Do you guys miss arcades?
Do you guys miss arcades?
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I live in Japan so no.
Rural japan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tokyo/Osaka
not like I had any friends to go with, so not really
Yes I miss real arcades. I work at an amusement firm, and all arcades are just oversized mobile games now. You'll rarely see proper arcade cabinets anymore.
She fucks Black Men.
For photos maybe, for daily life no. And cities besides Tokyo and Osaka have game centers.
Kyoto > Tokyo/Osaka
Culture vs cultureless.
Yep. This one.
This, except that I have them and still don't really play. I visit, think about how cool they are, and fucking leave.
Shizuoka-shi a best. Small city surrounded by nature with mountains all around and Fuji as a background.
>and fucking leave.
Do your part and buy something/pay for a play.
Not really and ticket games were the real rip off like the slot machine games.
Kinda, there weren't a lot of them in France, i still try to find them...
Actually went to the heart of gaming in London last year. It was fun playing SF with my buddies and random people. Kinda makes me miss it sometimes
looks like one of the shittiest "arcades" ever made in the history of humanity.
I'm so assmad living in the Midwest where the availability of crazy Japanese rhythm games is basically zero.
isn't there a ton of bemani piracy in the us
Smoke meth and go jump around in a cornfield to dubstep.
The midwest has multiple round 1's
You don't want to live in Kyoto, user, take it from me
I understand a fistfull of tickets, but there is no dicipline there.
No, I'm a 2001 zoomer and arcades were only ever some relic of the past in movies.
kyoto is boring to live in and filled with chinese tourists all year round flooding the public transportation.
No we have a Round 1 arcade 20 min drive away in the sunvally mall in california.
Yes OP, I miss arcades. But I'm too old for them now.
Dumb whore. You're supposed to stack the tickets in lines of 5 then you can set it down in front of the ticket slot and have it stack itself.
no, they barely existed where I live.
I live on the south jersey shore so no.
How much of a fucking loser autist do you have to be to get mad at a cute girl wrapping herself up in tickets.
my round one is filled with brown skinned asian girls with yellow hair
theyre kinda chubby too must be all the fucking boba
I miss girls in green cargo pants.
So sexy, when is that trend coming back?
how much of a beta do you have to be to not get mad at women and correct them when they do stupid shit?
I worked at an arcade for the last six months of operation. They didnt announce we were closing until the last month but I knew something was up when we stopped receiving a prize budget and all request for parts/repair we declined.
Near the end we just up and gave prizes to anybody who played for a bit and I took 5 boxes of watermelon air heads home suck my nuts N*mco. District manager came in and he was all THATS EMPLOYEE THEFT YOU CANT IM FILING A REPORT I'm like nigga what are you gonna fire me lol. Still the best job I ever I ever had.
I know Round 1 has completely given up on paper tickets, instead opting to load them on your card. I don't play ticket trash so I wouldn't know how well it works. I havent been to Dave & Busters in years so I don't know I'd they do it. As bad as ticket jams were I think the experience loses alot without tickets.
As far as what I play currently I show up for Sound Voltex and House of the Dead Scarlett Dawn. The latter is a very impressive cabinet. A "high velocity murder chamber" I believe Polygon said. The first time they were right about something.
no. they fucking sucked. what a rip off
>shitty games with shitty graphics with bullshit difficulty
>even shittier "games" that gave you tickets that some faggot didnt want to count, to turn in for prizes nobody would want
I dont understand why ANYBODY would miss arcades. They were fucking horrible
Arcades were incredibly exploitative scams. It's crazy how you can make people nostalgic for anything as long as they put up with it as a kid.
>Remember the good old days when you had to leave your house and go the the TV arcade to watch TV? And every few minutes it would shut off in random intervals and you had to keep putting quarters in to watch? And you couldn't save your progress, so if you ran out of quarters before finishing a show you'd have to come back and pay all over again to start from the beginning? Ah good times, I wish TV could be like that again.
t. lil zoom
Still going strong. We got a new House of the Dead and Daytona in 2018 and even Microsoft got into it with Halo Fireteam Raven which has Xbox Live features. Stay seething.
If you miss the arcade experience there's nothing stopping you from taking your expensive home console to the closest crime filled ghetto and playing it there, taking money out of your wallet and ripping it into shreds every few minutes.
Kind of but just because the one in my city closed
you can at least physically meet quirky girls at arcades, you can't do this online
I don't think I've ever had a good "traditional" arcade in my town. We had a place called Outer Limits which was okay but they got rid of their actual games, including their Metal Slug 3, HoTD 3, Mortal Kombat 2, and Pacman cabs and replaced them with garbage arcade ports of mobile games and those fuckass huge connect four games. I was alright friends with the lady who owned the place so I should've asked if I could've snagged the Metal Slug cab.
Otherwise it's kind of shit.
Only been to a few and they were ok but it's better things moved past that stage now games can strive to be more than addictive coin suckers, sometimes.
im now imagining a spastic lucky enough to get a GF lecturing her on proper ticket stacking
god no. The only good thing about arcades was that you got to meet different people which you can still do now anyway if you live in a decent city
Not him but what are you supposed to do? Just sit there and watch her fumble with the tickets?
It might be cute or endearing for about a minute, and then it just gets annoying.