guys have killed a boss? I waited twenty minutes for one of the snake-eyes bosses to die from standing in poison

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Literally works on my end

farm them from the blue samurai guys in ashina castle. use a balloon, though i personally still didn't like the drop rate. there are other ways to deal with apparitions later on.
i think senpou temple is through the abandoned dungeon.

No over clocking. I just stuck that card in there and ran stock. It only started happening after I put in an AMD radeon R9 390. It's not that the card is getting too hot, the card isn't working super hard either, but once in a blue moon it just shits itself. From what I've read this issue also happens on console if your console suddenly shuts off, like a power outage, so it isn't just me

I made the ghost bitch get stuck on one of the line of gravestones and gave her the ichimonji double.

>Isshin 2nd phase gets a fucking gun

that's not honorabru at all

Can someone explain the individual effects of the demon seed/path of hardships? I know hardships causes you to take big chip damage through blocking on every attack but does it also increase enemy damage in general? And do you get increased exp/money?

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lower your graphics and resolution if your PC is shitting itself. I'm playing sekiro on this with no crashes.

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Whenever I go through abandoned dungeon it just leads me to Ashina Depths and the Poison Pool. Is Senpou Temple after Mibu village or something? Because that's where I'm stuck.

I would try a different outlet maybe. It probably is your power supply though. What did you have before your 390? i'm guessing a card much less power hungry correct?


shush I know it's a twitch clip

You need to enter abandoned dungeon from it's main entrance near the beginning of the ashina castle area, just before the big steps going up that have a sword general at the top. There's a bridge and an old woman there that points you in the right direction. Follow that main path thru abandoned dungeon and you will find senpou temple

Senpou is past the water segment in the dungeon.

The 390 can easily run sekiro maxed out as long as it isn't bottlenecked by his CPU

I thought about that too, but I figure if it was the power supply that was the problem, why isn't consistent in it's crashes? I figure if that's the issue it should be doing when it comes under load, but it isn't. It can run Doom 2016 on max no problem, but 'll fall over and die in the middle of dwarf fortress

The same as you
I later killed the other snake eyes legit, but I do not regret poisoning the bitch boy to death

>just nightjar spam lady butterfly lol
>just dodge and hit and dodge and hit lady butterfly lol
>all the vids of this she stays there and barely moves
>in my game she's constantly jumping into the air or breaking away
nice strat

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I baited Guardian Ape into doing his four-strike stab combo, ran up to hit him once, kited away, and then rinse and repeat.

There is obviously a hardware problem going on somewhere. I would suggest installing HardwareMonitor 64 and checking your CPU temps when under load as well. Dwarf fortress barely uses any GPU power from what i know. It seems like your mobo is going bad worst case scenario. Can you post your full specs as well? As in you CPU, RAM, power supply and mobo?

Then you're not doing it quickly enough. If you outright spam dodge attack she can't really contend with it and you can interrupt her jumping away with like 5 attacks in a row

just shuriken her bro

i'm able to stunlock her mostly for the first phase but the second she seems to jump more, plus those shitty tracking lights that she spams makes it hard to stay close

I did the same but the other bitch was fair so IDK
Corrupted monk though, abusing those moments after she attacked felt very dirty

>If you get owl into a corner of the room and R1 into R1 into parry he get stunlocked
I am a bit disappointed. I had to let him out of it because i wanted to fight him for real. The AI is unironically easy to cheese in this game when in close quarters.

Work around the pillars once she starts shooting those butterflies and then it'll be pretty easy to get her into a loop where you can dodge attack cheese her without worrying about those spirit butterflies. If you're fighting her as your first boss just based on stats you'll probably go through about 3-4 instances of her summoning illusions

You play dark souls. But aside from that, be careful approaching him when he's far away, he'll throw lava with bullshit tracking, jump away from his danger attack, it's got a big ass hitbox so it'll take a bit to learn it. Stay at his legs and when he starts his combo with his arm and feet is your best opening. Use the Malcontent finger whistle in phase 3, it stuns him for a hefty moment and use your ako candy then to kill him quick and negate most of the bullshit he does.

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To get the defeat all bosses trophy, do I need to do it in one savefile? Can I get it by reloading an earlier save and doing in Emma and Isshin?

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here's how you beat lady butterfly legit

attack three times, block/parry. if she goes up in the air dodge back, if she stays in the air start throwing shurikens.
then run up and start attacking her again.
second phase back off if she shits out the butterflies then go right back in once they fire. if she summons illusions you weren't aggressive enough. run around until they turn into butterflies and hide behind a pillar while blocking until they all fire. then go hit her more.
hyper aggression beats the shit out of her.
you can kill her first phase in under a minute if you do it right.

Used purple umbrella on the ghost fuck by the waterfall. Felt bad that his Kamehameha did literally nothing and he was never gonna posture break me

>using a tool for its intended purpose

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Just beat owl, took a good 6 tries but all of munch fails were me basicly going retard panic mode wen I wanted to heal. As soon as I told my self I'll only heal after is leaping slam attack I got him pretty handily. But is there any reason as to why sometimes after a deflect he would throw a single struck at me and if deflected it he'd throw another and we would go back and forth for a bit, but sometimes after a deflect he would throw a super fast second swing that I'd trade with for the worse. I couldn't figure out why that was the case, just went for less punishes because taking 70% of my HP for getting a deflection seemed like a shit way to go.

Here. as for a power supply, I have a roswell Fortress 750. Thanks for your help, even if we don't get anywhere, usually all I get are snide assholes that start fanboying about AMD and Nvidia

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I gave ricearoni the snake livers, but she isn't opening her door. I rested and warped out and in, still shut. How do I get her to fucking open the door?

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Generally, always be sprinting diagonally left towards the demon when you are not close enough to hit it or are avoiding its big attacks, and never allow yourself to be in his "danger zone", a long cone of area that is directly in front of his face.
Use the fire umbrella to make yourself invulnerable to his dangerous exploding belly flop and many other deadly fire moves by him. His vertical flame whip will miss at long range if you sprint sideways relative to him and jump just as it is coming down. At close range, you can just sprint sideways and easily dodge it, no need to jump

>if he ever stomps his right leg first, your best bet is blocking it.
This, that delayed right leg stomp is his most dangerous move if you try to dodge it

Demon seed? You mean bell demon right? That makes enemies stronger and improves the loot and money drops. Path of hardships is only chip damage as far as I can tell

>Samurai dude in Ashina Dojo.
I tried to pupeteer a purple dude 2 rooms away but he didn't last long and he blew my stealth cover. Resorted to Ako sugar, backstab, sabimaru, purple fireworks so I could heal frantically. It worked after 5 tries.
>Corrupted monk (true)
2 deathblows from above and fireworks for the last phase.
>Spear miniboss in Ashina invasion
Baited his friend with the whistle, backstab, pupeteered him. Dowsed him in oil and burned him quite a few times.
Also the Junzou reskin in Ashina invasion that has insane armor protection. In the end he had 5% HP but 0 posture damage. Had to use a divine grass because I literally ran out of every other healing item.

