What is the most iconic video game butt?
What is the most iconic video game butt?
Other urls found in this thread:
Chun-Li, 2B, or Snake's
Either Tracer or Cammy
Based Brit Butts
All answers other than this are closet homos too afraid to answer honestly
Exhibit A
Objectively Miranda Lawson
Asylum Demon
alpha best chunners
modern: 2B
tracer isn't even the most iconic butt in her own game
Either Ivy, 2B or Pyra
hang yourself
more like most iconic tits. Ivy was my first ever fap
How the fuck is that even possible?
probably some sort of disease
What the FUCK
Save that garbage for bump limit you faggot.
>most iconic tits
That would be Lara Croft, Tifa, or Ma Shiranui.
Is he the new artist we’re hating on now?
Dummy thicc
Must be a pain in the ass to clean herself.
We always hated him and their inability to draw a good butt.
We hate shad for his obscenity
We hate diives for...some reason
We hate minus8 for endless tweens
And we hate csr for nikki minaj bubble buts
Ohhh jesus christ nonnononono
Nigga, no... Ivy is leagues more popular than Mai, and her tits were much more controversial for a time. Especially when SCIV came out. Only a sect of the fighting community care about Mai.
Holy fuck why am I laughing
Nikki Minaj bubble butts are the best butts
NO WORSE. It'll go right to your thighs!
And then you'll blow up!
None of this shit is true.
Shad was hated for his poor art. Not his obscenity. Literally no one else you listed is hated.
You're just one of those weirdo artist groupies, who follows everyone and talks shit about them, before you don't have a life.
Substandard opinions are always disregarded. Into the trash
literally asylum demon
Who the fuck cares about any of this shit?
Shadman hate at least has some funny edits, the rest is just autism over drawings.
Why is she squatting
Oh boy...
Retard im posting with a shade of satire.
Those are the meme artists Yea Forums hates. Shad doesnt have poor art, he is hated for his vulgarity. He draws loli girls licking their mom's poopy butthole. Like eat shit retard. The others are hated as a meme as a side effect of the hating shad meme. CSR is genuine shit though and he cannot draw butts to save his life despite it being in his name.
GF's already had a contest about this, this isn't even debatable
>that extra large toilet/tub
o i am laffin
2B easily. Her buttock cheeks are constructed of thousands of perfectly placed alligned polygonal
you're genuinely slow
You posted it
Garnet and Tifa are the best FF girls cos one has ass the other has titties
Leave it to GameFAGs to have the shittiest taste around
You are genuinely back peddling. You dont know the artist meme hate here. Lurk more retard
This is what "people" mean when they say "thicc"
when will video game graphics be able to replicate that wobble?
good fucking lord i want to suffocate in that ass
the fact that she's relatively normal above the waist almost makes her look half monster like quelaag or something, bizarre
fuck i remember this show
can't remember the name though
>We hate shad for his obscenity
Speak for yourself nigger
>Those are the meme artists Yea Forums hates.
No they don't.
>Shad doesnt have poor art, he is hated for his vulgarity.
No, Shad is hated for his poor art. The vulgarity was something that was only the cherry on top. His work was offensively bad. But his fans(which it sounds like you are one) played up the whole vulgarity thing, because it makes him sound cooler.
>He draws loli girls licking their mom's poopy butthole.
Everyone browsing Yea Forums is desensitized to such things. Only 16 year olds who are new to edgy material are impressed or shocked by this. That was never the core of the Shadman issue. The core was that his art was bad.
>CSR is genuine shit though and he cannot draw butts to save his life despite it being in his name.
Well you're entitled to that opinion. But you're the only one who hates him. Don't lump us in with your autistic satirical hate campaign.
>Ivy is leagues more popular than Mai
i love Ivy more than Mai, but you are delusional if you think Mai isnt more popular and well known than Ivy.
how is this even possible, if you cut out the bottom half she'd look relatively average
most extreme dads
Diives is hated for his shitty loops
how do people find this hot
i can get behind the size, yeah, being an ass man myself, but she looks like she's filled with extra-lumpy cottage cheese
>powered by NVIDIA PhysX.webm
Stay cucked
Honestly Id like to see her get fucked, just to see how that would even work
Shad drew some insanely messed up shit back in the day
Including porn of his own mother for mothers day
Guy is legit off the 'tism spectrum
thank you anons
se the toilet?
thats a Bidet.
