TWW2 thread

History fucking sucks, what do you think the DLC next will be for Warhammer Total War 2?

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Verminlord are we riot.

Or i'll take Stormfiends


One that turns the game into bannerlord.

Easy Vortex LL? (aside from HE, already done that for steam achievement)

either of the lizardmemes. Their roster is completly fucking braindead, just spam saurus and you win 99% of engagements, for the 1% just take temple guard lol

Vampire Coast

Tehenhauin + Ikit Claw lords pack, duh. The only real questions are:
>what Lizard units will make the cut?
>who will be the generic lords/heroes for each race?
>who will be the FLC LL?
>will we get an updated FLC array?

It's basically all confirmed it will be another lord pack, Skaven v Lizardmen. As to the final DLC race not sure, probably Araby?
I can't wait until they are done with 3K. The sooner that flops, the better. Then maybe they'll start focusing all their effort on TWW3 again.

Finally upgraded to an SSD bros, gonna start playing in style now.

They could always add this fucker or Gor Rok to do a curveball (and piss everyone off)

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Gor-Rok is prime FLC material. He competes with Kroak for slotting right into Itza and they're both equally low-effort

Kroak and Gor-Rok are 99 percent either as the FLC. CA won't miss the opportunity to add them. Not only are they cool and fan favorites they don't require any effort (a new weapon and skin for Gor Rok, and a skin for Kroak)

I just want a new empire, or possibly a steampunk fantasy world like rise of legends.

Mortal Empires late game is still a cunt for turntimes.

What mechanics could they add for Skaven to make their food shit not terribly implemented?

Who is this absolute fucking daddy I'm looking at right now?

Kroq Gar, the Last Defender

Attached: 1200px-Liz_roar_LOGO.png (1200x675, 1.1M)

It's obviously going to be skaven and lizards, holding out hope they decide to do 2 lords per faction so we can get moulder + skryre

Jungle Swarms, Salamander and Troglodon I guess
Maybe this absolute unit too, big shit sells

Attached: Warhammer_Lizardmen_Dread_Saurian.png (586x810, 1.26M)

Neat. Is he a major character or just some random?

Major character.
I wouldn't mind paying twenty for a four lord pack, 12 units, and 4 LL's

Dread Saurian is a very low chance, as awesome as it.

As long as there's no red skinks i'm happy.

Queen and the Crone got a very mixed reception so hopefully they learned from that shit.

Best ME campaign in the game.

Maybe. People never thought the mammoths or Mournguls would get it.


How do you ratbros build Tretch? I'm guessing arty/stormvermin skills first?

>shits on historical titles
>''please CA release more DLC so I can drain my wallet for you!''

I knew warhammerfags are happy spending money on overpriced models but I never realised you autists were this bad

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Very boring though, since its just one way expansion for 70-80 turns.

Were actually getting content. Enjoy three kingdoms next month faggot!

>post a picture of Attila
>the worst game in the series.

I just finished playing Cylostria's campaign on legendary and I don't think I lost a single battle. Just spam syreens and summon the damned knights to mess up the backline, it's ez mode.

CA shouldn't go out of their way for Warhammer shits due to the fact that they are just going to drop the series anyway as soon as they are done making TWW games, which will be soon after TWW3 releases and dlc releases dry up.

Are game gets actual new content fag jealous?

They extended there deal with GW for another 10 years. Warhammer is here to stay faggot.

Too bad. They only cater to us now. Enjoy three Kingdoms!

One of the CA heads actually said in an AMA that they'll probably support Warhammer years after WH3 the same way they came back to Rome 2.

My predictions:
Legendary lord: Ikkit Claw
Generic lord: No idea, are they missing any?
Units: Wolf rats, Ratling Gunners, Warplock Jezzails, Giant Rats

Legendary lord: Tehenhauin
Generic Lord: Skink Oracle
Units: Engine of the Gods, Razordon Hunting Pack, Ripperdactyl Riders, Feral Troglodon (not lore friendly but the Skink oracles will have them as mounts and CA has already taken a lot of liberties with Lizardmen lore)

>the small handful of history faggots left who haven't moved on to sucking paradox's cocks are so bitter.


