>Revoking Steam keys if bought Retail
based AF, dabbing on retail fags
Deep silver revoking steam keys
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they'r revoking stolen keys dumbfuck
There were never actual retail copies with steam keys, but nice attempt
are they revoking pirated copies?
>buy stolen code
>hur dur why does my key get removed
>haha epic wins again cuck!
go away tranny chinese
>believing this
Good goyim.
Pirate a game
Go through the trouble to actually buy a key for another storefront
Stolen or not, I guess I can sympathize. Thinking you bought a legitimate key only to find out it was stolen probably sucks.
But the only time I ever had a game removed from my Steam library, the removal was proven to be completely illegitimate. The developer himself claimed he "accidentally" revoked all of the keys he ever sold to several third-party bundle sites. (Pic related.) This came shortly after a price increase, and also coincided with the game's release on a couple of consoles, so there were theories that the developer actually revoked the keys on purpose because he thought he could get away with it, but that much was never proven.
In the end, I emailed the developer with the key I had bought from the third-party bundle site, and he sent me a new replacement key. That's what everyone else had to do, as well, because there was never any action taken by Valve, to the best of my knowledge. This should come as no surprise because Steam support's official position on keys purchased outside of Steam is basically "we can't help you". If you try to open a ticket about a key being revoked from your library, it just tells you to contact the seller.
It seems that this Metro Exodus situation is quite different, but my own experience with this other game tells me that Steam's key revocation system absolutely can be abused. Of course, it's easier to abuse the system if your game is so obscure that your player base isn't large enough to get Valve's attention even if they tried.
Here's the summary from last night:
>nigger works at factory
>deep silver uses factory to box their games
>deep silver send the message out that all the cardboard pieces that have the steam key are to be removed from the boxes, replaced with the epic store keys
>nigger takes pictures of the stacks of steam keys with his cracked possibly stolen iphone
>sells these to a online key reseller in order to buy more dope
>valve cucks buy the steam keys for a game they were "gonna pirate anyway" knowing that the game is no longer available on steam since they spent the last months shitting their diapers about it
>deep silver removes the legitimately stolen keys and gives no refunds or replacements because thats what you get for being fucking retarded
If you honestly believe that this is somehow "hard" to do, i want to remind you that a nigger stole multiple copies of Kingdom Hearts 3 off the production line and sold them on the Facebook Marketplace with his real name attached to it.
>inb4 hurr durr the key resellers are giving out epic store keys they got to replace these bad batches the boxes were sent out
This is the only "proof" that retarded valve cucks need to believe something, one persons steam fourm post with zero screenshots of the email they received or the key supplier they got it from
>inb4 hurr durr key resellers cant buy stolen keys thats illegal!
You can start a key reselling business on any country on the fucking planet, anywhere that has an internet connection. All of the ones that arent actually legitimate (Humble Bundle, GreenManGaming) operate out of lawless third world shitholes like Hong Kong (G2A, Kinguin), Russia/Ukraine or basically anywhere in the EU. Your laws dont mean shit.
Today we learned that OP has trouble with reading comprehension
you can't revoke my pirated copy faggots
kek the one and only reasonable response to modern day game developers
>legitimate (Humble Bundle, GreenManGaming)
I'm pretty sure you can add Fanatical to that list. (They operate in the UK, and if the games were stolen then they wouldn't be 95% shovelware.)
This. Get fucked deep silver
>unlicensed keys
Are they aware only they are allowed to generate license keys for the game, besides through direct purchase from Steam?
The concept of "unlicensed keys" doesn't even make any sense with Steam games. Either it's a license that came from a direct purchase from Steam, which they are obliged to treat the same as any of their other customers as per the contract they sign when publishing on Steam, or they were generated by the developers themselves, which is their own fucking responsibility to handle.
Imagine actually defending this practice.
Fancy way of saying they want chink dick so they're revoking legitimate keys they already produced
>ban pirate keys
What does that even mean?
