Pokemon will never reach its full potential

>Pokemon will never reach its full potential

How do you feel about this fact?

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Other urls found in this thread:



who cares. it's a literal kids game.

Why doesn’t Nintendo just get Monolith’s B Team to help develop Pokemon games?

>How do you feel about this fact?
I stopped giving a shit about Pokemon's potential on a home console years ago when X and Y shit the bed.

let me guess, another genwunner whinning for the return of random encounters?

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It was never meant to be a fully fledged JRPG in the first place. It has always been entry level that is how it rakes in so much change.


Monoliths B team is capable of and are making a new zelda. Why waste their time on poketrash?

idk, ask me 20 fucking years ago when I realized this.

Attached: 1546637864444.jpg (194x249, 11K)

You're only supposed to use this meme against complete shit, OP's pic actually has soul.

That's hideous

the sprites are terrible

Attached: FeastYourEyes.webm (640x456, 2.96M)

>Pokemon will never reach its full potential

pokemon reached it's full potential damn near 20 years ago, m8.

Attached: pokemongoldandoslver.jpg (1813x854, 535K)

Hoping it's flags so I can (literally) falseflag some shit

Kinda sucks knowing that Game Freak was at its best when Iwata was alive. If he was still around now, all regions would be explorable in one game

Attached: C101E9E9-9482-4BD2-9A69-21720EEF4C35.gif (350x240, 2M)

Why are they terrible?

>OP's pic actually has soul

Attached: 1532535691541.gif (360x238, 1.43M)


>says this
>posts 2D shit
You dumbfuck, Pokemon will never reach its potential because GF keeps treating it like a 2D game.

Attached: berchtesgaden.jpg (1148x752, 240K)

I always hear that in cwc voice.

I would like this if there wasn't a green tint on everything, that just makes it look ugly desu

It's a terrible setting anyway. Only retards think it can become anything more than a shovelware cashgrab released every 3 years.

>Pokemon doesn't have soul

Attached: SoulSilver.jpg (439x400, 44K)

If it has to say it does, it doesn’t

this indieshit-looking thing is even worse than the botw photoshops people used to post.

Attached: 5niTjTP2E-ntshXAJUKLXFDfp9fQ9VE2I0yfOSjpSvk.png (921x482, 161K)

Holy fuck i love little samson

Awful, awful low-effort bait

>Literally just the original sprites but with some more shading
Out, zoom zoom

Attached: retard.png (175x97, 2K)

But that looks like shit.

You seem upset.

>take sprite
>make it worse

perfectly fine, functional
all tumblr'd up with a soulless indie pixelshit aesthetic

Worse shading. It's the kind of shading where everything blends into the background and nothing stands out because god forbid your sprites have a little bit of border.

Not him. But the sprites are lacking. I shouldn't say terrible, but this is not an improvement.
He should outline objects, in order to make them distinct. OR, do a better job at distinguishing forms via higher contrast. As it is, the colors are rather flat. All the greens sort of mesh together. You can barely see any highlights in the water.
And the proportions of objects are still so small. Look at those tiny trees. Why are the trees so small? Just make them bigger, in order to give a better sense of scale. And include some overcast shadow to give a sense of height to the trees.

It's an ok piece, if we just look at it like an amateur having fun. But when you consider it for professional quality standard, it comes short.

He doubled down, amazing

The actual Pokemon games made by "professionals" are orders of magnitude worse

>lucario has tits
what the fuck


they fucked up and removed the bit of blue thats suppose to be in the red on his hat
literally just took a spite and made it worse

A sprite like that is necessary on a screen with a 240x160 resolution. If Nintendo tried to sell it to me on a system that outputs at 1080p or higher it would be shit just like OPs.

It's not about the detail of a specific sprite, the thing that people like about OP's pic is that it makes pokemon actually feel a little more alive compared to the games that feel super empty in some areas and honestly it's kind of baffling how up until the newest release you barely saw any pokemon in the overworld. An entire ecosystem of literal monsters yet the gameworld looks bland 99% of the time.
HGSS did a lot to remedy this which is why people loved it so much but then the following mechanic was immediately taken away. LGPE for as shit as it was made the gameworld a little more interesting.


I'm sure gamefreak does the best they can with their small resources :)

They're really not. They actually accomplish making your character and certain objects on the screen stand out. This guy couldn't even do that basic thing.

I just feel sad.