History titles don't sell.

Vampire Coast is the worst. Deapth Guard are overpowered and should be removed from the game.
Change my mind.

Angry incel angry for female LL's.

They got hit super hard with the nerf bat last patch

Warhammer 3 DLC will probably be produced for years. I wouldn't be surprised if they broke their existing philosophy and starting selling new lords and updated mechanics for Warhammer 1 and 2 factions. Right now we get them alongside as free updates with paid DLC like the upcoming Bretonnia, or FLC, but I do expect like two years after Warhammer 3 to just get more unit/lord DLCs for Warhammer1/2 factions.

Not even that. I've gone from having to contend with war on two fronts with Saphery and Caledor almost right off the bat to having to deal with those two plus Pirates of Sartosa, and then Dreadfleet after a bit. On top of that, they don't even have the good manners to start falling apart if you kill their leader unit.

I couldn't tell. I finally gave up on the game after one unit of them at half strength routed my entire army after everything else the vampires had fielded had been cut down. Lions of Chrace basically only ever last one engagement because no shields and basically no armor, and they are so expensive to field in the first place that I never bother.

You're right.
I was so fucking pleased with everything they adapted into the Coast, but everything they made up to fill the gaps sucks, I really wish Depth Guards weren't part of the roster, they're supposed to be fragile as fuck, but now they are one of the hardiest.

They already said at a certain point, there going to do cross game Lord packs for the ultra campaign.

/twg/ doesn't believe that Thanquol is going to be in the game, I hope you are better than them Yea Forums

Attached: Warhammer_Thanquol's_Doom.png (280x277, 139K)

Ok now get a better CPU because turn times will still be shit.

It's going to be Clan Skyre idiot.

Well Skaven already got their flc lord in the form of a literal who and Thanquol is almost definitely not going to be the dlc lord so it's kind of hard to fit him in at this point.

They better unfuck Warhammer 2's side of the map while they are at it. When you start a Mortal Empires, let it be Short-Medium-Long which determines how much of the map is available. If people don't want a fucking mega long campaign with long turn times, play on Short which will be the existing fucked up Warhammer 2 and upcoming Warhammer 3's fucked up proportions and cut off areas.

They could fix all of it by introducing a theater of war system like in Empire. Old World. New World. Darklands.

All I ever wanted was WH1 map but with Skaven.

You have to be a fucking idiot to prefer a generic greyseer to a robot rat.

Ideally there should be a fuck huge underground map for the WH1 world where Dwarves/Skaven/Greenskins are fighting.

Karak Eight Peeks mini campaign when.

No you'll have your terrible welf and beastmen mini campaigns and that's it.

How can CA fuck up so hard do often? Do they not realize what makes their games good?

Do you trust them after Beastmen and Welf?

To be fair on them, Vampire Coast and Kangz have way more value, so they learned and improved pretty well on the campaign packs.

too late, CA already decided that its going to be Thanquol, he is mentioned multiple times in-game, that confirms him

Attached: thanquolandboneripper.jpg (1920x1584, 1.24M)

True dat.

Took them bloody long enough, they've only been making thees games for 20 years.

Rome 2's campaign packs were awful. And it's awful that Beastmen were Butchered before CA started giving full rosters to the DLC factions. If they had came post TK's, they would be so much more fleshed out.

What happened to all the history fans?

I wish they would revamp Lords/Heroes and how armies work in general honestly.
Like have your standard Hero the Captain/Noble/Boss/Thane able to field small armies of up to like 5 regular no monster troops.
That way early game has more stuff to do rather than just moving your doomstack around. You can do more border protecting and harassing too.
Maybe give them a level 20 skill letting them field a slightly bigger army or what have you.

Also maybe change how lord recruitment works to be similar to Tomb KANGZ where you unlock the ability to field more armies as the game goes on. Like after X amount of provinces you can get a second army, or technologies, or what have you based on what faction you play as.