Not sure why we keep needing this thread on a regular basis. Individual bosses don't really need a custom strategy. In fact we should just have the mods put up a sticky for a month or so with the following:

"Use long firecrackers + double ichimoji".

Makes the game a joke.

Don't really see how that's cheesy, it's what the tool is for. If anything you made the fight take longer since you can run at him at 45 degrees while he does the beam and by the time it ends your nearly in his face again.

Helping Kuro IS obeying the Iron Code.
Iron Code says Master > Father > Clan > Self

I think she only does it after you beat Owl.

You need to light the incense burner in Kuro's room. She'll open the door if you have the Fountainhead aroma around you.

Doesn't Owl say it's Parent > Master?

Cheesy not cheesing, regardless of whether it's meant for that or not it's the equivalent of using storm ruler on Yhorm, except I could fuck off and leave an elastic band holding down the trigger and I'd be fine. At least snake eyes might eventually get a potshot off at me if I leave her to die in the swamp

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This is going down all after I beat Owl. As in I was only able to give the rice to Kuro after beating him cause the fucker fogwalled me.
Oh that'll do it. I thought that would point of no return me, gonna try that.

don't listen to any of this shit advice, besides using malcontent and fire hat. It's literally all RNG on which moves he feels like doing. Bullshit boss.

No. He literally says obey your father, then your master.

Are the hand-to-hand martial arts from the Monk school any good? I tried the two punch combo and I don't think it was worth it

So is owl the "you think you're hot shit huh" boss? Because my asshole is feeling pretty fucked right now.

Where do I go now? I swear this game hardest challenge is exploration
I beat corrupted monk and the cave has nothing , the gun fort doesnt seem to lead anywhere (seems I need a key to get out) and the main hall of the senpou temple gets you to an esoteric text and nothing more

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Sword Saint is fucking impossible for me, holy fuck

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Guys where did rice girl go

Use the red umbrella prosthetic on jump/fireball.

The point of no return is beating the final boss in Fountainhead. I think up to that point you can even do the eavesdrop things for the Purification ending.

Fanboys are too stupid to realize that the company that they like is fucking them just as much as the competition is fucking over the other fanboys and are completely blind to it. I would say your issue is definitely CPU or MOBO related. I'm guessing you have had it for a really long time? It may be time to upgrade. Also, clean out your case as good as you can. If dust gets in the wrong parts and accumulates it can cause other important components to break down.

Monk tree is a waste
The only semi-decent skill is extending sugar effects. You don't even need the drop rate increases, just using mibu balloons and bell demon is enough to farm anything you need in no time.
>Guys where did rice girl go
Hall of illusions

Go to the top of the castle you goon

Still better than his second phase in the Shura ending. Motherfucker turns into Gwyn.

go back and find a way through gun fort, theres a major boss past there

A shinobi should understand the difference between honor and victory.

You must run all the time
don't get too greedy
get close to him all the time

Use red umbrella for ranged attacks
When close to him, just run around him and stab him after he finishes his attacks
In phase 3 use the kingfisher whistle to stun him for ffree hits

The leaping kicks are amazing. The punches I agree are lackluster.

>Monk tree is a waste
nah, 'Praying Strikes - Exorcism' and the first hit of 'Senpou Leaping Kicks' are excellent combat arts. Praying strikes is so fast you can do it between blocked sword strikes without getting countered, and it stuns enemies out of most attacks. The Senpou jump kick works as excellent anti-air and as a dodge with iframes for the first moments after you activate it, and it will do like 10x posture damage if you slam down on an enemy preparing to do a sweep on you (do it from midair to do it faster)

The bonuses to get more gold and item drops are also pretty good if you want them. Allows you to be a lot more liberal with your use of prosthetic tools because so many more enemies drop emblems

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Where do I go to give bait to the big goldfish?

From the roof of the palace grounds idol building

Jump up onto the gate building between fountainhead and mountain and go to the top left hand corner overlooking fountainhead to find a grapple

How do I get there? I already beat the dragon tree thingy but I can't go up there. It's near the bridge that the big fish destroyed

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so how did Genichiro get that sword?

did the same fucking thing except with the lunge move

I'm sure it will be answered in the inevitable DLC where you face Tomoe

secret tunnel from the palace grounds bonfire

Turn left before going into the building leading to the dragon and you'll find a grapple. It's a bit finicky with camera angles but you'll find it

It’s on the separated portion of the Fountainhead Palace. The separated portion is on the right upon entering the area. You have to swim through the underwater tunnel to come out at the top of the palace. There will be a grapple spot to get to the roof of the topmost building. This will lead you to the separated portion.

Yeah the CPU and Mobo are pretty old, I think it's going on 10 years now. I figured it was the card though because I didn't start having issues until I put that new card in. Oh well, the crashing isn't a huge issue, it was just a pain in the ass in this specific instance, and usually only happens 2 a month If I'm unlucky.

Anyway i found a fix, sort of. Apparently you can use a hex editor to make the game skip checking for corruption or some such shit, I just did that and the save file is fine. According to google lots of people are also having this issue, at least enough to prompt several articles warning people of it and a reddit guide showing you how to recover a save. Anyway thanks for your help, you're a fucking legend

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Do everything before fighting the dragon

Looks like he bought it from a thrift store

I fought the iai guy in the castle dojo by using the spear charge from outside of his range, he only blocks the first couple hits of it so it's totally safe free damage that can get you through all of one healthbar and a bit of another.

No problem my dude. Have a good one.

Bloodborne was better.

>face Tomoe
Tomoe is dead though

Okay, thanks anons

Just beat Lady Butterfly. I found that fight unsatisfying and unfun, but I liked Gyobou a lot. Are there any other fun bosses in the future?

But Bloodborne is the best game of all time. Of course it's better

Theyre pretty equal, each one is better in different areas.

>implying that matters in a From Software game

For the fake corrupted monk I sprinted in circles getting in cheap running power attacks

>Theyre pretty equal, each one is better in different areas.
Wrong. Bloodborne was better in literally every single aspect.

I'm just here hoping that NIOH 2 will be able to make a proper samurai game with great gameplay.

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Genichiro, Hot Monkey Dick, and baboon bonanza are all pretty fun


Sekiro isn't a samurai game though. You are literally a scumfuck shinobi, not a samurai. Where was this game advertised as a samurai game?

Currently fighting Owl, how far am I into the game? No spoilers please, just give me a rough %.

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Everything that has a katana is a samurai according to uncultured amerifats

Yeah he's super rough. I took a break because I started playing like crap but I got him down to the last half of health on his final bar earlier. Just need to drill in his moveset and play the reaction game. Also useful to stand at range when the spear comes out because he'll be likely to do the jumping slash, which you can usually parry and immediately get a free hit in on him with.

I'm just screwing up in getting enough air during the final phase with the lightning, keep touching the ground before I can get the counter attack off.

What was the point of Sekiro haveing amnesia, and why did he have it? The only important thing he learns in Hirata flashback is that Owl was evil all along, which is not only new information to him either way, but it also happens after fighting Owl and learning that he's evil.
Why is Sekiro completely dejected in the beginning? He doesn't even try to go look for Kuro.
What happened in 3 years between Hirata attack and main game? Why didn't Sekiro and Kuro just flee the country?

