what went wrong? dark souls 3 and bloodborne have an 8.8 user score
What went wrong? dark souls 3 and bloodborne have an 8.8 user score
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Too hard for them?
too hard
Unironically too hard, i finished it but that's probably the reason most people dropped it
look at the reviews in sections, they're literally complaining about enemy placement and the so called artificial difficulty.
its actually pathetic.
metacritic nerfs sony scores to keep things balanced, otherwise nintendies would rage like crazy
Franchise fatigue + too hard
All the negative reviews are people crying that it's too hard because they don't understand the concept of stealth and charge into 5 enemies like it's dark souls.
git gud
People can't seem to grasp that it's not a Souls game, keep playing it like it is, and whine that it's impossible.
What do you think
A lot of people that play games are older and dont have 10 hours to spend playing a game.
You could play sekiro for 3 hours, and spend those 3 hours fighting the same two dickhead bosses trying to figure out how to progress.
Or just go play a game that's actually fun that entire time.
Why can’t Yea Forums ever accept that games can be just good and not amazing or absolute dogshit? Why do we have to always go to the extremes? 7.7 is good.
Sekiro is kind of weird. Its all about rhythm
First playthrough it felt like the hardest but then I fucking bolted through the second playthrough with minimal issue while future playthroughs for the other soulsborne games would have issue here and there
its a new game unrelated to souls
review bombed due to no Multiplayer
Nintendo hardcore fans review bombing the game they can't play, just like usual.
games were as hard or harder than sekiro before the zoomer era. no one had a problem spending a year fighting a boss back then. this is how games should be.
And its another case of git gud.
That 7.7 doesn't come from a single person saying "it's pretty good, but not the best", it comes from people either praising it as the second coming, or people giving it a 0 because the ogre schooled them too hard
normies and snoys attemping to play the game like it was bloodborne 2. and REEE'ing when they can't just push dodge to win or summon people to play the game for them
Doesn't matter. There is a common perception that this is Japan Souls, so people are judging it like that regardless of the developers' intentions that this not be treated as a Souls-like game.
Its boring, its empty, its just Dark Souls 2 with a different name slapped on, and it dosent have the same punch as maybe Bloodborne.
>Help me break the curse of the undead or some shit chosen one.
>Its a buncha bugs.
Its a game I dont see myself playing anymore, there is no online to help others or be a dumbass, or do fun shit, its just a "oh, its done, now what, oh well" game and nothing but buyers remorse.
It only sold and got the praise it did because journalist where scared fanboy FROM fags would start raiding them for it.
Why would you try to play a 60 hour action game if you don't have time?
This is pretty much it. I can still die in DS3 and I have 500 hours in that but in 80 hours of Sekiro I just did a playthrough where I one shot all the bosses and used all of 2 sips for the final boss.
0-10 system is flawed because people can't/(don't want to) judge objectively and just go for the 0/10 or 10/10
>nintendo fans using an internet browser to access websites
nice meme
Old boomer games were hard as fuck though
Why do zoomers try and pretend theyre gainfully emoloyed family men with no time to themselves
git gud, nigger
Souls fanboys can't grasp the concept of Sekiro not being a souls game.
too hard for casuals
I heard of people spending days to beat lady butterfly and giving up after several days hitting the wall with Genichiro
c o p e
Care to list some examples of those games?
Play a Yoshi game, that's more your speed.
>but I don't want to play kiddy shit I want to play the 60hour game with lore I think is cool
Then you either play the game and work towards getting better in your off time or play something that "respects" your time like a kids game or mobile game since these games aren't made for people who don't have 10 hours to spend playing a game.
Ninja Gaiden
Shattered Soldier
Ghosts 'n Goblins
Double Dragon 3
Battle Toads
Metal Slug when at arcade cabinets
OG Final Fantasy was a whore
Crash 1 could be especially cruel at times especially with its save system
Rayman 1 was sadistic
Users are idiots
I'm literally having the best time playing a from software game since demons souls. Both are up there in my over all best times playing a video game. And I've been playing all of from's games since i played armored core 2 for the first time like 15 years ago. So yeah i guess im a fanboy, except i didn't really dark souls 1, 2 or bloodborne.
