
Isn't there supposed to be a Yea Forums April Fool's joke by now?

Attached: serious steam avatar.png (325x325, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Only 8 pm in the only timezone that matters homie

The only timezone that matters on Yea Forums is Japan

So which one?

It's 7pm on East Coast America. Where are you? The ocean?

It's 7:50 my man, it's just rounding

>not shitposting from an oil rig off the coast of greenland

Attached: 1514322632712.jpg (10000x10000, 3.14M)

Rounding is for squares.


better than being a filthy triangle

The site is the joke, lad.

i can't replay to threads and posts and can't use catalog on Yea Forums on google chrome, i thought that was the joke

>not shitposting from your private yacht on a satelite phone in the middle of the ocean

That sounds supremely comfy. I should have become a petroleum engineer just so I could post memes from an artificial island.

Atlantic Canada is an hour ahead of EDT. Newfoundland is 1.5 hours ahead of EDT

Itsstill March 31 in the best country on earth Mexico

>not shitposting in your pirate ship with your fellow somalians looking for a richfag yatch

That just mean Hiro is messing with the site right now setting up the joke. Happens every year.
But if you can't reply to threads how did you post?

Last time, the April 1st joke didn't start (at least in the U.S.) until almost April 2nd. It will make Yea Forums unusable for a day but I need to know if it's going to be informative and/or entertaining (2017) or just dumb (last year).

Don't you guys have phones?



>not shitposting on a rubber speedboat while fleeing from Somalian Pirates

imagine if they invented phone dildoes

i can post on 4channel and use catalog to

I think you'll find that it is the perfect season, user

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Use the catalog to what user? user? user! ANNNOOOOOOOONNNNNN!!!!!



I get tired geese

>Shitposting on Yea Forums
>See game I like getting thrashed
>Make a post saying I thought it was flawed, yet decent game
>Get called a faggot and get told to kill myself
>Cause massive oil spill in the hopes that the ensuing carnage will effect these posters in some way
Life's good mate

>tfw this year's april fools is a combination of the 3 previous ones

Attached: 1529652648110.png (600x600, 134K)

>not shitposting from a oil rig off the coast of San Francisco

Attached: 13435a31018dc05ec7b2f08fe47947d0.jpg (816x979, 138K)

Can confirm, sometimes I can't post. Whatever it is, they're working on it. Hiro's probably just waking up and brewing a coffee while setting this shit up.

>start ERPing with a canadian peep called Anthony Blurch

Attached: 1438286961945.jpg (326x360, 62K)

>the the "is this an out of season April fools joke" doesn't work today


>People thinking it'll happen soon
It'll probably still be fucking many hours away.

>every post has dubs
How's that for an april fools joke?

Awful. I want team wars again.

you suck
never make another idea ever again

That would just ruin dubs

Attached: 1553881459834.png (502x525, 369K)

How about its steam related? Similar to the Google+ one, but this time its steam names and profile pictures that are randomly generated and added to each post?

Attached: 1523433463562.png (360x360, 201K)

Would be pretty dumb for every not video game board.

2017 was peak Yea Forums april fools.

Every board gets flags but 1 in 10 posters gets their flag randomized

>tfw "beat a minigame to post" captcha NEVER EVER
Fuck, Google even HAD ONE for Halloween. Just bring that back. It was fun as fuck, and it was multiplayer so it could serve 8 posters at once.

>tfw mods will put a screamer as april fool's tomorrow

Attached: download.jpg (290x174, 10K)

If they do, I'm coming to your house

If they do I'm coming over too. I'll bring snacks but only for me so leave my fucking popcorn alone.

>Isn't there supposed to be a Yea Forums April Fool's joke by now?
You're here so it's all good.

Hey uh just was wondering is this uh an out-of-season april fools joke

Ooof. I actually like this idea

Our lives are the joke.


people will have to buy a one day Yea Forums pass to post

Reminder that exists.

Attached: gold.jpg (642x756, 146K)


Upvote and downvote system

the joke is you come here everyday and waste your life

The joke is that there is no joke and everyone will spend the day scouring the site to find something

I like screamers, good for your health and you notice you flinch less and less to them as you get older

>one pixel in the check mark for deleting/reporting posts is off shade


Attached: laughing_shoes.png (321x185, 87K)

>randomized captcha challenges including touhou, sliding block puzzle, chess tactics, baba is you levels, entire games of solitaire, warioware challenges, etc.
It's a never ever but just imagine it. I would settle with touhou captcha of course.

>talking shit to an user with the usual smug anime girls
>whoever responds slowly is accused of being a brainlet

Attached: Sensible Chuckle girl.png (611x607, 393K)

look at these 2d assholes.


Attached: youjustlost.jpg (400x400, 15K)

>Admitting to phone posting

No retard, hiroshima specifically fucked with all NSFW boards so that if you're using any sort of adblocker you can't view the catalog and you can't post in threads/access any user settings.
He's trying to push his fucking malware ads yet again, it has nothing to do with an april fools setup.


Not yet, bro it's fucking 10:05pm lmaooo

Attached: 4EISuV0.jpg (960x720, 102K)

Yea Forums time is East coast US time.

The mods will just make an announcement with you must reply to this post, otherwise your mother will die in her sleep tonight. Would be crazy!

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Who even decided what the april fool's joke will be?

Does Yea Forums have full-time staff?

I fucking hate you



How can you reply to an announcement?


>not shitposting from the Yea Forums mansion

Attached: putting the final touches on the v mansion.jpg (640x480, 60K)


I want /gsci/ to happen, I have a perfect thread.

don't forget the best april fool's joke