>be deep silver
>get assloads of steam keys made
>all of these keys were generated long before the switch to egs
>don't think about revoking those keys until a month after the game releases and you see that people are playing on those keys
stop being so entitled and buy from the store goddamnit
Number one: I pirated that game
Number two: it was easily the worst game in the Metro Franchise
Can you cool it with the random racism? You don't need to say "n****r" a thousand times when there's absolutely nothing racial about the situation at hand. You don't have to try so hard to fit in on 4channel, it's anonymous.
>mfw a class action lawsuit is completely possible in this situation
They had plenty of time to revoke/disable those keys. They waited until people bought them. This is beyond EA levels of full scum.
eat shit nig
i smell a class action lawsuit
>Buy key from grey market store knowing full well those keys shouldn't be trusted
>Gets revoked
>Instead of saying "no refunds", they give everybody Epic Games Store keys instead so you can still play the game
>People still get angry about this
>Buy X
>Here's Y instead, you should be fucking grateful you entitled shitlord
Nah nigger fuck off.
Supposedly, he sold keys to several bundle sites, but didn't get paid by one of the sites for keys that were never purchased, or something. I don't know exactly. It was hard to figure out the details by reading the forum posts, because English is obviously not the guy's first language.
However, from what I gathered, he meant to revoke just the unused keys that he gave to one site, but instead he revoked unused AND used keys that he sold to SEVERAL sites. At least, that was his explanation of it. As stated above, some people think he just thought he could quietly revoke keys without it being noticed, because he regretted selling his game at its earlier (lower) price.
>they give everybody Epic Games Store keys instead so you can still play the game
Except they arent, theres zero proof of that. They dont have to give you shit for buying their stolen keys
Where's the proof the keys were stolen? And why are you in every thread trying to convince people that keys are generated by being printed on paper?
A company - out of the kindness of their own heart - gave legitimate keys to a reseller that bought stolen ones? Are you kidding?
In the statement from Deep Silver, faggot. More trustworthy than some retarded german valve cuck
Where's the proof that the keys were stolen and why do you post in every thread trying to convince people that keys are physical objects?
In the statement from Deep Silver, faggot. Learn to read.
Where's the *PROOF* that the keys were stolen and why are you ignoring my second question? Why are you trying to convince people that keys are physical objects that are manufactured in factories?
the key were stolen. end of rine
Let this be a lesson to never make games.
If devs make games then we pirate the fuck out of them. Screw your video games and fuck you video game developers. I hope you die a painful death.
1: In the statement from deep silver, faggot. Learn to read.
2: Because the keys were literally stolen as physical objects from the factory, as per the statement from deep silver, you retarded faggot.
Why are these sellers of """""""""stolen""""""""" keys replacing them with Epic Store keys? Surely they weren't "stolen" too.
I believe everything I read too
Where's the proof? I'm not going to trust a company that takes bribes as far as i can throw them.
How many keys were stolen? How much time does it take to transfer all of these physical keys into digital?
Fucking Epic Games shills
Its fucking hilarious how everyone is evil except Epic Games and companies that decide to provide exclusivity to them.
Also reminder that metro exodus only sold less than 40k copies on epic store and more than 200k on steam.
Based pirates.
>sold less than 40k copies on epic store and more than 200k on steam.
In the statement in his post, learn to read.
They arent, simple as that. Are you retarded enough to believe what ONE random german valve cuck posted on the steam fourms without any sort of proof? Pretty easy to screencap an email, why didnt he? In the statement from deep silver, faggot. Deep Silver is infinitely more trustworthy as a corporation that has to abide by laws than a shitpost by a german valve cuck with ZERO EVIDENCE SUPPORTING HIS CLAIM
Who knows, and that question makes zero sense
>Zero evidence
So where is Deep Silver's evidence?
We pirates are the kings of the underworld, if you screw with us we hit back, HARD! Let this be a warning to all to never dare to put roadblocks in our way again or else.
try and teach me bitch
In their statement and in the fact that they revoked keys. More evidence than what your valve cuck has.