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Lady Butterfly is one of the more unique fights desu. Most bosses are pretty straightforward 1v1s without gimmicks like her minions that turn into homing gold orbs. Also not many of them teleport around and levitate in the air like her. But there are still definitely a few gimmick fights, like one is just a puzzle of hunting down 3 specific enemies, no real fighting

Gave Kuro his/her charm back on NG+, still can res, but take dmg when blocking instead of deflecting. Is this how its supposed to work? I thought it meant no res?

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I'd say around 70%

I want to use a katana like a fucking badass, no need to fucking argue over semantics for fuck's sake. What I fucking hate about this game is that there is only one sword and only one attack which is R1 plus only one meme "sword art" that you can use at a time. Miyazaki should have learned something from NIOH and made the gameplay like it because this fucking game is basically just blocking and spamming R1.

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Advice for Owl that isn't just waiting to punish his ninjastars-> jump slash or anti-heal bomb?

>phase 1
>attack until he deflects, deflect until he does the slash that looks like a backhand slap. it's the 2nd hit in one of his combos. learn his ashina cross timing and goomba stomp when he feints it.
>phase 2
>stay on the offensive until he peels away to grab his spear. your biggest opening here is when you sidestep his overhead slam. start blocking when you get 2 or 3 hits in.
>phase 3
>just remember to do the lightning reversal
also, ichimonji cancels the immortal blade specials. other combat arts probably do this too.



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just gotta sit down for an hour and learn his moves

The DLCs are all going to be memory shit and you know it.

>Divine Heir
>fleeing the country
that's not very honorabru

I used snap seeds and firecrackers on Mibu Monk
I stood outside the doorway against the Ashina Castle Ogre

>l1 + r1 you use once in a while and replaces your sword art

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Different stroke for different folks i guess. I for one love the posture system because i finally understood it. Don't get me wrong there are some bad encounters and bad bosses in the game (i'm looking at you O'rin) but there are some great fights that test your skills lik Genichiro and Owl that make up for it in my opinion. Haven't played Nioh yet but I'll get it more than likely when i'm done with sekiro.

>Tomoe is dead though
user you kill your father and then go back in time through a bell to kill him while he has access to a Stand. We're fighting Tomoe, chicks too hyped up not to make an appearance

>fighting chained ogre in Ashina Castle basement
>his grab attack does 95% of your hp easily

Why would you ever reply to this faggot? He clearly got filter'd by some scrub like Genichiro and now is mad because bad

yes, achievements are tied to steam/ps4 accounts, no save files.

tough but fair

can you invade peoples worlds in this game?

Thanks anons. That's where I figured I needed to go but I couldn't find a way there.

I don't think so. The game doesn't reward really high skill play. If you time everything correctly and have the reaction speed of a fucking pro CS player and want to dodge all attacks you'll get fucked because the game doesn't allow you. If you want to dodge you can't, but the game encourages you to press L1 (and the parry window is relatively generous compared to other game's parries) and block instead of going all out. I remember in Nioh how fucking awesome it was when you would put your sword into your inventory and go fight a samurai with your bare hands, and if you timed it really just right you would take the enemy's sword with your palms and then stab him with it. It felt totally fucking awesome.

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No multiplayer. This isn't Souls.

Surely you still have your Steam cloud save?

Just did the same thing last night. Took a good long shower afterwards. And that was after i finally beat genichiro and parried all his lightning attacks.

Thanks, I got it.
Why is he dead? Is it because I gave the bait to the big fish?

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play way of the samurai if you want a amazing samurai game.

I'm at the second genichiro fight, any tips for the second phase? Shit seems really hard

Do I need to fight Owl in Hirata Estate to unlock the true ending?

I like having an actual discussion and not covering myself in shit and rolling around trying to get it on others so i can make fun of them for having shit on them.
Sounds pretty cool. And in my opinion Sekiro does reward high skill play. You just have to understand that you can easily punish almost every enemy move if you can hit those parries.

kek literally me, felt like that cunt had zero openings before I got the umbrella

yes, there can only be one. Other pot noble got his stock now

Yep, go back to whichever pot fucker you gave the carp bait from and you'll see why

Pls respond

How the fuck do I defeat the 2nd stage of Guardian Ape? I am able to secure at least 4 gourds after the 1st stage, but man, that lunges and combos are nuts. That range is purely disgusting, there are literally no openings.

Is child of rejuvenation best girl?
Kind, modest, reserved, gives free shit, helpful, saves kuro in the secret endings.

>it's a soulsshitter using shields in every game on the face of the planet
fuck off

Yeah charm enables chip damage. It's level 2 git gud, but you can still res

Theopenings come when you start to parry him. If you get 2 parries in a row he'll do a big overhead swing that is telegraphed for literally 5 seconds and if you parry it he will recoil back and give you some free hits.

Sure there are openings. When he does his bloodborne sharkguy lunge you can get tons of hits there if you just run/dodge to the right.

Also, sprinting behind him when he starts his sword combos gives a fuckton of opportunity for good dmg. Just pay attention when he does the 180 attack or starts casting terror.

you can cheese him by waiting for the slithering attack, the one where he attacks left right then pauses and does another left right. after its done you can charge attack and start sprinting away again, takes a while but completely safe

>Lone Shadow Vilehand

>There's two of them

Yeah that's fair.

I double-jumped onto Seven Spears. It resets his animations. Just constant jumping, air attack, double jump, air attack. It was completely broken.

stealth kill the one by the door and puppeteer ninjutsu his ass.


Got the two stealth attacks on True Corrupted Monk, and then stunlocked him with firecrackers for his entire final healthbar

>gives free shit
Enjoy your centipede eggs that you just ate.

Thanks fellow bros, gonna report if this will work.

>how dare you use the tools that are in the game

honorfags are soo cringe lmao

>stealth kill
>a purple-cloak

That ending never locks you unless you've skipped non headless in castle.

If she's in the air you knock her down with shuriken.

Stick to him like glue and jump over his sweeping attack. If you get behind him the only attack of his that can hit you is his scream, and since you're probably hugging his left flank you'll see him lift his head up to his stump, giving you more than enough time to run away. Second phase is way easier than his first phase.

What should I use my Lapis on, Shuriken or Flame Vent?

Lads, I'm at Divine Dragon NG+, where's the best place to autism farm EXP? I want to finish some trees and try some shit out for the final boss.

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Eat your candies my nigga

i beat owl and talked to the brat. where is emma now?

That probably wouldn't work because the save file itself wouldn't have all bosses killed on it.
You need to go on NG+ and do both the Shura ending and any other ending between both playthroughs.

He's a massive hipocrite, in the beginning he explicitly tells you to obey the master in everything, when you meet him in Ashina he's using the same lines but its 'parent' now, because it suits him at that moment. He's changing the Iron Code at will and gets upset that Sekiro wants to do the same and make his own decisions.