It is not the game's fault in the slightest that you are unable to enjoy yourself in solidarity and feel must have some sort of multiplayer or competition to validate your hobby pretending you aren't a loser.
This game is an absolutely fantastic entry in the demons souls series (demons souls-bloodborne-sekiro) and you gotta deal with it.
It's not a dark souls game, get the fuck over it
>You could play sekiro for 3 hours, and spend those 3 hours fighting the same two dickhead bosses trying to figure out how to progress.
you could also eat glue for 3 hours if you wanted to.
They were probably expecting an RPG
Did you even read the OP you retarded faggots? Both bloodborne and DS3 have a high user score despite being hard
You can powerlevel in both, there's no cheesing in Sekiro.
but bloodborne isn't very hard, and dark souls 3 is the easiest souls game.
Sekiro is harder than all previous 4 Souls games and BB combined
sekiro is easier than all of the souls games to anyone that isn't a braindead faggot
Only one of those games (NGB) is comparable to Sekiro though. Might as well list wizardry 4.
Rayman 1 haunted me in my childhood.
>Fucking Hamsterson and IGN thought Sekiro was easier than the Souls games
How would fromsoft shills ever recover?
It's souls shitters complaining it's not literally dark souls and refusing to adapt
>OG Final Fantasy was a whore
They were easy as fuck though
>Rayman 1 was sadistic
Oh shit fucking this. This game was stupidly hard. I swear they didn't even playtest it
Nice pretentious post. I bet the only Souls game you've ever played is Dark Souls 2/3. I've played all of them including the DLCs so I have the right to speak
>hamsterson trying to chime in on an hot topic and trying his hardest not to seem ultra casual.
And Sekiro already has a hard mode option for those who want it. I wonder why he doesn't know this...
Gets the noggin' joggin'
>They were easy as fuck though
Not if you play a full black mage party
>You may only use this spell x amount of times a day.
>inb4 don't
No, I will achieve world domination with an army of mages and no one will stop me.
this but unironically
>Im having a great time.
Great, you have shit taste, the game will pull a RDR2, tons of praise for a few weeks, then forgotten.
lmao@ur life shitter, what a cuckold
why should I care what critics think about a fucking video game? I'm not him but sekiro is the most entertaining combat I've played in a game since bloodborne, honestly it's probably better then bloodborne.
no you don't you're just a sad fag lmao
Nice try zoomer shitter
Spamming parry was always the best cheese though
They think it's a bad game because they couldn't get past Ogre
Ive beaten Orphan in BB. I will admit sekiro is harder. I can't attack and dodge like im used to, either have fast reflexes and good reads and deflect every hit or die.
Still stuck on seven spears and genchiro currently. Fuck mikiri counter, the window is do or die
People were expecting a souls game but instead got a MGR game
Combat was filled with parry spam and QTEs
to be fair, it doesn't do anything to the difficulty.
Oh fuck off, I played and beat DMC3 as the youngest lad in a big family. I had to get scraps for everything including time on the PC and the console because we all shared everything. At best I got to play 5 hours a week on the PS2 and I still managed to have fun and beat that game without easy mode
what kind of mouthbreathing down syndrome retard are you?
the fucking problem with mikiri counter is that the window is too big causing you to get overconfident and fuck it up
jesus christ you drooling retards stop ruining games
What do you expect with a game that cuts out half the features of the old ones and turned up the parry spam?
>All these Fromdrones defending their precious DS Nippon reskin
user ratings are garbage because people just rank a game based on whether they liked it. Critics have to judge a game's quality objectively.
Its more like a MGR skin
Focus on parries and filled with qtes
>Critics have to judge a game's quality objectively.
if only they actually did this
Dragonrot mechanic. Part of what let so many into the Dark Souls cult was the idea of "death is normal, death is fair." In Sekiro the tone has shifted. When someone feels like they receive a "cheap" death like the lock-in camera making them miss a perilous counter, they can finally feel unfairly treated by the game when they lose half their money and someone gets cancer.
I'm going to play this game when it's on sale, but you diehard fans are starting to sound like you have stockholm syndrome rather than actually enjoyed playing a video game.
It's like reading a review of some gacha or MMO game -- blame the players for every conceivable criticism
>can't summon allies
>all the people that cleared souls games thanks to this are bitching about the difficulty
so there any shame in running away from the fight if you run out of rez when it is possible?