>in their statement
That's not evidence. Where is the evidence? Literally the same amount of evidence as the other guy.
Steam spy. Epic publicly said that exodus on egs sold more than 2 times release as last light on steam.
Steam spy also says that at least 200k people own exodus on steam.
GMG and Humble get their keys directly from the publisher.
That's heresay, they are not presenting evidence that anything was stolen, just peoples keys are disabled.
Let me break it down for you retard
Deep Silver, as a private company, is owned by Koch Media
Koch Media, as a private company, is owned by THQ Nordic
THQ Nordic, is a public company, in which people can buy and trade stock
Doing anything that can negatively impact the stock price and steal money from investors is a crime in almost every country on the planet
Lying about stolen keys? That would negatively impact on the stock price of THQ Nordic AB
Who should i trust? A company that would get fined millions upon millions of dollars for lying about something like this? Or some random no name valve cuck that has provided no evidence of an "email" he got from his key reseller that offers to replace his key with an Epic Store Key.
He went through all the trouble to write what the email said, but he didnt think to just use snipping tool or any other method of screen capping to just show who the key seller was and that he got a legitimate email?
You are legitimately retarded if you believe the valve cuck, absolutely fucking delusional. I hope this isnt too difficult to understand and hurts your fucking pea brain.
Buyfag here, I'm starting to see the light. These devs and marketplaces are becoming entitled grifters more and more every year. Pirating is looking out for yourself at this point.
Let me break it down for you retard. Post evidence, proof.
His entire argument stems that they wouldn't lie because they might get in trouble if found out, because no company has ever done that before.
But where's the evidence? You have the time to type that out but can't spend the time to find the evidence that solidifies your wall of text as truth?
Post evidence that people are getting replacement epic store keys, faggot.
>because no company has ever
Let's disregard that, Deep Silver themselves lied regarding Metro Exodus. We only learned about everything through third parties regarding the bribery and everything.
First you post evidence that the keys were stolen from a factory. Again, why the fuck do you think keys are literally made in factories?)
>Developers can deactivate and remove your steam game if you activated it with a steam key
They can do this?! I had no idea. I thought once you lock the steam key on your account it's locked to your account forever.
>Buy X from unauthorized third party seller where there is the inherent risk that the product is not legit
>Turns out the product is not legit
>Demand satisfaction from official distributor instead of unauthorized third party seller
Quit being retarded
>Unauthorized third party seller
Source that they're unauthorized?
Here's your "proof":
Eat shit.
Just say you don't have any you silly billy, no one minds. It's an anonymous website after all.
Post proof that people are getting replacement epic store keys, faggot.
>Again, why the fuck do you think keys are literally made in factories?
I knew you were retarded but jesus fucking christ. Have you never once brought a physical copy of a PC game? Newsflash you fucking chimp, its literally just DVD's you use to install the game without the need to download the entire game and an activation key you put into the software like you would from a key reseller. Where the fuck do you think the card on the left gets printed?
The statement from Deep Silver, you faggot. Learn to read.
>Post proof that people are getting replacement epic store keys, faggot.
You keep asking for others to post proof when you can't provide any yourself, why should anyone follow you rules when you yourself won't follow them?
>No source that they're unauthorized
>No source that they're stolen
>Just trust the word of a developer/publisher that has lied to everyone already
Okay, this conversation is over. The keys weren't stolen.
Ill give you a hint, onus probandi
>chink steals keys
>chink sells those keys
>chink keys get revoked
>chink tells you to buy game from chink store now
fuck chinks
Fuck off nerd. Is that the only thing you can say? Fucking incels with "muh sources"
The statement from the distributor of the game that they are unauthorized. If you believe they are lying, explain why.
>Just trust the word of a developer/publisher that has lied to everyone already
Proof that they lied to everyone?
They already lied.
See their previous statements regarding Epic/Metro Exodus/Steam.
I'm not in-celibate though?
So where's the proof? The person that makes the original assumption is the one with the obligation to provide evidence for their statement.
