Why does Yea Forums hate Nintendo so much?

Why does Yea Forums hate Nintendo so much?

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Jealousy from a extremely vocal minority of Sony fans, as you can see most of Yea Forums universally loves Nintendo.

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Same reason steamfags hate epic store.

Like said, it's just from a vocal minority. The rest of the Sony fans either don't give a fuck or want to slap the shit out of said minority.

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That comparison doesn't work unless you pretend Epic store is mostly first party games and Nintendo has no original IPs and only has exclusives like Bayonetta

because Yea Forums is full of people who hate games just because they are popular or simple to play and fun

I always give them shit when it's deserved and praise when it's warranted. Ridley in Smash made me so insanely happy that nothing they've done recently has really pissed me off.

>hates Nintendo
Nigger were you around before smash got released?
Yea Forums loves Nintendo, honestly there some of the only on topic threads.

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It's a trash company that makes bad consoles. I regret buying a Switch

IDORT REPORTING. Nintendo is peak comfy and even though they are overly reliant on nostalgiafagging, no other company does it better.

Yeah bro

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I hate Nintendo and micro$oft

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Please, Yea Forums is horribly biased with nintendo. They get away with jewing customers while their competition is mocked for doing pro consumer steps.

>majora won
Who let that happen?

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This is Yea ForumstendoGAF

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I feel neutral about Nintendo, but I absolutely hate the fanbase. They can be some of the most abrasive people on this board.

>game has black character
>game has non-sexy female
>game doesn't have a Switch port
>"indie pixel shit"

It's so frustrating dealing with them.

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How is any of that screeching over SJWs and "indie pixel shit" specific to Nintendo fans?

Yea Forums is becoming more and more nintendo niggers every passing day. it's the most popular board, flooded with underagefags and reddit tourists falsefagging and spamming cancerous garbage 24/7. they deserve all the hate they get and still need more of it until they get a containment board or fuck off entirely.

You described Yea Forums, not Nintendo

this is kinda cute actually, he looks like a nice guy.

>360 controller
not bad Yea Forums

So are Nintendo fans basedboy chugging SJWs or are they alt-right neckbeards?
I'm getting mixed signals here.

These complaints are specific to Nintendo fans. MS fans are too busy in a dickwaving contest because of the Xbox's low sales, while sony fans are too busy trying to be mature with their "epic and deep cinematic narratives". neither one cares as much about SJWs.

They fell from grace when they launched the GameCube and never recovered. Much like the difference between Blizzard and Nu-Blizzard or Star Wars and Nu-Wars. Nu-tendo shambles on in its eternal pit of mediocrity.

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They're neither. Those are just convenient labels to slap onto them depending on the argument. The real problem is blind brand loyalty, and this idea that games need to "stick it to the SJWs" to be good.

Shitposting about SJWs isn't at all unique to Nintendo fans. Unless you're going to pretend the same people complaining about treehouse censorship were also Nintendo fanboys and not the people defending it.

what did the nincels do to make you platinum mad like this?

They are a shit company. Making games for braindead kids. Doing the same thing over and over and over. The only reason Nintendo is popular is because of nostalgia. Most of their fanbase are mid 20-late 30's. This is a fact.

That's just a fanboy double standard. aka "it's okay when we do it because we have a good reason" and all that jazz. Kind of like how people will complain about DLC, and yet Zelda's 20 dollar season pass is a "real must buy" and "is such a generous offering". Give me a break.

>and yet Zelda's 20 dollar season pass is a "real must buy"
No one here said that.

Also the "double standard" doesn't work unless you concede Nintendo fans aren't the only ones who bitch about SJWs.

>These complaints are specific to Nintendo fans

Nice victim complex, snoy

he looks like a loser
go back to resetera

They have games isntead of ''mature'' movies.

I've never seen any other fanbase complain so hard about SJWs. I'd like to see some proof if they even exist.

Oh, I hope you read the image with that post user. I really hope you did.

.>This is a fact
Not really, no.

>Show proof that something doesn't exist
Are you literally retarded?

>I've never seen any other fanbase complain so hard about SJWs.
Again, are you going to ignore complaints about treehouse censorship? Or are you just going to dismiss it again as a "double standard". Is the defense of Sony's new content policy also a "double standard" ?

Why are you defending SJWs?

Because, welcome to Sonygaf

There were no complaints. Everyone defended it as "localization" and "Nintendo making games available to a wider audience". The only people who considered it bad were other console fanbases, who then proceeded to defend their companies when they censored content.

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I hate Nintendo because they consistently neglect their good IPs in favor of rehashing the same tired bullshit again and again. They also insist on pushing retarded gimmicks to hide the incapacity of their hardware. But what REALLY did it was how fucking awful 2018 and 2019 have been for the Switch.

>no GOOD games (all b-team shovelware like kirby and yoshi)
>no netflix or internet browser
>no virtual console
>Metroid one of the only games I was looking forward to delayed
>still no pikmin insight
>nothing but indies and ports of games that I have already played before on Wii U, invalidating the $300 I sank into buying a Wii U new
God fuck nintendo. They're kept afloat almost exclusively by Smash autistics and Splatoon pedos.