You mean where you fought Genichiro right? Run around a lot and try to bait his lunges, then do running slices at his back. He takes a long time to turn around before he starts blocking and each hit takes like 5-6% his life bar, more if charged or combat art. Don't dodge unless you really know the move and timing, usually just stop sprinting and block/parry if you're afraid you are gonna get hit. Do this to keep his posture meter up and because he does so many big sweeps with his giant sword that'll catch you anyway if you dodge.
You can drink the poison gourd to make his poison less toxic to you when he throws it out in the second phase. That shit pollutes the arena for like 20 seconds when he throws it

I had the "suppress sound" skill unlocked.

Are there any lore videos yet?

>demon of hatred and isshin left
im going to be stuck here more than ever

>Lone Shadow Masanaga
>lured him out by the gate to the great serpent shrine
>kept distance from gate and used Mortal Blade art
gg ez

>get kidnapped
>get saved
>Want to commit suicide not immediately after
What did kuro mean by this?

Tending to old mans needs

In the temple


I know
but it's the first result on Google and works. I had to use it to fix my save file.

1/3 of my playtime comes from fighting these 2

I still think from Antechamber is best. You get 2 quick stealth kills and repeat. Remember to destroy the walls to make it even faster.

havent beat the game yet but
sneak killing fishies in mibu manor seem to give a lot of xp

Why does Isshin appear after Genichiro commits sudoku?
Why was Isshin inside Genichiro?

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>want to dodge all attacks you'll get fucked because the game doesn't allow you.
Stop dodging then, they literally spell out that dodging is designed specifically to avoid grabs, otherwise it's too unreliable.

It's funny that you get all fussy about "high skill play" and yet people like you prove Activision's point of including heavy handed tutorials

This is both a game with immortality in it, as well as people like Owl who pull the "I was just pretending lol :)" trick.
Plus, with the establishment of Buddha memory shenanigans, From can really use any of a plethora of excuses that they want to justify fighting Tomoe.

wait there are two, I know about the one where you get the aerial deathblow when she reappears after her shadow clones go away, what's the other one

No, he says that Parent>Master in the beginning.
Listen to both unquestioningly, but the parent's orders take priority.
That said, Owl's a cunt and probably just made that 'Iron Code' shit up in the first place.

He opened a portal to Hell in his neck

Cheese him at the door or git gud.

>Why does Isshin appear after Genichiro commits sudoku?
Genichiro has the black immortal blade which allows one to open a portal to the afterlife in order to resurrect someone.

Black Scroll

An old text describing a black Mortal Blade.

"In addition to the red Mortal Blade, there exists one that is black in color.
The blade's name is "Open Gate", and is said to hold the power to open a gate to the underworld.
It is through this power that it creates life.
I beseech you, make offerings for the Dragon's Blood..."

theres a chest next to isshin room with a message explaining theres another sword that bring life back

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Just block everything, except his spinning combo. Once he goes into the second stage/his darker fog stage jump into the trees like a vietcong and do a death blow. Keep your distance and attack then run away.

I'm kinda tired of the game. Cant bring self to even deal with the headache that is demon of hatred. Just gunna grind out some atk power and kill isshin.

I'm on NG+2, the best one for me was on the chained ogre idol.
You can easily sneak kill 5 red samurais there (1 on the tower behind you, 2 below you, and the other 2 walking towards the stairs), each gives 1000+ exp, with the guy with the flamethrower giving 2000+. You can also farm fulminated mercury from them which you will need for the lat tier of prosthetic upgrades.
If the last guy gets alerted after killing the 4th guy (they seems to spawn with random distance between each other), you can either use blood smoke or the fan prosthetic to back stab him.

Why are you insisting on playing this game as if it's Nioh, and then blaming the game when it doesn't work out? Just wait for Nioh 2, this is not a Nioh game, they have nothing in common aside from Sengoku aesthetic and rudimentary 3rd-person action game control basics.

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The purple cloaks in the castle are deaf if you have the suppress sound skills, makes it super easy to farm some extra sen or skill if you need it by farming the dude next to the antechamber idol.

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>The note right outside Isshin's room
Black mortal blade + dragon's heritage blood = underworld shenanigans.
Genichiro just called his grandpa cause he was too shit to beat you himself


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she's not at the temple or in the top of the castle. least i couldn't find here there anyways

The best part about Guardian Ape is that you'll be improving at both fights simultaneously, so even though most of your Headless Ape fights will seem like one-sided curbstomps, all of a sudden you'll reach that phase with like 7 gourds left and be able to bitch-slap him so hard he goes down with 5 more left.
It's a really satisfying boss to finally beat since it feels like you made so much progress all of a sudden on the successful attempt.

Puppet a melee.

Just get the umbrella, user

So why do Ashina's forces keep attacking you even after meeting with Isshin?
Are they loyal to Genichiro or am I just missing something?

I feel like that's just bait for crazy people, to just try and engage them before sneaking past them and getting to the buddha statue

I killed the elite dude at Ashina Dojo by endlessly counter kicking him in the head for posture break, I wonder if that's the legit way

It's just a gameplay thing i think. Not really well thought out lore on that one.

lol I thought the suppress sound skill was worthless when I got it early on, but having stealth killed 90% of the purple guys and using them for farming, then seeing user say something like this, it really just makes me appreciate how good a skill it actually is.

> Just gunna grind out some atk power
What? How?
>and kill isshin
He is way worse than Demon of Hatred

Isshin is up in his room all the time and no one goes to see him. Old fart just never bothered to tell his forces not to attack you

Some user mentioned there's an eavesdrop conversation where you can hear that they know Genichiro survived and is waiting for him to come back, so it seems like they're still loyal to him.

How long should a fresh playthrough take? First fromsoft game. 8 hours in and at Ashina Castle, Hirata Estate completed, been exploring the areas pretty deep.

>xd enjoy your 4 (FOUR) phase boss fight
Name a moment in this more frustrating than this, I will wait.

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Do you have to fight the drunk to get the fire tool?

Or you can use bloodsmoke and easily kill them one by one.

I just got to the castle after the bull and now I have like, 6 shrines in super quick order and I'm wondering which direction is best to go in? I have umbrella, killed lady butterfly, and I've opened up the roof top shrine, dungeon, valley, and something else, and I feel like I've missed another area cause I didn't climb the stairs right after bull. Help?


If you quickly grapple across the two branches on the right when you enter, you can get a jump-down stealth attack on her when she spawns. Then grapple to the branch on your left as the mist spawns, turn around, and take her second life.
Then the bug comes out, and you'll generally want to dodge/block her first combo, and after that it's firecracker -> 3 hits -> firecracker -> 3 hits -> repeat


Around 30 hours. Are you enjoying the game so far?

The first two phases and the final phase are insanely short though. The only real challenge is the 3rd phase, you can do the entire fight in 4 minutes or so

Where it be, b?


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man that's dangerously cheesy

Dragon Mask lets you transfer skill points into attack power.
The pot nobles both sell one piece of the mask each, and the third piece of the mask is sold by one of the memorial mobs, pretty sure the abandoned dungeon one. Collect all three pieces and you can do the transfer at any sculptor's idol.

Name a moment more satisfying than this, I'll wait.