Your entire argument is now completely invalidated. Try not to meme next time.
They've been shown to be liars before, notably about this game. Only a fool would take the word of a known liar as truth.
They lied already.
Piss off dude you don't know what you're talking about. Keep living in your Mom's basement faggot.
>No source that they lied
Okay, this conversation is over. They never lied.
The person that made the original assumption is the person that claimed they were receiving a replacement Epic Store Key from their re-seller, wheres the proof?
Get thicker skin nigger
Instead of name calling and insulting, why don't you post proof they are telling the truth for once?
>they never lied
How much are they paying you?
Blah blah blah you're just making fucking monkey noises thinking you know everything but you don't.
>why don't you post proof they are telling the truth for once?
Why don't you post proof that they have ever lied?
>The person that made the original assumption
Why do you keep bringing this up? This is about Deep Silver disabling a number of keys without telling anyone the site(s) responsible nor showing any proof the keys in question are illegitimate.
You've yet to show proof of your claims, others doing the same is naturally going to happen.
>without telling anyone the site(s) responsible
Not only does it not matter, how would they know what sites are responsible? They did not sell the keys, a rogue employee of the factory (probably a nigger) stole the keys and sold them to a key seller site. Deep Silver has no clue where people brought the keys from, they can only figure out through the company that boxed the game who that nigger was and proceed with legal action.
>nor showing any proof the keys in question are illegitimate.
They do not have to, and with how retarded you valve drones are no way they do it will appease you. This is not going to be a massive legal battle, this is going to be one individual getting charged with a crime, taking a fine and losing their job at the factory.
The keys were illegitimate and stolen and action was taken to remove them, the "claim" is that these keys were legitimate and that Deep Silver knew about these legitimate keys and had Epic Store Keys ready to go when people had their copies revoked. Until you have any proof of that claim being legitimate, you have no proof.
You've yet to show proof of your claims, others doing the same is naturally going to happen.
This is all so convenient with Metro not being sold on steam. This has never come up for a game that has been on steam.
>This has never come up for a game that has been on steam.
Irrelevant, it never comes up because its fucking retarded and is the fastest way to lose your job, get convinced and be paying off a fine for the rest of your life.
Not even 4 months ago Kingdom Hearts 3 was stolen off the production line and sold on Facebook Marketplace by a nigger that had their real actual name attached.
>had Epic Store Keys ready to go
What? Where is this coming from, the one post near the start of the thread claiming this? You keep going back to this as you're unable to properly refute anything as you're a retarded shitposter along with most others ITT, or I can only hope as such.
lol nigger make it more obvious.
Only a mouthbreathing retard, such as yourself, would even associate the word "nigger" exclusively with race, and not for just being an outright subhuman.
I've yet to make a single claim here, why are you demanding me provide proof for something that doesn't exist? And why have you yet to provide any proof yourself?
So what's the so famous store that sold these stolen codes?
Someone asked that and this is literally their only response
>We were not aware that they had gotten into the wrong hands. The binaries were disabled on these keys from the beginning, the community brought it to our attention that the games they had from the reseller were not updating. After an investigation we have become aware that they were stolen.
Why else are you claiming that the keys werent stolen? Your only "proof" that they keys werent stolen is the post from the valve cuck here , which is no proof at all.
If you arent basing your idea of "the keys werent stolen" off that, then your idea has legitimately no evidence to base itself on and theres nothing to refute. You've spent the last hour of your life claiming something you've completely made up in your head.
>were sold from the factory
>until they are converted into EGS keys
Neither of those have happened
>he think this actually works
If that didn't happen why did epic delete his message?
>Who needs PROOF?
I'm not sure if you're actually intending to make yourself sound like an NPC but you definitely are if you think requiring sources to believe a highly political move by an innately self-interested and entirely self-serving entity.
>binaries were disabled for these keys
>games they had from the reseller were not updating
So pretty much confirmed it's just bullshit
They can't produce a name, strange.
