Why doesn't he use his money to contribute something positive towards society?

Why doesn't he use his money to contribute something positive towards society?

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Nobody is obligated to do anything. He cashed that sweet $2bil check and fucked right off

Also, how do you know he isn't participating in charities?

Society is awful, i hope he buys black market nukes or bioweapons and donates it to Al Qaeda.

I know he isn't obligated to do anything. I'm just asking why doesn't he? He seems really unhappy with his current life.

he donates absurdly to all kinds of small causes no one hears of

he is rich, bitch. He doesn't have to pay for your shit.

>donating to random people you don't even know makes you happy
If you're an NPC, maybe


Or he could use the money to start his own foundation that will do the kinds of things he wants to do.

Who says he isn't? It's not like he's shitposting from a yacht.

Being nice doesn't make everyone automatically happy, maybe he isn't interested

What makes you think he isn't?

Why should he? He's not obligated to do shit. He's too smart to help retards that will continue to complain anyway

>charity cucks

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youre correct nobody is obligated to do anything
you arent obligated to donate to charity
you arent obligated to visit your sick mom at the hospital
you arent obligated to buy your 6 year old brothers and sisters christmas presents

are you an asshole for not doing those things? yeah, pretty sicking, but its your choice and you have the freedom to make it

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He's dropping redpills on twitter for free

Or he can not do any of that gay shit and snort coke with teenage girls on a yacht instead.

He's probably unhappy because he got divorced a while back. I imagine most people would take a long time to recover from that.
Also I just looked it up and apparently he had a daughter with his ex-wife, and who knows if his ex even allows him to see his daughter.

>reee you're a bad person for not giving me free shit

stop projecting

>but its your choice and you have the freedom to make it

Exactly, maybe he gets off on watching the poor suffer in their day to day struggle? Sure he may not be happy and his life may be empty in his Beverly Hills mansion, but keeping to himself while other suffer doesn't make him an asshole.

Contributing something positive to society doesn't automatically mean donations to charity or "being nice". It could literally be anything that impacts society positively.

If I knew he was just gonna hoard it all instead of contributing to a functioning capitalist economy I would have pirated his game.

He does anonymously. He said so on Critkal's podcast.

You actually gave your money to him for the autistic sandbox?

EssEmAyych TeeBeeEff familia

dont want free shit just want to not be a leech and give back to humanity
projecting what?
yeah hes not an asshole, i shouldve said leech, which is equally bad

He's got nothing to do with his family, his marriage fell apart and he had a falling-out with basically all his friends not long ago. Normal people don't want anything to do with him due to being intimidated by his lifestyle and he's got nothing in-common with the c-grade celebs he hung around with for a while who just wanted money out of him. To top it off, the fact that he's got clinical depression and likely asperger's syndrome as well all contributes to why he's not exactly in a happy headspace.

He made his own money. Welfare recipients are leeches.

How is he a leech for making a product that is desirable, costs only time to create and doesn't rely on gov't handouts or social progams?

Complaining about people who have a lot of money not donating it to charity is a lot worse than not donating to charity.

What's he leeching off of? He made a product, sold it, and then gave the rights away to the product for 2 billion dollars.

>He didn't buy Minecraft for $10 during alpha
Sup nu-Yea Forums

Why should he? He already contributed Minecraft and that opened the floodgates for younger generations to learn about modding and game code. I say he already contributed enough. Far more than most people even.

Except he does. He is the largest patron on 3blue1brown's channel, who does math videos.

If you meant, "Why doesn't he donate all his money to shitty non-profits", get the fuck out.

Because he's a miserable faggot who doesn't care about anyone but himself, but at the same time he's too petty and miserable to take care of even himself.
With all that money he could have created a studio and kept working on vidya, realizing his dreams and also helping out other people not only by creating jobs, but creating good products to be enjoyed by others and spread positivity, but no, too busy shitposting with trannies on Twitter.
He could have gone on a worldwide vacation given how eager he was to do so while working on Minecraft, and enjoyed the best this world has to offer, but no, too busy shitposting with trannies on Twitter.
He could have bought this place and kept it shill free, enforced some actual moderation and raised the standards, but no, too busy shitposting with trannies on Twitter.

Fact is, as one user once said, you can take the man out of Yea Forums, but you can't take Yea Forums out of the man, he might be filthy rich, but he's still a miserable, pathologically lonely neckbeard who can't even find a tiny smidgeon of happiness with a shitload of dosh, he's the living embodiement of the old maxim that money doesn't necessarily make you happy.