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>There were no complaints.
Ok so you're going down the revisionist history route. Nice

>The only people who considered it bad were other console fanbases,
In other words Nintendo fans aren't the only ones who screech about SJWs

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Seething, cope more

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Just like there were no complaints about Sony's new content policy and everyone defended it as "localization" and "Sony making games available to a wider audience".

>Metroid one of the only games I was looking forward to delayed
That's a good thing, though. What they had so far was apparently a dumpster fire.

Hate Nintendo? I was of the impression this was Nintenddit

why did "sonygaf" send a thank you card to nintendo for showing a youtube video at e3?

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>There were no complaint
lol, everything i know about Wii U era censorship comes from threads here complaining about it. Like how stupidly fatal frame censored a lingerie photoshoot despite the girl being uncomfortable with the photoshoot being the whole point. Or how stupidly #FE was censored by removing a section about beachwear because bikinis are too lewd for 18 year olds to wear, or the wedding dress that was butchered to cover a small amount of cleavage and her exposed shoulders (the horror). Oh or the boss in #FE that was censored ONLY IN THE PREFIGHT CUTSCENE, showing just how incompetent the crew doing the hack-job was.
Yea Forums was filled with threads shitting on treehouse for most of the Wii U era. if you didn't see them you either weren't here or you were deliberately blind to them.

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snoy nigger

At this stage with the industry everyone should be crying

user, that card was for the 3 days of gameplay they showed, not the youtube video that preceeded them.

If it's really good when it comes out and this two year drought is just a memory maybe I'll agree with you but right now I feel so fucking ignored and shafted that I genuinely regret giving Nintendo a cent of my money.

because Yea Forums hates everything. next you're gonna tell me that Yea Forums actually plays video games

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>In other words Nintendo fans aren't the only ones who screech about SJWs
The other fanbases don't really blame it on SJWs. Sony fans, in particular, just blamed it on Nintendo being made for kids, hence the BING BING WAHOO spam you see every so often, or those painfully unfunny onion drinking wojaks that get spammed en masse.

Precisely! You go into a Ps4 thread and complain about that, and you'll be met by people who say things like "good, it was disgusting pedophile shit anyway, I'm glad it;'s getting removed". It's the fanboy double standard, I'm surprised you don't know this by now.

Any complaints that might have occurred were drowned out by thousands of apologists, much like how any complaints in a ps4 censorship thread are drowned out by people praising sony for "being mature" and other nonsense. You're giving console fanboys a wee bit too much credit.

oh forgot, not pictured: virtual boy (x3), twin famicom.


why would a board that hates nintendo and loves sony send nintendo a thank you card at all?

>The other fanbases don't really blame it on SJWs
Treehouse and SJWs were specifically blamed for all the censorship and retardedly bad localizations at Nintendo, what the FUCK is your ignorant ass running its fool mouth on about?

I mean how fucking new to Yea Forums do you have to be to have never even heard of VAGINA BONES before? Fuck you, your gas lighting, and all the horse shit you're filled with.

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How is it a double standard if only one party complains about SJWs? Unless you concede its not specific to that fanbase.

The majority of people on this planet are retarded, I'm not sure what you're trying to prove with that pic. I think Ocarina of Time is one of the dullest games OF all time, and despite my love for the Saturn I think desperate Segafags overhype Panzer Dragoon Saga just to have something to feel proud of.

>Any complaints that might have occurred were drowned out by thousands of apologists
ah so you've already moved your version of history from "there were no complaints" to "the complaints weren't numerous enough to count" which is also false by the way. there were far more posts complaining about censorship than posts defending censorship.

Do you ever consider why those soi drinking wojacks are associated with Nintendo? Like why do you think So i boy became a meme to begin with?

>Treehouse and SJWs were specifically blamed for all the censorship and retardedly bad localizations at Nintendo
and yet Yea Forums still sent them a thank you card. guess you guys weren't that outraged after all.

user, there's less than 400 images on that card, and it was sent by 1 guy. Do you really believe all of Yea Forums only has 400 posters (assuming they're all unique) on the whole board?
It's actually possible for a small group like that to exist even if the majority of the board doesn't agree with them.

I hate them because soi.

I regularly play games on PS4, Switch and PC. Only console I won't touch is Xbone. That shit's cringe!

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People here hate happiness.

>Outrage over SJWs is specific to Nintendo fans
>but they also like SJWs enough to send them a thank you card

Make up your minds.

We blame family-friendly obsession when it comes to Nintendo. Not SJWs. Big difference.

>Treehouse and SJWs were specifically blamed for all the censorship and retardedly bad localizations at Nintendo,
Are you kidding? I can't even recall SJWS being brought up that much. again it was a fight between "haha nintendo is for kids" and "no no you see it's a good thing because muh localization".