>buy from 3rd party site
>surprised when your shit gets taken away
By epic I mean deep silver.
kys epic shill
Deep Silver has no way of knowing the store, only the rogue employee (nigger) that took the keys from the factory. The only people that know of the store are the people that brought the keys from them and had them revoked, the only person to speak up was but has no proof of anything he claims
If a nigger breaks into your house and steals your TV, how would you know what pawn shop your TV is at? All you know is that someone stole your TV.
Why would they? If they deleted a single steam fourm post you faggots would be complaining about that
The guy who posted that comment posted that it was deleted and reposted it.
No, he didnt
Even went back and edited the post, still no proof.
If a nigger breaks into my house then I get my camera footage and go to the cops, similarly if a rogue employee steals from the factory, then the company can review its footage and learn that it was a nigger. And since it was an employee who is coincidentally of a darker compexion, they would be able to produce a list of niggers, assuming that it was a nigger. Also, since it was "brought to their attention by people", then surely those people would also mention which store they brought the keys from, yes?
Not him, but is that a fucking link to the discussion in question with 7 pages of replies as proof that a random comment in there wasn't deleted?
>Since Deep Silver deleted my reply on page two I am having to post here again. Keep trying to cover your tracks Deep Silver you are only angering more people by looking even more shady. And for future reference Deep Silver I did not "encourage pirating" your own actions did that.
Stealing the hundreds of cardboard slips the factory has, as in moving them outside of the building, would have been caught instantly. The way they would have been stolen is by taking pictures or video of the cardboard cutouts with the keys on them.
>Also, since it was "brought to their attention by people", then surely those people would also mention which store they brought the keys from, yes
They have no reason to publicly announce the resellers as all steam keys of Metro were stolen regardless of store, simple as that
You have your answer then, his original post was deleted for promoting piracy in his second paragraph. The original claim by Draugris that the resellers are "converting the steam keys into EGS keys" has not been deleted and is still the 11th post here steamcommunity.com
Why would they delete Geronimo's post and not Draugris's if they were trying to hide the "facts"?
still unfair
>The way they would have been stolen is by taking pictures or video of the cardboard cutouts with the keys on them.
Taking pictures on the production floor is forbidden user, especially in factories like that. He would still be seen. There's a reason why taking pictures/videos at work is forbidden.
>Buy laptop
>Find out after purchase that laptop was stolen
>Have broken no laws
>Get to keep laptop
>Buy steam key
>Find out after purchase that key was stolen
>Have broken no laws
>Have key taken away from you
Who knows, maybe they missed it and don't want to delete posts on the front page because people will notice that and instead just delete other posts saying the same thing? Who fucking knows all I know is that deep silver is untrustworthy.
The random person claiming his post was deleted for X reason is more trustworthy because out of the two parties in question (him and deep silver) only one of those has a history of fucking consumers over.
That's why you should never buy any western game ever.
>>Buy laptop
>>Find out after purchase that laptop was stolen
>>Have broken no laws
>>Get to keep laptop
Yeah, nah, that's not how that works at all if the authorities find out you possess the laptop and that it is stolen.
So is blatantly stealing product off the production floor, yet it was still done when someone stole copies of Kingdom Hearts 3 and sold them on the Facebook Marketplace, regardless of how it happened it did and it was theft.
>Get to keep laptop
Stolen property gets returned to the owner in the majority of cases.
>maybe they missed it
>maybe they missed the 11th post which is on the first page, closest to the time that they posted and stickied the post in which they would be actively gauging responses
>but they didnt miss a post from page 2
Thats not how it works.
>All i know is that deep silver is untrustworthy
How do you know this? What facts do you have to base this on?
>The random person claiming his post was deleted for X reason is more trustworthy because out of the two parties in question (him and deep silver) only one of those has a history of fucking consumers over.
One of them is a subsidiary of a publicly traded company that has to deal with anti-trust laws if they allow the stock price to fall and defraud investors by doing stupid and irresponsible shit ie lying about stolen assets.