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I never bought any version of Minecraft, even while Yea Forums was essentially making free advertising for it.

that's a negative contribution though

If he really does have asperger's then he was doomed from the start. I feel bad for him.
Though I still think he would also feel bad about his marriage falling apart.

Maybe... maybe.

Fair enough. I feel like I got my money's worth because I played it pretty much 18 hours/day for about two weeks during the summer of 2011, and then never again. This was in university before I developed a taste for daily alcohol consumption.

donating to some charities is more morally wrong than not

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no one is a bad person for hoarding wealth

thats just what have nots will say because of jealousy of their own struggle

No good deed goes unpunished.

I've got peacocks where I live and faggots keep feeding them so they keep populating and shitting big dog-sized shits and constantly screaming. There's also chickens that flock around too, disgusting little creatures

Once he made his fortune he completely isolated himself socially, and now he’s doomed to drift through life aimlessly with no reason to get up in the morning. He’s the equivalent of a guy who wastes his life in his mother’s basement consuming media, only he does it in the basement of his mansion.

I’d almost pity him if it wasn’t entirely self-inflicted and he wasn’t a lazy fuck who wasted the incredible potential his game had.

>guy who wastes his life in his mothers basement consuming media

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>give back to humanity
He did. It's called Minecraft. His money didn't just come from nowhere. People gave him money to play his game, and now he's expected to give that money back?

He already paid more taxes than all Yea Forumsirgins combined though. Thank him for some of your neet gibs.

he did.
he bought a house and paid taxes.
why don't you get off your ass and work to pay taxes too

Why don't you go out and do charity work right now instead of shitposting on a New Guinean tapdancing forum?

>He’s the equivalent of a guy who wastes his life in his mother’s basement consuming media, only he does it in the basement of his mansion.
Sounds fucking awesome, literally my dream life. Playing video games all day while drinking gourmet coffee/eating gourmet food, working out in my big-ass home gym, watching movies in my literal home theater and then fucking top-tier escorts. Maybe I have an entire room in my mansion dedicated to train sets and anime figures, why not? Goddamn I'm so jealous of Notch.

It gets boring after a month.

This shit here. Just by making Minecraft he gave me something fun to do for around 5 years of my life that I only had to pay for once.


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I'd replace the movie theater with a bowling alley
The other shit gets boring fast

such as?

That's not his responsibility. Also that's why you'll never have a cent to your name.

>being a salty nigger
Every time.

>paying for advertising fees of a corporation is the same as looking after your own family

Daily reminder charities are corruption and scams. Only donate to your local places where you can walk in and go see where your money is used.

Like gassing trannies?

Donating is just voluntary socialism.
The only good "donation" is to give someone a job. Anything else is just incentivizing bad behavior.

Get out. You had your chance to make a good argument, but you had to metion that normie shit.

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Its actually normies and retardera users that get mad at NPC, because it makes them realize they are one

Really gets that noggin joggin...

why waste your money on society when you could adopt a million pets

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Based and redpilled

Non-profit orgs are just tax evading schemes sweetie

why don't you?

Sorry, I don't react violently to trigger words like socialism like your average redpilled yokel. You're going to have to do better than that.

He already did by making Minecraft. :3

No it doesn't user. It's just a retarded thing to say, like putting your finger in front of someone and saying "im not touching you" , its annoying and dumb.



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>braindead NPC whines about nothing

He wanted to buy Yea Forums but gookmoot is a fag and wouldn't let him.

He contributes by being based and redpilled.

Notch usually donates thousands of dollars during Games Done Quick, much of which goes to NGOs that give migrants free passage into Europe and his native Sweden

Imagine all the whores he buys

Why did he stop making games?

he is, by spending it on expensive shit and living off of it for the rest of his life. if he knocks up a prostitute and she pumps out a fat balding swede baby they'll be living off of it too. it's not gonna last forever. the kind of "benefit" to society you're thinking of only benefits ungrateful poor people. fuck them. he earned the dosh and you're jealous.

he does give money away, but giving money doesnt make you a good person. notch is a pos regardless.

>notch is a pos regardless
Seething commiecucks still can't get over how they will never be as successful as a doughy autismo who actually offers something to the market.

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He did donate to charity, but then people started complaining about it so he stopped.