Hi I'm Emma, loyal wife of Sekiro the Wolf of Ashina. Nice to make your acquaintance. Do you want to meet our adopted son Kuro?
God, I need ending like this, preferably with love making sessions in missionary position for the purpose of recreation with Emma included
What do I do now?
The old lady didn't tell me how to get out once you bamboozled the snake.
>Kuro encourages them because he wants a little brother or sister
I will steal the お from your husband's name, and he will turn into a white god dog thing that makes flowers grow and has a dedicated bark button.
don't talk to me or my dad ever again
look behind the house
There's 2 things you can do and both are obvious.
this is not canon
Ah, duh.. I went up to get the item but didn't realize you can go even higher.
>The dragon's name is Kurookami in Japanese
>Okami = Wolf
>Kuro + Wolf
look up, there's a grapple point
when is the shota porn coming lads
What happens to an NPC if I lure them into the abandoned dungeon? What do I get out of it?
Mengele will experiment on them trying to make Red Eye soldiers. He gives you upgrade materials.
is their outfits in the game?
a couple of questions
>is emma a servant of ishin and the teacher of genichiro?
>is kuro a feudal lord or an ex prince?
>whats is the ministry?
Why is this post giving me deja vu?
Traitorous bitch.
Rejuvenating waters and kuro were better girls.
I never got this dialogue
Any downsides, apart from being a shitty person?
Emma is not the teacher of Genichiro. That is Tomoe, who is dead from suicide.
Emma knows how to fight though. Taught by Isshin
That ninja down the tunnel is beating the ever living shit out of me and it seems like his posture never fucking ends and neither does his health. How do I kill him?
Miss some quests/shops if you pick certain people.
Where do I go at the demon bell? I feel like an idiot.
So, did everyone else just use the sword to deflect everything and basically forego the prosthetics altogether?
She never betrays you unless you betray her and all the good characters first.
So why do you see her in the Temple but acts like she never saw you in the Ashina Castle?
Deflect and swing, jump if you see kanji. He's not that difficult if you get the pattern down.
so there are only two ogres in the game. both of them have blonde hair.
possible that robert and the armored knight are the two ogres?
>kuro is in the room encouraging them while he jerks off
If you're talking about Emma I thought you only overhear her, not see each other
Emma was found on a battlefield by the Sculptor, was adopted by Dogen and trained by Isshin, she is not Tomoe.
Kuro was adopted by Hirata family, though his blood does hint that he is related to some royal family.
Ministry is some sort of Tokugawa's special forces, they all have a modified Tokugawa clan emblem on their chest.
Throw them oils and burn. Actually you can one-hit his first health bar from above.
You see her in the temple and she gives you gourd seeds man
there are three ogres
Sekiro has no interest in that disgusting old cunt. His love belongs to best boy Kuro.
What the fuck was Isshin doing inside his grandson?
>That motherfucking huge claw ogre on the gun fort
How the fuck do I beat him? Parrying seems useless as he autistically swings his claws non-stop until I posture-break
Just parry every swing. You don't even have to be that precise, just mash it. He kills himself in like two combos.
Why is Emma made out to be so important by the story but absent in all the endings that matter?
I heard there was a book in the game that talked about bringing somebody back from the dead. Genichiro sacrificed himself to bring back Isshin since Genichiro was obsessed with saving Ashina.
Just spam L1 even if you don't have the timing, you'll hit more parries than not
she's not important. what even gave you that impression?
Given that it explicitly takes place during the Jidai, the Ashina aren't totally wiped out, I'd say it's the Tokugawa under Hideyoshi. Historically, the Ashina got stomped by Date during his conquest of the north. Though folk tales about splinter groups surviving up in the mountains always persisted
cringe but redpilled
>Why is Emma made out to be so important by the story but absent in all the endings that matter?
Even though you don't see her in Return ending, it makes a lot of sense for her to travel with Sekiro and temple girl since every person she cared about is dead aside from Kuro and now Sekiro.
ROBERRRRT!!!! would be the giantdad of Sekiro, no?
ugly cunt. kuro is better.
>betrays everyone except the guy who stabs you in the back
>calls out some one for betraying you
There's a missable memo that mentions that 2nd mortal blades power is to open a gate to the underworld. Genichiro used himself as a blood sacrifice to provide a conduit for his grandfather who had died (probably of a heart attack trying to get up to fight the Invaders). Isshin feels obligated to carry out his wish since he sacrificed himself for it, and besides he's there and young and he has fight autism
Send the fat monk to help the merchant, it's heartwarming as fuck.
It's interesting to note that the dragon lacks the same left hand as Sekiro. It's just a branch cut off from the Everblossom but at the same time it also may represent the fact Sekiro is fighting the dragon within himself.
I liked it.
Didnt some of you niggers say something about fighting 3 headless at once in the Fountainhead Temple?
It's because owl cut off an everbranch
Why doesn't Sekiro's centipede ever pop out and help out? Wtf man we're in this together.
There's 3 headless in the game (or was it 4?) But they ain't in the same place
Kuro dies in Return, though.
he doesn't have a centipede. Not everyone who has immortality has one.
Imagine if Sekiro used the blade on himself to summon The Owl for the last fight
it's a dead end just for the bell
Re-watch the ending
is it ever explained who kuro's actual parents were? i'd think they'd be important since his powers are supposed to be genetic.
never say something so asinine again
>not Konnichiwa I'm Emmako, royaru waifu of Sekiro the worufu of Ashina.
You fucking tard op
>Cutscenes and character interactions filmed from a distance to disguise the shitty facial animations
I realise they've always sort of done this but I thought they would have more of a budget this time around, or are they really just that cheap?
Guardian Ape (both fights) best souls boss
there are three types of immortality.
divine dragon heritage, sekiro
centipede, monk and the training guy
then there's the red eye type.
there's five.
one at senpou
one at forest
one in the moat behind ashina
two at fountainhead
at what point is your ending locked in?
loli wants me to go find some monk but i really want to see the next area
He's dead and the girl absorbs the dragon's heritage.
Ah thanks, will try tonight. Still haven't touch the Headless and Shichinin undead though. Any other tips how to farm divine confetti and pacifying agent?
why waste money on facial animations instead of actual content?
