Party Van

Its sunday, the day of the lord, and coincidentally the last day you can play TF2 with Yea Forums for the week! So come join us and have fun and spend your last day this weekend getting drunk so you can be hung over at work tomorrow!

Password: the usual[/spoiler

Attached: TF2.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

Other urls found in this thread:


stream the autism


12 players already in the game! Join if you want a slot for fun


The time is nigh!
let us celebrate before the beginning of another painful work week!

But I can't play...

what the fuck do you mean, how do you have time to watch streams but not play vidya


Dead game, dead thread, dead van

16 people in the game and more coming! don't get left in the dust!

keep the thread alive lads

traveling and with a laptop and have downtime!!!!

>he doesnt have a pro gaymer laptop like everyone else
wew lad

remember to Join today!

I'll be on in a couple minutes

Attached: ap.jpg (840x473, 23K)

need an ethernet cable but i'll be on soon

What did I miss? Why is it the last weekend?

This van is only on the weekends.

bump, we got 24 people on right now

keep them comin

24 people onto a new map!

OH NONONO REDditors on suicide watch

>make a map for the party van
>probably won't be able to play it until next week

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Finally, cyberpunk

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Holy shit you guys suck, also why there's poorfags on my party van?

I mean its in, we added it you dumb nigger. It's just unknown if we actually fastdl'd it or not so it much crash the server. Feel free to nominate it.

>BLUniggers cant even control disco room properly

>cant even keep one thread alive
come on Yea Forums

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too busy having fun user

yes but we need a full house user

we're getting there, its also slow to get players, but once we got them we got them


>its been almost 20 minutes and BLU STILL Hasent broken the disco defense
based retards

>late night cyberpunk
Fuck yeah!

im retarded how do I type this into the console ?

tilda (right above left tab)

bump, servers almost full!

dont let it die lads

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>Red fags have to lock the disco to stay in it
>Blu Chads waltz right in and just place sentries while the doors open

fuck you faggots so much


dont die just yet

mario kart... home

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based pac poster

You can download missing maps from this list.
If you get version mismatch delete your copy

Attached: 天安門大屠殺 .png (700x800, 622K)

"This map differs from yours" okay cool

Attached: 1554038583973.jpg (467x352, 47K)

bare bones ass map

worse then sylveon
atleast we have active map makers though

savior bump

A maze? Of mandrills?

The biggest problem with sylveon is that there isn't enough sylveon

whats the password?

not spoonfeeding you faggot
go search it up for yourself

redtards literally RAGEing

Bumping this and i'm not even playing


How do I into map making so I can contribute

ok I'm learning how to map and I saw the tutorial say to avoid leaving any open spots or else you get the super trippy effect
would that be a major dealbreaker if I incorporate that into a certain section of a map down the line? Just curious

This is what it'd look like. It'd be fucking atrocious as everything gets overlayed for the hall of mirrors effect. Also you wouldn't be able to put any entities down or else the game would just fuck the entire skybox and not just 1 portion. Meaning doors, entities, player spawns, ect. ect. can't touch the void aka the eternal blackness without a skybox.

Start with this:

Basically you can stop after you know how to make a spawn point, as the resource pack has every gamemode laid out and if you need help valve has an official map makers wiki

Attached: hallofmirrors.jpg (1366x768, 147K)

well the whole map wouldn't be like it. I'm kinda thinking maybe a sequence of trials in a 5 CP mode and having stuff like
>room of Darkness
>room of DoT
>room of fuck (the effect we're talking about, the entire room isn't like that, maybe a few windows scattered along the walls to the void)
>room of rotating floor
>room of loud music
just to give a few examples.

If you leave a spot open the entire map fucks up, memory starts leaking, frames drop and it loses all lighting. To get the weird effect you need to make a textureless wall that doesn't render the skybox.

>spamming family guy episodes
This is infinitely better then weeb shit, my sides are in orbit
thank you

Hammer is an abomination. I hope Valve replaces it.


Reminder: Hammer has been used by Valve since 1999. It truly is outdated and soon will be outdated by 20 years

password is rage

I wonder if Apex Legends was made with Hammer.

literally just play with trackpad

>match ends before I could find the room AGAIN
Fuck all of you

Attached: genuine anger.jpg (720x706, 33K)

I was Danespammer, my game just crashed for no apparent reason

Attached: Cat_panic.png (500x459, 297K)

You have my respect

This map crashes my game after 2 minutes of playing
please add this
thank you
-star magician

What room, Sylveon's or Aniki's?

>finally download the map
>join game
>switching levels

pl_prankward is crashing everyone's game, ChugMonkey please switch it if you're reading this.

Changing map


Which one has the cropped porn in it?

>Party Van died again
see you faggots next friday then

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Sylveon's (it's not porn just Sylveon in lewd poses)

is meat tan still around? tell that fat faggot to kill himself if he hasnt already from his ptsd.

Anyways, since the servers winded down probably cause prankward was shit. Custom maps go in the thread, with links and we'll add them (hopefully next week) when we add another like 30 maps to the pool. Remember if you want to make custom maps, we need a VMT and the BSP file and remember to learn how to properly pack them with custom textures you fags.
Anyways, see you guys next week same time for the van!