Attached: wasted_potential.png (418x306, 45K)

That's great, but the sprite work is still shit.

>wow gamefrek are so shit anyone could make good pokemon game
>literally every pokemon clone is hot garbage

Because if it continues to sell millions and normalfag audience lavishes praise on it, and so does the majority of everyone else, why bother fixing it?

The complete opposite actually, I hate how successful gen 1 was, allowing Game Freak to never even try to improve.

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Then don't get the green version

That interface reminds me of Ragnarok.

99% of videogames are kids games

Removing the outlines was probably done to make the piece look more like a painting than a game screenshot, the outlines themselves are an arbitrary gameplay detail, it'd be like complaining he didn't draw an interface. Adding them back would be trivial, and their omission is nowhere near a big "pixel art sin" like mixels, rixels, zixels etc.

it works for a still image, for a game yeah you would want a border on it. happy?

i agree that pokemon should have overworld encounters, but the picture is ugly and not what anyone should want pokemon games to look like.
i want a pokemon game with towns that feel like inaba from p4 and cities that feel like kamurocho from yakuza.

Attached: First-Yakuza-6-Trailer-Screenshot-1.jpg (1920x1080, 398K)


Can you tell me what this is called already?

I haven't seen taste this bad in a looong time

What is this?

Based soul connoisseur. Actually able to discern it instead of being shitpost-brained

Mockups like this look pretty as a still image, but for an actual game these sprites wouldn't be good. You want strong outlines and readability so you can easily identify things when they're moving around, especially when the sprite will be over both dark and light bg's

>the picture is ugly and not what anyone should want pokemon games to look like.
That picture is what gen 3 Pokemon games should've looked like. Overworld Pokemon, organic environments, unique assets, non-autismal-blocky level design, etc. Instead it was gen 1 except with more colors, fucking disgraceful.

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Pic unrelated, my pic is the real deal.

Attached: bw2.png (250x223, 111K)

Minish Cap is the gold standard for GBA-era top down pixelart

What is left picture from?

I never got the cash grabs that were BW2 but I can confirm that Gen V was kino Pokemon, rivaling or even surpassing Gen I.

Which Dragon Ball game is that? Also what is the game on the left? Also, >Gokou

Sword of Mana

How dare you compare the amateur work of OP's image, to the genius of these professionally crafted games.

Unnamed RPG Maker fangame. Devteam is keeping it under wraps because we know insecuretendo will hit it with a C&D faster than you can blow a load.

The shading on the right makes it look like the heavys face

Attached: XXSSqDG.gif (350x315, 291K)

Are you implying that the picture you posted is close to full potential, or in anyway better than what we currently have or had?

Because it's not...
Are those supposed to be your pokemon?

You forgot to add that most of these games were played with a CRT which the scanlines would add that rounded natural look to the games.

Might be different palettes for different areas. Like red/purple inside a cave or blue in a different town or whatever.

all of those games look significantly better than the op's picture.
also, the ds era was already the peak of pokemon spritework with explorers of sky, conquest, and gen 5.

Attached: conquest.png (2176x1536, 1.42M)

This looks so awful.

No, it would've been a step in the right direction when gen 3 was released, nowadays we're waaay past that but they still haven't moved an inch since gen 1

Nintendo doesn't even make or controls Pokémon though?

If Gamefreak had any sort of real competition things might be different, but as it is, they’re basically content to soak in their own mediocrity.

Naw, that looks awful. At least when the battle is zoomed in like how it always is I can imagine that moves are undodgeable or that my pokemon has amazing accuracy.

But seeing the fight take place in the overworld is ridiculous. Like, why isn't Abomasnow just dodging? Having it like this destroys the immersion.

Attached: oop.jpg (125x124, 3K)

the Pokemon battle sprites were always the best artwork in those games, except for the shitty gen 1 sprites. The battle sprites have always been really good

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Those are downsampled drawings you dolt.

B2W2 were probably the best games GF put out, calling it a cashgrab isn't really fair.
Would have been perfect if it had following pokemon.
>every pokemon is a cashgrab come on

Nintendo is one of the three stakeholders in the pokemon company.

What game on left?

All people want is breath of the wild but with pokemon running around. Is that so hard?

>pixelart without context

Attached: Pathetic.png (304x455, 177K)

i don't care what they are, they shit all over the tumblr pixelshit in the op.

