Favorite fighting game character thread

Post your favorite of all time fighting game character.

Shame he's low tier garbage and you're basically gimping yourself by choosing him.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Don't be afraid to HMMM on them once or twice every roundhouse and knockdown, he's the grappler archetype without the grabs, just intimidate them and hit them with them balrog drive
all in all, never forget to HMMM

in terms of aesthetics or they way the character plays?

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Whichever you have a great love for, be it for their gameplay or be it for their style.

>ed main and sleeping well at night knowing that capcom is setting ed up to be the bison and balrog successor for SF6 to go with the "new generation" theme, just like menat for rose

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>Hot AF
>Doesn't get her hands dirty, kicks for days
>Top 10 in USF4
>Good zoning and good rushdown
>Amazing multi-hit buttons up close
>Chiropractor back throw WITH HER FEET
What more could I ask for?

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It GENUINELY bothers me that everytime I read HMMM read it in his voice

It's hard to get 3 HMMMs in against anyone who knows what they're doing though.

When I first started playing third strike (I don't play fighting games at all pretty much), I tried playing him and managed to get to akuma on normal difficulty, but no further. However, I tried chun li afterwards, and was blown away at by how much easier she was. Her heavy kick literally comes out faster than Q's medium. What the fuck. How do you make a character so shitty?

He's got good range-y buttons and fullscreen FUCK YOU punches, just pretend you're playing Sam Sho

This nigga here

PM Ganon >>> Ultimate Ganon > Melee Ganon

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>tfw all that delicious chip damage with the fast stand button gun

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At least your favorite character isn't Twelve.

What a fucking waste. Why are the "weird" characters always so bad?

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Still my favourite character to play with 3s makoto as a close second

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poretty gureat taste OP

my desire to learn this character drove me to "learn" to play tekken

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As a Q main, fuck you.

I miss old and fat chinstrap Dorf.

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Bryan is a great choice, but Josie Rizal is better.

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Vega (Claw)
In good times and bad times. I just wish I understood what the fuck they were thinking in V.

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He's the best "worst character in the game" I've ever seen

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>she's bottom tier in alpha 3
>has barely any grabs in V, not to mention being in the trashfire that is sfv
its a special kind of suffering

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Armor Kang

"Oh hey, this game has a slow but heavy hitting character, my favorite sort. I wonder where he lies on the tier li-"
>Bottom tier


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I want her to punch me in the gut as hard as she can and tell me to keep training.

why did crapcom have to make him so shitty?

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To be fair, you'd think being able to literally turn invisible at any time and move while crouched, as well as having full air mobility and long ranged attacks would be a decent way of balancing the piss poor damage. Is twelve at least ok in a casual setting?

Dan is Based

I'm not good with either of them, they're not my mains in MK and SF, but these two Kung Fu users are based as fuck. if the unlikely crossover happens I want them to team up in the story and spin and dive kick the shit out of Shadaloo goons and Tarkatan scum.

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Not my all-time favorite, but my favorite in Fatal Fury. Male Vanessa is a close second.

I tend to gravitate toward the goofy (but not too goofy) characters, and ones that have a simple design, playstyle be damned. Makes learning them more fun and rewarding.

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>without the grabs
>literally has the highest kara-grab reach in the game

I know kara-grabbing is kind of a glitch/exploit technique, but still

Honestly threads like these make me wish I got into fighting games.

Juri is the reason why I got SFV.

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I don't have a favorite of all time but I love Akuma, Kum Haehyun, Kazumi a lot.
I could talk about other characters because they're amazing and cool, like Lei Fei, Aoi.
Honestly I just like Martial Arts characters in general.

>tfw killing with taunt chip damage

It works way too well

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It's not too late. Skullgirls has some pretty great tutorials and is on sale fairly often.

How the fuck can you handle playing SEAN? At least twelve has some unique aspects you can exploit. I don't think Sean has anything ryu or ken can't do better. Why even try? Why gimp yourself?