Dragonrot should've had bigger impact and be incurable.
Too hard for casuals. I just beat the game last night. One thing I have to say is that it's so punishing that it is mentally exhausting to play, this is only in relation to a few major boss fights though.
Souls games have just fallen victim to rabid contrarianism. That's it. They were praised too much, and now every single hipster needs to come out of the woodwork and insist that Dark Souls isn't ACTUALLY a good game.
I want to actually talk about the fucking games. Not have a pissing contest over which Souls game is better. To me, Souls games are sort of like The Beatles. Hating them is babies first contrarian opinion.
Too hard. Only 3.7 % completed the ashura path .
Pissed off casuals. A friend of a friend straight up got rid of the game once he found out it didn't let you pick the difficulty.
I beat the game but I agree. Spending all night losing a fight, making no progress, then trying to get that momentum from the night before back is straight up punishment. The longest a boss ever took me to be was an hour worth of retries, though.
the game is too hard for most people
dark souls is too hard for most people and sekiro is definitely a bit harder.
>Beatles reference
Maybe, just maybe the Beatles aren't as good as boomers think. Just sayin'.
And therein lies my problem. You aren't different and unique for disliking The Beatles, user. You're just like every other zoomer who wants to feel good about themselves by standing out.
>those stats
Soulsborne games are so fucking easy though. Once you best your first every other game is a cakewalk. Sekiro has a completely new combat system and that is why so many people are having issues. You can't play it like a souls game at all. During a second playthrough Sekiro is relatively easy, but I would still say that it is way more difficult than dark souls if I were to compare my first experiences with both.
When is NIOH 2 releasing? I'm at Isshing right now and I enjoyed this game but it's been really disappointing for me. The characters are just dead awful.
Cus they are probably the elitist DS players who think because they have beaten all the previous SoulsBorn titles that they do not have to put in effort to play this one.
>ITT: A buncha NEETs trying to claim superiority over a side project weebfest sold to Activision.
Lmao at you, senpai.
The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.
I would recommend that you don't even use the mikiri counter
Take your autobiography to Facebook, nobody gives a single fuck here.
>a lot of people don’t have ten hours
I mean if you’d stop shitposting for 9.5 of those hours, you’d have enough :)
>dying automatically deducts half your shit and kills your NPCs
>you will die more in this game than you ever did in Souls
Yeah I can see why people hate it. Thank god I’m on PC and have cheat engine access
Dragonrot Mechanic sucks shit
It only sucks because it does nothing.
The only people bother by dragonrot are people who havent played the game enough. You can die a lot in this game, trust me, I did. I still have a surplus of those items that reverse dragonrot.
Fucking n00bs man wtf is wrong with gaymers fucking hell just get off this board.
This. It's basically a completely pointless mechanic.
Zero QTEs. Lmao. Today I learned deathblows were QTEs.
I was disappointed about the story and characters as well. Nioh 2 is going to be fucking sick
God he's a pathetic little pretentious cuck
Just pop a stealth candy and sneak up behind the samurai near seven spears. You can ninjitsu him to fight seven spears with you, which makes the fight trivial.
Micky Mouse counter is the only reason I finished the game. Does so much posture damage in the final boss.
The high scores are because journos want to be seen as hardcore game fans, but the game is just dark souls stripped of most of its features. It's literally mod tier. I genuinely rolled my eyes once I got a bunch of tools and tested them out only to notice they are literally weapon attacks and spells from the previous games. And it certainly doesn't help that they are fucking useless most of the time, have their usage severely gimped for no fucking good reason at all and that combat arts are just as useless. The combat in the game is just poor and exploration is ass because there's never anything interesting to find. It's just bad.
You can summon in those games and overlevel. Shitters abuse that
Jesus I had forgotten how much of a dry buttfucking Rayman 1 is
Sekiro has 2 motherfucking "hard mode" increases. Granted, one is only on NG+ and beyond, but the other is almost immediately reachable from the start, how does this guy function? Can he not use google?