The other is a valve cuck that is angry that people dont want to give Valve 30% of their profits for doing absolutely nothing
>Get to keep laptop
no, you don't. stolen property is stolen property. if you buy a stolen laptop from the pawn shop or craigslist or ebay the authorities can take it back.
>buy stolen laptop
>keep child porn on ti
>cops seize it
>it was there the whole time officer
>get a slap on the wrist
Shoukd have bought it on the EGS, filthy měiguó rén.
Is the epic game store the feminism of gaming?
user, it was never in question. Of course stealing is stealing. The point was they would've been able to say which employee and which store it was from, so that they would tell people to *not* buy Steam keys for Metro from that store because in their words it's "illegal".
They dont have to say either of those, all keys were illegal (and now void) and the employee is being dealt with.
What? Publicly traded companies lie ALL the fucking time. EA is publicly traded. So is Comcast. Etc etc.
Clearly they weren’t disabled if they need to be revoked.
>Publicly traded companies lie ALL the fucking time.
Feminism gets white knights thinking with their dicks. Epic has one paid autismo who glows in the dark.
Them missing it is as much a possibility as them doing this to move users over to the epic games store.
>All i know is that deep silver is untrustworthy
>How do you know this? What facts do you have to base this on?
What do you mean the company that waited until a week before games release to pull it off of selling on a specific store for a whole year after using that store to advertise its game isn't untrustworthy?
Major fucking companies lie all the time dude.
>The other is a valve cuck that is angry that people dont want to give Valve 30% of their profits for doing absolutely nothing
valve does a lot, they host the games they sell the games. keysites don't take the same cut as valve on keys that EVIL VALVE for some reason allows them to make for free and sell on the "evil grey market" but I'm guessing you also think they are evil for some stupid fucking reason.
Yeah, wheres the proof?
They don't *have* to, but it would be best to say it so it doesn't happen as frequently in the near future, plus as a way to advertise that they should buy it on Epic instead.
The fact that their response was "we were not aware..." etc is kinda suspect. It's as if they don't know the name of the store despite being informed of customers that bought keys from that store.
most cdkeys you buy online are completely legit. this is out of the ordinary. this is like blaming gamestop for selling you a stolen game. the people who rage against cdkey stores are literal brainlets and corporate whores.
>you have to buy it from MY store!!!!!
found the entitlement
very good point. the "epic store benovolent" narrative is falling apart quick
I honestly think he is a shill, there is no one who would argue this hard.
The two thousand other epic threads, most of them copy pasta with exactly ONE dude taking them to bump limit wasn’t a clue?
>This is beyond EA levels of full scum.
You know you've fallen when you've surpassed Satan himself.
>What do you mean the company that waited until a week before games release to pull it off of selling on a specific store for a whole year after using that store to advertise its game isn't untrustworthy?
How are they untrustworthy for that? If you pre-ordered the game through steam before they changed stores, they are honouring it. All post-launch content is coming to steam for those who brought the game through it, its just like any other steam game. How on earth do you find this to be "untrustworthy"?
>valve does a lot, they host the games they sell the games.
Yeah, stuff that other people can do just as well while giving you a better %. Its not 2007 anymore, the 30% cut for what Valve/Steam actually offers is retarded because as people have been working out for the last 5 years you can build your own CDN with that 30% you would have lost to Valve.
>that EVIL VALVE for some reason allows them to make for free and sell on the "evil grey market" but I'm guessing you also think they are evil for some stupid fucking reason.
Making your own steam keys is no different than releasing the game in a zip file
>there is no one who would argue this hard.
Brilliant logic
You've got no reason to slurp valve shit, you arent going to get a tour of the offices for being such a good boy online for free.
Yeah he posted which blew his cover when he claimed the employee was dealt with. I doubt he'll reply any more due to his internet being cut off after making such an egregious mistake.
>implying the employee wouldnt be dealt with
Holy fuck you're retarded, did you think they were going to publicly name and shame the person on top of everything else they're doing to them?
Why are you trying to make this about valve, shill?