Attached: pmd.gif (500x342, 89K)

Game Freak is legitimately a Sonic Team-tier company that got freakishly lucky, prove me wrong

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Clutter isn't a good thing.

>All people want is breath of the wild but with pokemon
All I ever wanted was Platinum 2 or BW3.

Probably Chrono Cross, which had mostly hand-painted prerendered backgrounds.

Overworld sprites do NOT work in Pokemon for encounters, not yet at least. It doesn't make sense to go into a patch of grass and see 1 Tauros, 1 Ponyta, 1 Doduo.

Why the fuck would there only be three Pokemon? Not to mention, Tauros, Ponyta, and Doduo are herd pokemon, they travel in packs.

If you want overworld pokemon, you need it to be like some RDR2/BotW shit and it would have to be a spinoff game. Open plains, wild Tauros and Buffolant running around in herds. You have to track the herd, separate one from the pack, battle and catch it.

In this game, exp points and the level curve have to be changed because you're only encountering one pokemon every half hour to and hour. It wouldn't work as a regular game.

With close to a 1000 Pokemon? Yeah it is.

I like this more than the Gen 2 fanmake, but it looks kinda muddy in places, namely the MC sprite.

All people want your mom. Is that so hard?

Hard? No. Terrible? Absolutely!

Sad. Blame genwunners for it all honestly. They want to keep rehashing Kanto for the 5th, 6th and 7th time rather than finally going to a more open world feel to the game.
>b-but muh legpee game!!!
Kanto is too small and closed in that's why the pokemon were awkwardly crowded in.

>detail that makes the world feel genuine and atmospheric = clutter
Yeah, the million copy pasted trees are much better and have "soul", they don't take me out of the game at all.

>cutscene thing
Thats probably why they are unskippable then. What a mess.

There are legitimate reasons why duplicating a texture is the right choice, though.

Or they could just do it like Earthbound/Mother 3.

I didn't say Pokemon's aesthetic was perfect.

it's no wonder they never really personally tried to make disc-based games, stuck to cartridges and still get to pass on that by Switch standards - Gamefreak's godawful optimization and development methods would equal way too many load times on discs.

been a while but is the left image from chrono cross?

>Genwunners don't want to see an open world Kanto that looks like the anime they grew up on

Zelda is even bigger trash

>Sad. Blame genwunners for it all honestly.
This, after everyone REEEEEED at Masuda for not having KANTO in Unova, he died inside and made X/Y and died completely when it was a big success.

Notice that all of the detailed objects and "clutter" are basically on the screen edges of the playable area rather than making it difficult to determine whether you can and can't walk.

It is faster to load from a disc where all the data you need is directly beside each other than strewn all over the disc. Seeking is expensive.

It already did in HG/SS

I don't know what that is. Sounds old and dumb.

No one made the argument that if obfuscates the view.

>nintendo did 3d bullshit instead of developing their 2d spritework

But that's it, that's its full potential. Whatever you imagined based on it is your problem, not pokeman's.

>5/6 of the pokemon seen are shillmons
Get out.

>It already did in HG/SS
>no underground
>no vs seeker
>no post game in johto
>leveling still sucks
>typhlosion got shat on by the split
>magunium is still shit
at least feraligator is still alive

They have to sell these things, you know? For the average public, making intricate 2D artwork isn't beautiful, it looks like outdated crap to them.

Just give me more midriffs.

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why isn't this thread on its containment board?

chrono cross, psx jrpg (also GOD TIER)

Based and soulpilled
Also based

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That would be cool since they did use to have generic sprites.

Pokemon is a literal game for children though

First off you're making the assumption that overworld Pokemon would keep the tall grass mechanic, second off you're arguing that seeing 1 Tauros 1 Ponyta etc wouldn't make sense while at the same time tall grass obfuscating 10 meter tall Pokemon is the standard in the actual games for 20 years now. Ideally you'd enter a route and see e.g. a pack of 4 Tauros at one time, a Ponyta and a Rapidash at another, maybe depending on time and weather etc. I'd make encountering almost every single Pokemon into a special experience killing the grind rather than the tedious trudge it's right now.