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I think the word you are looking for was Kino user, sword saint was the best final boss Fromsoft have done

I can't. This fight is the most frustrating out of them all. At least it looks cool

Near the Estate Path idol. Look for a bunch of guys around a fire.

>I have umbrella,
what? where do you get the umbrella? I killed lightning nigger without having it. I guess it's to the side path?

you go up the stairs to get to lightning nigger which is a key story fight.

first 2 phases are ez as fuck tho

I use the finger tool to bait the spear guys into stealth kills, then you can just run in and kill the archers before purple dude can do anything; fight him in honourable 1v1 combat for fun.

around 30+ hours ye, I was at 41 after SSI

Ganichiro is like a 10 second fight with 2x ichi, Isshins first phase is extremely easy once you realize you can just dodge out of his attacks instead of trying to parry, and rape him in like 20 seconds.
Its only the spear+gun phase thats annoying, third one is again easy as fuck, just parry the lightning 3x and its gg.

You niggers think for some reason that 4 small hp bars is somehow different than one large hp bar. If anything, its better this way since you know exactly when hes gonna go into the next phase AND you get a free heal+res.

Oh thanks but they cost a fuckton. I'm too lazy to farm carp scales

Fromsoft think they slick...

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Spam nightjar on lady butterfly. Didn't get hit once, and she was stunlocked both phases.


You should probably rewatch the opening, but actually pay attention this time.

>sword saint was the best final boss Fromsoft have done
Gehrman is still slightly better

They just aren't fond of having a shinobi jumping around the city right before an invasion, also, their leadership is in agreement of Genichiro's plan to use the dragon heir's blood to help their cause, Isshin is pretty much alone in this stance

Thank you.
I tried to lure the ogere into the big bonfire. Didn't work.

Aight sounds good.
I found umbrella after going over the roof tops to the top shrine, then leaving the way I came in a land dropping into the water below. That leads to another shrine and the umbrella is around there for sale.

Thanks, I'm dangerously bad at the game so it was a blessing to figure out.

Old Grave idol at ashina castle. Look down off the cliff from the idol, there's a hole in the roof below you. In there is Blackhat Badger who sells the umbrella tool.

Pretty sure you can get it before lightning nigger, but it's not like it helps with his fight and it's easier to explore ashina castle when you start from the highest vantage point.

From the old grave idol or whatever it's called, go to the grave and drop down to the building with a hole in the roof to find the vendor

Okay so I beat the 'lone' vilehand and then accidentally followed the iron code. Am I fucked? Do I have to start completely over?

Yeah it's only something you can get at endgame; one of the nobles is in the final area after all.
It's probably just mainly intended for NG+ to help your damage keep up with scaling bulk.

Give me any stupid rumors you've heard that you want to know if true or not and I'll test them out for you.

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That is what I am struggling with so far, if what you say is true I hope the final phase is easy since the 3rd is stomping my ass right now.
The first two phases are easy, I have even been able to do the the first phase perfectly a couple times.
The arena and the buildup to this moment is pure kino I agree.
Hopefully the last phase is easy like you say, have not been able to reach it so far, have only managed to reach 3rd phase with spear about 5-6 times after 30 tries.

How do I parry/block better? It seems like the strategy for most things is to slap them once and then run away so I don't get hit.

You accidentally confirmed that choice twice in a row? Yes, you're fucked.

Well, it's just a unique premature ending.
You are locked into it though.
You get two bosses you wouldn't get otherwise, but in turn don't get to go to the final area.
If you're achievement whoring you would have had to do that anyways; just do any other ending on NG+.

What a pussy ass line, genichi feels like a joke now. Does beating him early actually do anything or is it just that cutscene difference?

Final phase is trivialized by nailing the lightning reversals.

You can't do any of the other endings now. So depending on if you want to do NG+, you are fucked.

I think I'm about to beat the game and enter ng+, can you use memories from a boss you already beat in ng to enhance your attack again?

I clocked around 45 hours with thorough exploration and doing most bosses in the first few tries.

Wow, you guys were right, it only took 3 attempts once I worked it out to completely wreck him, I even only used 4 our of 8 gourds. Fucking monkeys, I swear.

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Spam it until you start to get the timing down. I wish i was joking. Just spam the shit out of L1 and you'll get the parry about 80% of the time.

Deflect stomps
When he does bodyslam hold the flame umbrella
Jump forward and to the side when he does his charge

Is there any way to cross that destroyed bridge in Sunken Valley Passage? I killed the snake with a plunging attack and landed exactly where I wanted, but I fucked up and fell down. Is there any way to go back up there?

Blocking prevents all damage, so use that more often while you're still in early areas and the posture damage you take isn't too punishing.
From there just get into the groove of predicting when enemy attacks will land. It's the MOST important skill to learn in this game, even if you're nowhere near perfect at it.
Spam L1 and you'll effectively be blocking permanently while also having a good chance of deflecting any attack that hits you. You don't regen posture while doing this though.

It is a great fight just for that reson. I am a shitter but i beat him in 7 tries. Wait until you get to 2ape.

Giving up the charm is allowing enemies to chip through block, and combined with the lower posture regen rate of NG+, ends up making you play much more precisely.
The demon eye gives enemies more damage to your health and posture, and makes them take less health and posture damage from you. Also increases the money/items enemies drop, although the attack buffs apply to bosses as well.

No, but there's nothing really important there. Just a dragon blood droplet and jizo statue.

Literally just watch their movements and press LB/L1 right before it connects, don't spam the button and try not to press it too early, this last point is crucial for the mikiri counters

Good, now go from the poison pool idol toward the hidden forest.

What a stupid question, user! You can only use it once


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Not him, but I found lmao2ape a lot easier than the first fight. Maybe it's because I made like three prayer necklaces in between the fights.

Should I be more ballsy with my posture? I freak out when it gets too high, and that's when I die.

As far as I know, no. It's unfortunate but yeah the only good item there is a jizo statue which is far into the category of "item that's both good enough and situational enough that you'll never ever use it".

That's good to know. Thanks a lot, user.

Yes? youre attack power can climb infinitely

Actually most Shinobi were retained samurai, it's more a matter of specialization. But wolf is basically adopted as a no name so I guess he might be a special case.

>eating a steak in the rain
wtf Marvel?

Even if you don't allow people to be pedantic and say Moon Presence is the final boss, Gehrman could have used some poise. Definitely an awesome fight, though.

oops kept on my impostor tag

Just finish the game this way, its just a different ending with different bosses to fight. You cant get everything anyway in one playthrough.

That's a good way to put it. Thanks, user.

I think you're right that he made it up, when you talk to Isshin he's like "Iron Code? ah so you're owls son" and laughs. He probably knows its a bunch of BS

huh, I don't have old grave idol.
Is it beyond the abandoned dungeon entrance or did I miss one?

Dying is not a big deal. Do not worry about it. Dragonrot is a useless mechanic meant to psyche you out. All it does is block NPC sidequests until you clear it.
I don't think in this universe they are anything but scumfuck ninjas with no honor. Just look at Owl for confirmation.