It's a double standard that all fanboys hold. It's censorship when you do it, but it's localization when I do it. Think about it like paid online. Every time someone introduced it, everyone else laughed at them and called them cucks, only to make up a defense for it when it happened to their console. Do you deny that?

the deal with the SJWs is that they're just a specific group that Nintendo fans blame when other ghames from other companies get censored. They're the equivalent to the "kiddy pandering toddlers" or whatever strawman that other fanbases cry about.

seeIf you guys were truly enraged, why did the fanbase collectively send them a thank you card?

>cringe and pepe image
I hate you for these two things, but agree with you on the rest of your post. Even a poorfag like me can afford Switch PC and PS4.

seePeople complain about Nintendo sanitizing games for the sake of their disney-esque family image. SJWs are only brought up in relation to other companies.

Fuck off. SJWs got blamed just as much for Nintendo's localization as anyone elses.

could you imagine someone trying to make one of those thank you cards for sony right now?
the fact that it got 400 images during the dismal wii u era while treehouse's censorship was at an all-time high is proof enough that nintendo fans' victim complex has no basis in reality.

>If you guys were truly enraged, why did the fanbase collectively send them a thank you card?
This hurts your argument more than it helps. If the fanbase is willing to send a SJW-filled localization team thank you cards then they would be even less outraged over SJWs than other fanbases.

That implies that Nintendo's localization was seen as a bad thing, at least by Nintendo fans.

see People complain about Sony sanitizing games for the sake of their mature sophisticated image. SJWs are only brought up in relation to other companies.

Again, allow me to refer you back to the "fanboy double standard". If your favorite company does it, it's based and redpilled. If another company does it, it's "those evil SJWs trying to ruin vidya".

counter-culture and newfags trying too hard to fit in. the board is flooded with nintendo-related discussion whenever something happens

I stopped caring about console wars a long time ago. But censorship, paid online, and attacking roms/fan-games for stuff 10+ years old doesn't exactly make me a Nintendo fan either.

That's Yea Forums

So I won't find thread after thread of people complaining about SJWs in relation to HOrizon or TLOU because "they purposely put in ugly women"?

The deal with the SJWs is that they're just a specific group that ALL fans blame when other games from other companies get censored. The same "strawman" gets used whether its in regards to Treehouse or west-coast based Sony.

>I can't even recall SJWS being brought up that much. again it was a fight between "haha nintendo is for kids"
You're full of fucking shit.

Jealousy mostly from Sonyfags that are mad their console is becoming irrelevant while Nintendo still has it's own niche. Xbox is also becoming irrelevant but it's by their own choice as they just port everything to PC these days, which also fucks over Sony since they have so many cross platform games.

The same double standard that somehow only applies to Nintendo but nobody else.

Are we supposed to be impressed? That's what an average PC Gamer's Steam/pirated games library for this generation looks like.

Where did I say that? My whole point is that SJWs being used as a cudgel isn't specific to a single console fanbase. Hence the whole "double standard" you keep going on about.

>If you guys were truly enraged, why did the fanbase collectively send them a thank you card?
>e3 thank you card: 2014
>Fire emblem fates: 2015
>Fatal Frame: 2015
>Xenoblade Chronicles X: 2015
>TMS#FE : 2016
i'd wager the best guess is because Nintendo fans aren't time travelers and nobody knew how shitty treehouse was going to be back in 2014 when the card was sent.

their fanbase that posts thousands of speculative threads over the most mundane shit

It applies to everyone user, but the point is the reasoning behind it. Both fanbases defend censorship when their side does it, and will attack others for censorship. Their reasoning is different.

>sony fan: haha nintendo censored you because bing bing wahoo is meant for 5 year olds
>Nintendo fan: haha snoy censored you because SJWs want more women and diversity

Can you find me a legitimate sony fan who complained about diversity hires or a female main character who looked ugly?

seethe censorship didn't start until after the card was sent.

I-it's just snoy f-falseflag

The double standard was in relation to censorship. Everyone attacks it AND defends it, depending on how convenient it is for their brand loyalty. But I've never seen a sony fan complain about SJWs.


Are you mentally retarded? Nintendo fans spend all day fapping to Marina hentai. Meanwhile, Yea Forums lost it's shit over two lesbians kissing in a Sony game.

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If you're trying to make a point, at least remove the obvious as fuck falseflags, which is literally at least half of these.

No Splatoon fan will consider Marina as "black". Because they can masturbate to her, they'll come up with a billion different excuses to justify her as mulatto or tan or something like that. That's another double standard.

this is the biggest nintendo hugbox on the internet
the people who despise that aspect of this board are just loud

>Their reasoning is different.
No it isn't. Both parties complain about SJWs

>sony fan: haha nintendo censored you because SJWs want more women and diversity
>Nintendo fan: haha snoy censored you because SJWs want more women and diversity

Can you find me a legitimate Nintendo fan who complained about diversity hires or a female main character who looked ugly? Because you're just arbitrarily deciding who is a legitimate Sony fan.