They're always extremely well directed to the point that I can't give a shit about lip sync.
>finish off Owl after 999999 tries
>excited to reach a new area and explore
>walk 10ft from the first bonfire and it's Corrupted Monk again but with 3 health bars
Holy fuck just give me a break
It still looks good if you can't see how shitty it is. I'll rather have this than the goblinas in Capcom games.
Re-watch the ending again
Wasting a shitload of time and money on facial animations is exactly the kind of pointless garbage western developers do
Loli absorbs his soul
Sekiro already killed Owl though, why would he summon that basic bitch? Sekiro was clearly stronger than him.
Good question, being divine heir doesn't seem to be hereditary.
Sekiro, Emma, and Genichiro (he's actually adopted, and is a commoner by birth) are all orphans
I know this ain't the help thread, but cansomeone lend a hand to a Yea Forumsrother?
I've got the mortal blade, the fountainhead stone from mibu and both the dry and fresh serpent hearts, but I cannot proceed with the main story. Wth am I missing?
Shut up, retard. He's dead in Return.
HOW i never managed to convince him to go there, he just wanted to escape
>39/40 prayer beads
>can't find it for the life of me
>turns out there's a mini-boss that's only available after the first owl fight and before divine D
>but that's OK, all missable items end up in the offering box!
>offering box is glitched
thanks From, guess I'll have to pick it up NG+
Anyone else masturbated to this?
I never got the feeling there was much chemistry between Sekiro and Emma, he just had too much autism. He seems interested in her sword work when he gives her booze though
It wouldn't matter so much if it was less character focused like the other games but when you're trying to make us care about them then it's a bit jarring.
you fuggin retard
The flower from Sunken Valley, just explore the upper area of the Sunken Valley (near the huge group of monkeys)
You need the white flower.
Are you the "rice loli is centipede" guy?
No, that's retarded.
Emma is a servant of Isshin but not Genichiro’s teacher, that would be Tomoe.
Kuro is basically a local holy figure, they refer to him with the honorific ‘miko’ which is used for people believed to be holy or divine. His family aren’t nobility in any way just revered due to their magic blood.
The Ministry is mainland Japan, they’re getting fed up with Ashina not sharing the immortality juice with them and are preparing for an invasion.
I swear you guys always talk about how hard Demon of Hatred and SS Isshin are but nobody ever talks about how damn hard old fart Isshin actually is. I guess that's because people don't care about the Shura ending.
Haven't even found that part of the level yet, just the cave where the dry heart is.
thank's m8, ur pretty kool.
He is dense but her interactions with him are genuinely cute.
So are his interactions with the temple girl though and they will possibly spend the rest of their long lives travelling together.
He's not dead, retard. The game points out that this was an alternative to save Kuro. Immortal Severance would've been faster if Kuro dies. The story implies that the Divine Child would give birth to the dragon and Kuro seperately once they reach the dragon's homeland.
>not the girl edit
So are you.
More like miss an entire fucking ending if you sent the fat monk
Guardian Ape is up next, rite?
Should be [spoiler____fun.
Agree 100%, but at least you get a level after her. Also you can death blow skip the second phase if you grapple to a tree beach during the spirit part and jump onto the real body
Isn't this to get the "purification" ending?
>find Emma attractive
>Kuro just looks like a normal Asian boy to me
Imagine my puzzlement when I see fags here creaming themselves over Kuro
Wolf brings his lifeless corpse to Senpou and you can even see that he's physically dead in the image I posted. The girl absorbing the dragon's heritage doesn't mean Kuro didn't die.
>>The story implies that the Divine Child would give birth to the dragon and Kuro seperately once they reach the dragon's homeland.
We don't actually know this at all, this is pure headcanon from delusional lolifags and nothing int he game actually says this. all we know about Return is that the Dragon's Heritage rests in her "cradle". that's the only thing we ever hear her speak of.
There’s two Headless underwater in Fountainhead. One of them is a Stand and is incorporeal iirc so it can’t be attacked and attacks you until you kill the main body one. The item description of the Spiritfall you get from it is pretty sad.
The third phase is new and pretty nice. The 2nd phase is great too but they pussied out and they added a way to skip it, so now people will yell at you if you try to fight it head on which is the most fun.
Cope more.
No wonder pederasty is common in feudal japan. The young boys look fuckable.
>If the player finished the Divine Child of Rejuvenation’s quest (obtaining the items from the Great Serpents), they are given an item called the Frozen Tears from the Divine Child that will put Kuro into a coma. This happens after the Genichiro/ Isshin, the Sword Saint fight, where Wolf then takes Kuro to the Divine Child. She makes him disappear, either transporting him to the Divine Realm or turning him ethereal like the other Divine Children that never materialized in physical form. Afterward, she and Wolf depart for the West, the birthplace of the Divine Dragon, to “sever their ties to fate.”
>corrupted monk has an unblockable attack with no kanji indication
Thanks FROM
You can kill the Illusion one. It goes down pretty quick.
From are still only a mid sized company, one of few AA studios left. Given that Sekiro was supposedly entirely self funded (Activision only distributed the game internationally, they had no role in development other than teaching From how to make tutorials and producing the dubs) I think they did pretty damn well on that front.
Agree and you can get the purification ending
wich one ? didnt feel like it on my 11 playthroughs
You forgot the one at big snake valley
I want to fight Owl 2 but don't want to start all over again just to do that. I've fought every other boss in the game so far except for him and that missing Owl 2 trophy is bugging me. Is it worth another playthrough?
Owl 2, and Emma/Old Isshin each cannot be fought on the same playthrough. You need 3 plays to get all the bosses and 4 to get all the endings
Uppercuts can't be deflected or blocked
ur gay lol
except for the many times i blocked that attack, are you high?
You only 2 to fight all the bosses.
You can fight Owl 2 on the normal ending route as long as you get the bell from Emma before killing the divine dragon.
It’s probably not worth it, but you can run past 90% of the shit in the between boss areas, it probably won’t take more than three or four hours to get to him if you’re good at the bosses
no dude its
>Emma/Old Isshin
Yeah I fought them. So far I've done 2 playthroughs.