I get that, but I don't think I'm getting the dragon mask this run so I was hoping I could reuse memories

Who are the aparitions that showed up in random places after I beat the monk?

It's one you can find around the ground level of ashina castle as you hop around the rooftops

Back of the castle. Literally just go behind it.

Why does Sekiro ask for Genichiro's forgiveness when he kills horse loser?

First time I did it and the second ape jumped in, I lost due to panic and put off doing it for a while (I already passed through before beating Guardian so I didn't even 'need' to beat 2ape).
But yeah once you come back prepared it's easier than it seems. The second ape has a really puny healthbar, I noticed. Took like 6-7 hits to die, and gives a free resurrect.

Foes you have beaten who come back to fuck with you in death.

That was not Sekiro speaking you dumdum

What about all the Nightjar, and the purple cloaks?

Another MGS3 reference?

I unironically find Ape phase 1 like two times harder than Headless Ape. Headless Ape just can't kill you as long as you know when it's going to roar. Sure, you may eat some sword swings if you fuck up a deflect, but that's what, two, three gourds at most? And you have so many at that point. And the most likely thing is that you'll just block the sword swings you screw up, so even less damage. As for the actual double Ape fight, I found the second Ape to be very easy to kill, it didn't last long at all and maybe I got lucky with RNG or something but the Headless Ape basically let me kill her. It's a great fight though, amazing dual boss. It never felt unfair.

You can

>Took like 6-7 hits to die, and gives a free resurrect.
I just threw out firecrackers and their bar was full after about 4.

Because Wolf-kun is secretly in love with Gen-chan and knows that if he can't deflect lightning he's gonna get put in big baby jail for killing Gen's current fucktoy.

R1 is light attack, hold R1 is heavy, air attack is different, dash/run attack as well. Then I guess we're ignoring the core gimmick of the game which is prosthetics and how they flow into sword attacks.

In reality it's more a game about countering the opponent to dominate them, deflecting while building a thirst for mikiri counters and enemy steps. Punch-out with a sword

never stop running, and unironically treat it like a bloodborne boss

Loading screen tips says as day turns to night spoopy ghosts appears to fuck with you.
So that's probably what they are.

Probably Owl's henchmen. I do not know though. Is Owl confirmed to be working for the Interior>
ministry at any point in the game?
Heh, you're pretty good

Unless you take Shura ending it's impossible to be "locked out" of the dragon mask. Buying everything from the pot nobles takes 40 scales, and there are 42 scales you can get in each playthrough.
It's a much larger margin of error if you buy the good items first. You don't really need shit like divine grass, for example.

So I just got to owl I'm the castle, beat the blue and purple ninjas in the dojo and the second chained ogre, also saw headless underwater but didn't fuck with him yet. Are there any more sub bosses lurking around the new castle? Just curious basically, I'd like to beat them before I do owl

Not that i have found.

ah, found it, thanks.

I skipped the whole water area because it looked like a trap and started climbing the roof instead.

Do these guys ever sod off, or are they with me the rest of the game? They all seem to be nightjar and blue robe samurai so far.

Are you bringing them up in terms of evidence for Shinobi being specialised Samurai in this universe? Because both factions having regular samurai as well. Ashina has the blue-robed dudes, and the Interior Ministry has the red-black dual-wielders.

serpent shrine ninja

Those Snake eyes bosses are a lot easier when I realised you can just deflect the bullets

Shuriken/feather cloak/nightjar ninjas work for Ashina/Genichiro.
Purple cloak ninjas work for Owl.

There's another ninja mini boss on the serpent shrine/area behind the castle past the bridge.

The rest of the game from what i have seen. Just stealth them.

that's a big factor, I don't have a clue what ending I'm going to get, I couldn't break the iron code when wanting to help kuro but then I could when owl wanted me to betray him, got both snake hearts but did nothing with them, I'm just lost at this point

Owl appears in the Castle with the purple ninjas and those red dual swordsmen and those are Ministry affiliated. I guess there's a chance the Owl and them appearing at the same time is a coincidence, but I doubt it.

So I just beat Genichiro. I talked to the Divine Heir and he left a note saying that he "opened the library." Where is this library, exactly?

In his room

>finally beat Sword Saint
>he proceeds to sit down and wait for his execution


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about 10 feet from where you're now standing

PCBabbies BTFO’d once again

Look around, specifically at the left of the altar


Does the Shura ending tell us more about Owl?
If not I'd say that the implication is that Owl pretended to die in Hirata so that he could defect to the Interior, all so he could eventually lead this attack on Ashina in the hopes that Kuro, in desperation, would grant him the immortality.
Him and the Interior arriving at the same time is surely not a coincidence, and it would explain why the Interior didn't just open with the fireworks immediately to burn down Ashina; part of the deal is getting Owl a chance to talk to Kuro, which means the castle has to be standing.

>Okami women

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Isshin was your friend and on your side even as he died. Why would he suddenly decide to attack you?

Two more questions:

1) Should I fight the shamisen lady right away, or is there some sort of further quest line associated with her? She keeps mumbling about some Lord or something.
2) Will red carp scales get useful in late game? I've traded 12 of them already for mask fragment and skill scroll, and got 3 left. Should I use them for divine blessing and that fire medicine?

He wants a good fight and Sekiro is the only mother fucker around that could probably give him one

Double Ichimonji'd Isshins entire second phase to prevent him pulling out his spear and ramming it up my ass. Third phase I just baited for lightning reversals.

I'm guessing because genichiro brought him back from the dead he is acting according to genichiro's will, that is to prevent sekiro from severing immortality

He wanted to fight you while he was in his prime and see who came out on top.

To uphold his family's honor after genichiro dishonored it. He talks about it if you eavesdrop on him and Emma.

If you stayed loyal to Kuro when Owl asked you, then you're good. You either choose iron code and immediately fight the final shura bosses, then game ends, or you don't and eventually have to go to Fountainhead no matter what. Don't know what specifically you're stuck on right now. You should have been to the cave behind Mibu village by now, maybe talk to kuro, rest, and repeat until he gives you new dialogue? I was temporarily stuck for a bit because he kept acting like I didn't have the Mibu stone ingredient yet, even though I did.
The serpent hearts are for an alternate ending option involving the Divine Child; speak with her more, although I forget the exact triggers to start her quest. She eats them eventually.

Go towards senpou temple because if you kill the boss at the top of the castle the sky gets cloudy and the area doesn't look as good

There's a second shop where you can buy another mask fragment as well as endgame crafting materials which are very hard to come by, so save up

>all so he could eventually lead this attack on Ashina in the hopes that Kuro, in desperation, would grant him the immortality.
Genius. This has to be it. Owl wants to trick Kuro into giving him immortality so he can "protect" the Castle when it's in danger from the attacking troops. Great, user, I understand it now.

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I finally beat this motherfucker.
What should I check before starting NG+?

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>1) Should I fight the shamisen lady right away, or is there some sort of further quest line associated with her? She keeps mumbling about some Lord or something.
Fight her whenever, fighting her is the final element of this questline

>2) Will red carp scales get useful in late game? I've traded 12 of them already for mask fragment and skill scroll, and got 3 left. Should I use them for divine blessing and that fire medicine?
Save them for later imho, neither of those things are worth a scale.