It's never too late user.

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>Can't handle all his FIRE
Better call the fire department!

Still waiting for her.

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It's funny too as in Second Impact Sean was the second best character, only outclassed by Ibuki who was so broken she completely fucked the meta.

How the fuck did Kuroda do it? Better yet, why did he play so often as such a piss poor character when he could have wrecked shit with Chin-li?

user, I thought the same thing when I got Tekken a 1.5 years ago
Then less than a year later I'm already better than my friends who've been playing for longer

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For me it's Karin.

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Stole my heart since 2002

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The best anime fighter character and thot slayer. Too bad he jobs in the end of everything.

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Guess you could say Im an eternal challenger

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I miss TvC

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not even a contest
except is a close second

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I wish he had normal special moves.

I wish he wasn't in a trash fighting game series.

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>the meme Yea Forumsreddit character from the meme Yea Forumsreddit game

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The best thing about I-no is that her playstyle is just as dirty, nasty, and shameless as she is.

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With english voice, love her Boston accent

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Oro is pretty cool too.

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>He says as he posts the memegirl character.

step aside flavorlets

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You already posted him

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Nothing about Sakura is meme. Q is maximilian_dood watching memeteen incarnate.

>character I like is not meme
>character I don't like is meme

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>T-the character I like cant POSSIBLY be a memecharacter.
Waifufags are delusional as fuck.

Your character is a meme dude. Don't get so buttblasted and taking out your rage on Q.

Lethal league counts.

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yeah if ur gay

How is Sakura a meme? Sakura has a long standing competitive history where plenty of people played her, plus she's cute. Q was played by virtually nobody, he's a slow, clunky boxer clone, and people only like him because they watched lore videos on youtube.

If you like Q you should be embarrassed. If you like Sakura you should pat yourself on the back.

Is he actually fun in Xrd? I would play him but I don't want to rage too hard when I get outclassed.

>Sakura has a long standing competitive history where plenty of people played he
You can say that about lots of characters. Hell, you can say that about fucking Darkstalkers characters that haven't seen the light of day in over 20 years.

no shit

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Hey user, thanks for the info.I was considering playing Q because he looked cool, but knowing he's bad means I won't touch him and I'll play Chun Li or Yun instead.

for her to be good in SFV.

I miss being able to waveland into moonwalk. It accomplishes nothing but its so fucking cool

>You can say that about lots of characters. Hell, you can say that about fucking Darkstalkers characters that haven't seen the light of day in over 20 years.
And? It's a valid thing to say.
People who like Q more than other 3S characters probably didn't actually play 3S, or else they would like the characters they actually played.


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chun li for obvious reasons

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has two ground command throws
hit throw
super throw
anti air throw

> no throws

do not disrespect mika like this ever again

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*resheathes katana*

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Hating Q is more the meme these days

Absolute chadstride

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I'm an entry-level fighting game player. I play SFV and SC6. The main reason I don't play many fighting games is because the characters don't appeal to me, or they look too "floaty" or combo-centric. Samurai Shodown looks great - characters are cool, and it looks like it's more reliant on poking and countering rather than combos. Might be the 3rd fighting game I actually try and play (I bought KOF14, but sold it because the online didn't work all that well and only maybe five of the characters were cool to me).

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The realest nigga ever.
All other niggas are bitches.
Cept kazuya because he actually managed to tie with paul. And has mad taste in sneakers.

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Is this an actual winpose or is this edited?

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Because he's cancer. He's probably the most cancerous character in SF history, with the exception of maybe El Fuerte.

Watch this match:

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Pot is fun but hard, because you live and die by getting the most damage possible out of the one opening you force for yourself by autistically striving for just guard timings. Have fun doing 6K loops and micro walking back and forth to build any meter, but also killing more than half the cast if you land a dust in the corner

>player using their low tier character smartly with a good balance of offense and defense
Okay waifufag.