>You need 3 plays to get all the bosses
No, you can do all of them except for Emma and Isshin
yes they can
>Have to beat all the bosses in one save file
>you can very very easily lock yourself out of multiple boss fights
>same for prayer beads
Lame, but that is the way it goes going in blind. How hard is NG+? I can’t stand how they handled it in previous From games with overly bloated HP and damage. If this game does that I could see it being pure tedium.
I don't know where you got this from, but the game never says that giving him the frozen tears puts him into a coma.
>no u
no u
He missed owl2 first playthrough thus he needs two more = three in total.
But my stamina would be so low if I just skipped all the mini bosses. According to what people say Owl 2 is very hard
i want an epilogue where sekiro repurposed his arm to entertain children, with puppets popping out and stuff.
alternatively, they walk into the setting sun, kuro on sekiros shoulders, emma holding two bags from lawson in each hand. it is clear that they have made a friendly trade in responsibility for this walk home. and then they do a pan of their attic, and there are old photos, bikes, suitcases, and finally, a dusty object - the prosthetic arm. cue 'bad romance' by lady gaga.
You can do the special hard mode after your first playthrough and it's very fun. You take damage from non-perfect blocks so you have to deflect everything. Suddenly spamming L1 doesn't cut it anymore. It's a nice way to spice up the game for NG+. Just don't take Kuro's charm at the start.
gay is you? lol gay is HAHAHAHAHA
Just hit the part where I'm assuming the horse guy boss fight is(looks like a battlefield, no enemies in it, arena size just screams "BOSS FIGHT").
Aside from firecrackers and making sure I have the Mikiri Counter down(if he's on horseback, Im assuming he's fighting with a spear), anything else I should watch out for?
utter kino...
Any downsides to ending his curse lads?
man I hope kuro still has his memories when he's reborn
You don't need him for any ending. Only the holy chapter: Infested and to talk to rice loli a lot.
how do you get past the snek? I tried the finger whistle and everything
In some attacks you'll be able to grapple him and get closer quickly, while also stunning him slightly
look up you big thumb sucking babby boy
he's the easiest boss in the game. make sure you're close enough when he "drifts" so you can grapple onto him.
>You take damage from non-perfect blocks so you have to deflect everything
Wait is this true? I thought NG+ doesn't even change shit. I won't enter NG+ on my main save file because the DLC will eventually come out and I don't want myself to be raped by everything in it
I didn't buy the anti-air scroll from Blackhat before he fucked off to Senpoji, am I fucked?
>puppeteer ninjutsu the monkey in the cave
He's pretty easy. Just set him on fire a few times for phase 1 then parry his overhead smash on phase 2.
No. You can see him at the monk place, if he dies his shit shows up in the offering box.
Grappling him work the same as grabbing a ledge or is it's own thing?
you stupid dumb black gorilla looking nigger. you are the blackest nigger i have ever seen.
So I just beat the game. Got the Dragon Homecoming ending. Honestly Sekiro was difficult at times but it was fair and not having to rely on summons for fights really forced me to git gud.
The only fight that i found truly difficult was Demon of Hatred and even then I beat him once I got his patterns down.
Sword Saint Isshin was stupidly fun.
so is, 5 headless (2 underwater 3 on the floor) and 2 shichimen why is not there a headless achivement i had more trouble killing some of them that genichiro or demon of hatred
the covered bridge over the valley, gotta get through it, look around the temple entrance
Other than losing your training buddy none
I'm not really worried at all. I've been playing character action games all my life. Even if I get btfo a couple times, it's all part of the process and, most importantly, ____fun.
You go through sunken valley and lower ashina. nigger.
After you complete the game once in non-Shura endings you get the option of accepting or returning Kuro's charm at the start of a playthrough. If you don't accept his charm you enter this special hard mode.
Why does corrupted monk have this much vitality and posture?
Do I NEED confetti?
I don't have it and no-one sells it.
With how long it’ll take to come out(at least a year) brushing up on your skills in a fresh play through might not be a terrible idea. Otherwise NG+is not that big a change user, just don’t give him the charm and it’s like normal. Although the bull was a real asshole with some extra HP.
>adopting Kuro
>not "adopting" Kuro
Holy fuck. Just finished the game.
That was kino and hard as fuck.
What a damn masterpiece. The end boss took me at least 2 hours straight.
I've never used any items/prosthetics/skills except for the puppet master ninjutsu and I'm on my 3rd playthrough, is it ok?
yes, a grapple symbol will appear, and you just press the button.
You can only grapple him in certain attacks/moves, so the symbol will only appear in these cases
Go back to the last idol and look for a different way after the rats. Get ready for a fun fight too
[/spoiler]cloud saves[/spoiler]
Alright, I'll keep an eye out for it then, thanks.
Which one? Ghost mode? Just throw pocket sand in its face and use snap seeds. 2nd one you can utterly embarrass with free deathblows.
>Why does corrupted monk have this much vitality and posture?
Only one health bar
>Do I NEED confetti?
not really
Which ending?
Get the grapple strike skill
When you see the green marker over his head you can grapple him
>With how long it’ll take to come out(at least a year)
More like half a year judging by Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3. But then again what if it never even comes out, huh?!
Real corrupted monk has shit posture. It fills up super easily. Also help you can get 2 free death blows on her basically making the fight mute.
>snap seeds
No-one sells those either and I've yet to find enemies that drop them.
What sand?
>character action games
Oh, I dont think I have that skill yet. I haven't spent much time getting skill points, think I took just enough to get Mikiri Counter, a 2 point skill past that, and havent taken the time to get points beyond that.
>The end boss took me at least 2 hours straight.
Sword Saint Isshin wasn't actually that hard. I basically was never forced to use my gourds until his 3rd phase. Definitely the hardest skill check boss though.
3 sinchi I think
chill user it's just a girl
The good one, of course ;)
That shouldn’t add much time since a lot of them you can stealth kill off one bar. If you’ve beaten sword saint and demon of hatred, no mini boss should take more than like two minutes
Did you go to the estate in the bell memory, and get the axe/flamethrower/feather?