Okay but did they have to make you fight both Shura ending bosses in a row every time? It's just aggravating that I can't undo my choice, but still have to go up, talk to the guy, skip a cutscene, fight a boss, skip another cutscene, and then lose to a boss over, and over, and over.

Where did the big fish go, I need more scales and I have bait.

Hug his crotch

oh I think I'm at the end, I fought owl 1 and went to fountainhead, beat the divine dragon and now everything is on fire that doesn't help those speedy fish though, if only I could use shuriken underwater

>Double Ichimonji'd Isshins entire second phase to prevent him pulling out his spear

Did you give him the special bait?

umbrella for the bullshit double molotov the rest just git gud

did you feed it the truly precious bait? try visiting the area where you first fought the guardian ape

Yes. Did I fuck myself?

You need to take 3 rice from her, easily done if you just play normally and give rice to the mysterious hag in her two locations. Otherwise just get rid of the rice because she won't give you more until you spend it.

Just to be sure, NG+ gives more experience from enemies, right? I'm debating if I should farm the purple robed shinobi in NG for a few more skill points or just jump right into NG+.

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Check out the ape's watering hole.

yes it does, also cute snake

Why is Grandpa Isshin so much harder than SS Isshin? What's the best place to farm fulminate mercury for the fire umbrella?

You can wait near their spawn points and kill them when they spawn.
If you're waiting for more than like 30 seconds waiting for a respawn, you're probably standing (swimming) on their spawn point, move a bit away.
It's cheap and feels dirty, but fuck them, I just want their scales and never have to deal with them again.

>Fulfilling his dumb grandkids wish cause he was still family
>Compelled to by magic of the black mortal blade
>Isshin gets a raging boner from fighting and is suddenly in his prime again so he chooses to fight Sekiro, who he respects as a warrior
Any of these, or a combination of all 3 work

Guys I think I fucked up. After killing the white snake by plunging attack, Sekiro landed on the other site of the broken bridge, right? There was even a treasure there. But I messed up and fallen to the lake, without taking it. Is there a way to return there?

as others have said, it doesn't seem like there's a way to get there but the only treasure there is a jizo statue so no big deal

>okay lets make it so you have to use X item to kill ghosts
>lets also make it so X item isn't buyable until very late in the game way after all the ghost enemies, and we'll make it a very rare drop

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>Why is Grandpa Isshin so much harder than SS Isshin?
ancient Ashina combat ritual involving "game balance lmao"
>farm fulminate mercury
I've heard the best is from the gunmen at Ashina when it's on fire.

Read the thread;
no way to get back there but the loot isn't anything special. Just more consumables and nothing super good.

just ring the bell and then use a possession balloon and kill blue robed samurai. Unless you are already after the invasion it is easy to farm.

You can deflect Snake Eye's grab.

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This the gameplay is so fucking bland. how about giving us combos & variation, maybe a bit of depth beyond dodging and parrying. it's such a waste.

God dammit. At least the dude gives you 3 scales.

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I think it's a good way to make the apparition-type enemies suitably threatening, honestly.
It's also the only way to make me, the player, feel actual terror against enemies that use terror. The greatest terror of all is the fear or running out of confetti.

If you count using the finger on flaming monkey man then yeah, but thats it, and I figured that out all on my own. Getting this day one and beating in the like threeish days had me knowing zero fucking strats for any boss. Which led to me spending potentially hours on a fight.

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He has folded his Nippon steel thousands of times more than that faggot mortal blade genichiro gives him.

>how about giving us combos & variation,
Spend skill points, there's a fuckton of interesting shit in there, including combos, primarily with shinobi tools into sword attacks, and back into shinobi tools.

so the grab appears like a second after you expect. interesting.

Bloodsmoke ninjustu. Chain backstabs until you can’t, kill any who remain. Ez first try, stealth op

How to get the dried fruit? The old hag said something about making the monkey dance, I have the whistle but no idea where to use it. I tested it on the monkey mob and they just had a battle royale, but ultimately nothing happened.

She means in the cave with the Great Serpent. Use Puppeteer ninjutsu on it.

During the siege of Castle Ashina in the final moments of the game, go to the Castle Ashina idol. Use the Golden Vortex on the group up there after popping a possession balloon. You want to hit the guy with the cannon with the tool since's he's the guy who actually drops it, but getting the others gives you money so try to include as many of them as you can if it can be helped. Run back to the idol, rest, and repeat. I would get a Fulminated Mercury every 10 runs or so, which only took a couple of minutes since it was so fast. It does eat up your spirit emblems though, so if you want to conserve them just use the Tanto Dagger on yourself before the run.

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>fight a samurai with your bare hands, and if you timed it really just right you would take the enemy's sword with your palms and then stab him with it

Guess I'm buying this now

>Junzou reskin in Ashina invasion that has insane armor protection

Spear prosthetic takes his armor off btw.

nah this shit is very minimal & not very interesting.
follow up attacks with prosthetic is like a little extra touch that you should put over an already substantial combo system. Sekiro is missing this.

High Monk has anti sweep iframes and has a massive posture modifier when used as a sweep punish

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Beating him felt good and I wish more bosses we're like him. He never felt cheap unlike O'Rin

>he's the only fucking enemy in the game where that works
>when the spear's description makes special note of that utility

There had better be more use of it in Ashes of Goemon or whatever the DLC will be called.

Are you expecting DMC here or something? I feel like a more extensive combo system would be completely wasted since most enemies, especially bosses, only really allow you to get 1 or 2 hits in on every opening.

Does this also work against Owl 2.0? I'd love to cheese that motherfucker.

What can I do with the big fish whiskers?

Nice, I guess it counts as a jump (makes sense) which makes it deal bonus posture to sweeps.
Learning to pogo off of enemies' heads was a game-changer.

So is giving people sake just for lore?
There's no social link bullshit I have to worry about, right?

Sekiro is fundamentally not designed around a combo system. Every single (strong) enemy in the game deflects and retaliates after 3 or 4 hits maximum. The game is designed in a way that you're not supposed to pull off a long combo string and chunk boss/mini bosses health down.

If you don't like that design that's understandable but saying sekiro needs more combo's is such a dumb statement when the game isn't designed for it.

give to feeding fish man

I had an easier time with phase 1. Hes always open to hits and predictable.

Do we have actual numbers on the Bell Demon? I feel like the Bell Demon debuff is incredibly small. I've been using it since I first found it in NG and am about to finish up NG+ with path of Hardship + Bell Demon.

Give em to the freaky fish guy having a meltdown by the bell

yep, check that posture damage

Attached: Isshin.webm (720x404, 2.9M)

There's a few enemies. Specifically when you first learn about the spear, it's from two dudes talking about a fat dude not 30 feet away from them who has armour you're supposed to pull off of him with the spear.

I did this a few times midair, not sure why people say snake eyes are hard
its very easy to put them in a corner so they cant backstep you, plus the umbrella will block anything she shoots
remember to subscribe and like this comment if it was helpful!