What scares me most is how Nintendo has money to shill this fucking hard where not even Microsoft does.

wrong, bravely default was already censored before e3 2014.

If anyhting the double standard is in relation to SJWs. Everyone attacks it AND defends it, but out of convince you've decided only one fanbase complains about them
> But I've never seen a sony fan complain about SJWs.
Sure and I've never seen a Nintendo fan complain about SJWs. Both are equally true.

Really? Because I'm a splatoon fan and I consider her black.

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>sony fan: haha nintendo censored you because SJWs want more women and diversity
I'll take "things that never happened for 500".

>Can you find me a legitimate Nintendo fan who complained about diversity hires or a female main character who looked ugly?
Have you even seen a TLOU2 thread in the past 2 years?

>Both fanbases defend censorship when their side does it,
If I'm being honest I've never seen a Nintendofag actually defend censorship as much as they accept why it happened but at the same time they try to make their voices heard when it crosses a threshold like the removal of gameplay.

>identity politics don't matter when it comes to fanservice
Again how is this unique to Nintendo?

Don't reply to acfag

>Yea Forums logic: sony fans are all refugees from resetera
>resetera is full of SJWs
>also Yea Forums logic: sony fans complain about SJWs

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>Have you even seen a TLOU2 thread in the past 2 years?
I'll take "things that never happened for 500".

>I'll take "things that never happened for 500".
Have you even seen a Treehouse thread in the past 5 years?

>sony fans complain about SJWs
Which they don't.

>No Splatoon fan will consider Marina as "black".

>TLOU threads bashing SJWs happened
>Treehouse censorship threads bashing SJWs never happened

This is your own doubled standard. You can't have it both ways.

BD was also censored by Square.

They loved Nintendo when NoA is infested by SJWs. Their censorship threads on GAF were filled with endless apologists defending Treehouse.

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Fact is, you don't see Nintendo fans boycotting or complaining about putting Misango, Marina, and Twintelle in their games. Nintendo also had a black president and nobody said anything. But you constantly see Sony fans complaining about SJWs.

I can actually back up my statement.


>thread filled with nothing but people complaining about TLOU's protags being ugly lesbians
>several nose edits and (((coincidence))) parentheses everywhere

You're gonna have a hard time convincing me that sony fans made all these posts.

>Yea Forums logic: Nintendo fans love treehouse and sent them a thank you card
>treehouse is full of SJWs
>also Yea Forums logic: Nintendo fans complain about SJWs

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try to follow along, we're talking about games censored by treehouse specifically, as they're the ones who got the card then later got criticized for censorship of games.
Square never got a thank you card, and were also criticized some over BD's censorship.

Anyone shitting on Nintendo gets confused for a Sony fanboy when it's about 50/50 Sony and PCfags. PCfags make up the largest demographic on this board and sockpuppet as both groups to make you all look as gay as possible, and incite more board drama

>You're gonna have a hard time convincing me that sony fans made all these posts.
Where's your evidence that they aren't?

>Yea Forums logic: talk about Yea Forums as if you're not also part of it
Who are you antagonizing?

>PCfags make up the largest demographic on this board
Not as of 2014.

try again

If you're going to deny the threads bashing NoA's localization for SJW censorship ever happened then yeah sony fans made all those posts.

Again, you can't have it both ways. Your link doesn't back up your statement about your own double standard.

Aren't most sony fans resetera refugees? Why would they complain about strong female roles that aren't sexualized? You'd have to backtrack almost a decade of shitposting and accusations.

>Yea Forums logic: Nintendo fans love treehouse and sent them a thank you card
>treehouse is full of SJWs
>fanboy logic: treehouse isn't SJW, it's just "localization"

I don't hate Nintendo, but
> they haven't come up with anything new and interesting in years and instead subsist off the recycled rotting corpses of their main IPs
> Bing Bing Wahoo Syndrome causes grown men in their mid-30's to cover their rooms in stuffed Yoshi dolls and plastic stickers

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>If you're going to deny the threads bashing NoA's localization for SJW censorship ever happened
Nobody called it SJW. Nintendo fans defended it as localization, everyone else chastized it as "family friendly brand sanitizing".

>they haven't come up with anything new and interesting in years and instead subsist off the recycled rotting corpses of their main IPs

>Nintendo fans
Proof? Because I saw a lot saying it was censorship and that they didn't like it.

>sony fans are all refugees from resetera
>resetera is full of SJWs
>sony logic: Sony isn't SJW, it's just "localization"

>> they haven't come up with anything new and interesting in years and instead subsist off the recycled rotting corpses of their main IPs
It's not like they aren't trying. Splatoon and ARMS are both new IPs within the last 4 years.

I'm a former fan and I think they've fallen a long ways in a variety of aspects, so I guess I'm more critical of their shortcomings because I'm comparing them to what I grew up with

Sometimes it's just hard to let go of something you used to love, it's become like an abusive relationship now

>Nobody called it SJW.
>everyone else chastized it as "family friendly brand sanitizing".