Grapple strike isn't necessary it just let's you do an attachment as you fly through the air
Every boss in this game is on fucking steroids. Let me breath a little.
>Sword Saint Isshin wasn't actually that hard
Name a harder boss in this game or in the entirety of Souls
>demon of hatred
He wasn't even that hard. He is second hardest in the game but he is nothing compared to SS Isshin
I've only progressed in there enough to get the fire vent. Havent messed with it beyond that, I keep forgetting it's there.
Ashes, it’s silly how effective it is.
>the armored knight
>same knight who died from a severe impact
People said owl 1 easy and he caught me off guard with how durable he is as well.
> fucking regen posture like crazy even at half hp
> always jump on your head to disengage for his kunai bs
> weird tracking and hitbox on overhead slam that hit me on a side dodge many times
> fireworks that does damage for some reason
> sometimes he loop his combo over and over and sometimes just do 1 then stay back and recover posture
> finally manage to kill 1st phase by posture break at around half hp constantly if I absolute get on point with parry and trap him in corner and camera doesn’t fuck me over
> 2nd phase he always get away with smoke bomb shit
> he also recover his posture with that one move after jumping on your head then use poison for wall for safe posture recover
I gave up when he got the posture recover at 30% hp so I pulled the flame vent and blasted it in his face to drain his hp for a hp kill instead of posture kill
Enjoy his real fight later.
I feel like the 'sekiro' bosses that are all about deflections are balanced with their lack of breathing room by being relatively short since you generally go for posture kills in them, while the 'souls' bosses where dodging is the focus give you much more time to rest.
SoL anime about Emma and Sekiro raising the kids after the ending when?
>finally starting to get better at Owl fight
>camera decides to work against me
>lose when he has less than half health on second round
Yeah, thanks...
>yfw you realize every little statue at senpou temple represents a child the monks killed trying to create an immortal Loli rice cooker
Boss Difficulty:
1. Demon of Hatred
2. Sword Saint
3. Old Isshin
4. Owl 2.0
5. Guardian Ape
Honorable Miniboss Mentions:
1. Snake Eyes
2. Red Eyes Ashina Elite (without umbrella spam)
3. Long Arms Centipede Giraffe
i want an ending where emma focuses her chi and looks like shes about to hit sekiro, and then she rushes in charging up a fist. and then sekiro winces, but emma just kisses him on the cheek. sekiro turns bright red and the shura ghost leaves from him in a waft of steam like a cartoon.
who's with me. like and subscribe.
SS Isshin was easier to read than DoH. Not saying he wasn't hard but if you learn his patters its easy. Especially if you know how to bait his spear jump since you get two free hits if you step behind him.
Grab one or both drop upgrades from the monk skill tree, it's a good investment. Go to the upper chamber in the Ashina castle, sneak around to the blue guy and kill him. Until he drops it. And then kill him again. And again. And again. About 10-20% drop rate from personal experience.
utter.... kino....
Why did you spoiler nigger?
Kuro and Sekiro*
>1. Snake Eyes
FFFFUUUUUCK, what were they thinking? This is straight up the most annoying enemy in Sekiro.
For me it's
1. SS Isshin
2. Old Isshin, really underrated boss fight to be honest
3. Demon of Hatred
I can hardly remember any quick boss fights. Most take a while thanks to some big health or posture resistance. If it were like you described i think it would work better.
Probably too late but watch the second half.
You can basically skip the entire fight if you don't wanna do it. First stealth kill takes some practice, 2-3 tries probably. Second one is free and fire crackers or fistful of ash let let you basically skip the third phase.
Is Shura ending on your first playthrough the chad choice?
Missing out on an entire area is pretty retarded
True Monk is fuken DEAD
Demon is a prep fight, and a turn off your brain fight. If you have malcontent and play like it’s a souls boss he’s easy as shit. Just use the whistle on his 3rd phase and wail.
SS Isshin I only found hard due to Sekiros inherent learning curve is harsh due to 3 separate high damage phases.
Monkey is another prep fight. Cracker him, then parry his headless form and spear him.
This is the first From game that seems to really reward you for the prep.
just back up your savefile lmao
>using items
>using prosthetics
You need PS+ for that
What's better High Monk or Shadowfall?
I play on PC
Snake-Eyes is easy once you figure out the three different gun moves she pulls.
Lucky you, my PC is garbage
Lol, what a fag.
>Demon is a prep fight
Fucking hated that. Let me grind more gold for confetti then let me get more ako sugars, rice, and recharge my res circles so I can get killed at the ass-end of phase 2 again hooray
O'rin was way harder than the ashina elites. For the ashina elites you just need to get the timing for the parrying but once you know it, they're free. The same is true for the long arms.
Mist raven his biting lunge.
Ah thanks, again will do it tonight
It's not a prep fight though. If you are good at Bloodborne this fight is fairly easy. Demon of Hatred is just a sponge, he doesn't even have any bullshit attacks that can fuck you over. I would even call it the fairest fight in the entire game
>Some fag that falls off a bridge
>The legend himself
You only “need” malcontent. It makes the fight substantially easier.
Got the return to the dragon one. Didn't know for Hirata 2.0, so I missed that. I did google a bit though to get the snake hearts. I didn't know what to do with the monkey in the snake den, as I had not the puppeteer ninjutsu at this point.
Did Demon of Hatred which was honestly the hardest boss I have beaten in a soulsborne (it topped Midir), but it's with Isshin saint that I learned what suffering meant in this game.
I understand why people were whining about the final boss and the "final boss took me 13 hours" rumour before release.
God it feels good.
Miniboss should be:
1. Headless
2. Lone swordman in the well
3. Snake eyes
Emma is a server of Isshin but not the teacher of Genichiro, that would be Tomoe.
Kuro has the divine blood but isn't related to any of the lords in the game. He's probably still considered one by adoption or some shit.
The ministry is probably just the Shogunate of Sengoku era Japan.
So was Owl just a shitty guy who wanted immortality at expense of everything else to take over the world or did he have a deeper objective?