All that can be summed up with
>lurk more
Also shad isnt a bad artist. His early works were pretty bad though. You cant say shad is shit without acknowledging that csr is also shit. Shad at least tries to somewhat respect proportions. Even drawing fatasses he tries to respect gravity n shit. Csr is just "LOL SEMI CIRCLE". Shad has that shit chromatic abberation on everything though.
And yes they are artists Yea Forums meme hates. Thr probo dont actually hate them, but it is a meme to hate them. >shad man posts are very common, as are >minus8 and the like
That's just ameicans being plebs and not knowing SNK games wt their prime.
Mai was literally being fapped to across all continents back in the day. She easily rivaled Chun-Li
>shad isnt a bad arist
Stop posting shad
Soul Calibur broke out in a way that Fatal Fury and King of Fighters never have.
At one point, Soul Calibur got Link and Heihachi to join the roster. It got Yoda and Darth Vader to join. It got Geralt and 2B. Soul Calibur managed to transcend into the larger realm of gaming culture. To the point where even before current SJW culture took over, Ivy's breast was a huge point of contention.
Mai by comparison comes from a niche game, in a niche genre. And people might go "oh yeah..." if you describe her appearance.
For what purpose
>Also shad isnt a bad artist.
CSRfags here. Good to see I cause artist autism. I just like CSR for his toned/musclefags stuff or whenever he does Baiken or his MHA commissions.
Anyway I nominate Mika purely because her ass was too hot for ESPN2.
>Including porn of his own mother for mothers day
Yep, you're a fanboy. Literally only Shad fanboys care about this. No one else is impressed or shocked.
> His early works were pretty bad though.
You mean the works that earned him the hate meme to begin with? Yeah, sounds like you're a newfag.
>Shad at least tries to somewhat respect proportions.
Shad just half asses his work, so he can publish memes as quickly as possible. So people like you will think he's edgy and cool.
>you're a fanboy
>hating a degenerate piece of shit makes me a fanboy
Are you fucking retarded?
Ahem, what a horrifying creature, yes, terrifying, what is this terrible beasts name so that I can look it up and further sicken myself, hoho, quite so, yes.
I'm gonna jerk it to her. Just so you guys are in the loop.
Tell me im wrong
He can draw better than 90% of you degenerate low lifes. Does this make him a great artist though? Thats up for debate. But objectively, he is not bad. He knows art theory and implements it well, so no he is not a bad drawer. Any other opinions is contrarian or hate posting
ok, so then you're just easily impressed/shocked then? Fine. You're just a sensitive bitch. Is that better?
>WHAAAAA???? How can any one draw porn of their own mother?! This is the WwWwWackiest thing I ever heard!
Seriously? That's how low your bar is?
Hispanic genetics. South American slaves were bred by the Spanish for genes that produced hourglass figures with large tits wide hips and thick thighs as early as age 9 despite being fed literal table scraps by their masters, and after generations of that you end up with this.
Holy autism
based spanyards
his porn is objectively terrible
you're speaking to a fucking barafag, man, all of my favourite porn artists have a better grasp of all art theory and ESPECIALLY anatomy than he does
Look into your hearts and embrace the truth.
>that thumbnail
every time. what the fuck is wrong with me?
it's just the pose. they aren't even big.
it look like she poopin
Thats some retard logic. Im speaking objectively and pointing that his earlier works are not great. You are just trying lay back a "lurk more" on me but its poorly placed. And yes, if shads work is half assed then csr is an eigth assed. He puts bare minimum effort in.
And yes. Shad does keep some respect to proportions. Shad is clearly a butthole lover so he puts extra care in drawing that area better. Even his more cartoonish, less exy, drawings keep this standard up.
No rebuttle besides opinion posting.
Dismantle what I brought to the table. Shad has progressed and shows a clear understanding of art theory. Objectively, he is not a bad artist. Dont shut down like a little bitch because you cant counter argue this. This is part of a debate, counter arguments. Which you have none of.