Essentially I kinda dislike how quickly the game turns into 20 v 20 troop stacks, you have no choice but to do it since the AI does it.


Feminismmascma asa well as fucjkjjjjjjjjjjjjjj fenakes jukkuhngg this wseries. Were areg the Bulgasrian Empire? I wsnabtt to recvreate Serbian,. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA fucking Droagons. Fuckigns xombies. Bunch of fucking babies. FUKV + CA FUCK SJW's

Beastmen were always lame. If they had to fuck up one faction before learning how to make good dlc then I'm glad it was Beastmen instead of someone like Tomb Kings or Chaos Dwarfs.

Fuck you. Beastmen are true choas

Based history poster

>Essentially I kinda dislike how quickly the game turns into 20 v 20 troop stacks, you have no choice but to do it since the AI does it.
>Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)23:02:48 No.456723910▶
> Dead
>Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)23:07:32 No.456724397▶
> Feminismmascma asa well as fucjkjjjjjjjjjjjjjj fenakes jukkuhngg this wseries. Were areg the Bulgasrian Empire? I wsnabtt to recvreate Serbian,. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA fucking Droagons. Fuckigns xombies. Bunch of fucking babies. FUKV + CA FUCK SJW's
>Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)23:08:22 No.456724479▶
> Beastmen were always lame. If they had to fuck up one faction before learning how to make good dlc then I'm glad it was Beastmen instead of someone like Tomb Kings or Chaos Dwarfs.
>Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)23:12:29 No.456724864▶
> Fuck you. Beastmen are true choas
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Attached: hungry lubber hoppers.jpg (700x846, 151K)


Fix Wood Elves and Beastmen before they add new DLC

They need to go back to pre-rome 2 style armies. General-only armies has always been a retarded restriction and is only imposed because CA doesn't want to improve their AI in any significant way. Now we even have this absolutely moronic upkeep increase per-army, but all this means is the player gets fewer options and the AI can push out as many armies as they want while barely keeping their shit together via buffs and bonuses.

IIRC the reason they got rid of the old system is because there was a glitch in almost all of the old games where you could get infinite movement points by removing and re-adding units to an army. They couldn't figure out how to fix it so they just made it so you can't make armies without a general.

They will have to go the way of Bretonnia and get them paid for by a DLC pack. For now, Wood Elves are fine. The roster itself is good but the mechanics of the campaign are shit. Beastmen have both an incomplete roster and the campaign mechanics aren't fun. As much as people whine about the Empire, the roster is fine and the campaign itself is mediocre which is more than the Beastmen and Bretonnia have.

I would like the Garrison buildings to fuck off too, I hate seeing the AI only fielding a single stack of 20 early game units which is easily disposed of but their capital has the most god tier stack of units that delays you for ages.

Wood Elves are somewhat easy to fix.
Making amber a resource that you get to keep even if you lose the settlement or alliance would fix 99 percent of the problems imo

We need more history games not fantasy shit!

>negative balance of power even though my army is very obviously superior
>manually delete enemy army with artillery
Why is BoP so fucking broken for some factions? Has anyone figured out the meta? Do the devs seriously expect you to fight 200 battles by hand to finish a single campaign?
Unplayable fucking shit.

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Vamp Coast is heavily fucked right now in their favor, while Skaven is the reverse from what I've played. The game is also really bad at deciding that one of your units be it a monster or artillery should just fully die.

Ikit Claw and Tehenhauin

Attached: 1525999960858.jpg (1416x998, 520K)

Moulder packmaster with brood horror mount, as much as I would like the Verminlord I think its game 3 territory.

Also missing the Ark of Sotek Bastiladon and salamanders, wish they all got in but someone's gonna have to get the cut.

VC are op but I thought DG got obliterated before even the pack released (nerfed after the tournament matches).

I think Engine of the Gods is more likely over Ark of Sotek because iirc Tehenhauin had it as a mount in tabletop. Salamanders I think are likely, probably a toss up between them or Razordons.

The most boring choice