>Demon of Hatred which was honestly the hardest boss I have beaten in a soulsborne (it topped Midir)
I honestly don't understand what's so hard about him. Midir is harder. Ludwig is harder. Damn Friede is way harder than him
No they aren't, and there are 3 ogres. However all of them are based 6ft+ Europeans which is why they tower over every single chink in this game.
Schichimen are more of a nuisance than headless. The game is pretty lenient with the parry timing with the headless while the schichimen are absolute assholes who keep teleporting, you can't do shit against them if you don't have a lot of pacifying powder.
Is there really no way to disable tutorials or am I just missing it?
Not as heartwarming as sending him to heaven where he can chill with the spirits of all the children that failed to become rice lolis.
The attack you absolutely need to avoid by jumping is a real bitch when you're trying to hit him a lot. If you don't avoid it, it takes 3/4 of your healthpool and on phase 2 and 3 if you get back on your feet to early there's a possible follow up to kill you definitely. Also he's one of those bosses whose moveset are made to hit hard if you try to get away and heal;
>Emma actually was bold enough to think she could take on wolf and then Owl if she actually won.
Thats one CRAZY bitch
>The attack you absolutely need to avoid by jumping is a real bitch when you're trying to hit him a lot
It took me like 2 hours to beat him and I was only hit once by his charging attack
How to et to the ashina reservoir?
So don’t try to hit him a lot, retard. It’s not the games fault you’re too greedy and get punished for it.
I don't get how people say demon is the hardest boss, literally just run and play like a souls/bb boss, only parry his stomp and headbutt. I found him easier than most bosses
1. Sword Saint
2. Owl (I haven't done the second fight yet)
3. Monkey Trouble
4. Isshin Ashina (And Cute Emma)
5. I guess Demon
There is no way the ape and his girlfriend are harder than Isshin
That was my main problem, the rest of his attacks were not really a problem because I got the timing for parrying, but the "grab" when you're close was a real bitch for me.
Most of the time if you're far from him you can just run straightforward and you won't get it. Running in circles for the blazing skull attacks.
Got through it, that's all that matters.
Any good cheese strats for sword saint? I can get to his first spear phase pretty consistently with res available, but then I usually get bodied. I can parry him ok but the only opportunity I get to damage him is if I dodge is jump, but then he sometimes attacks after it and I always just eat it
Fuck having to fight genichiro every time. I’ll randomly have runs where he owns me in the first minute of the fight, first phase sword saint is way easier
From the Idol after the bull
>left from the idol, enter door
>jump down
>open closed door
Just beat sword saint can I get some praise.
Git gud, he is hard
Maybe they aren't, I just fought Isshin after I got gud with the Sword Saint, so a lot of those skill transferred over to Isshin Ashina, all I needed to do was get a handle on his fire shit
>timing the parry
I just mashed it out, is there actual timing?
I’m jealous, congrats. Hopefully I’ll be there soon. Gotten to his last health bar one time and instantly died twice, but at least he feels bearable to me now. Any tips besides “git gud”?
Be relentless, stay close and only stop attacking when he is attacking
Try getting all the mikiri or try to jump on him every time he does perilous attacks
For his third phase if you get the lighting reversal correctly it ends up being easier than his second phase
The person I was supposed to get a blood sample from died (the old lady who gives you the bell), how am I supposed to get another sample now?
Yeah but there is one difference. You know when you start attacking Isshin he does that annoying step to the side and immediately swings at you or even does his shitty grab that takes almost all of your hp. SS Isshin phase 1 doesn't do that stuff so it took me a while to get used to it
It isn't worth perfect parrying his ichimoji overhead slash thing.
You can get samples from everyone that gets sick, if no one is, just die so more
Wait til someone else gets ill I guess
>knows how to fight
Lmao sshe's the weakest boss
Literally harder than (the jobber) genichiro
She is unironically stronger than this faggot Genichiro who always wants to get his ass kicked like Kuze in Yakuza 0
I dont know how people are dying so much that the NPCs are literally dying from the dragonrot
I have Ike 6 of the fucking blood things I bought from vendors
I die pretty often too, it just NEVER triggers, maybe gotten it 4 times total and Im at SS isshin currently
How is the lore in this game exactly? How does it measure up to the other Souls games?
Thanks m8, I’m gonna get this fucker
I don't know. I guess so, because if you only parry one of the two hits, the second one deals damage. But the game may make it easier if you mash, I don't really know.
I just did too user, nice work.
Ty bro
NPCs don't die, the only one that dies is the old woman and her son but that happens once you got through castle Ashina.
what's the best spot to farm up some resurrective power? i'll get this DoH faggot down I just need my nodes to not be empty
don't you trash talk aniki
Its pretty soulsy. Lots of lore dumps specifically from talking to NPCs, and exploring and finding items just like Souls.
Its a bit more on the nose though because its a more focused plot, but ultimately very comparable.
>the eels can succ your immortality away
Oh, Emma agrees in Sekiro killing himself to free kuro?
Can I start the Purification ending for the two prayer beads then continue on with the Immortal Severance ending?
Or use sabimaru, it destroys their posture in 2 combos and poisons them. Pays off to read the lore of the items in this game.
You can beat DoH without farming anything and wasting your time, you just need to try your best
If you get all of the key items you can just choose between 3 endings after the final battle
No, you shouldn't be able to deflect him easily
Okay thank you. I wasn't getting a straight answer looking elsewhere
From vermillion bridge to the next checkpoint is the best farming area IMO. Can backstab a ton of guys, shuruken the wolves, get a ton of xp and money
Are combat arts in this game just a meme or are some of them actually useful?
They really missed an opportunity to make arm-cannon shinobi prosthetics. Disappointing.
Remove Emma
Sekiro is for Kuro
Double Ichimonji is useful, it can cancel 'kanji' attacks
>Owl 2.0 is juuuust different enough to make me fuck up at times
They really ironed out his behavior to make him harder. Very interesting to see.
I use double ichimonji and nightjar slash.
Is double ichimonji is the best offensive technique? What about Nightjar attack?
>What about Nightjar attack?
I've never actually used it, don't even know how it looks. Double Ichimonji is cool but for some reason I still never use any skills. You can beat the game without using them
Which vendor sells the Kunai prosthetic again? I have enough money now
>double ichimonji is the best offensive technique
yes especially against human enemies because they flinch no matter what
Kunai is an upgrade for the surikens
The bandit sells it but it's an upgrade for late game, so it's not worth spending your money
I love it against True Monk because it's almost like a posture transfer from you to her.