Yea Forums is a containment board for retarded shitposts and low effort trolls. Nothing more. This is my toilet and since you’re here you are willingly wallowing in my shit. BRAAAAP BRAAP SPLURT

i love midriffs

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go ahead and call me genwunner but it had something special. i really loved the feel of traversing those deep caves, in black and white, to finally find a pokemon after several floors. there was something really significant and rewarding about it

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I always wondered why does his hat turn like flatish when he gets on the bike



The original creator of Pokemon, who the Jap version of Ash was named after (Satoshi), wanted Pokemon to be an all-audiences thing, which is why gambling was in the first game and the Jap version of red/green had the drunken man in the early road block compared to the censored US version of a sleeping man. Takeshi, head writer of the anime at first, carried this very same idea for the first season which is why you had Tentacruels destroying a city, guns pointed in people's faces and plenty of sexual innuendo.

Pokemon mainly became near-entirely child oriented once these two shifted to different positions / quit the series altogether.

this is pretty cute but I would never expect Game Freak to produce something with niche appeal like this.

Played hgss recently. All the pokemon battles before the elite four are so low leveled.
I wish they fleshed out johto more.
It's so hard to level and grind if you're raising multiple pokemon, since the trainers dont give much exp.
Some gyms just out right fuck you up because they use strong pokemon while you're at a low level.

>niche appeal

Attached: 1.jpg (960x747, 486K)

looks a bit over detailed imo.

Gen 1 on GB Pocket and Gen 2 on GBC are the quintessential examples of soul.

Honestly I wonder how kids are actually supposed to take advantage of some of the mechanics in-game
A good chunk of Pokemon feels like it was designed for older compfags

Attached: 1550097521828.png (459x326, 123K)

so the sprite fits.

i don't care that Pokemon will never reach what you want it to be. Fact is that i have been more pleasantly surprised with the games than frustrated, they have been everything i wanted because i didn't know what i wanted.

Pic related, got this the other day and i havent played a Pokemon game in 2 years

Attached: JPEG_20190401_030132.jpg (864x1152, 207K)

I stand by what I said. They can put a lot of work into something like this and get jack shit out of it in sales because it goes over the head of their target audience, which isn't a bunch of nostalgic virgins but a declining population of Japanese kids.


Krabby isn't a shillmon

And by HGSS you mean Emerald, but true

>Zelda games will never look this good again
Fuck 3D graphics.

Attached: oraclemap.jpg (1561x1249, 712K)

It's a split attempt of appeal. Merchandising and handholdy games for the kids with usually painfully-easy main campaigns and Legendaries given to you like fucking handouts, and the more advanced IV raising. intricacies and otherwise for the more in-depth fags that want to get everything they can out of the game and the competitive scene. Problem is that more recent games have been poorly balancing these ideas on top of their shit post-game content, so there's not much meat to anything anymore besides catching and raising Pokemon for games too easy for it all

It was all we needed

there is something still weirdly compelling about GBC type graphics. I would welcome more games in the style

Attached: c5mfux12g8h21.png (1024x512, 205K)

You need to go back

>Ocarina of Awakening
>Majora's Awakening
They should have just went for Ages/Seasons. This is just embarrassing.

to where? 2001?

people literally piss themselves every time they are thrown some crumbs, gamefreaks will never need to better their games.

GBC had some pleasing colors

Attached: Gold Sprites.png (1120x728, 153K)


>Pokemon in the water scaring the fishes
I hate furfags so goddamn much.

3D was a mistake

Attached: morewip1fc.gif (212x300, 7K)

It's up to YOU to reach that potential that you imagined.

You're not even a boomer being nostalgic, yikes.

Attached: absolutamente-asqueroso-13364678.png (500x720, 376K)

it did

Attached: raichugif.gif (180x180, 24K)

Attached: s-eJAtVt.gif (540x256, 23K)

this is clearly western shading

Chrono Cross was also a 2 disc game, without an overworld. You'd just run across a mini map. I'm not trying to excuse pokemon's bad design. But citing repetition, is a tad disingenuous.

