About to be homeless, have any homeless anons had issues getting vidya? Are you able to torrent games over mcdonalds wifi for example?
About to be homeless, have any homeless anons had issues getting vidya...
i live in london, actually
Lmao good luck user
When I got homeless I played on my mobile phone and played around with emulation and mobile games
You don't deserve video games if you're homeless.
Buddy if you're homeless I think playing video games is the last thing you should worry about
What went wrong user?
What happened dude?
Don't you have family or friends?
I'll let you come live with me if you're attractive
what is this
dad passed, turns out he was big in debt, mum moving in with her ex bf, i have no job and nowhere to live
>live in London
>massive social programs
>still end up homeless
Might as well off yourself if you fail this bad.
How old are you? You can't move in with your mom? Man, something really wrong with white families (assuming you're white) they don't give a fuck about their kind.
>he thinks they just hand that shit out to anyone
They do.
>t. White London’r who gets socialist bucksz
yeah if you're drug free, have a good record, and are constantly seeking employment at shitty dead end jobs
it's basically a job on all its own
get universal credit, it pays for rent and food
I went to /r/ but i didnt find anything about finance just boobies wtf
>drug free
Easy when you are poor
>good record
Yeah don’t steal shit
>seeking dead in jobs
Like I put in three applications a month at fast food places that never call back. It takes me all of 2 hours.
Damn I might move there if its that easy to become a parasite.
>Easy when you are poor
drugs are cheap and addiction often comes before food
>Yeah don’t steal shit
hard not to when dying is the alternative
>Like I put in three applications a month at fast food places that never call back. It takes me all of 2 hours.
you must be lucky, because i always end up having to work some shitty fast food job until i get sick of it and quit then end up restarting the cycle
It's not. You have to apply for shit work, and you will more than likely be hired. If you don't show up multiple times, they cut it off. That user seems to have hit the lottery.
>drugs are cheep and addictions comes before food
If you value addiction over food you deserve to be homeless and die. Fuck off.
>t. Former druggy.
>dude just overcome chemical forces in your brain lmao
Hunger is a chemical force too faggot. Stop making excuses
if a fatty gets hungry, they can just eat veggies and drink water
if a druggie gets cravings, their only option is to do the drug
there is no "veggie" equivalent with drugs
>only fattys get hungry
All I see are excuses.