I just beat owl but for me so far
Boss difficulty
>Guardian ape
>all the others
Took me rarely more than 3 try for most of them, but owl probably took me 30 try and I had to cheese ape phase 2.
Miniboss were by far more difficult for me
>that faggot with his spear
>the fight vs the camera and the ninja in the starting area
>the fight vs the camera and the 2 ninja in the dojo
He sells an upgrade material, not the actual prosthetic. You won't get to use it until later and i don't find them very good. Most disappointing prosthetic for me, since I was looking forward to it since earlygame. It's undertuned. It costs 2 spirit emblems.
Nightjar is good, it closes some distance pretty well. NightJar Reversal is even better because it technically counts at two combat arts in one. It contains the regular night jar (lb+rb) and it has an assition where (lb+rb) while holding backwards makes Wolf slash then jump away from the enemy,
Any hints for that locked door near the first chained ogre? Almost done the game and I still haven't went in
>What about Nightjar attack?
Nightjar, especially reversal, is a god tier poke/retreat tool.
You can pull out some real dirty stuff with that if you know when to use it, THE combat art for hit and run style, borderline dishonest tier with Bestowal Ninjutsu.
you get there from behind, you need to hook some trees in the area around it.
I don't really remember where, but it's a path similar to the one you go to the first headless
Tengu guy asked me if I mastered any secret technique and to kill everything. What did he mean by this?
You mean the one when you zip up and go right? You have to boing bing wahoo yourself around the rocks to get something that wasn’t worth it if I recall.
>wanted to cure the sculptor
>couldn't because no other NPC was sick yet so Emma wasn't able to create a cure and give me the charm that I need to heal him
Got it
Giraffe is the easiest miniboss in the game, you literally just spam deflect and jump occasionally, don't even need to attack.
The final skill in any tree
Get the last skill of a tree
All this game's characters suck. I don't wanna beat the final boss because I don't give a damn about any of the characters. Who gives a shit about this woman in a japanese dress who was barely developed throughout the game? I also hate that brat kid Kuro. This has been by far the game with the weakest story by FROM.
stop being gay please
You sound like a Nazi
Does he do anything cool after that?
Stop being a faggot.
I disagree that it has weak characters but the game wasn't written by Miyazaki (who only wrote the Pot Noble character) so maybe that's why you dislike it.
>You sound like a Nazi
I specifically posted a jew. What are you talking about?
Gives you another tree
all the tools apart from firecracker and shuriken were kind of shit or very gimmicky
If there is one system they haven't thought through in this game it's combat arts. Only being able to slot one makes no sense. You can switch them out through your inventory anyway, you just have to pause the game for it. If DMC5 manages to make a character with 8 weapons, 4 styles, 2 devil triggers and a move-set that looks like a lexicon feel fluid then I'm sure From can figure out a way to give us more than one fucking combat art without switching to a pause menu.
Post it.
>Wolf of Ashina
Isn't Ashina the enemy?
The game is already too easy.
I guess the other Drunkard disappears if I kill the Mist Noble first? Fug, I wanted a bead
Exactly. There is only one attack which is R1 and a meme one that you probably won't ever use against bosses because it's too slow. Fuck this game. I miss NIOH.
>those two ninja in the dojo
for the love of god, this. Took me longer than fucking guardian ape 2 to beat those narutards
Then make it harder. If we can slot more combat arts into our moveset then that's perfectly justified.
>If DMC5
Go play it then
Quit sexualizing the little Bucciarati kid, it's fucking weird.
Just wait for the models to be ripped for SFM and make your own
you can sneak-kill one of them before you engage the other.
literally what do i do with the demon's fire wave attack? i see a grapple point but jumping is still getting me hit. i am so close to beating this stupid fucker. im practically dancing around him
use aged mist raven to bypass it
Jump just before he lands, then grapple in mid-air.
You can sneak kill and use the puppet master ninjutsu on one of them. He'll help you deplete the first health bar
Nioh's combat system was the only thing it had above Souls, now that Sekiro is out it's simply a completely outclassed game. Sekiro combat is deeper and way more engaging than Nioh combat ever was.
Yeah that's not connected to the Old Blood or anything.
time your jump to when his hand actually slams down. jumps sideways while running to improve your chances.
Just jump to the side
this meme needs to end
Sekiro's combat is just pressing l1 and r1. In Nioh you actually had to manage pose and your stamina from running out. It made a lot more sense. How come you can deathblow a samurai just from blocking? It makes no fucking sense. In Nioh you and the samurai had the same stamina bar and if you ran out of it you got fucked just as much as the other guy. How come you can kill a samurai only with holding L1 and then deathblowing him?
Plus, in NIOH you actually managed how you used your sword instead of just there being a single attack button.
>Nioh's combat system was the only thing it had above Souls
Really nigga? Also Nioh is uninspired as fuck. Being challenging is not enough to be 'cool' like Souls games
This, having to hotswap arts is part of the challenge brainlet.
Nioh's enemies just don't make the combat engaging. Nioh is the prime example that shows that bloating the game with different attacks, stances and combos does not make a combat system deeper.
It doesn't seem a ton harder if you don't give Kuro back his charm. more damage here and there + slightly slower posture regen I believe
A child that doesn't know any better can easily believe a puddle deeper than the ocean.
NIOH was really unoriginal but the gameplay was just amazing. Plus, honestly I enjoyed the cutscenes of NIOH more than sekiro's. Nioh really felt like a japanese game inside and out in all aspects. The cutscenes were really japanese-like and it reflected more accurately the samurai than SEKIRO imo.
I don't find Owl 2 to be much harder than 1 at all
there is one big problem with this attack, terrain. You need to gain some height before the fire spreads but if you're jumping towards a slope it just won't suffice. Best to not give a joystick input and jump neutral.