Twelve is one of the SF characters I would love to see return since his playstyle is unlike anyone else in the series. He deserves another shot with how unique he is.

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>el fuerte
Justify your retardation before I am forced to melt you

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More like
>character spends the whole match leaping around into random EX dive kicks and instant air dashes and hands flurries
I feel horrible for the Dudley player watching that shit. It's a one sided patience test where Twelve gets to go crazy but he barely does damage, so having him jump around and whittle away at you is just maddening.

It's from the end of a super, not a winpose. But yes, it's like that in-game.

I just wish she was better.

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It's hard as shit for me to pick one so I'm just gonna go down the list. Juri! But not as much in SFV

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What the fuck is wrong with Yea Forums.

El Fuerte doesn't really have to play neutral, like, at all. At any point he can quesadilla bomb through whatever the fuck is going on or he can run up into a splash grab mix up.

He is virtually incapable of playing conventional footsies and just turns the match into a guessing game. Just thinking about all the good players who got memed out in tournaments against that abomination makes me want to cry.

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>Twelve gets to go crazy but he barely does damage
Yeah, really gets to go insane with all three of those combos he has.

He's playing the second worst character in the game, just because he isn't going "UNGA BUNGA ME NO LIKE NEUTRAL" doesn't mean he's cancer.

Are his combos still broken and unreliable?
I see so few Eds that i don't even know what is the current state of the character

>Yea Forums
>knowing fighting games
The retard probably picked up El Furte in IV, did some basic shit any person could do, and stuck with him instead of learning a character that requires brain cells.

Thank fuck El Furte was hated by everyone, fucker is never coming back thankfully.

>Gimping yourself
Please watch video related:

M. Bison! The first character to make me wanna play fighting games in SFII. I've liked him in every iteration (although I never played the alpha series)

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t. favorite player lost to pepeday

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Just play Dudley then. He’s better in all aspects and can kill with his taunt.

It will take a good while for Twelve to ever return, his shapeshifting makes him prohibitive for a 3D model

Prefer the rekkas over the fireball, but both rare cool

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>just because he isn't going "UNGA BUNGA ME NO LIKE NEUTRAL" doesn't mean he's cancer.
That's exactly what he's doing. He threw out maybe three grounded normals in the first round (which is crazy because in 3S normally you whiff normals to build meter), mostly he was just jumping around playing his own game and virtually ignoring the other player. I found it painful to watch, you only respect it because you have no idea what makes Street Fighter good or unique.

> he couldn't punish q-bomb or splash on reaction
If you lost to the bottom 5 character that is el fuerte, you suck at fighters, end of story.

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He's among the most universally hated characters in the series along with Rufus and Ingrid, enjoy never having your shitty character return.

My absolute Turkish nigga, Hakan. He was the perfect blend of grappler vortex and arrhythmic pressure. I miss him.

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That wasn't my image

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im not that sour about it, because i love playing nearly every character in the entire franchise
it's just hilarious that people are STILL salty about losing 50/50s and then complaining that a character is 'bullshit'
get good

For me its Ibuki. One of my first true waifu too.

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Baghead doctor daddy

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Nothing feels more satisfying than home running fools

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Venom!! Favorite guilty gear character, I love his varied gameplay and was immediately drawn to his design. Plus I love chipping people to death and winning in unsatisfying ways

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is op's pic from the protomen

What do you mean punish? Like, punish after blocking? Because that's the trouble you fucking moron, you have to BLOCK, which means you have to GUESS.

If you can consistently react to random q-bomb in neutral then you're better than probably all top players. Pepeday did random q-bombs against the greatest and it worked.

armenia will rise against you

what the fuck are you talking about look at this clown

And most recently, Nappa from dbfz has been a blast for me to play. I've mained him since day 1, so his recent buffs have lit up my life

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wrong girl, user...

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Dmn nigga, cry moar. You sound like a meleefag that just got told items were on

If you are random then you are unpredictable. This is important in fighting games, which are pretty much half rock paper scissors.