>Aren't most sony fans resetera refugees
Key word there Acfag. While there are a lot of die hard Sony loyalists there are a few that actually care for the games more than the company and do berate the company when an agenda is forced or if they don't like something.

That's the distinction between sonyfags and Sony fans.

That is just as true as all those posts making fun of TLOU2 protags being ugly lesbians made by sony fans.

Xenoblade Chronicls and Bayonetta are also semi-new. Xeno did have previous games, but it wasn't a Nintendo property at the time. Bayonetta didn't start off as Nintendo exclusive, but it is now. Also, Astral Chain is a brand new IP.

I don't think there's a problem with stuff like this as long as it's not your primary living room. Like if you have a nice house with several rooms and you've turned one into a games room with a specific theme like this, then I think it's great. But if this is your living space where your parents come to sit when they visit you, then it's definitely embarrassing

That's true though. Fanboys defend it when it's convenient for them.

Can yu point me to even one thread where Nintendo fans agreed that these changes were bad then, or a sony thread where people complained about the SJWs?

>That's the distinction between sony fags and Sony fans.
Except you get called a sony fag if you so much as say that the Ps4 isn't a terrible console. the term gets thrown around like it's made of cheap plastic.

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Can you point me to even one thread where Sony fans agreed that these changes were bad then, or a Nintendo thread where people complained about the SJWs?

>missing the point

Complaining about SJWs isn't unique to Nintendo. Almost everyone here does it and everyone makes excuses for it when its convenient for them.

>Splatoon and ARMS are both new IPs within the last 4 years.
They always try new games and add to their IP catalog, they just don't pick up as much steam as their regular titles or are missteps. here are a few new ips they made or own from this gen
Code name steam
Wonderful 101
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
Ever Oasis
Dragalia Lost
1-2 Switch
Tokyo Crash Mobs

A surprising amount fly completely under the radar simply because their mainstays are too big and people don't know what they actually own

>Except you get called a sony fag if you so much as say that the Ps4 isn't a terrible console.
Which never happens. People are only caked sonyfags when they do something retarded that's based around their love of Sony.

I used to love nintendo's stuff. Not as a fanboy but just loved their handhelds and the gamecube era was cool too. I feel they just want to sell new cheap hardware with mediocre games now. They had so many franchises to work with and they keep making games nobody really wants. I feel their goal is more about making games and tricking kids into buying it. Their ads and reveals has this "look at how amazing this is! this is totally fun! " feel to it.

Maybe Im wrong and just havent played the best the switch has to offer but for the most part I dont look forward to anything they release. Even pokemon got pretty stale years ago.

Nintendo you cowards make a new Doshin game already!

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I already linked you a thread where the Nintendo fans complained about the main characters being too ugly because of "SJWs" and if you want a thread where sony fans were adamant abiout Nintendo's "localization" changes being bad, you need to look no further than your nearest golden sony wojak, or onions chugging wojak. Or type in "BING BING WAHOO" in the archive. Threads like this for example boards.fireden.net/v/thread/456647274

Eventually they just become shitflinging contests between "take your cinematic horseshit elsewhere" and "get your bing bing wahoo back to disney land". 500 pages of results couldn't be wrong.

user, in this very thread I got called a snoy despite not defending the Ps4 or sony even once.

splatoon was thisclose to being turned into a yoshi game before someone came to their senses at the last minute. that alone shows the level of creative bankruptcy at nintendo these days.
arms is already irrelevant and forgotten. it's the new golden sun: decent sales numbers due to lack of competition on the platform at the time, but it doesn't actually translate into a strong ip that's built to last. it's also not very good.

Low quality bait:
>nintendo sucks

Lesser quality bait:
>why does nintendo suck?

Average bait:
>why does Yea Forums hate nintendo?

Greater quality bait:
>if you had to change 3 things about nintendo, what would they be?

High quality bait:
>(unrelated lewd and any of the above)

>user, in this very thread I got called a snoy despite not defending the Ps4 or sony even once
I didn't say you had to defend it, I said "when they do something retarded that's based around their love of Sony".
Which you have done with this double standard.

source on that? i heard splatoon was originally going to be a game about rabbits, since when was it going to be a yoshi game?
Anyway the entire point is moot, since they didn't do that, and instead made a new IP that oozed creativity.

>splatoon was thisclose to being turned into a yoshi game
It wasn't. Ever.
First it was tofu, then it was rabbits and finally squids. The closest thing to Yoshi was when someone suggested Mario characters if they had trouble deciding on a final theme.

>when they do something retarded that's based around their love of Sony".
Where did I even say that I "love sony"? wtf man.

I was going to ask you if you were aware of what your posts say but you're clearly blinded by bias.

You have zero evidence that those posters are Nintendo fans or Sony fans. Again, if you're going to pretend that nobody complained about SJWs over the localization of Nintendo games, even to the point of literally outing a SJW Treehouse employee which resulted in her firing, then it's fair to assume that all the complaints about TLOU main characters being ugly had nothing to do with SJWs. Otherwise you have a double standard.