>Nioh really felt like a japanese game inside and out in all aspects
>The cutscenes were really japanese-like and it reflected more accurately the samurai than SEKIRO imo
user Nioh is a fucking Koei Tecmo game. The only thing it can reflect is anime bullshit. Sekiro is a serious game with better gameplay
Has this been followed up on? This looks like an honest to God homo erectus.
he fucked me for almost an hour tho. Then again, it was NG+2
Whatever you say mate. All I mean is that Nioh was more fun for me. It was weeb shit but the gameplay was so satisfying it was fucking worth it.
Why can Sekiro only die twice tops?
He's immortal isn't he?
yeah my first time was NG+. after taking almost an hour on Owl 1 that playthrough I two shot Owl 2 blind. Must've just been too wise to his moveset at that point. helped that a few of his new moves were counterable. I love the fight though boy did I love that flame owl sweep into MIKIRI
Wtf retard, that's your average Brazilian.
>but the gameplay was just amazing
Nioh's gameplay is a joke, stat inflation is even worse than Souls in that game, the musou tier core combat doesn't help either.
It's fine if you like to be flashy and juggle around nonconsequential shit like stances, but Nioh's just barely one step above of cookie clickers.
game mechanics
I get you. What I was saying wasn't objective truth as well, just my opinion
I was able to get one death blow on genichiro on my 5th try am I going to make it lads? Also it seems he does the sweep attack every time after his jump in phase 2 he just doesn’t do the thrust anymore ?
I get the thrust too, it seems to be RNG
waits what's the second thing
i know about escaping up the roof
yeah, feels good to counter that
Were all gonna make it
Once you get the hang of the game for real, you'll see how hilariously weak he is. Just keep going.
First phase thrust
Second phase sweep
Third phase both.
I couldn't enjoy Nioh's story because "Geralt"'s character was extremely uninspired. The only character I liked was Yoshitsugu and only because I happen to really like moths. If only the game let us create our custom samurai.
I never felt that the game was like that. It felt completely bloated, but still shallow. Like sure, you can use all these moves, but why? I used the single katana for example, if I was fighting one of the red onis, I'd use high stance to hit the horns, and kill it before it got up. You may say "oh, deep", but that's the only attack I used against that enemy type. I was also playing the game completely blind, no guides, and I completely broke the game. I eventually had to stop using Sloth because it made the game easier than Ni No Kuni. I looked at the effects and thought "what if I make a backstab-centric build? It would be funny in a Dark Souls 1 meme way". So I stacked damage from behind stuff, added the Sloth Talismans, and the game solved itself. First I stopped just killing bosses and started going for those special in-game achievements for stuff like not taking damage from them, then I had to stop using that build because it was just cheesy. The RPG stuff was a detriment to that game, it made you grind to completely break the game. That's not even getting into the fact that you fight the same 10 yokai the entire game so the strategies never vary and the game gets old extremely fast. I finished every sidequest and didn't touch it ever again.
Be far away, run to the side and jump, then grapple
The attack is a bit bullshit
Have sex.
>someone is unironically defending nioh
im guessing this is a Yea Forums thing where you guys are pretending to like it now that sekiro has come out?
Is Lady Butterfly transgender? I swear to god I read some quote near the beginning, I forgot if it was on an item or what, talking about how Lady Butterfly did something with "his" technique. Maybe it was just worded strangely?
I was expecting to fight a dude.
>tfw always liked Nioh and like Sekiro too
I don’t know why everything has to be about picking sides.
>"Geralt"'s character was extremely uninspired
Nioh is so generic it hurts. How can people put it over Souls?
For what purpose.
Nioh isn't that bad, but it doesn't surprise me that some people here do that. The Souls series got more and more popular over time, so now it's no longer cool to like From Software games, and people flock to Nioh out of contrarianism. Sekiro was already getting shitposted about months away from release. Contrarianism, same way Dark Souls 2 now has staunch defenders on this board.
Is it about the forest she trained in? It’s called Usui’s Forest, and in the item description it says ‘his’ forest because it’s referring to Usui, not Lady Butterfly. It caught me off guard too at first, but no she’s definitely a she. I guess there was more of an implication on it referring to Usui in the Japanese text that was lost in translation, but it still makes enough sense after the initial wtf moment.
Nioh combat system is pretty cool but there was some flaw as well. Boss's ki is basically their stamina so whether you break their ki is also up to them. Sometimes, boss decide to swing a lot and deplete their own ki and get broken in like 1 hit.. Sometimes boss and you are clashing swords, but he decide to back off and move back and recover ki super fast and there's nothing you can do unless you spam kunai until his ki run out. to the posture system where posture depletion speed is consistent with health. It feels more rewarding to break posture than breaking ki in nioh boss in general. It's a more consistent work in steadily breaking posture whether you are deflecting, attacking a boss on block or landing hit. Posture doesn't fluctuate wildly like Ki for bosses. Also, boss going into their spirit super mode has their ki constantly decrease even when you aren't attacking so it basically encourage you to just run away until they ki decrease to 0 then attack once and get a free ki break. In fact, that's basically the most consistent way to break ki for bosses with living weapon mode for NG+ and it's kinda boring.
"Lady" butterfly
A literal old ass woman
Pretty sure they aren't a trap m8
Her name is "Lady Butterfly"
What do you think
Yes, that was it. I read the "his" meaning LB and I wondered why a man was going by that name. I expected a big burly guy for irony since this is Fromsoft but then I saw an old lady and was confused. She was cool as hell though.
See above
Ashina already got invaded, owl is at the top of the castle.
I have done everything with rice girl. I got Kuro's rice ball, I have both the serpent items ready to give to her later.
The thing is, She suddenly isnt feeling well again. I already gave her both persimmons from the merchant, I cant get kotaros he is with the peddler already. I totally wasted the second one and just gave it to her for no reason.
Do I need to grind for one from monkeys or will she still go to the hall of illusions after I beat owl?
Dark Souls 2 was always the weakest of the series but it’s still far from a bad game. I’ve been saying this in every Dark Souls 2 thread since launch. It’s still uncanny to see people saying it’s better than the other games in the series though, I like it a lot but that’s a bit of a stretch. It’s got the most content, the most variety and powerstancing but just about everything else is eclipsed by other games in the series.