Looks like an RPG maker tileset.
Also that Lucario has tits

Of course. I fucking miss sitting in the back of the car playing Zelda OOS and not realising we passed 2 borders. Can't have that anymore

very few things actually reach their full potential, but pokemon is on a whole other level

Attached: 1548679567843.webm (1920x1080, 1.55M)

see the image in

Attached: morn4.png (480x431, 15K)

This comparison will be more apt when DQXI hits Switch and Sword/Shield comes out with likely the same drawn-out battle intros.

it would look shit in motion prove me wrong

six seconds is abysmal as well

why do we always butcher these phrases that webm is the epitome of soul

it's called soul

But it's barely any different from the actual game

just give it up and grow out of pokemon already

>indie pixelshit
>imagine actually believing that pic related is any of those

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-30 at 6.20.57 PM.png (148x164, 66K)

Is he trying to catch a Lucario with a fishing road?

death to masuda

>comparing chrono cross which is almost an entire gigabyte across 2 CD's to a sprite based 16MB cartridge game in pokemon RSE
Pokemon has also never been like more traditional JRPG's either but I wont go out of my way to defend ORAS

Based fatchu

Attached: 4313D2BF-F3F2-490A-8E9A-E8602343CC43.jpg (271x543, 37K)

see the image in

>doesn't realise the difference on the elements involving the cutscene

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It doesn't end there

>Gamefreak's godawful optimization and development methods would equal way too many load times on discs.
Apparently in SM, game freak had it so that the game had to compress then decompress the battle intro 9 times before the battle starts

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Attached: 1552768062214.png (1000x750, 500K)

I've already seen it. All of those games use repetitive geometry.
Look at the trees in sword of mana. They're all the same. Save for the one on the cliff, which has a unique trunks, but still the same set of leaves. The ground is titled, the water and grass too.

The Dragonball game tiles the ground.

Minish Cap reuses the same clovers. There's sort of a down facing, left facing, and right facing clover, that they reused multiple times in just that one screenshot.

The difference is that those games are smarter about how they draw patterns, to give the illusion that they're not conforming to a grid. They also add some variety here and there, and place tiles at irregular intervals, as a means to avoid patterns.

to be fair, one game loads an entirely separate battle area and then has to do merchandise bullshit to give every single pokemon (and trainer type) a distinct intro, while the other is just enemy intros on the open-world as a backdrop, with the battle transition mostly being there out of tradition

gamefreak couldn't ever hope to actually have dynamic battles positioned on their bite-sized overworlds

I dont know the game on the left but dragonball advanced adventure and LoZ minished cap both are much smaller gameworlds
I personally actually like the look of gen 3's tileset overall.

>Apparently in SM, game freak had it so that the game had to compress then decompress the battle intro 9 times before the battle starts
...But why?

Attached: 1501532655533.gif (298x298, 767K)

i miss when pikachu looked like this

Attached: pikachu.png (200x200, 15K)

GF is incompetent

Because they unironically put more effort into making the game more unoptimized
They're insane

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Dragonball Advanced adventure uses tiles for the background aswell im 99% sure

Attached: Screenshot (2).png (1920x1080, 1.33M)

Gamefreak are bad developers. After doing some in-depth analysis I realized they are incompetent and only lucked out in gen 1 and kept riding the success from that. If you know anything about game design, try going through SM and look at how many development resources were wasted in designing map regions and mechanics that do nothing. It's mind-boggling.

Why did gen 5 have the most soul then? Was that nostalgia too?

or you miss those carefree times

>some in-depth analysis
Tell me more, I like hearing about these guys

I still don't know why Nintendo never slapped them in the face for this like they do with every shitty dev they work.

gen 5 games have a lot of work put into them
since they were received poorly GF decided to not put any effort into future games

Because there’s no need to. Every pokemon game does reasonably well, and keeps driving the sale of merchandise.

Because Gamefreak is developing games for the Pokemon Company at this point, not Nintendo, and these games aren't sales flops so why should they get their shit slapped for bad development habits? We should've seen the signs when a sole Iwata halved the game size of gen 2 and managed to get Kanto in there as a result because of how unoptimized GF are.

Attached: soul.png (1106x1349, 136K)


>le soul meme

"Don't fix what ain't broke" is what has kept pokemon stagnant and successful for the last couple decades

Pokemon appearing in the overworld was honestly the best change since Gen 3.

>people cried too hard about "muh casul"
>now we're going back to random encounters

Attached: 1360582168337.jpg (243x251, 7K)

visible encounters don't work when the map is a tiny as fuck corridor

How the fuck do you objectively measure concepts like ''love and care''. The whole soul meme is flawled by design

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I don't really care. The formula can't really be improved upon any further. It can be changed, and that's what they've been experimenting with, but I think they already really hit the peak of what they can manage with "monster collecting turn based jrpg with 4 moves".

