Thoughts on Sleeping Dawgs?

Thoughts on Sleeping Dawgs?

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It's a crappy, shitty little wannabe game and I loved it.

Wanted to like it, but all energy left me 2 hours in

you will never be a whole man, OP.

without a pork bun in your hand


Not Ping best waifu. Best game under $5 ever.

Only knew about it because of the tf2 items

good enough of a premise to get a movie in the works with donnie yen of all people. hope it's good.

shitty game about japanesians that retards try to shill on me

Superior to GTAV, with like 1% of the budget

Just replayed it some yesterday. It feels a little dated. And you're forced to wear the mountain man outfit because there's no way in fuck you can get enough triad exp. But besides that it's a fucking stellar game. It also helps that I have a fetish for environmental takedowns so of course I loved it.

>Superior to GTAV
there is not a thing in that game that is superior to gta


Mediocre game that has a decent story and some cool references to classic Kung fu and Action films.

Let them lie

I liked it, we dont have enough GOOD modern day arcadey bmovie open world games

the side of the road you drive on, for starters

Except everything


I really liked to get immersed in it, changing clothes to fit the situation, do cop missions at night and crime missions at day. It lost me a few hours in and found myself rushing through it about halfway in.

enjoyed it. are the DLCs worth picking up?

It's my favorite game ever made.

And yet, many parts of it are mediocre at best.

wow japanesians doing japanesian things that i don't give shits about, that changes everything

it is not brand loyalty, i am not playing what is objectively low res clunky garbage

worse than gta in nearly every way, but somehow a more fun game overall

>Melee combat
>It's not a pain in the ass to move around
>Driving is arcadey but the ram button and car jump button make it more fun
>Gun fights are all about chaining vaults and headshots so you kill everyone at once in slow mo so I find it more fun than the GTA shooting
>Melee combat

better than yakuza. fight me

>muh melee
opinion discarded

I loved this game and will probably replay it. They picked a unique location, game had good radio stations with British rock, liked how it was mostly a fighting game and not a shoot em up kind of wish the shooting was more rare and that would be more realistic too for Hong Kong. I thought the story was excellent except the end felt like they just ran out of time in development and had to stop. I really hope they make a sequel but I know it won't happen.

I really liked it, it's stupid but very enjoyable. The combat is simple but enjoyable, the open world wasn't bad at all.

He said GTA V user

Are you kidding? Sleeping dogs does melee way better than GTA does. It's not the best, but at least it's something. That's more than GTA has.

If you think GTAV had a more interesting melee system that this game you're retarded. Everything is objectively more detailed and has more thought put into it than GTAV. Never once have I seen a random drug deal go down on the street in GTAV which is pretty unrealistic but I see them happen in Sleeping Dogs. Sleeping Dogs melee combat system is objectively miles ahead of GTAV in complexity. The only thing GTAV can be argued to have better than Sleeping Dogs is shooting mechanics and story and even that's debatable.

It took them so long to come up with the direction for sleeping dogs, but once they had it they could have pumped out a sequel for next gen with an updated engine but nope, make "triad wars" instead. The game is like a perfect blueprint for one of those generational sequels that improves on the core concept and creates a true classic but nope.

Fuck me dead.

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>you will never play Sleeping Dogs 2

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Too short and straightforward. It was alright for the story but everything else was such as side missions and activities were lazy and extremely repetitive.

I got it for free twice with Games with Gold.

Chinese Yakuza

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i enjoyed it more than gta5 desu, loved the setting and thought the story was pretty good too

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This and saints row the third are the only two open world titles I liked enough to platinum.