Today I shall remind them

today I shall remind them

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Other urls found in this thread:

If you really wanted to remind them of what happened that day you would post the legions and legions of sissy faggot jerk off threads. I have never, ever looked at Yea Forums the same way since it was exposed to me what the board would become if there was no pretense of having to discuss video games. Hell even Yea Forums was better than this place.

t. mini

>Tfw tomorrow will be some lame unfunny shit and we wont get a repeat of last year
Don't even bother coming here anons

Reminder that team Mini was the secret victor due to having the best OC by far

>Best OC
>Shitty loli princess and some random Yea Forums tier yuro slut
Lmao. Peep had the best OC.

this. idk how they'll be able to match the excitement and shitposting last year was.

Mini OC was literally so good that they threw the race so they could keep making more. Cope

Did you think all those people who were telling you that Yea Forums is the gayest board over the years were joking? Its hands down the gayest board. And that's taking /lgbt/, /hm/ AND /cm/ into consideration

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Combining the boards was better than this shit. It was just people spamming their team names thinking it did something with faggotry sprinkled in. So funny bro.

t. cremelet

the peanut butter masters won their rightful place on top of the pile~ other teams are meant to kneel and submit to them~ especially slutty peeps~

>its been one year already

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>Team PB won cause virgins wanted to see some tits
The more things change the more they stay the same

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Is this shit tonight or is it on easter i dont remember.

She didn't even deliver.

p-peeps aren't sluts...

>it's been one year since Mini

I want to die, it wasn't supposed to end like this

this peep sure is~

Is Queen Mini making a return?

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>chocolatefags are still coping

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ah yes, the good old days of /vint/

>chocolatefags thinking "muh team means I won too"
If you aren't first, you're dead last.

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why are peeps so sissy? lol

>peeps think they can take the title from us.
Cremes were literally the sluttiest. We lost right at the end, unlike Mini who came dead last, we didn't have a respectable team that made good OC, like peeps.
So, that's why we are the best at what we do.

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>tfw team PB

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Chocolatefags are like that fat kid in school nobody liked, who invited himself to every activity just so he could say he was a part of something.
>inb4 some revisionist choconigger posts the same five images ""proving"" the so-called "alliance"

good girl~ submit!

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peeps are just as eager to submit~ and really good at working a cock~

You too. I remember all those Peanut Butter Surrender threads. They were the first ones.
Lucky fags.

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Nice revisionism faggot but peeps didn't have ONE SINGLE submission thread. Ours was the most motivated, manliest team of brotherly comraderie on the whole site.

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>threw the race
>mods outright admitted it was random
Newfag pls lurk moar

Wow what a slut.
I bet if I tied you up and stuffed your pink peep panties in your mouth you'd actually enjoy it

only one way to find out~

daily reminder that the "peanut butter and chocolate are bros" meme was created by butthurt chocofags to save face for coming in 2nd place. stop trying to piggyback off our victory and learn your place, choclets

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h-hey I only surrendered in like 10-15 peanut butter surrender threads

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I'd throw up the Peep Awaken My Masters video, but it's been taken down

This, kind of fitting the nigger team does a literal "WE WUZ ALLIES AND SHIEEET" to save face.

I have a question.
During the 2018 April Fools event, there were some people who claimed they weren't gay, and yet they were inspired / motivated to take place in the ERP.
Is this even possible, to be interested in gay ERP while not gay? If so, how the fuck does that work?

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they delude themselves into thinking the user they're ERPing with is a woman

Roleplay, i.e. not being yourself

What you don't seem to realize is that PB also stands for Power Bottom.

So you did. I was surrendering before we'd even hit 2nd place during our time at the top. I knew what was coming, I could already feel the effects of sluts like you.

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But where is the motivation to roleplay a fetish you don't have?

worst April fool's ever
>dude le sissy posting
>dude le porn dumping haha team choco = DELICIOUS BROWN LMAO
>dude le chocolate pb allaince lmao

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so what have you achieved for the past year Yea Forums?

I manage to renovate my business bolstering my profit for 350%

About to graduate from college with a worthless meme degree. I'm honestly thinking about killing myself at this point.

I didn't kill myself
Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing


It's called, Acting. Improv. Do you think Patrick Stewart actually wants to be a space captain?

Lemme guess, CS or chemistry?

got a degree and a gf

Worse. Take one more guess.

Yes he does.

Can't wait for all the art

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F-fuck you...

got a gf early last year
the gf left me early this year

Identity politics or gender studies?

I got a drivers' license I guess

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History, so not quite as fucking worthless as either of those but still pretty bad.

I still don't know what the fuck is a mini

peeps feel free to clean your peanut butter master's asshole anytime

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I feel you man, but most big corporation use retired US airforce supercomputer to simulate drugs. you might have better chance at getting jobs at making soap and shampoo.


mini eggs

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>drawing lewds of yourself
this is forbidden fetish yet I must know more

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I overcame my depression


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history pays bigtime if you land a teaching job.

Got into a paleontology PhD program

Everyone was posting nude/getting fucked anime girls with ERP text and you tell me you will not jerk off them? Everyone knew the at the other side of the screen there was an user, but in the heat of the rp and your raging erection you forget it and believe a slutty anime girl is posting to milk you dry because your team has more point than hers

It's already happening. A creepy face replaces the image you upload. It's random and people from other boards have already confirmed it happening.

You're gay, ESL

still not as good as MLPol and fitlit

I learned to play the piano, somewhat. And have started making music.

I'm familiar with ERP, genius.
But while people are posting pictures of anime girls, the only things they are writing about are dicks, dicks, and more dicks.
That isn't ERP. That isn't RP. That is outright gay porn, in the same vicinity of pictures of anime girls.

I just want to make enough to afford a small place and continue to have a bit of money on the side for dumb shit.

Honestly, it feels longer.

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Can you direct to a post/thread it happened in?

Got a pic of it?

So people were ... pretending to be gay?
Well that's one epic prank I suppose.

link to her nudes gallery plox

I got a gf. I've also written a lot of stuff. I should learn to focus my writing more so I can hopefully write a book.

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omg really

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Peanut butter? I hardly knew her?

I got a promotion.
Then my gf broke up with me.
Then my dad died.

It's almost been 10 years.

started dating a doctor
got dumped by said doctor

>one year already
Even when 4/1/18 happened, /vint/ seemed a long time ago.

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What is the chink gonna do this year?

where's my event you slant eye motherfucker im felling tired alredy i just want to shitpost before i sleep

Bets on how many bongs before it begins?

She gotta up the ante and spread her pussy next time.