An easy one is "empty space", or parts of the level that serve no mechanical purpose. Pokemon tends to have lots of buildings and activities that have nothing to do with Pokemon raising or battling, no hidden items, and serve no practical purpose. It's a cliche, but From Software are geniuses when it comes to level design and know how to make every inch of floor-space count. In good games, every house holds the potential for an encounter, items, or something interesting happening. Think about entering a new house in a Fallout game. Now think about entering a house in a Pokemon game. Chances are there's nothing in it but an NPC saying an inane one-liner, and maybe an item at best. The amount of buildings in SM that do nothing is absurd.

Or for an easier example, look at SM's photo-taking mechanic. It's absolutely garbage and nobody likes it. Yet it obviously took a fair bit of effort to create. Why? GF does this over and over again, putting tons of effort into garbage distraction mechanics that nobody likes. They have no idea what they're doing and just take repeated shots in the dark, wasting untold amounts of development resources.

I like random encounters

reminder to play sacred gold on a cleaned/patched HGSS rom for good nostalgia

Don't forget to add grit. Which is what most games had back then, newer games look sterile.

Watch : youtube.com/watch?v=dHfLX_TMduY

now apply it to video games.

>How do you feel about this fact?
Frustrates me at least once a week

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You can't objectively measure how much love and care is put into a game, but if you can't tell whether or not a game has had a fair amount of effort put into it, you might have brain damage. Or you're deepthroating that buzzwordpill in which case you probably think "rushed", "unfinished", etc are buzzwords too.

I stopped entering every single building talking to every NPC after gen 4 now that I think about it
Ive played most RPG's since the mid 2000's the same way to really
Only when I go back and play something like Gothic 2 or Wild arms do I actually pick the habit back up of combing over every square inch of the game

Have you seen the polygon count of the models? They're actually pretty damn high - too high, when you put them on the 3DS, which contributed to the slowdown
The real problem with them is that they're really bland and lifeless, and are just generally unappealing to look at, they could use some real animation and posing overhauls, but we all know that won't happen

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I just wish Pokemon could into soul

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the only issue with the photo mechanic is that you can only do it in certain places
now imagine if you could do it everywhere

You can shave like half of those poly and the models still would look good.

The issue is actually texture work and lighting engine which is pretty bland on pokemon games.

Attached: why pokemon lag like a bitch.png (524x467, 68K)

Not everything can be quantified

>The formula can't really be improved upon any further.
It can. Some devs are actually able to improve games over time (see the Rune Factory series). The problem is that GF is not one of those devs, because that takes actual talent.

Garbage. Pure objectivity is a ridiculously flawed and incomplete view of the world that excludes basic common sense

This. AAA companies never had fucking "soul". They exploited kids that are fucking inbred and doesn't understand how businesses really work. They just wanted parents to give them all their money because kids had autism

>"Don't fix what ain't broke" is what has kept pokemon stagnant and successful for the last couple decades
That is correct. After doing some thinking, I realized that GF's stubbornness saved the franchise. If they took the fanbase's advice and started changing things, they would have ruined it with their incompetence. It's kinda funny.

Alot of it has to do with the coloring on the models making them look like pale plastic toys
And the fact alot of their poses look entirely lacking in energy like Typhlosion

reminder that iwata was able to optimize Gen 2 games so well on his own that more than half the game size was cut down to be able to fit Kanto and that gamefreak has never seen a half-decent programmer since

Theres nothing wrong with turning a profit making things that are enjoyable

Agreed, but LG was quite a faithful remake of RBY , hence the corridors. They just need to take it as an experiment, then make a new 3D Pokemon with larger areas, make it more open world, but it's Nintendo so they'll probably just stick with nostalgia milking.

Funny how even a slight change can make a pokemon look 200% better

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GF can barely make interconnected areas, lot of shit on SM is pure artificial loading since the next area is loaded on memory.

To make bigger and proper areas they would need a decent programmer. And only dev that is on par with everyone expectations is Monolith soft.

making good maps is hard and i doubt they will ever try to move away from the same map design with routes and towns

It looks like shit

user, do you seriously think GF is talented enough to design good open worlds? They can't even do branched path hallways or dungeons anymore.

Yeah, you guys are right, GF aren't the ones to be able to pull that off and I doubt we'd get a partnership with another studio...

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I hate sprite shifting like this. Just make the character 3D models with low resolution instead so it doesn't look uncanny.

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Never because they are stubborn fucks and pretty isolated from general nintendo work at this point.