Give them to the old guy at the feeding ground

I wanna tuck kuro in his bed and give him hot tea

Just lore, nothing else. Each person (Emma, Isshin, Sculptor) can take one of each type of sake, seems like there's 3 copies of each sake, although I haven't gotten a third Dragonspring sake yet, so could be wrong.

Good advice, liked!

You convinced me to use the kick, user. Great webms.

have some more

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You can give the dragonspring sake to the guy in the house right before the ghost corrupted monk fight.

Thanks, I PM'd you some Yea Forums gold, feel free to send some love back some time friend. :-)

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God I just fucking loved the Isshin fight. It made no sense in the context of the story but any final boss who uses the player's own moveset but cranked up to 11 makes me cum. It's the same reason I loved Soul of Cinder.

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It's funny how suppress presence is really good but suppress sound is fucking worthless because you don't make any sound when crouching anyway.

And if you aren't crouching then the enemy can see you so being silent doesn't help.

Oh really? I thought it was just the jug of springwater.
Too late to give it to him now lol

anti air deathblow is good and you should use it if you can make it work

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Holy shit the Owl fight is so fucking great. Just beat him on my 3rd try. Have i gotten gud yet guys?

I cant believe all this love and support,
Thanks so much guys
def gonna pay it back for sure, gotta watch that karma XD

Snake in cave at ground level before badhisatva warp. Theres a monkey to left. Puppet it will cause snake to attack it and open house its guarding for a time. Whistle might do it too idk.

>because you don't make any sound when crouching anyway.
Okay try sneaking up on the purple ninjas then without it

they could let you use all your combat arts at any time. it wont make a difference to difficulty since you can already constantly pause and change them anyway. it's just a pointless, pain in the ass limitation that makes pause every 2 seconds.

most combos are an average of 3 hits anyway. they could just give you some more moves to spice things up with.

He's not using your moveset, you're using his.

It's god-tier on the shichimen warriors, I'm pretty sure both successful attempts on the two I've fought so far were cinched thanks to the mid-air death blow.
Haven't found really any other enemies to use it on yet though.

>just beat juzo on my first try and lady butterfly on my second try

Am I getting better Yea Forumsros?

what do I even do with this

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straw hats are absolutely gay to fight and anti air is the best way to deal with them

for such a strong/resilient enemy i'm surprised they're only in like 2 places (both in the same area) and they don't get a mini boss version.

That's how I farmed skill points in Mibu village. Suppress Sound made no fucking difference.

I fucking know and it's great.

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With what buttons? They're situational enough that I can't actually imagine any need ever for swapping between them in the middle of any fight in the game. Are you just wanting more spectacle for the sake of nothing else?

Like this post or you miss all your parries for the rest of your life

Hut in front of the Corrupted Monk ghost.

Give it to the priest of Mibu Village, then return to him after resting at an idol for some deep lore.

The guy in the house before corrupted monk's illusion boss, in mibu village.
Then rest and come back to him.

post sekino

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Like this post if you agree that Guardian Ape is LITERALLY impossible.

haha joke's on you I already miss them

Something about this scene just felt so mystical.

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If you eavesdrop the drunk miniboss and the ninja before owl 2 they talk about how Owl is a dick but serves their purpose for now. Assuming the ninja is a ministry guy but I'm not positive.

I remember when I first went to that cave I looked up and saw the giant ropes hanging down, thought it was so cool and thought to myself "I guess I'll never know what that is"

I'm in trouble in Sekiro! Please like this post!

Stay at a distance, run circles around him and punish the long openings after his attacks

Yeah you can kill the lightning bitch in the dragon area as soon as you run up to her because she jumps right away.

honestly did this by accident

There wasn't a single gourd seed in Senpou Temple.

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that's what action games are to a degree. bare bones games that only give you what you "need" are boring. sekiro has combat swag it's just limited and wasted in potential. beside your combat arts all have different properties, hitboxes, damage, cost, ect.
whirlwind slash could be full rotation+[RB]. the game could have lots of input possibilities. you ever played another action game? for the most part (X) isn't even doing anything you could do lots with just that button.
there's so many applications i don;t think you stoped to consider them.
something as simple as Shadowrush into whirlwind slash makes the game a lot more fun already.

Does NG+ have different enemy placements? Or is it because I came to this area early? In my first playthrough there was always a cannoneer where this red circles is. I tried resting at the bonfire multiple times and reloaded the game and I can't get them to appear. The other cannoneers as well as snake eyes are in their expected places.

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Really more than anything else he just wants to have a good fight now that he's in his prime suddenly again. He makes a passing justification of being obligated to try to fulfill his grandon's dying wish, but he really just is excited for a great fight.
Honestly I got that right from the get go and it sort of simultaneously deflated and elevated the last fight. It's cool in a more casual shonen type of way but it really is low stakes cause you know Isshin doesn't really give a shit about saving Ashina and probably would just get bored if he won.

He shows up there after 2ape rolls through and fucks up the place.

the enemy placements for that area are different before/after monkey trouble rampages through and setups up in his new arena

The area changes depending on whether you killed ape first before going there.

quadriplegic man can beat this boss


Do I give the sakura droplet to Kuro?

>siege of Castle Ashina
Is that when it's on fire? I'm already locked on to shura end.

is this nigga really tall or is wolf a manlet

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Don't know, haven't done the Shura path myself because who the fuck would sell out a kid?

Daddy said to do it so I did.

A combination of both.

Literally me

This is almost my guiding moonlight-tier

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Luring O'Rin to the bridge and exploiting the aggro range to strike her back for free

Both friends spent two hours or more on Isshin, but I ended up taking 5 tries to beat him. third phase was over before I knew what was even going on. Did I miss something/bug him out? One time he delayed pulling out his spear to stab me for taking a drink, was he supposed to get something else aside from shooting lightning at me?

wolf is CUTE

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anywhere I can practice this?

what a chad

Care for some tea, user?

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i'd rather just have rice

>Get the bell
>Immediately decide to go to the Hirata Estate before anything else
>Power through the Hirata Estate in one go
>Most of the early game becomes piss easy in comparison.
I think I made a mistake.

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is sake any good


hi luke

>clear sake

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For some reason I couldn't use Jizo statue during Owl 2 fight.

Heh, don't worry, past the Bull fight difficulty should ramp up to something more fun.

pretty sure one of your deathblow resurrection nodes needs to have been used (and thus can be replenished by the statue) for it to work.

If you die and use your rest resurrection i don't think jizo statue does anything for that phase.

I beat the game, got the Purification ending and I'm about to start NG+1

What the fuck were both snek hearts for?

Here's my testing, Suppress Sound only makes a difference when you're walking around sprinting still makes noise directly behind the loneshadow clone. Suppress Sound really isn't worth the 3 points imo.

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I've seen screencaps of Sekiro with a big as fuck sword. Was this just a mod or a prothesis I've missed ?


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The return ending

The last boss. I got phase 1 down but 2 i need help beating consently. Is it true that in phases 3 and 4 can you start trading blows and parries and get his pasture broken quickly?