>*Activates DT and Lvl 3 X-Factor*
Nothing personel, kid.

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>Why are the "weird" characters always so bad?
Laughs in Faust

thank you for your replies you will find yourself in another Yea Forums is bad at fighting games compilation

>dude lol just do unpredictable unorthodox strategies and you'll beat pro starcraft players!

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Shut the fuck up. You've never played Third Strike. Stop greentexting me and stuttering with your dumb strawman. Dealing with an opponent that jumps over and over into random options is annoying, because all you can do is play patiently and hope for an AA into okizeme.

I'm not going to reply to you again because you're loudly opinionated and grossly uninformed. Stop complaining about tier lists for games you will never play.

TvC is the reason I started maining Alex in SFIII and V. I wish he had some of his moves from that game though such as machinegun chop and aerial power bombs, but that'd make him too good.

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Here is a secret.

Ryu is in neutral. He can throw a fireball or wait to DP. His opponent can jump if he predicts a fireball, or he can wait if he doesn't.

This is a guessing game. Both players are trying to sniff out each other's rhythms, make each other nervous, make each other frustrated, but basically it's just guessing on an option. It is literally just a game of jump or not, sheer RPS.

Fighting games are full of this shit. Walk forwards or backwards, low throw overhead shimmy, throw the fireball or wait for the jump, go for a whiff punish or go for a counterpoke. If you disagree with this then it's because you really don't know shit, which is to be expected because I'm talking about fighting games on Yea Forums. I don't care if you're uninformed about fighting games, but don't get into arguments and mock people on subjects you know nothing about.

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>RTS is fighting games

As someone that never played marvel, I am SO fucking glad I never got into it and vergil is just one of the reasons

rammy is always overshadowed by elphelt. i love elphelt's boobs, and i love her personality too; however, rammy is my boo.

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We desperately need a new Darkstalkers. I'll suck anyone at Capcoms dick if they make a decent new one.

i recently met a girl that claimed to play darkstalkers as her favorite girl. i have never met a bigger autist. my take on that franchise is completely tainted.

I main her since in 2007 when i starter playing guilty gearin the wii
Hopeing that she come back some day

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NPC answer

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I think I picked the right one.

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>Implying anyone who plays Darkstalkers could possibly not be autistic.

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cuz his name is Butt

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I wanna know more about this

Akatsuki Blitzkampf. It's a fighting game where the main guy is a nazi Ryu who woke up captain america style and everyone's trying to get his shit. This character here it blitztank who's definitely the biggest but there's tons of cool characters like a gun nun and a iaido style dude who just does single hard hits. The game is a bitch to get running last time I played though but I'm sure you can find out more. The main dude is Akatsuki from UNIST if you've played that.

Erika's cute, but once you get past their character design and add their personality in Yoshiko is the clear best UN girl.

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>Brawl- Ganon > *
suicide dives and 666% punch for days

I didn't seriously try to get into any fighting game until i picked up this cat. I'd played fighting games a little bit before, but never any crazy amount. I was actually trying to learn Izayoi and i picked up Kokonoe as a secondary and before i even noticed my games played on Koko were more than double my Izayoi games.

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Unironically the most fun character to play in UMvC3 bar none.

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Why did we have to get Akatsuki instead of Blitztank!?

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Miguel has the coolest fighting style and almost all his outfits are cool (the costume in 7 sucks and I always swap it out)

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Once you get a taste of real power with him, playing any other shoto feels like you're gimping yourself

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Sadly, yep.
Ed requires you to literally stuff opponents for your combos to land. A lot of things that SHOULD work also don't work, like things that should combo / juggle just not functioning.
If they really let Ed be free and allowed his snatcher to do some truly insane shit, he'd be godlike. As he is right now, though, he's pretty bad. Still my favorite character, but it's a struggle sometimes. He does have some pros, though. Good anti-airs, solid pokes, decent damage if your combos DO work, etc.
Vega is much worse off than Ed.

aww yiss

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it's been 3 years and they still didn't fix vega?