Only spin offs get handled by other companies and stil is up to Pokemon company itself.

3D's not the problem, it's the short, bland animations. Also the absolutely fucking worthless, half baked, used-in-one-game-and-never-again gimmick of sky battles causing dozens of pokemon to be animated with all the dynamism and fluidity of a floating loaf of bread.

awful art direction
literally NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN tier trash

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>gimmick of sky battles causing dozens of pokemon to be animated with all the dynamism and fluidity of a floating loaf of bread.
I will never not be mad.

But it's literally the art direction from the original game

No way op, this would've looked wayyyy better

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Then they remove sky battles in the next game, yet never fix the fucking animations.

It's you, your majesty!

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it already reached its full potential with gen 2

They butchered so many of my favorite mons because of this
RIP Skarmory

>Gengar lost levitate and got cursed body instead, because of this shit as well.

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So why is Pokemon hated on Yea Forums? It still sales millions.

God, I miss the sprite days. Why does everything have to be 3D nowadays?
You can only get good spritework from tha rare based developer, or maybe some tumblr-bait indie shit, and even then it's horribly animated for 2019 standards.
I'm not even being sarcastic, I miss those days.

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No, gengar lost levitate in gen 7, which makes the question of why he lost it a real head scratcher.

the spergs that defend it religiously to genuinely stupid levels got partly contained to /vp/, and Yea Forums is filled to the brim with contrarianism and hating what's popular

Because instead of being marketed to children from 1995 its being marketed to children of 2019

you sell millions yet still make a good game. Selling millions doesn't stop 3d mario or zelda from being ambitious

>no new pokemon ranger
>no new pokemon mystery dungeon
>no new pokemon colosseum
>no new pokmeon snap
Did GO cannibalize all the other spinoffs?

Tell me how to fix the franchise now or else you're gonna get it. Remember that you have to successfully pander to literal children, manchildren, and genwunners to hit your sales targets at the end of the day.

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Worse. It birthed Let's Go, the only spinoffs we'll get from now until forever.

>Selling millions doesn't stop 3d mario or zelda from being ambitious
>What is Mario and Zelda between 2008 to 2018
One fucking decade of cancer, but now that one fucking game "does it right", it feels like they did this every damn time, so now Pokeniggers feel like they should get their cake share too. Pathetic. Fucking pathetic.

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he chomnk

i wish. game freak considers them to be main games, and that means legpiss shit is going to seep into the new regions' games starting with gen 9. it also means we'll 100% never get another remake as good as hgss (although the chances of that were already slim after how bad oras was).

Attached: not a spinoff.jpg (1536x2048, 376K)

>shitty generic indie game

>era-accurate SOUL


Hold Gamefreak at gunpoint and force them to implement good features they keep cutting out, be it gameplay stuff like the Dexnav for compfags/breedfags and people that just want better mons, or the achievement medals from B2W2 that would give people, especially children and normalfags more incentive to keep going and make an effort to get them all and feel accomplished with themselves
And finally, give KANTOOOOOOOOOO shitmons some higher BST buffs so they're more usable and aren't outshined by other Pokemon

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>sprite animations only play while player is walking

I know. I just keep hoping maybe by calling them spinoffs it'll hopefully stop stuff from seeping into Gen 9+

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>when literally any company,aside from a couple, would do the exact same thing
You really don't know how the real world works, huh?

>what is sega

I wasn't aware that Nintendo and Activision/EA were the only remaining companies on the planet.

Square and Konami have also done it to be fair
Its pretty standard stuff

>Add back all the old features
>Add pokemon to the overworld
>Make combat chrono trigger style
>Hire Kojima to write the story
>follower pokemon because everyone loves that
I have saved Pokemon

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They play when he's stopped halfway through the clip. The person who made the webm just did a poor job and there is a random freeze near the beginning.

Pillow shading on grass is not soul.

>Add back all the old features
>Add pokemon to the overworld
>Make combat chrono trigger style
Fuck no. Make it more like SMT.
>Hire Kojima to write the story
Immediately dropped.

That's not pillow shading, that's just worn down grass

Replace "love and care" with effort
>"T-the game's too empty!!"
Half of pokemon's fans need everything to be cramped

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Pokemon is like the only game where random encounters are good. In other games the enemies you run into are just annoyances in between destinations. In Pokemon every time you enter new grass it's exciting. You want to see what new Pokemon you can find.

That looks perfect..