>never gave a fuck about from software
>dark souls gets ported to PC
>trash port but the game is unique
>can see ghosts of other players around the world
>can hear the bells of awakening tolling when other players ring them
>world is perfectly looping and interconnected
>makes me feel immersed
>so I get into the lore, I look up secrets, I try to get every item and read every description and fall in love with the world and story
>sekiro comes out
>none of the things that I liked are here
>half assed stealth
>generic set in stone story and character that will get old after the first run
>mild world building
>sparse localization
If dark souls 2 feels like a fanmade project, sekiro feels like a western copy like lords of the fallen, the heavily weeb setting helps even more because only the west is so enamoured with this shit
Let's keep our fingers crossed for a great fucking samurai game unlike Sekiro.
there are no NPCs either.
have sex
>I can't parry. Time to shitpost on Metacritic!
Their success is something that comes with their influence. The Beatles can be thanked for several things that are extremely important in not just rock, but music as a whole which include but are not limited to the emphasis of drums in songs, the creation of psychedelic rock, the popularization of heavy metal, boy bands, and the biggest of the bunch, the British invasion. To say that "the Beatles aren't influential and are only called that because of their sales numbers" is a god damn fallacy.
So I ask you user, what is the most influential rock band of all time and why is it not the Beatles?
It's well established that he is as dumb as a rock.
Do not take his opinions seriously.
That's exactly my impression, with the only difference that I started with demon's souls and playing that shit all the way back in 2009 was fucking mind blowing to me. I literally couldn't fucking stop playing the game. The brand new form of online interaction through invasions was fucking insane.
Sekiro just feels like something I might as well have played better versions of in the ps2 and before, except with smaller (and more to the point) levels. It's just bland and doesn't feel innovative enough to truly distance it from Souls.
Nioh looks high budget next to it and I already thought it was bland as fuck.
Contemporary musicians never spoke highly of the Beatles, and for good reason. They could never figure out why the Beatles' songs should be regarded more highly than their own. They knew that the Beatles were simply lucky to become a folk phenomenon (thanks to "Beatlemania", which had nothing to do with their musical merits). That phenomenon kept alive interest in their (mediocre) musical endeavours to this day. Nothing else grants the Beatles more attention than, say, the Kinks or the Rolling Stones. There was nothing intrinsically better in the Beatles' music. Ray Davies of the Kinks was certainly a far better songwriter than Lennon & McCartney. The Stones were certainly much more skilled musicians than the 'Fab Four'. And Pete Townshend was a far more accomplished composer, capable of entire operas such as "Tommy" and "Quadrophenia"; not to mention the far greater British musicians who followed them in subsequent decades or the US musicians themselves who initially spearheaded what the Beatles merely later repackaged to the masses.
The Beatles sold a lot of records not because they were the greatest musicians but simply because their music was easy to sell to the masses: it had no difficult content, it had no technical innovations, it had no creative depth. They wrote a bunch of catchy 3-minute ditties and they were photogenic. If somebody had not invented "Beatlemania" in 1963, you would not have wasted five minutes of your time reading these pages about such a trivial band.
Its 25 at best mate. Your a professional shitter if it legit took you 60 hours to beat.
25 sounds about right. 30 for some additional dicking around.
Quadriplegic is better than most people at this game
>not on gimmick runs
not that user, but no fucking shit
Its too hard. I gave up too at genchiro first fight. Also ths game broke my LB so couldnt parry any more lol
The gameplay is great but the environments and enemies are literally all the same. No crazy horror monsters like I was expecting no crazy horrifying environments. I thought the game would be crazy horrifying and nuts. But wow centipedes were controlling them wow what a twist.
there is not a single qte in sekiro
do u retards really cant see the core differences between qte and this? one is a cutscene with buttonprompt, the other just tells you that something bad is coming, doesnt lock you, you have to figure out what to do by yourself instead of pressing a button on the screen, most of the time there are even other ways of countering perilous attacks than what you "had" to do, like jumping most thrusts or dodging them, dodging out of sweep, hell you can even just run away like a pussy.
i never filtered tripfags or whoever else but you fags really tempting me to get a filter and set it to sekiro qte.
calling this qte is knowing nothing about videogames.
Literally a QTE mate. Just because the game doesn't have an obnoxious R1 prompt and instead displays nonsense to get you in a canned animation doesn't change anything.
You're suppose to sniff it, not eat it. You silly goose.
