How does Gaben do it Yea Forums?
VR Thread
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Thinking about getting a headset for my PC, what's the best one out?
Posting all the old leaked Valve Index headset images.
wait for Index, silly goose
Valve JUST announced a new headset.
They set a date for May, we don;t know if that's release or more information but it's best to wait for that.
Haven't really looked into it since Vive and Occulus were the only options available
Valve originally was backing the Vive but their partnership ended and Valve is continuing with their own official headset.
Expect it to be a step up from the Vive.
>Vive and Occulus were the only options available
There's like over a dozen sets available, Vive and Rift are outdated.
Well clearly you missed the word since because unless there were more back then, those were the big two.
yeah, I did
Potentially Index, just wait for reveal and more details
Second choice goes to Rift S, despite what a letdown it was
I'm excited to try out the knuckle controllers.
The finger articulations look super nice.
what kind of resolution are we looking at here?
we don't know
Vive Pro resolution according to "sources"
So 2160x1200.
rumors floating around about 1001 ppi display
Vive Pro has 615, so it's a huge increase, but due to (rumored) dual lenses optics and hugely increased FOV, the pixel-per-degree count will be lower. Probably close to Vive Pro
i havent tried vr, but ive heard people complain about the fish net effect. i guess valve wont be fixing this then. atleast it will be cheap i guess
this made me laugh way more than it should have
>Was planning on the Oculus when it came out
>Now I have to decide which is better
>Don't trust the technology enough to spend more than 500
hasn't really been a "problem" since the first vive.
The issue isn't screen door or fishnet effect anymore, they're just not very sharp or beautiful images yet. The resolution is good but the view size is also much bigger, like 4k is minimum to receive a similar impression of resolution you'd get from say a 1920x1080 screen, let alone 1440p+
It's called screen door effect, you can see it in most notably on Vive
It is getting reduced though, thanks to increasing resolution and different types of displays (OLED have it way more pronounced), and at the end of the day it's not the worst part of VR. You don't even see SDE once you start playing, your brain just tunes it out. Still happy to see it going away
Screen door effect isn't just a function of resolution. There are headsets with equal or shittier res than vive that have a less visible grid. Index will probably use different screens altogether and valve has filed patents for some lens technology that could improve this since the vive released.
i'm buying this for the sole reason of watching vr pov scenes with my favorite porn stars
There are plenty of cheap WMR headsets with (probably) better resolution for that. It'd be stupid to setup a lighthouse system for porn videos.
VR porn is underwhelming honestly. Most studios have no idea how to get the scale right, either.
>Look at Vive Pro Starter-kit
>Think about Valve Index
I'm scared bros, it's gonna break the bank isn't it.
HTC is the last place to for price comparisons. That shit has always been overpriced
Is there an info on the Knuckle release?
I REALLY want them
im so hyped for this boys
the next gaming golden age is upon us
It's gonna be bundled with the Index.
Other than that we don't know.
a big reason as to why vr failed was the initial price of the devices. if valve wants to resurrect this shit they better be selling it at a loss.
They will work with the Vive right?
I can't really afford a new VR setup.
Valve made the lighthouse sensors that both the Vive and the Index uses, so I would assume so.
You can also see people using the Knuckles and the Vive together in that video there.
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
>Unironically playing Beat Saber again because of the campaign mode.
The new goals and restrictions are pretty smart. Though the 'minimum hand movement' one seems more about waggling than doing proper swings.
Steam makes a ton of money and Gaben has all the time he wants. He doesn't have investors breathing down his neck. So he can take all the time and money he needs to do what he wants.
Sometimes it is awesome, sometimes he has a bad idea.
>vr failed
A meme. It sold just fine for the small market of people with the money, space AND computers for it. It's like saying arcade sticks have failed because only fighting game enthusiasts buy them.
its called living in a delusional bubble. when these things never sell he will see
I don't like how it starts me at retard mode and gates each difficulty level with a certain number of songs when I've been playing expert/expert+ custom songs for months now.
If this shit is reasonably priced, 2019 will be the year I buy a VR headset...
I have a shitty thinkpad.
Does anyone know if those USB 3 graphics cards are any good?
Same but the new mechanics at least keep it interesting.
>Valve might actually release a new VR game to help push sales
It'll probably be beatsaber or some shit instead, but a man can hope
Most of the CSS on that page is probably shared with the rest of the store pages.
artifact vr
enjoy 2d cringe gaming
Gabe said he wants to release hardware and software designed around the hardware together, like Nintendo does for example.
it is its own style without a name and doesn't appear on any other page on steam haven't searched that much for it but still . Seems like a purposeful """leak""" to get discussion going about the index.
this, its fucking dead
Yea Forumsros, is 2019 the year of video games?
Capcom is back
From is back
Valve is back
A new generation of VR is on the horizon
Halo MCC is coming to pc
Does it get any better than this?
>they're targeting the high end enthusiast market
It's like valve want VR to be a dead meme.
What I care the most about is the fucking refresh rate.
*ruins your VR experience*
it's actually shit like written text any less than 420 pt. bold sans-serif that ruins VR immersion. anything less than strikingly bold and obvious lettering is too hard to read.
New leak coming through. You heard it here first.
Friendly reminder that if you happen to own a PSVR, you can use it with PC as a ghetto Oculus/Vive. Works well enough for most games and porn, though obviously still inferior.
No. Fuck Gabe. Fuck Epic. Fuck Facebook. Fuck Google. Fuck Microsoft. Fuck the shills. And fuck the mindless drones. You are the cancer who spreads console war shittery. Fuck you.
