Borderlands 2

Been avoiding these games for years since Yea Forums always said they were shit but finally bought into the Borderlands 3 hype and damn, this is one of the best games ever made.

Why did you lie to me Yea Forums? I've been missing out.

Attached: BL2.jpg (1920x1080, 2.73M)

If Yea Forums says it's a great game, it's probably average.
If Yea Forums is about equal on hate/love, it's probably a great game
If Yea Forums says it's shit, it's probably not great.
If Yea Forums can't even call it shit and just joke about it, it's an actually shit game.

op is a faggot

Getting your opinions from anonymous toons on a chinese vehicle assembly forum is retarded

fuck you tell me what to play

Don't play the the Pre-Sequel, that one actually is as bad as we make it out to be

Borderlands 2 is the first known example of a publisher hiring actual real shills to advertise and market the game on Yea Forums, so it has a special place in all of our hearts. Also the writing was done by Burch.

I played for countless hours and had fun. So it did what it was supposed to.

>If Yea Forums says it's a great game, it's probably average.
This is probably the truest one. Yea Forums obsession with New Vegas for being such a meh game is really something else

Borderlands 2 is fun until you get to higher levels and enemies become bullet sponges, and most of the memes people complain about are hidden in the challenges menu or quest names. You should also try BL1 when it gets updated on the 3rd
Bloodwing is best girl(male)(female)

>scaling is fucked
>purple guns are retardedly rare compared to borderlands 1
>progression is slow as shit
>levels hardly do anything
>writing sucks
>one of the best games ever made
Borderlands 1 was mediocre at best, but its pretty pathetic for the sequal not to be an outright improvement. The enemies/levels had way more variety, but thats basically the only improvement.

Who could tell you're retarded before you posted

>listening to Yea Forums

You're dumber than Krieg.

look at all this subjectivity

Just use the community mod for future runs, the game becomes almosy unplayable after a couple of them.
Also, Maya a best.

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2 is pretty good, I’m replaying it now myself. You can clearly see why it set people off, though. The writing and meme humor is truly godawful at times. It only gets worse in the presequel, which I actually had to drop because it was so fucking awful

how's The Pre Sequel in co-op with the community patch?

I'm just thankful Burch got kicked out.
Maybe BL3 won't be as insuferable.

if Yea Forums becomes sad looking back at it, it was probably good.

can i play this game single player?

every time i play with my friends we end up never finishing it

It will never get old how Memelands gets half of Yea Forums seething

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I don’t know, I think some of the fanbase actually really likes that awful shit. If you glance at reddit, people genuinely think it’s hilarious which makes me want to puke

Look at all these arguments

Go back.

>no more A. Burch
>no more Australians

okay 3 might be good

Yeah, just play Gaige since she's supposed to be girlfriend mode (a.k.a easy mode).

its fun for a while gets pretty repetitive and boring though.

>One of the best games ever made

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Is Maya's top a leotard?

Borderlands 2's dialogue was fucking awful and made me want to kill myself. Fun game though.