My posts say that all fandoms are biased and will justify their corporation with doublethink, but I've only ever heard one fandom specifically bring up SJWs.

I can't find the word "SJW" in any, if at all, Nintendo threads, meanwhile you see it every 5 posts in TLOU threads.

>or onions chugging wojak
A meme originally making fun of beta male feminists

>Eventually they just become shitflinging contests between "take your cinematic horseshit elsewhere" and "get your bing bing wahoo back to disney land". 500 pages of results couldn't be wrong.

So which one of these are complaining about SJWs?

>My posts say that all fandoms are biased and will justify their corporation with doublethink
Which you have yet to prove. This entire time you've been running entirely on assumption without any concrete evidence while attacking a specific fan base for no particular reason.

The former.

>Which you have yet to prove.
SO you're going to deny year after year of apologists making excuses for censorship by calling it "localization" or attacking the fans as "weird weebs"? None of that ever happened in your eyes?

Attached: yoshi_splatoon_03.jpg (1200x900, 128K)

>I've only ever heard one fandom specifically bring up SJWs.
>I can't find the word "SJW" in any, if at all, Nintendo threads

Fuck off retard

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What does "cinematic horseshit" have to do with SJWs?

>SO you're going to deny year after year of people complaining about censorship and attacking "localization" as SJW? None of that ever happened in your eyes?

Who likes to push cinematic experiences?

I still don't see SJWS mentioned in that image.

Are you retarded?
That's not even a placeholder but rather an image created while they were still deciding whether or not it should be based on an existing IP or not

>attacking "localization" as SJW
NEVER. HAPPENED. At least when talking about a Nintendo game.

I think that's more of an illustrative example of "We need new characters because Yoshis running around with guns in a hip-hop/graffiti artist inspired world looks and sounds absurd." Not necessarily an idea they seriously considered.

>Who likes to push cinematic experiences?
Sony, what does that have to do with SJWs?

They have shitty business practices and shut down fan projects even if they're non profit.
Also their games are lacking in quality like their old shit.

AAA companies who want to pander to the lowest common denominator because polish is more marketable than gameplay.

Nintendo is literally the least hated of the big gaming companies
Valve, Sony Microsoft etc
People love Nintendo and the people behind it

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Pretty much this. Nintendo tends to receive a ton of love and support from the community so anyone who isn't a nintendo fan tries to bury this by dragging Nintendo

Isn't sony infiltrated with SJWs? That's why we had 500 threads about them moving their HQ to california. It's absurd, every other thread we complained about sony being SJWs, but now when it's convenient, suddenly nobody ever complained about it, and all those complaints magically disappeared.

>and shut down fan projects even if they're non profit.
All of the ones that were shut down earned money either through patreon or ads.

>complaining about feminists isn't complaining about SJWs
Fuck off you pedantic retard

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>Sony has been the worst fanbase even beating out Sonic the hedgehog

wouldn't be the first time they've done graffiti-style yoshi.

Attached: yoshistrikers.jpg (1182x1199, 218K)

I can't even tell what you're arguing anymore. I thought you said Sonyfans weren't the ones complaining about SJWs, now they are?

>> Bing Bing Wahoo Syndrome causes grown men in their mid-30's to cover their rooms in stuffed Yoshi dolls and plastic stickers

Were you going somewhere with that?

>People talking about the direct where they drop major Nintendo news
>It’s all shills!
Fuck off

>but now when it's convenient, suddenly nobody ever complained about it, and all those complaints magically disappeared.

I think you're confused because that's what's being said about Nintendo. It's a known fact both have gotten complaints for SJW localization.

Uranium and ar2m had a patreon?

Except it objectively did happen when talking Nintendo localization like Fire Emblem Fates. You can even go into threads and see apologists trying to blame anti-sjws for the complaints.


And did a Nintendo fan make that complaint?

They aren't. They have other excuses for censorship.

Nintendo fans don't see it as SJW when their company does it. They see it when other companies do it. Sony fans have never complained about SJWs.

>making excuses for censorship by calling it "localization" or attacking the fans as "weird weebs"
NEVER. HAPPENED. At least when talking about a Sony game.

you don't need a million threads at the same time to discuss one youtube video.
if Yea Forums "hated nintendo" like its fans claim, a nintendo direct wouldn't even raise an eyebrow, let alone take up 90% of the catalog.

If you two hadn't noticed he's been flip flopping this whole time. He doesn't even know what he's arguing about anymore

People start console gaming with Nintendo above any other brand so therefore they are the most casual brand in consoles

>. They have other excuses for censorship
Such as?

Isn't Treehouse infiltrated with SJWs? That's why we had 500 threads about their employees getting outed on Twitter. It's absurd, every other thread we complained about Treehouse being SJWs, but now when it's convenient, suddenly nobody ever complained about it, and all those complaints magically disappeared.

oh i did, i just like keeping him busy so he posts less in other threads. it took me longer than usual to be sure it was him, but the only reason you should ever reply to him is for your own amusement.