Holy shit you ran out of talking points to defend your employer so now its fucking "valve bad. keysite bad. buy game.
Apparently they are replacing the keys to some users with EGS keys so I doubt that an employee was "dealt with"
Imagine having such a miniscule IQ that you think that corporations don't lie as it couldl hurt their stock market investors.
God, what a mess
>>Buy key from grey market store knowing full well those keys shouldn't be trusted
Since when the fuck is GMG and Humble Bundle "grey market"?
Because the only people complaining about Epic, Deep Silver or Metro are valve cucks.
>Apparently they are replacing the keys to some users with EGS keys
No, they arent. There is literally zero proof of that outside of one retarded german valve cucks steam fourm post. Read the fucking thread, you retarded cunt.
Proof that they do?
What the fuck is with you? It was funny 20 minutes ago but you're STILL going.
What the fuck is wrong with you, valve cuck? How are you this retarded?
I have to do overtime until this shithole becomess a mess tomorrow.
you get the ultimate good goy award
Deep Silver being total trash? What a shocker!
>sketchers said their shoes would get you fit
>fivefingers shoes said the same thing
>ford said the pinto was safe
>pic related
>listerine claimed their mouth wash as as effective as flossing
>every makeup ad ever that totally isn't photoshopped
>cocacola claimed dasani water was pure when it was just tap water
>snapchat told users it was impossible to save pictures on the service
>naked juice said there was 100% fruit juice in it
>kellogs claimed that rice cereal would boost your immunities by 20%
>kellogs also claimed that some cereals were all natural until a class action lawsuit
>strawberry fruit roll ups contain neither strawberry or natural flavoring as the box claims
Theres also zero proof counter to the "valve cucks" claim.
Except they can see when it was added on.
The cringe in this post is almost unbearable
Absolutely based. Get dunked on pcbros.
>defending valve FOR FREE
>someone else is the ultimate good goy
Theres also zero proof supporting the valve cucks claim.
Lets keep going.
>verizon vs at&t coverage maps
>subway sandwiches don't actually have to be a foot long as "footlong" is just a trademarked term
>pom wonderful told people they could cheat death by drinking it
>taco bell claimed that oats are a seasoning
>pic related
>extenze claimed to increase dick size
heres an actual claim from cocacolas lawyers about vitamin water after they were sued
>"No consumer could reasonably be mislead into believing that vitaminwater is a healthy beverage"
The fucking list just keeps going.
Also a party that has never wronged me is more trustworthy than deep silver so the claims from a random guy hold more weight to me and most people than the claims from a large corporation that will lie to protect itself.
This is propaganda by the way, the constant use of the word "nigger" is meant to push racism into the mind of the reader.
A download code is not a physical copy so stop calling them physical copies you brainwashed drone. A physical copy has the entire game on the physical media and doesn't require some console wannabe platform like Steam or Epic. The game in your picture is not a physical copy and only a brainwashed digital distribution drone would think otherwise.
>paying for digital distribution
>using Steam
I bet you praise le gaben for getting rid of actual physical copies on PC.
Did you ever considered that maybe this isn't some upstanding African male he is talking about. Nigger is a perfect description in the same way trailer trash is. Tells you everything you need to know about who you are dealing with.
Why are you going that far back to argue that point?
You get the key but they own the lock for that key to access.
If they change the lock, you're fucked.
>Also a party that has never wronged me
If you had ever brought a game on Steam only to have it be shit, you were wronged as they wouldnt allow you to refund it.
Between Steams launch in 2003 and 2017, if you brought any game that was shit you were wronged by Steam.
God no, fuck all DRM expecially Steam, but that doesnt change the fact that the download code existed physically and thats how it was stolen. Even if it didnt exist physically, if someone was able to RAT into the factories computers in charge of printing the CD keys and take them all, it would still be theft.
Steam has nothing to do with this at all so stop bringing up valve.
Hey retard we aren't talking about steam. We are talking about Deep Silver and Epic Games.