>ass doesn't even expand
For me, it's Jlullaby
>my opinion is fact but yours is just an opinion
god, what a faggot you are
>Im speaking objectively and pointing that his earlier works are not great.
The >Shadman meme wasn't created in current times, right? You know how time works, right? Even if I entertain the idea that Sahd is good currently, that still doesn't change the fact that he wasn't good when the meme began.
So you trying to claim that the meme isn't about his skill as an artist, doesn't make any sense. You're basing it on his current skill level, not the skill level when the meme began. Which you admit was objectively bad.
I don't care about your hateboner for CSR. I never think about him, except the times he gets posted here, or someone retweets his work on my dashboard. No one is hating him, except you.
Diives and his clones are garbage. Shifty 5 second animations with the same body template for literally every character that faggot draws
Took long enough
Not even the best in her own game lol
She'll get there, someday!
Midna is up there
>Yea Forums is one person
based retard
Again, no rebuttle. Show me he has no understanding of art theory. Show me the inconsistancies in his drawins. His screw ups and his amateurisms. His early work showed this a lot, but he has progressed a ton since those days
The current >shadman is recent, and has been more and more rampant since someone posted that catdog gif with the caption. That spawbed all the meme hatebfor those artists with similar captioned gifs. Happened in the past couple years.
Either way thats retarded if the meme only relies on old shadman(vulgar bad art) if everyone, even normies, knows more of new shadman(vulgar not as bad art).
Like that art is over a decade old, its actually retarded to meme about how bad shad is if the only basis of it is decades old and stuff that completely counters, his new art,comes out every few days by shad today
Hate his faces on guys and especially hate how he draws dicks. His dicks are drawn disgustingly and are in the fetish tier catagory because of it. All he likes to draw is anal gape too so thats kinda lazy. But he does draw good so, cant shit on him too much
Degenerate BLACKED cuckold
His shit is still edgy 12-year-old on newgrounds tier garbage and the way he hand draws all the text is so unbelievably cringe it makes me want to split his skull open like a coconut with an axe.
You want him to type everything in like chrischan? That doesnt look really good mate.
the way he writes the text out looks like some hot topic johnny the homicidal maniac 2004 scene disturbed faggot shit
The >shadman meme is older than just the past couple of years, my new friend.
>Like that art is over a decade old
Well, I can't say I recall the exact time it started. But a decade doesn't sound like a bad estimate.
> its actually retarded to meme about how bad shad is if the only basis of it is decades old and stuff
Well too fucking bad. Shad will always be memed as the bad artist. Only in recent times have newfags been relishing in his edgy behavior.
Mai is all legs. They censored her jiggling tits in the west.
god I hate ironic shitposting, it draws in retards like this who actually believe people should hate all these good artists because they saw a goddamn blue cartoon mouse
pic related btw. literally shad's bullshit that he wishes he was, except even though pic related is cringe edgy shit, it's a million times better than his fag retard shit. 12-year-olds read this by the way.
do you remember that one episode about the naked mole rats and that giant cgi lady got hyper pregnant and was implied to be fucking her tiny sons to populate the hive
that was pretty funny
Her tits jiggle fine in KoF XIII
Look how i said current before talking about the shad meme
Its still objectively retarded, litterally a punchline with no joke
Too many replies to skim through, but i did say thatvi posted this with satire in mind
Elins have the most iconic butt, the most TRVE patricians love them
>Look how i said current before talking about the shad meme
You can't dismiss old memes. Things that happened before you arrived, still affect current times.
>litterally a punchline with no joke
The joke is his art.
Your entire argument is based on shit no one else thinks but you. 1, that CSR is hated. No one thinks that but you.
2. That Shadman is a good porn artist. No one thinks that but you.
And the rest.
I like their thighs way more desu
Shad is unironically based as hell.
>God-tier artist
>excellent taste in fetishes
>has his own meme
Cant dismiss old memes that are relevant only to decade old art?
You cant lay down absolutes like no one hates csr or everyone hates shads art like that either, thats dumb. Both have that "meme hate" here, but actual hate for them ?
I mean, pretty much everytime a csr is post, people will do the whole >csr thing just as much as they will do >shadman to shad's art. The difference being that shad's hate is for decade old bad art while csr has semi circle butt cheeks he releases every few days.