Tell us your favorite company user!
fuck off discord tranny
Is that Vertigo the gamedevs or what? I guess it's not surprising that they would have a devkit.
t. discord tranny
t. ledditor
>no u
no u
Yes we are both discord trannies. You are the pot and I am the kettle.
The one that I work for :-)
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
you're the nigger & Im the hitler
I dont get why nobody has made a game themed around screen door where you're playing as a guy remotely controlling a space rover or something.
VR will definitely have screen door effect until we can get leds down to nano scales. Beyond a certain distance, it doesn't matter; but if you slap a screen 4 inches from your eyes, you're going to notice EVERY SINGLE DETAIL in absolute clarity. The human eyes are incredible when it comes to discerning detail and depth.
We just got to microLED today. We still have quite some ways to go before we get to NanoLED, where even if you were putting your nose up against it, you couldn't see the individual pixels.
Another nothingburger from valve. I'm sure it will pair nicely with their controller and Artifact.
at least post what the fuck you are talking about instead of treating this like your reaction comment section
That's silly though, even if you had NanoLED, you couldn't render anything close to it. We're already at the limits of GPUs right now, and we'll want to use new power for graphics and not just plain resolution. Some form of screen door will exist for a long time, although it could be made less obvious.
But really, who cares that much about SDE anyway, you won't notice it if the game is worth playing at all. The only reason I would even give a shit is to make reading text easier
Not that user, but there was another screenshot of the steam supersampling settings with SS at like 80% and the pixel width, so they are calculating the actual panels pixels. It seems to be about 2400px across for each eye.
Where are you talking about? What are you taking this from? Why is everyone being so vague?
Look at the leak image posted above. Now here is another pic to go with that. Can't find the source video but it is from a MoonDust dev.
I'm just saying that SDE will exist until we can get LEDs down to nanoscales. They're much too big right now and even with all the tricks in the book, are an unavoidable consequence of the medium.
That said though, if this is even REMOTELY true:
We might be looking at new age of GPUs.
>12k shaders
>1.6GHz base to 2.7GHz boost
>32GB Xpoint
>8TB/s bandwidth
If Intel can pull this shit off, they're going to massively disrupt the industry. Most high end GPUs today barely average 13-14TFLOps. Increasing performance per card by a factor of 3 is significant. Of course, this would never make its way into consoles for quite some time, and would be an outlier in PC space; but in data centers? For services like say Stadia and equivalent? That's where the future of gaming and VR is.
>Still no killer VR game
>Just doodle games like "Don't press the button" and "You're a wacky office worker! Don't throw your stapler you wacky character you!!!"
>Closest to an actual game is sub-modes in racing games
I have a question. Do these headsets all work equally for 3D/VR videos or independent 3D/VR media or only for games on their own platforms?
All 3D videos work for PCVR if you download Half SBS 3D MKVs. Don't buy an oculus since it has a walled garden and doesn't share games outside its store. They are the Epic of VR.
I think he means drop the link you yourself got them from user.
just post the reddit link you got it from
At the end of the video, I screenshotted the last frame.
the video is already trimmed down to not include anything, I got a copy but I like being an asshole about it
in any case its not any big news other than the res being maybe confirmed
I got it from discord. Be glad I am taking one for the team and dwelling in their domain.
As this user said, the videos don't matter since they just show some gameplay footage. What matters is when the dev messes up and shows SteamVR settings for a split second.
i want to play a game where youre a guy looking through a screen door. maybe at a cat or a duck.
Let me guess, it's Tyler's Discord isn't it?
Tyler is VNN right? No, this is the general VR discord.
>GTX 1080 Ti
>80% scale
Buy this headset and run it with low SS, then get the next iteration with foveated rendering, it seems.
Fucking worry.
have fun beta testing another shitty low resolution headset.
Good luck PC bros. Hopefully you guys can keep at least 1/4 of the VR market after Microsoft and Sony drop their VRs for gen9 consoles.
What am I looking at exactly?
I'd hate to be a Zuckbot like you
yes they're very good (like 90%+ full performance in many cases, very rarely any worse than ~80%), just don't get conned with one of the absurdly overpriced enclosures and do your own due diligence in making sure it's compatible with your specific laptop.
Well two things in particular:
>SteamVR Status
This is showing the Index HMD along with knuckles controllers and two lighthouse base stations.
>Inbox - Valve Mail
reassertion that this dev is close with valve (I think he works there)
The video this screenshot was taken from has been edited and cut this part out. They are in full damage control.
2019 is definitely the year VR becomes real, and potentially another 2007 (Blue Box).
Is Capcom really back, user? Are you positive?
The game bundle will be called the Orange Cubed
Half-Life 3
Portal 3
Left 3 Dead
>Orange Cubed
A box is already 3D, this will be the Orange Hypercube.
Unity and vr, now there is a formula for success
And this is why it's partly a waste of money to go to higher resolutions before eye tracking comes out. You get the benefit of less SDE but ultimately you're paying for a lot of resolution you won't truly take advantage of. It's like getting a 1440p monitor and just running your games at 1080.
>Jumped onto the card game bandwagon too late and failed
>Jumping onto VR bandwagon too late
Wonder how this will end
What do you think the Vive was?
More like the index will have eye tracking, and SteamVR will add foveated rendering support at launch.
Yup, we just have to hope this will either have eye tracking built in or as an upgradeable module. They have been working on eye tracking since 2016 at least, and the Vive pro eye shows it can be released.
So how is this thing supposed to fry your brain when you die in HL3
>1000$ is much
how can you be poor? i've gone through 4 vr sets the past year and will grab the new ones too
go get a job
>Can't find any good SFM VR Porn
I don't suppose any anons know of a good way to find some?
Imagine living in a timeline that this occured
>tfw VR-less since I returned my Odyssey+ in light of this Index news