How the fuck did you get through all the samurai before genchiro and still not know how to parry?
If you're in full control of you character and choose when to perform the action that prompts the animation then it's not a QTE, dumbfuck
my parry button broke nigga. I was using the trigger but it doesnt register unless its halfway pressed. So I can't parry rapid hits.
oh and i forgot the brightest example.
for the whole game sekiro teaches you that perfect way do deal with sweep is jump over it and then kick the head.
second owl fight (in hirata) has him doing long windup charge-sweeps, he moves very far while doing them and always casts them when being close to player. most of the time you cant kick him because too far.
however, you can, every single time, hit him with a basic attack, sometimes too, and it will stagger him, and deal a decent chunk of damage which you really want to deal in the second/third hardest fight in the game.
this is the inverse of qte. if it was a qte there would be A/X button prompt, but you had to press R1/RB.
qtes are hated because they remove gameplay by presenting you a cheap cutscene with an easy button press.
this is not what sekiro does.
Holy fuck are you brain damaged? In that case Bayonetta does not have a single QTE prompt in the entire game. God of War has ZERO QTEs because you willingly walk up them!
You have the dumb.
You avoided the question dip shit. I'm not trying to get at "who is the greatest rock band of all time?", I'm saying that the Beatles had the most influence over the genre as a whole and set the supports for it. I don't listen to the Rolling Stones or the Kinks all that much (most of my music taste stems into 90s alternate) but from all of their music that I've listened to I can confidently say that they definitely have more going for their in both style and consistency. What I'm getting at is that the Beatles are the most important of the bunch when it comes to the Rock genre as a whole.
Let's reflect back on video games for a second with Pokémon, which is a perfect example for this scenario. When looking back at gen 1, lots of things can be said about it. "Designs were uninspired!", "the story is too simple!", "They're only remembered because of pokemania and nostalgia!" These complaints are all true, but it ignores the fact that it set the base for the series as a whole, which is collecting mosters, evolving them into city demolishing creatures, and possibly warming up to the party in a charismatic way manner. Looking at it though, Pokémon is possibly one of the most important monster rpgs of all time. It set a base for the genre and others built upon it, and even the series itself improved on it's base features. This, is an example of INFLUENCE.
With the Beatles, we see a very similar pattern. "Their music is short and simple!", "None of them were as talented as other rock bands!" "Their only claim is their ride to fame!" We have the exact same claim here. Sure, it's easy to disregard it as "something that doesn't live up to quality of the others," but it set the base for a shit ton of bands with some of the previously listed things that they brought to the table.
This is a waste of time
>press x to badass
How is that not qte?
Those are cinematic sections that will trigger a game over if you fail
If you can't understand the difference you have literal brain damage
Nah, you do mate. Any prompt on screen that is followed by an ingame action outside of the players control, is considered a QTE.
>Often failure at the given task.
what the fuck are you even on about in this first part?
and how is being locked for a second in finisher animation is qte? there is a prompt, you pressed, you play animation. qte is when you see a cheap cutscene from few seconds to few minutes in length during which you look at character doing things and rarely press the exact buttons presented on screen. in some cases like say heavy rain infamous grocery chase you can even skip that, dont press them, you will see an animation of your character failing at something but it wont even affect gameplay in any way, you wont lose anything except maybe your sides.
the only thing game locks you in is animation. is dark souls backstab a qte? is opening door a qte? is sekiro hook a qte? is drinking estus a qte? you pressed the button and you watch animation, cant do a thing, qte, right? you dont even know what a qte is, do you? look it up, please, if its still not clear.
>It allows for limited control of the game character during cut scenes or cinematic sequences in the game
why post something that blows you the fuck out?
next you're going to stay backstabs in dark souls are also qtes
Once you learn how to play you realize it's the best game from has ever made. Stop mashing dodge and r1 like a retard.
jesus user how new are you? why are you replying to literal copypasta?
Because bosses have to be Deathblowed to beat them. Zero other options. You either press your R1 during it to get your execution, or are shrugged off and the fight continues.
Legitimate fucking QTE in the purest sense of the word.
Read further my guy.
You might be the dumbest zilch I have ever seen on here. And that is really saying something.
>No u
Ok retar