Sony fans don't see it as SJW when their company does it. They see it when other companies do it. Nintendo fans have never complained about SJWs.

Okay. Whatever you say.

My point is this: find me even one single Sony thread where sony fans complained about SJWs. Alternatively, find me a single thread where nintendo fans or sony fans actively called out their parent company as doing something wrong.

When someone complains about treehouse censorship, it's never complaints about them being SJW. It's always for the sake of maintaining a family friendly image.

Just show me even one thread as proof. I've already linked you multiple threads that proved my side.

Sony fans have complained about SJWs, at least in regards to localization. Just as Nintendo fans have complained about Sony's censorship being driven by SJWs.

If you think it's unique to one fanbase, then you have a double standard. Simple as that.

Unironical answer here

Switch is a sales success and Yea Forums hates everything popular

just compare to how much shilling the Pee U flop used to get here

>And did a Nintendo fan make that complaint?
Did Sony fans make complaints about TLOU protags? There's your answer

>Did Sony fans make complaints about TLOU protags?
None of them ever did. A console fanboy, by default, never criticizes their parent company. Thus the title of "fanboy." If they were level headed, they wouldn't be fanboys.

Censorship apologists aren't unique to one fanbase, but the culprits that are blamed are unique.

If you claim to hold no allegiance to Sony, then why did you leave the "Why does Yea Forums hate Sony" thread completely alone until the very end? Surely you should have equal problems with all console manufacturers without bias?

You posted a single thread where people complained about TLOU protags and assumed they must be Nintendo fans with no evidence.

>When someone complains about treehouse censorship, it's never complaints about them being SJW. It's always for the sake of maintaining a family friendly image.
Exact same could be said for Sony's censorship. You can say Sony is allegedly filled with SJWs, but the same could be said for Treehouse especially since their employees were targeted specifically for their SJW takes.

>Censorship apologists aren't unique to one fanbase, but the culprits that are blamed are unique.
that's just your delusion. People complaining about censorship are largely one group that plays both Nintendo and Sony games who just like Japanese games and hates seeing them censored. It's silly to think this single group blames different people based on what console the censorship is on.

>My point is this: find me even one single Sony thread where sony fans complained about SJWs
Thats not a point that's a demand. IT also doesn't even make sense since the argument is about whether Nintendo fans complain about SJWs in Nintendo threads specifically, and nobody is denying the fact that fanboys don't call out their own brand companies.

>None of them ever did
Then Nintendo fans aren't the ones complaining about SJWs in Treehouse and outing their employees to get fired.

Why do people think anybody who doesn't like something about Nintendo likes Sony?
I mean most of my favourite games are on Nintendo, I spent my childhood growing up playing Nintendo games. Most of my fondest gaming memories was with the ds and Wii with friends.
I only liked a few Sony games and almost nothing now.

>but the culprits that are blamed are unique.
Okay. Whatever you say.

>why did you leave the "Why does Yea Forums hate Sony" thread completely alone until the very end?
Except I didn't? I'm one of the most vocal critics about their stupid movie games, their subpar hardware prone to failure, their greedy practices like requiring payment for insecure online services, the terrible quality of their ports, and I could go on all day. Every single company needs criticism, or they'll just stagnate into circlejerks.

>You posted a single thread where people complained about TLOU protags and assumed they must be Nintendo fans with no evidence.
Years of threads that are similar gave me evidence that they might very well be Nintendo fans. I can't say it with 100% positivity, but it's a safe guess at the least.

>You can say Sony is allegedly filled with SJWs, but the same could be said for Treehouse especially since their employees were targeted specifically for their SJW takes.
I don't ever remember Nintendo fans complaining about it though. They were the first to defend anything Nintendo did.

That's correct. If any complaints were lobbied at treehouse, it was by outside the fandom.

Where can I hear more of this Yea Forums guys opinions? Does he have a blog or something?

>Years of threads that are similar gave me evidence that they might very well be Nintendo fans.

What evidence? How is it a safe guess when you have literally no evidence connecting the two?

>I don't ever remember Nintendo fans complaining about it though.
Then who did? Why do you assume bitching about SJWs is unique to Nintendo fans when their localization team was specifically targed for their SJW censorship practices?

And don't pretend it never happened after the Allison rapp fiasco. If you're just going to deflect and deny then you don't have a leg to stand on.

So you concede whining about SJWs isn't specific to Nintendo

i've always been on team sonytendo, but it's pretty obvious why many nintendo fans' kneejerk response to criticism is "BUT SONY!"
there's a bunch of older nintendo fans who are still bitter about the fifth generation and how nintendo got dethroned by sony. they've never really gotten over it. (there are also still sega fans who are like this, but they're obviously not as common.)

Attached: sonytendo.jpg (1488x1157, 263K)

Why did you link to my post without actually addressing anything I said? Is this the famed ACfag homosexual I keep hearing about?