>kill divine dragon
>the main base turn to fire
Game is literally Bloodborne 2.0
I'm sick of the From Software Special™ but curious of the lore, what's so bad about the immortality Kuro and Sekiro have?
Nioh is a ton of fun. I loved just picking up a weapon for a few stages and seeing what I could pull off.
The only thing DS2 did better than any of the other games was PVP. Somehow it was the most fun.
>Dark Souls 2 was always the weakest of the series but it’s still far from a bad game
This. Also Dark Souls 2 is the only Souls game that's worse than Nioh
It explains pretty early that it causes dragonrot and also makes most people go loony.
>it's harder to switch the art in a pause menu then to switch it during gameplay like a prosthetic
>or to use a different button combination
Oh I don't believe it was a bad game. It has the best PvP and I'm a pretty big PvP fag. But I really think the PvE aspect of the game is a big step down from the other games in terms of quality. Sometimes it doesn't even feel like a Souls game with how the atmosphere / visual designs go (see those Shrek smiths in Harvest Valley, green zombies, etc). Sometimes even the lore, like the Covetous Demon. What I can say in favor of the game though, is that for me it never gets tedious. It's not as good as the other Souls games in terms of aesthetics and design, but I never feel the "I have now entered Lost Izalith and I no longer want to keep playing" feeling. It is also pretty replayable. Tanimura really killed it with the DLC, they aren't flawless but he made the most he could do with the game. Did you notice Tanimura was absent from Sekiro's credits, by the way? He's got to be working on something else.
That art makes her look like Lightning from FFXIII
The slower combat works great for pvp
Beat all the bosses have trouble only with the snake eyes sisters.
Lone Shadow Lasagna the Spear-Bearer is literally impossible with only 6 health. Beat him when he was a regular enemy like 12 times beat him in the memory but the one at the serpent shrine is just a shit environment.
wow I thought I was having fun but now I truly see this game is trash.
Why don't you fucking kidnap that fucking loli already and rape her or something? Fuck this fucking game.
dango they really are monkeys.
>whole game is named after a nickname some random nigga gives you
It triggers envy. Still weird that's not common knowledge but some people have dragon, thus are basically immortal.
It probably started with the Hirata discovering divine heirs and protecting them. Until the owl wanted to attack them to overcome his 'clan' and rule the country.
Ashina's clan used the divine dragon tears (harvested by the black blade) to become partly immortal and use thunder. Tomoe, Isshin and Genichiro all received this gift. But they discovered kuro after the owl tried to catch him in hirata, and wanted to replace the tears by his blood (genichiro).
Monks found a way to create divine kids, but it mostly looks like experiments with parasites. The Ashina weren't really aware of that, but that's not surprising because they were guardians of power, aiming at controlling the country while the kuro family were here to regulate power (can't die to power). Monks just probably wanted a way to extend life to extend meditation and reach nirvana.
>some random nigga
It's Isshin user
>struggled more with ogre, shinobi hunter and juzou than gyobu or lady butterfly
why are the minibosses harder than the actual bosses
probably attacking the snake.
Wait until you get to Snake Eyes. Anyways I think I struggled the most with the early game. Then the game just clicked and I never had too much difficulty again.
Isshin is lord of the Ashina, a stronk Ashina family.
Emma, Genichiro, Dogen, the owl and the sculptor are all part of the Ashina clan. The sculptor was a shinobi who experimented the first(?) prosthesis made by dogen. He killed a lot and somewhat got close to being a shura (demon of hatred).
The owl wanted to betray ashina with the divine blood. His team knows well about the arts, using weapons and monks arts.
Emma is the personal doctor, as the Ashina warriors aren't immortal as their masters.
redpill me on the rope giant
Only thing I don't get why is Owl kills Wolf at the start or why he fights butterfly
He didn't have the dragon power yet, he killed his son for no reason
Should have just told him his plan
They themselves don’t suffer from it but others do, repeated resurrection spreads Dragonrot because the life essence to being them back has to be sourced from somewhere. It also means they have to live a life where everyone is after them for their blood, no matter what Kuro does there will always be people after him for his blood and he can never lead a normal life. The Dragon’s Heritage is preferable to the other types of immortality in the game but it’s still pretty sucky in the long term.
Tanimura was one of the lead designers on Shadow Tower Abyss which was great, DaS2’s fucky developmemt cycle really hindered him. I’d like to see him work on something that he didn’t get shoved onto his lap to salvage again.
Next I'll try to figure out the link between the divine palace and the mibu village. Why is there a dragon dude shitting up spirits? Why is an immortal monk projecting an illusion to trick people into poison water? Why does the immortal monk guard the entrance of the palace? Was the palace invaded by infested monks? Were the divine kids experiments to reach upper planes? Was the divine palace the first aim?
Owl wants the immortality. Sekiro was Kuro's guardian and the most likely candidate for getting it. So Owl orchestrates the assault on Hirata, killing everyone around Kuro so he has no one left, including Sekiro. He stages his own death, but his henchmen watch from the shadows. That's what the secret purple ninja is, he is a Ministry agent watching over Owl's plan. So later on the Ministry forces attack Ashina Castle, to make Kuro desperate and helpless. Owl appears in front of him offering him protection, betting that Kuro will give him the pact in order to help Ashina. That's Owl's plan.
why does Giant Carp show up in ape's watering hole? how the fuck did it get there?
Microcephaly is treated with euthanasy.
why is butterfly helping him
I imagine they're both in on it. They know Sekiro is a righteous dude and will try to stop them.
>Long Arms Centipede Giraffe
The centipedes are the easiest mini-bosses in the game. I beat them both taking no damage and I'm fucking terrible.
>this triggers the shotafags
Emma is actually best supporting From girl.
Doujin when?
nah im mad because wolf is my husbando
Cursed image. Is there any spooky story behind it?
They're all pretty shit except Emma and Maiden in black.
Don't need no Kuro when I've got Rice loli.
Yeah. I'm playing it at 1440p all settings maxed and getting a solid 60FPS. Only dropped when I stuck the camera into a fog door fighting the Centipede Giraffe. Guess it can't handle the effects.
what's there to explain besides an elder furry making his own wife like a real alpha male?