What the fuck do you just have some sort of pamphlet you're going through with a supervisor like some pajeet "if cornered criticize steam make it about steam. heres some things to post about valve"
Valve and valve cucks have everything to do with this, this is the reason its "news" at all.
They keys were stolen from the factory, simple as that.
No, they dont need to say what factory or what employee did it or what key reseller was selling the stolen keys.
No, people arent getting replacement EGS keys.
No, people that preordered the game through steam legitimately arent affected.
All you faggots have done for the last 2 hours is spam your retarded game theorys based on heresay posted by valve cucks on steam fourms with absolutely ZERO cooperating evidence and claim that Deep Silver has somehow "lied" about something in the past, again, ZERO cooperating evidence.
The only reason you're in this thread is because you feel the need to defend valve at all costs like the good little goys you are. Maybe we're both as pathetic as eachother, im here to shit on valve cucks at all costs, but at the end of the day, im not the braindamaged faggot that swears loyalty to a FUCKING CORPORATION.
>Being mad someone defend something for free
>Also admitting that you defend ebin store but not for free
>here's a key for the epic launcher
nobody here is even talking about steam or valve
Stop trying to distract and point at Valve.
Where did i admit that? Wheres the proof?
Never happened
>come into a thread about steam
Completely retarded
Wouldn't be possible with actual physical copies, I bet that is one of the reasons (((Gabe))) and the rest of the industry pushed digital distribution as hard as possible and got rid of actual physical copies on PC. The fact you subhumans are arguing over someone taking codes from a factory instead of wanting actual physical copies on PC shows how far gone you are. Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company, this thread is proof.
Not really. To begin with I doubt the number of people, the severity of harm, and the nature of the problem is enough to get class certification let alone for a firm to expect to extract enough in attorney’s fees to make it worthwhile.
And this is not something I expect anyone to care enough to go pro bono on.
I mean what’s the basis even? Implied warranty? I would guess there’s no privity between the publisher and the key reseller in this scenario.
Holy shit it is just like those tech scammer videos where the Indian dude just starts spouting nonsense at the end because he was caught scamming
You're the only one who brought up valve here quit calling people who don't like your employer valve cucks shill. Only you are obsessed with valve
Do chink shills get paid per letter? Sheesh
>title of thread: Deep silver revoking steam keys
You are severely brain damaged, consider suicide
I think they outsource to india
Steam and Valve have absolutely no input on the keys being removed and have not commented on this, therefore they have nothing to do with it.
I'm not sure if I should say "lucky bastards" or "poor bastards". China wants to steal Indian clay as well, I don't see them paying pajeets for shilling.
Sentence structure who is doing what from where.
Let's see the point of the thread
Deep silver
Did what
Kill keys
From where
If I were to say "I slammed by head against my keyboard" do you think I would be making a thread about keyboards or my head pain.
Valve is not the subject of the thread only you are trying to make it out to be
Literally every response in the thread about the issue (which is on the Steam Fourms, for which you can only post by being a Steam user) is how Steam is better, Epic and Deep Silver are just greedy and how this is all fake as they're trying to replace the keys with Epic Store Keys.
What other reason would these Steam users have for claiming something with zero supporting evidence?
Probably deep silvers recent history of screwing them over for quick cash
What history?
I'm thinking it's so you can't get them to leave using bug spray copypasta
You need to stop pretending.
Funny enough the only key Ive ever had revoked from a third party site was related to deep silver
Killer is Dead, I think I got it from G2A and couldnt figure out how to refund the key(since it got revoked within like 4 days of me buying it)and just wrote it off since it was like $3 and I wasnt enjoying the game that much anyway
Pretending about what? Explain what you mean by "history" or accept you have no argument and stop posting.
do you unironically think that shit works? don't be a fucking moron, there's no point in that shit even normally and there's no point in penalizing your shills
It's been spelled out to you here
Doubtful, they get paid pencil shavings to argue on a board that hates video games. If it were true, they would've given up a long time ago.
Nothing there was "screwing them over"
It's been spelled out to you here