>What evidence? How is it a safe guess when you have literally no evidence connecting the two?
Among other reasons, I deduced it from the fact that no other fanbase would care enough to make these kinda threads. PC fans are too busy with Epic games being an asshole, and Xbox fans are too busy not existing.

>Then who did?
Other fandoms of course. Sony fans probably did it for a laugh.

Tell you what, I'll gladly concede if you can show me a thread that demonstrates this.

yeah it's him.

So basically Sony fans only bitches about SJWs "for a laugh" and it only counts when Nintendo fans does it. Now that is a double standard.

I don't need to when you've demonstrated it with your own logic.
>That's correct. If any complaints were lobbied at treehouse, it was by outside the fandom.
Ergo it wasn't Nintendo fans bitching about SJWs.

>Except I didn't?
Bald-faced liar.
Every thread you rear your ugly head in, your first post is ALWAYS one of a half-dozen or so reaction images that happen to be in your current rotation, combined with a broad generalization and accusation towards the fanbase of the subject at hand, followed by an invitation to debate or argue with you. Every single time. And there was none in the thread earlier, just your retarded "i put tiny text at the bottom of my image because i think i'm so much more clever than everyone else" at the very end, as a reply to someone else who was bashing Sony.

>Among other reasons, I deduced it from the fact that no other fanbase would care enough to make these kinda threads.
Why do you assume those threads must be motivated by fandoms? Your ham handed deductions isn't actual evidence of anything.

i laughed

They don't use the term "SJWs" but otherwise that's true. You'd be surprised how petty some people can be, like how James gunn got fired because of some nazi trolls talking about comments he made ten years ago.

They bitch about SJWS when OTHER companies do it. What part of "it's okay when we do it" do you not understand?

>Why do you assume those threads must be motivated by fandoms?
Shitposting is always motivated by inter-console warring fanboys and fandoms. It's a natural allure for them.

I don't know what to tell you user. People only get angry at me when I criticize waifu games and Nintendo games. I never get hate when criticizing anything that's a Yea Forums approved target.

Attached: Turn Japan against me.png (734x408, 349K)

Thanks for conceding.

>2x FDS
don't tell me you're not able to replace the drive belt

>I don't know what to tell you user. People only get angry at me when I criticize waifu games and Nintendo games. I never get hate when criticizing anything that's a Yea Forums approved target.
you haven't tried that then, go criticize MHW world and see how long it takes before you get called a ninten-drone.

>What part of "it's okay when we do it" do you not understand?
"So basically Sony fans only bitches about SJWs "for a laugh" and it only counts when Nintendo fans does it."
>They don't use the term "SJWs" but otherwise that's true.

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I've already criticized it. I never got the same amount of hate that I get when I imply that JRPGs shouldn't have billions of hours of cutscenes, or that sex appeal shouldn't be a selling point.

They both blindly defend their companies, yes. What they'll consider good and bad will constantly change depending on who is doing it. However, I've never seen a sony fan complain about SJWs in particular. Their hate of treehouse usually lies in some other culprit.

Yeah it's not like Yea Forums is used as a easy outlet for shitposting by people who aren't part of any fandom. No all shitposting is done by console fanboys!

If these weren't consistent, constant threads, maybe I'd agree.

So a board that's popular for shitposting by people who don't even care about video games having consistent, constant shitposting threads prove shitposting is mostly done by console fanboys and nobody else. makes sense


>However, I've never seen a sony fan complain about SJWs in particular.

Then you've never seen a Nintendo fan complain about SJWs in particular. You've also never been in any thread about Alision Rapp or treehouse. Can't have it both ways.

>Their hate of treehouse usually lies in some other culprit.
SO you're going to deny that Treehouse employees were specifically targeted for their SJW censorship practices and attacking "localization" as SJW? None of that ever happened in your eyes?

A shitposter will eventually move on to something else. Only a console fanboy would obsess over something for so long and spam thread after thread of the exact same thing. At least that's my interpretation.

>SO you're going to deny that Treehouse employees were specifically targeted for their SJW censorship
Nobody ever called them SJWs.

quit whining and be the change you want to see

Is this your way of admitting you're a console fanboy?

I don't spam threads and I don't attack people with ad hominem or shitposting. When I have a complaint, I attempt to be as eloquent as possible.

Whatever you say, ACfag.

>Nobody ever called them SJWs.

Devour Dick.

Attached: fuck off retard.png (567x98, 12K)

Huh. Well, color me surprised. Okay, I'll concede the point.

I have nothing against the company, I hate their fans. Fucking shill who went as far as to email Nintendo to sue people creating switch emulators.

This. I only hate Nintendo fans at this point. Although I feel the company has stagnated immensely in the past few years.

Nintendo fans cannot handle criticism. It's just a fact.

honestly there is nothing wrong with nintendo, but you have remember that nintendo and nintendo games are for children, so its quite appalling when you see Yea Forums suddenly turn into a blubbering mass because x or y may or may not be in the next smash brother games.

Nintendo is fine, Nintendo fanboys are the worst cancer on Yea Forums.

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