My fucking heart. This looks so good. Where can I see more of it? And please tell me nintendo wont take it down.

make it a rhythm game?

that might be true in whatever fantasy land you live in but the rest of us live in 2019 where every single detail about every game is known 2 weeks before release. Shinies are the only exception and who gives a fuck about shinies with the wrong nature/bad IVs

>Those last two meme arrows
Off yourself

If the battles were 3D like Pokemon Stadium I wouldn't mind.

It's pretty easy to avoid spoilers. I deliberately avoid all info when a new Pokemon game is coming out and usually all I know going into them is the cover legendaries and the starter Pokemon. It's the best way to play it and if you don't have the self control to do that then your just giving yourself a lesser experience. Plus who the fuck cares about natures and IVs for the story? You handle that shit in post game.

Advanced Adventure

There is literally nothing wrong with follower pokemon

anyone who actually gets "excited" over whether or not a rattata or a pidgey is going to show up after the 14-second-long loading cutscene is probably the same type of sucker that blows their money on mobile gacha shit.
normal people just want to see which pokemon are available so we can catch the ones we want.

How would you improve shsw?

by cancelling it, demoting game freak to mobile trash, and hiring atlus or falcom to make the real gen 8.

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Have you never gotten past the first grass before? I'm talking about further into the game when everything you run into is new. Black and White were great for this because they only had new Pokemon and no old ones.

I gave up on the franchise after the Battle Revolution trailer bait and switch many years ago.

Thoughts on my team in HG so far? Who should stay and who should go?

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You sound like the sort of soulless husk that prefers to pay for DLC characters rather than have them be unlocked by just playing the game.

This looks great.
Hope the dev team don't get c&d or abandon the project.

>special snowflake larvitar
kek enjoy grinding for 50 levels until you get your sandstorm machine

Pokemon Ranger was pretty nice

Attached: almia.png (256x191, 10K)

Unless I somehow missed a trailer we still know next to nothing about it, so the only thing I can say that could be improved on is that they should work on evolving the routes into something no so narrow and linear.

of course. i'm just using an example.
the main issue is that the whole element of surprise doesn't really jive with what people like about games in this genre, which is collecting and building a team of your favorites. i also really doubt that "surprise" is the reason why pokemon is still using random ecounters. it's more just game freak being too lazy to finally move away from an archaic model that nearly all other modern jrpgs have left behind in the past.

Oh, but I'm not suggesting an open world. Just more open and better level design.

Pretty muchand even then, it's only a step. Fatlus themselves need a kick in the shorts to step their game up. The genre as a whole has been a innovative dead end for practically the entire century thus far.
I mean if Atlus was going to make Pokemon, it would just end up being a SMT reskin, but SMT itself while of higher quality than Pokemon needs to get its fucking shit together as well.
I blame Squaresoft, but even that scapegoat only extends so far.

Get rid of all of them except Heracross and Growlithe
You may keep Alakazam or Gengar if absolutely necessary

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this looks horrible

ultra soul

Pretty good but two pseudos seems a bit much. Probably ditch Bagon

Looks shit without outlines

>rng pokémon recruit dialog
>kino music if iv/sj/p5 are example
>only 2 or 3 good dungeon maps
if only nintendo cared to make more money

If I ditch Bagon then it's just getting replaced with Dragonite

Maybe the faggots that ride Gamefreak's dick and won't admit the games have real flaws with the combat system.

>two more incredibly anti-consumer companies

Maybe back in the early aughts they were you fucking boomer

>I don't really care. The formula can't really be improved upon any further.
Then you're a tasteless and complacent sheep

i miss AAA sprites 3d models are souless and indies sprites are shit

How old are you? I'm genuinely asking as a twenty something boomer

22. I'm a gen 1 and 2 fag.

I'd play it. Looks like a pokemon world that's actually full of life until the entirety of the mainline series.

This. I just want a Pokémon game where the world design was handled by Monolith Soft.

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I want OP's pic (full of life) but in 3D. Too bad we'll never get either.

Needs more HM slaves

what game(s) are these?

SEGA says "Hello."

Attached: 1547068302628.jpg (1908x1080, 390K)

First three columns are Xenoblade Chronicles 2, 4th one is Pokémon Sword/Shield

Pic related is Xenoblade Chronicles X

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Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Everyone overlooks how pretty the ranger games were. It even had pokemon in the overworld!