Nope. He's still probably the worst character in the game, arguably Ed.

Hurts to live as a Vega main but he's the only character I really enjoy in SFV. I want more characters in the hopes of someone fun enough for me to finally drop him.

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Not really following SFV, what did they do to Vega?

Honorable mentions to Kain in Garou, Alex in Street Fighter and Elektrosoldat in ABK

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Time to oil up cunts

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I havent' played since like season 2 but assuming not much has changed then vega has shit V moves especially his V-reversal compared to everyone else. he also has no real reversal moves meaning death in this game

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>he also has no real reversal moves
For real?
I don't want to know how's the rest of the cast then.

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>terrible defense (bad reversal, bad anti-air options)
>Terrible V trigger, V Skill is only okay
>new claw mechanics fuck up his normals meaning his range really isn't that great most of the game
>damage output is terrible, needs to rely on meter to do do damage most characters can get with BnB combos
He just can't keep up with the bullshit of top tiers and requires resources more then any other character. Essentially he's considered too much work when you can just play Akuma and unga bunga opponents.

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More oily niggas joining the party aww yiss

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I don't play fighting games but who's that hard motherfucker from street fighter who fights using only one arm because using both would be unfair to his opponent? That guy

>>new claw mechanics fuck up his normals
Why? What did the do to his claw?
>Essentially he's considered too much work when you can just play Akuma and unga bunga opponents.
So, he basically has no strong points at all?
Not even his normals are good in SFV?

Much better. Vega, Ed, and Kage seem to be among the worst characters, Alex is close behind but a little better.

Oro! Not the guy you've been talking to but he's pretty cool

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His claw works differently compared to past games. Once knocked off he can't pick up now. To make up for this he can now take his claw on and off, this effects only his punches and makes them have stubbier range but gives some more combo potential.

The problem is that not being able to get the claw back hurts him way too much making a already bad character become worse if he eats a punish while wearing the claw.

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>Once knocked off he can't pick up now.
You can't be serious.
Who greenlit this bullshit?

My FUCKING brother. Same character, sentiment, and even artwork I was going to post. I'll post a DBFZ big body that is actually solid Upper-Mid instead even though Maxima is my guy.

You're all pretty damn based.

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Very underappreciated, including by Capcom.

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I imagine they wanted to eliminate the mechanic entirely, I believe Cody doesn't have his knife or anything either. Unlike Cody though Claw was built heavily around the idea that his claw can be knocked off and put back on so it fucks him up a lot.

dude, twelve is one of the lowest-tier characters in the entire game. his damage output is pitiful and he's frail as fuck. how much more would he have to be nerfed to not be "cancer" by your standards?

I chose her partly because of her music theme with its shoutout to Pachabel's canon in D and partly because her character was the right mix of being a klutz, being cheerful, and her valuing friendship.

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>I believe Cody doesn't have his knife or anything either.
Really? Not even his stone toss?
What the fuck does he then? Criminal Upper all day long?

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Bullet is a very, very close second place.

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To answer (not him), knife is locked behind v trigger 1 and he can toss it then. He has an entirely different stone toss in v trigger 2 that's used for oki setups


Attached: dorm win.gif (498x213, 1.11M)

actually his criminal upper is super only iirc

Criminal Upper is Cody's super in V, he's very different.

I miss Twelve, he's such a cool design and concept. I wish they'd bring him back.

He got new stuff, like a projectile based on his Criminal Upper wind, and the invincible attack he had in Final Fight. Knife is V-Trigger 1, V-T2 is Haggar's Pipe, which he can use to hit a rock at people as if it was a bat.

What the fuck is that match supposed to imply? Twelve player starts out strong but the Dudley player adapts and pulls through, with a close game.
But I guess if you're posting SFV shit you'd be the expert on cancer so guess I'm out of my depth.